sandy: answer these claims against Christianity

They say it's progressive revelation.

Frankly, the existence of Jesus' "turn the other cheek" is enough to can all Qa'Dark's claims. Has anyone done the same editing for Mo?
I agree, Xians suggest that the NT replaces the old. But the truth is when they want to find someone to hate, like gays or witches or even mexicans, or want to own slaves, they jump right back into the OT.

As for mo, yes the Baha'i faith.
Worshipped semen?

Err...allll rightie. But yeah, I think priests should just be allowed to get married and get on with it. Definitely a good idea.
M*W: If you want to know more about this... uh, semen... worship, it's in my posts from more than a year ago. It's quite extensive and well-researched. Enjoy!
Gee M*W if your problem is with sexual deviance then you may as well destroy all of society. I know for a fact that if we all nwent around naked we would be spontaneously streets, elevators, cab rides, supermarkets etc.
M*W: John, I don't have a problem with sexuality... mine or somebody else's. I disagree that all of society is sexually deviant. Don't forget, there are plenty of frigid women out there! And we all know about the "little-blue-pill."

If everyone went around naked, what would happen to all the fancy-schmancy clothes designers? Actually, clothes are designed to enhance our sexuality. I just wouldn't want these people to starve.

As for "spontaneously humping," maybe you would do that, and I'm inclined to believe that you would, but I don't think it would make you very happy. Maybe I'm wrong. I guess with the advent of fig leaves and loin cloths, society had to at least give it a thought before humping. If it weren't for clothes, can you imagine what we would look like now???
I agree, Xians suggest that the NT replaces the old. But the truth is when they want to find someone to hate, like gays or witches or even mexicans, or want to own slaves, they jump right back into the OT.

As for mo, yes the Baha'i faith.

True. That's why those parts of the OT should be banned or controlled. Or people could just suck it up and follow the actual tenets of their faith.

Ah yes, Baha'i. That must be why they're so hated over there.

M*W: If you want to know more about this... uh, semen... worship, it's in my posts from more than a year ago. It's quite extensive and well-researched. Enjoy!

Look, I'm not being critical but the semen thing is kinda wierding me out. :bugeye:
What happened to "turn the other cheek"?
God and Jesus certainly dont turn the other cheek.

Its a popular perception nowadays when so many people get most of their info from sunday school picture books.

Jesus never hurt anyone, aside from a few money changers...but he did invent the hellfire speech, and condemned most of humanity.

Hardly a liberal Jew...his vengeance was afterworldy.
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M*W: John, I don't have a problem with sexuality... mine or somebody else's. I disagree that all of society is sexually deviant.

I was demonstrating, as you well know, that your list is meaningless for the fact that what society deems deviant behavior crosses the full spectrum of society/ reread posts #99 and 100 and your assessment of RC priest who do much more to help those in need than you do.

How un-Christian of you.

What happened to "turn the other cheek"?

This is a good way to live when in an argument etc., not when someone is trying to blow your face off with an AK47. This is basic instinct of self preservation.
True. That's why those parts of the OT should be banned or controlled. Or people could just suck it up and follow the actual tenets of their faith.

Ah yes, Baha'i. That must be why they're so hated over there.

Look, I'm not being critical but the semen thing is kinda wierding me out. :bugeye:
M*W: I know you're not being critical. We can look back 2000 years and say, yeah, those ancient people back then were pretty weird. But if we can look forward 2000 years from now, what will they say about us? I don't want to know.
If sandy wants, I can post the repulsive things said in the New Testament as well.
Please do. I've never heard anything Jesus said described as repulsive.

But the real point is that Christians no longer follow thru with these biblical injunctions, whereas many Muslims still do. We often hear reports of women bearing stoned for the crime of being raped, homosexuals being executed, infidels being beheaded. The list of atrocities in nations under sharia law goes on.

Christian nations discontinued these practices centuries ago.
We often hear reports of women bearing stoned for the crime of being raped, homosexuals being executed, infidels being beheaded.

Please provide support for these accusations. No women is ever punished for being raped, this is ridiculous. I'm not familiar with any Muslim nation which executes homosexuals or non-Muslims.

The list of atrocities in nations under sharia law goes on.

Then please continue. No Islamic nation today practices shariah law, and there is not one type of shariah law.

I suggest you read more on Islam before your next post.
I am willing to convert to Islam if you can guarantee people like Sandy dont get into the Islamic heaven.
I can guarantee you I am not going to the same place you are.
Absolutely, positively, guarantee. ;)
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I can guarantee you I am not going to the same place you are.
Absolutely, positively, guarantee. ;)

Are you saying that if he's buried in the ground, you'll be buried at sea, or cremated?
Homosexuals have been beheaded, hung and stoned in modern Saudi Arabia and Iran, where Muhammad's laws are applied most strictly. Five other Muslim countries also have the death penalty on the books for homosexual behavior.

I found it interesting that the Koran says women need 4 male witnesses to prove rape. And that was instilled after Muhammed's favorite wife committed adultery and he didn't want to believe it, so he created that law.

Video: 'We are Permitted to Kill You [for Sharia]'...

There are so many killings of infidels, the list is too long to print.
Homosexuals have been beheaded, hung and stoned in modern Saudi Arabia and Iran, where Muhammad's laws are applied most strictly. Five other Muslim countries also have the death penalty on the books for homosexual behavior.

I found it interesting that the Koran says women need 4 male witnesses to prove rape. And that was instilled after Muhammed's favorite wife committed adultery and he didn't want to believe it, so he created that law.

Video: 'We are Permitted to Kill You [for Sharia]'...

There are so many killings of infidels, the list is too long to print.

you mean Muslims do things that Christians did for over a thousand years and may be even more sexist?

The Christian community in the United States has made up some of the most resistant groups to fighting the battering of women, in-marriage rape, rape in general, child abuse, the sexual abuse of children

all in the name of protecting the family and blaming women and children for the violence of men.

Does it matter if Islam is worse on some of these issues?

Oh, I became a Christian, the Muslims are worse.
you mean Muslims do things that Christians did for over a thousand years and may be even more sexist?

The Christian community in the United States has made up some of the most resistant groups to fighting the battering of women, in-marriage rape, rape in general, child abuse, the sexual abuse of children

all in the name of protecting the family and blaming women and children for the violence of men.

Does it matter if Islam is worse on some of these issues?

Oh, I became a Christian, the Muslims are worse.

Perhaps sandy is in her opinion picking the lesser of two evils?