sandy: answer these claims against Christianity

Here you go about Islam again. You told me specifically that we could discuss Christianity in another thread. we are. Right now, I still believe that Christians follow the murderous teachings on the quotes I listed in the first post of this thread.
Like this?

Show me where. Where are "Christians follow(ing) the murderous teachings on the quotes I listed in the first post of this thread."???:confused:

You don't see born-again Christians blowing innocent people up or sawing their heads off. You don't see them committing the violence of Islamic terrorists. If Christians were behaving as poorly as "radical" Islamists, we would have something to debate. But they're not so we don't.

There are new reports of Islamic terror everyday. In fact last week's Jihad report has 53 Jihad attacks, 345 dead bodies, and 359 critically injured.

There is absolutely no comparison in the behavior of today's Christians and today's Islamists. None. :(
Thanks for the thought, but I´m not very sensitive, it will take a hard time to get me angry, it is not so easy my friend. I like to mess with people´s heads sometimes, my bad.

Btw, I don´t think you´ll get an honest response from Sandy though, I have tried, many have tried...

You're one of the people I don't answer/respond to because your "questions" are usually personal attacks. They're confrontational, mean-spirited, and insulting. If you have something to ask me, ask me in a polite, non-condescending way. I had you on ignore for a while, but your posts show up in quotes or people PM them to me.

Everything I have said here is honest and what I believe to be true. And I don't hide who I am. I have posted more personal stuff here than I should.
Show me where. Where are "Christians follow(ing) the murderous teachings on the quotes I listed in the first post of this thread."???:confused:

Did you miss the fifteen paragraphs of repulsive crimes that I listed in this thread? It's the first post.

You don't see born-again Christians blowing innocent people up

I don't? So are these groups just a figment of my vapid imagination?

Anti-abortionist who bomb clinics?

"Army of God"? (wiki)

National Liberation Front of Tripura

is a Fundamentalist Christian militant group in India, demanding a separate Christian state. Allegedly funded by the Baptist Church of Tripura, it is accused of ethnic cleansing[13] and bombings that have killed hundreds, as well as forcing gunpoint conversions. They were declared a terrorist organization under the Prevention of Terrorism Act in 2002

Lord's Resistance Army

The Lord's Resistance Army (LRA),[1] formed in 1987, is a Christian rebel guerrilla army operating mainly in northern Uganda and parts of Sudan. The group is engaged in an armed rebellion against the Ugandan government in what is now one of Africa's longest-running conflicts. It is led by Joseph Kony, who proclaims himself a spirit medium, and apparently wishes to establish a state based on the Ten Commandments and Acholi tradition.[2] The LRA is accused of widespread human rights violations, including mutilation, torture, rape, the abduction of civilians, the use of child soldiers and a number of massacres.

Although Canada at first provided a more tolerant environment than Tsarist Russia, conflict soon developed, most importantly over the schooling of children and registration. The Svobodniki generally refused to send their children to school; the governments of Saskatchewan and later British Columbia would soon charge many of the parents for not sending the children.

The Svobodniki became famous for various public protests: sometimes publicly burning their own money and/or possessions, and going nude in public. There was a doctrinal justification for nudity (that human skin, as God's creation, was more perfect than clothes, the imperfect work of human hands), but the public nudity has generally been interpreted as a form of protest against the materialist tendencies of society.


Some of the Freedomites (A very small minority) were notable for their arson campaigns, as a sign of their protest against materialistic life. Being opposed in principle to violence, they targeted belongings and other material possessions. The attacks occurred throughout the 20th century, but the periods of greatest activity was during the 1920s and 1960s. Both arson and bombing were used. Targets included the property of themselves and other Doukhbors to further exhibit their dislike of materialism; attacks on schools to resist government pressure to school Svobodnik children; and attacks on transportation and communications. Most of these acts were committed in the nude. The BC Government reacted in 1953, removing 104 children from their homes and placing them in residential institution in New Denver, British Columbia.

