Same sex marriage officialy legal through all of Canada Today

But like I said, problems that almost everyone has to deal with. So what's the point of adding those statistics to the discussion? The only reason would be to make it look as if gays are unfit to adopt children and well, it fails horrendously. You can't compare petty high school problems to older mature people that have gone through that stage who now want to adopt kids. - me

I said the same we agree on that?
You said it, I didn't. And it would only fail to a person with blinders on like you. Someone who's scared to recognize the negative's in the matter! - Reign

What the hell? Talk about selective reading trying to underline my words to give it a meaning that it has not. Uh, the key words aren't "gays are unfit", it's "as if" they are.

NO reasons to hide....far from it....I'm colorblind as you should be!

Wow, so you just see people as black and white, huh? How racist. What about other ethnic groups? Joke!

A single stable person (I can't believe I have to tell you this!) is someone with good family values, stable emotional behavior, stable work ethic, Extended, sister/s, brother/s, to help with rearing child/ren. A person with strength....and before you say it. I said single stable person who could in fact, be gay...Your opinion about single parenting is just that! An opinion. Some people (like myself) would disagree.

Duh, I obviously know THAT part of what stability is. My main question was if only heterosexuals are considered stable because someone like you would say that homosexuals are unstable. But hey, at least you say that can be stable.. but of course, they still have to be in the back of the bus, err, at the bottom of the adoption list.

And I love how you disagree about single parenting, that just takes the cake and shows how wrong you are in this whole argument. If you think those high school gay statistics looked bad, go take a look at some single parenting statistics. Single parenting is one of the worst ways to bring up a child but you just love to ignore statistics. You won't believe those single parent ones and all the gay statistics are also flawed in your eyes as well. Just look at the link you posted for us, that christian site says all gay statistics are wrong and only theirs are right. LoL, and YOU say I'm the one with blinders on?

And now you claim that the word Dude is a white word?????

Yeah nigga, y'know what I'm sayin?

First off, the dude comment was a joke. But yes, most people who DO use that word are in fact white, just as most people who say "boo" and "nigga" are black. Lemme guess, you're now gonna call me racist for admiting those FACTS. Damn boo, lighten up. Oops, I guess I should say EASE up because you might think I'm saying "whiten up" or some stupid thing. Err damn, but now I can't say ease up cause you'll think I'm calling you Eazy-E. LoL, I just can't win.

Again racism means - "The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others. A homosexual is a man. I'm not racist against a man. A lesbian is a woman. I'm not racist against a woman.

"Once again! I'm not discriminating against some homo's....I'm against all homo's who want to adopt children. That's it!
And you call me Racist?

I like how you continue your responses on the word "racist". That's not the point of what I'm quoting. The part I'm focusing on is the sentence above it. You don't want "homo's" adopting children just as whites back in the days don't want "niggers" drinking for the same water fountain, sitting next to them on a bus, going to the same schools, using the same restrooms, voting, marrying white men/women, or any other example. The limitation you want to place on them is no different than the limitation of what blacks had. That is why I call you a sad black woman. Why would you want them to go through the same limiting ordeals that your people had to go through? Maybe it's because you didn't have to deal with those issues since you didn't live in those times just as the Jews of today continue to complain about the Holocaust in which they didn't live through. Basically you, and them, are ALL TALK. You're stingy mothaf'ers only worried about the benefits of yourselves rather than the benefits of humanity. So long as you don't have any problems, it's all good, but you could care less about others having to go through the same problems. That's why I called you an uncaring b**** those past couple times in certain responses.

There is no difference between someone who discriminates (which you call yourself) and someone who is a racist. They both discriminate, just against a different group. We have racists that dislike other races, we have sexists that dislike other sexes, and we have homophobes that dislike those who sexually prefer the same sex. For you to dislike racists yet at the same time disliking homosexuals is hypocritical. This is the reason why your argument cannot be taken seriously. You talk the talk but don't walk the walk.

This is one of the many reasons I listen to you and Bells argument. You can call me what you want but the end result is I'd rather protect the children who have no say so, instead of turning my back on certain people and subjects. History has proven time and time again that some people can't make good decisions when faced with real life problems.

If that is so, then why do you turn your back on homosexuals?