Christian Patriot

Christian Patriots hold to a strict constructionist interpretation of the U.S. Constitution, and are closely associated with the tax protester movement. They may encourage people to get rid of their Social Security number, believing it to be an unconstitutional national identity card, and to stop paying income taxes, based on their belief that the Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution is illegitimate (see Tax protester constitutional arguments). The Christian Patriot movement wants to abolish the Federal Reserve System in the United States, which they believe is part of the conspiracy. Christian Patriots are often hostile to banks and bankers in general, accusing them of usury. Some Christian Patriots may support a state citizenship theory. They generally support gun rights and other conservative causes, along with causes such as jury nullification which also have support from the left and libertarians.


There are new reports of Islamic terror everyday. In fact last week's Jihad report has 53 Jihad attacks, 345 dead bodies, and 359 critically injured.

Is it surprising to you that these deadly attacks are happening because of the US's illegal war? Could they be mad because their land has been invaded, family members killed, country absolutely leveled, etc?

There is absolutely no comparison in the behavior of today's Christians and today's Islamists. None. :(

Adolf Hitler was a Christian and killed SIX MILLION Jews, and tens of millions of others with the people he went to war with. How do you defend this and the actions of the Christians I mentioned above? You're likely to say that they are poor reflections of Christianity and represent the religion incorrectly. So, what is the difference between that, and me saying the Muslims who commit such crimes are poor reflections of the true Islam?
Show me where. Where are "Christians follow(ing) the murderous teachings on the quotes I listed in the first post of this thread."???:confused:

You don't see born-again Christians blowing innocent people up or sawing their heads off. You don't see them committing the violence of Islamic terrorists. If Christians were behaving as poorly as "radical" Islamists, we would have something to debate. But they're not so we don't.

There are new reports of Islamic terror everyday. In fact last week's Jihad report has 53 Jihad attacks, 345 dead bodies, and 359 critically injured.

There is absolutely no comparison in the behavior of today's Christians and today's Islamists. None. :(

todays christians, you mean as in bush and blair? you mean the coalition forces who invaded iraq? aka the modern crusades.

no im sure they didnt kill anybody. it was my imagination.

Why was the law a curse? And if so, is the Old Testament obsolete, according to Christians?
It was only Paul who wanted to make the old testament obsolete and create a new religion for the gentiles...not Jesus himself, who was a Jew from first to last:

Matthew 5:17

"Do not think that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

For amen I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot, or one tittle shall not pass of the law, till all be fulfilled.

He therefore that shall break one of these least commandments, and shall so teach men, shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven. But he that shall do and teach, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven."
Did you miss the fifteen paragraphs of repulsive crimes that I listed in this thread? It's the first post.

Your monologue and waste of PI's bandwidth is not what born-again Christians are doing. And born-again Christians are not blowing up abortion clinics. Anyone who claims to be a Christian and blows up innocent people is not a Christian and deserves to fry. I think you're grasping at straws trying to compare us. There is no comparison. :(

The Jihad attacks are happening all over the world. Not just in Iraq. Just today Muslim terrorists killed people in Thailand, India, Somalia, Iraq etc. Muslim terrorists have murdered 8,709 times since 911. Muslim terrorists are killing 80 times more people in Iraq than our soldiers are. Muslim terrorists killed 16,791 Iraqi civilians last year. 225 Iraqi civilians were killed collaterally in incidents involving Americans (and Islamic Terrorists).

Iraqis aren't dying from war. They are being murdered by Islamic terrorists.
Your monologue and waste of PI's bandwidth is not what born-again Christians are doing. And born-again Christians are not blowing up abortion clinics. Anyone who claims to be a Christian and blows up innocent people is not a Christian and deserves to fry. I think you're grasping at straws trying to compare us. There is no comparison. :(

Waste of bandwidth? You challenged me to show Christian terrorists, and I did just that. I knew you'd use the "Christians who do this aren't true Christians" argument. How about the Muslims who use this argument? Why do you refuse to accept this identical argument from them? Do you acknowledge and accept this gigantic double-standard? Are you saying Christians have been responsible for less deaths than Muslims? Hiter, Bush, Blair, don't ring a bell? Forget the Vietnam war? Muslims cannot be compared to Christians by number of deaths caused.

The Jihad attacks are happening all over the world. Not just in Iraq. Just today Muslim terrorists killed people in Thailand, India, Somalia, Iraq etc. Muslim terrorists have murdered 8,709 times since 911. Muslim terrorists are killing 80 times more people in Iraq than our soldiers are. Muslim terrorists killed 16,791 Iraqi civilians last year. 225 Iraqi civilians were killed collaterally in incidents involving Americans (and Islamic Terrorists).

Just today, people of every religion have killed somebody. This is a horrible argument you are using. Would these Muslims be participating in this civil war if America didn't create it? Tell me, when Saddam was in control of his regime, did you hear of these bombings and massacres? If Bush wouldn't have led himself and other nations to invade Iraq, these killing would never occurred on such a scale. All of the deaths today, done by American soldiers or Muslims, are from the decisions of George W. Bush. How dare you blame Muslims for the killings today when they have been basically forced to commit these crimes? No nation, no religion, no group of people will stand idly by as their land is invaded. You should be ashamed of these lies you fabricate and the deceit and espionage you read and preach.
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Anyone who claims to be a Christian and blows up innocent people is not a Christian and deserves to fry.

as a christian you are not supposed to judge people. especialy judge who deserves to fry or not,

your not a very good christian, you pay lip service to your bible, you dont actualy follow it do you, it seems like i am more of a christian that you are, and i am a daoist. wich makes no sense atall.

Your monologue and waste of PI's bandwidth is not what born-again Christians are doing. And born-again Christians are not blowing up abortion clinics. Anyone who claims to be a Christian and blows up innocent people is not a Christian and deserves to fry. I think you're grasping at straws trying to compare us. There is no comparison. :(

The Jihad attacks are happening all over the world. Not just in Iraq. Just today Muslim terrorists killed people in Thailand, India, Somalia, Iraq etc. Muslim terrorists have murdered 8,709 times since 911. Muslim terrorists are killing 80 times more people in Iraq than our soldiers are. Muslim terrorists killed 16,791 Iraqi civilians last year. 225 Iraqi civilians were killed collaterally in incidents involving Americans (and Islamic Terrorists).

Iraqis aren't dying from war. They are being murdered by Islamic terrorists.

How self-righteously hypocritical are you? When it's a Christian it's the old "they're not really Christians" line but when it's a Muslim then they ARE Muslims?? No wonder nobody respects you.
todays christians, you mean as in bush and blair? you mean the coalition forces who invaded iraq? aka the modern crusades.

no im sure they didnt kill anybody. it was my imagination.


My word. Is it really a crusade, then? Politics has nothing to do with it, as we both know. Iraqis and Afghanis and Saudis being forced to convert en masse, then?! Heavens! It must have completely slipped the news. I mean, I've read about where Jews and Christians and just about everyone who isn't a believer or has the temerity to be born with a vagina being run out or run down in Iraq by all kinds of suitably-enlightened-believing types, but nothing about the evil, evil Christian Americans and Brits bringing in muslims for their baptism and mandatory forehead cross tattoos.

Still, there's no doubt you must be on something - er, onto something, rather - and I expect to see it on the telly any minute now.

Yep. Here, I'll turn it on.

Still nothing. But I'm sure it will make the evening news. Sometime. Eventually.
How self-righteously hypocritical are you? When it's a Christian it's the old "they're not really Christians" line but when it's a Muslim then they ARE Muslims?? No wonder nobody respects you.

Ask who's being invoked for the deeds, anti-flag. That may be a minor clue to motivation.
Ask who's being invoked for the deeds, anti-flag. That may be a minor clue to motivation.

Reposted for emphasis

My word. Is it really a crusade, then? Politics has nothing to do with it, as we both know. Iraqis and Afghanis and Saudis being forced to convert en masse, then?! Heavens! It must have completely slipped the news. I mean, I've read about where Jews and Christians and just about everyone who isn't a believer or has the temerity to be born with a vagina being run out or run down in Iraq by all kinds of suitably-enlightened-believing types, but nothing about the evil, evil Christian Americans and Brits bringing in muslims for their baptism and mandatory forehead cross tattoos.

Still, there's no doubt you must be on something - er, onto something, rather - and I expect to see it on the telly any minute now.

Yep. Here, I'll turn it on.

Still nothing. But I'm sure it will make the evening news. Sometime. Eventually.

Hmm so its political when the Christians do it, but the invaded Muslims! How dare they fight back in the name of religion!!!!:bugeye:
Muslims cannot be compared to Christians by number of deaths caused.

Indeed not, when fifty million cold Hindu graves litter Pakistan and India.

If Bush wouldn't have led himself and other nations to invade Iraq, these killing would never occurred on such a scale. All of the deaths today, done by American soldiers or Muslims, are from the decisions of George W. Bush. How dare you blame Muslims for the killings today when they have been basically forced to commit these crimes?

Excuse me - who precisely is forcing them to bomb and blast each other, exactly? Who is ordering Sunnis and Shi'ites to blow up mosques and wedding parties and schools and everyday Ahmads just walking down the street? How dare? How dare you lay the willful choice of two warring parties to attempt to destroy each other in the most pathetic display of ancient sectarianism at the feet of the Americans? The only fault of the Yanks is not predicting the mass stupidity that would ensue. The choice to blow each other all to hell is that of the sectarian Iraqis themselves. Who would be blown up, save for IEDs?

Now, if you want to blame the Yanks for the embargo deaths, fine. But don't be ridiculous in your propaganda. Everything has a frame and place.
Hmm so its political when the Christians do it, but the invaded Muslims! How dare they fight back in the name of religion!!!!:bugeye:

Yes, because George himself, the very fellow, slapped on a croix rouge mantle and swore at the very feet of the Pope to conquer Iraq in the name of Jebus. Sure. You want to blame it on a meme? Democracy is the word you're feeling about for.

When Sunnis and Shi'ites blast each other (with no other difference than their sectarian positions) then yes indeed, it is religious. And why is there a need to fight back, as you admit, "in the name of religion"? Why not "in the name of Iraq"? Or "in the name of real democracy"? Or "in the name of nationalized economic interests"? Why religion? Is there some rule that prevents muslims from taking Christians as protectors, somewhere? Why so much paranoia on that score?
Indeed not, when fifty million cold Hindu graves litter Pakistan and India.

Excuse me - who precisely is forcing them to bomb and blast each other, exactly? Who is ordering Sunnis and Shi'ites to blow up mosques and wedding parties and schools and everyday Ahmads just walking down the street? How dare? How dare you lay the willful choice of two warring parties to attempt to destroy each other in the most pathetic display of ancient sectarianism at the feet of the Americans? The only fault of the Yanks is not predicting the mass stupidity that would ensue. The choice to blow each other all to hell is that of the sectarian Iraqis themselves. Who would be blown up, save for IEDs?

Now, if you want to blame the Yanks for the embargo deaths, fine. But don't be ridiculous in your propaganda. Everything has a frame and place.

Umm you do know about the US army disinformation campaign? Or do you just swallow ALL the BS so naturally you cant tell anymore?
Yes, because George himself, the very fellow, slapped on a croix rouge mantle and swore at the very feet of the Pope to conquer Iraq in the name of Jebus. Sure. You want to blame it on a meme? Democracy is the word you're feeling about for.

When Sunnis and Shi'ites blast each other (with no other difference than their sectarian positions) then yes indeed, it is religious. And why is there a need to fight back, as you admit, "in the name of religion"? Why not "in the name of Iraq"? Or "in the name of real democracy"? Or "in the name of nationalized economic interests"? Why religion? Is there some rule that prevents muslims from taking Christians as protectors, somewhere? Why so much paranoia on that score?

Yeah look at the trail of democracy the US has left in the ME.
I know that Sunnis and Shi'ites like to trade bombs. Or perhaps that mosque spontaneously exploded. Could happen, I guess.
Reposted for emphasis


"And God told me to kill all them muslims! Waaaahooo! Yessir, that's what he done said. He said "Christianity is come not to be dominated, but to dominate!" He sayed "All them muslims is disbelievers!" and then He done gived a Rebel yell!"

Wait. That rhetoric's from a different source. Darn. I'm sure I'll remember which one soon enough.

Come on. Be serious.
If sandy wants, I can post the repulsive things said in the New Testament as well.

I'd be interested in seeing such a list. In case you ever get bored, I hope you end up creating one. Or maybe instead of creating a huge list, go through it one by one. Sandy did say quite clearly that she's willing to discuss it issue by issue.