And for not wanting homosexuals to adopt children because you care about the children and the statistics you read make them look bad, again, those are high school statistics. To judge people off a time of experimentation and other peer pressure things happen is stupid. I betcha even the Pope was a lil demon at that age, but look where he is now. If everyone were judged off things they did when they were young, NOBODY would be fit to do ANYTHING, lol. You seriously need to look at other studies, but of course your Christian website says all other studies are wrong, which is no surprise as that's the usual ignorant Christian way of doing things where only what they say is truth and everything else are the lies of Satan. Shall I post some statistics that show how bad many blacks or mexicans have it during high school and base them off that which basically means blacks and mexicans shouldn't be allowed to adopt as well? No, because that would be stupid using meaningless statistics that deal with a later time that has nothing to do with a now more matured person, yet you seem to cling on that. Tsk tsk, not wanting blacks and mexicans to adopt as well all because of high school statistics. Shame on you.

So that means that gay men can marry women and lesbian women can marry men? They would be treated like us other folk then right? Let me clear another thing up for you. I am from Florida! It's not legal for gays to adopt or marry there (unless they're in the closet).
So they are in fact:
Bigots( One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ) who wants us to
Discriminate (To make distinctions on the basis of class or category without regard to individual merit; show preference or prejudice) against them?

Lol, another, what the hell? So a gay woman and a gay man that marry each other are now bigots? That makes absolutely no sense. Yeah, a heterosexual man/woman couple that marries each other are now bigots too, I guess. WTH? Lol. If they are in fact, bigots, it's only because the laws FORCED them to be bigots since they can't marry those of a preferred sexual preference. But even then, they're not bigots because the law of marriage is between a man and a woman, NOT a law between those who prefer to have sex with the opposite sex. Now if having sex was the law for marriage, then a gay couple marrying the opposite sex would be a bigot, but they're not because that's not the law.

In order to have a defense, one must first have an offense. No one in the world will agree on everything at the same time. But I thought you said that homo/les. are in the same category...wanted to be treated the same....and yet know you recognize them as different?
And the so called good christian I stated "The very people/book (type) who told you that slavery was/is wrong, stealing is wrong, prostitution is wrong, lying is wrong, MURDERING is wrong, infedility is wrong....the very same people(book) that told you these things are the very same people(book) that's telling you now! That adoption and marriage is wrong. And you trust in it then, but you don't trust it now. You guys (past,present) are the same people who thought slavery was right, rape was ok , being gay is ok. You're the same people that have to be told to put on fuc&king seatbelt to save your own life! How insane is that!

Well it seems you're ignorant of our laws. Church and State are seperate, but we still have outdated laws that exist, such as not allowing homosexuals to marry because that's a religious issue.
Second, and this will be a quick and easy, yet also fun one as I love debating religion, shall I post a numerous list of stupid laws and beliefs in the Bible that today are seen wrong? Do you not realize that where you see homosexuality as wrong in the Bible, those are NOT the word's of God but rather the words and beliefs of men? And as we all know, morals and beliefs change all the time amongst men so to use man's word in the Bible as law is silly. Go ahead and use God's words in there, but you're not.

Lesbian and gay youth commit 30% of the completed suicides annually with suicide being the leading cause of death.

30% of suicides are gay? LoL, so that means 70% of the annual suicides are heterosexuals. Wow, I don't want a heterosexual to adopt a child.

28% of gay/lesbians high school students in a national study were seen to have dropped out of school because of harassment resulting from their sexual orientation.

This one is funny because the gays didn't drop out due to not being able to handle the school work, but rather it was because of harassment and hate. So that makes heterosexuals look bad for having a high case of anger issues as well as being stupid when it comes to learning. Shall I post the dropout rates of other minority groups? Or even more amusing, their graduating GPA? And the other three of your statistics (the first two were just repeats of two lower ones) just shows the same.. heterosexuals being violent people. How odd that they're better candidates by you to raise children.

Of course that's why! Are you this stupid? Less children being born to children and grown ups who don't want them is better for everyone else.

So isn't that a good thing for homosexuals to marry? They can't have children so that means less children being born and it also means no giving up their baby's to those gays that prematurely have them at an age where they can't take care of em (school, etc). So now that we have all these childless homosexuals, they get to raise all the children that were abandoned by heterosexuals rather than leaving there to rot and grow up on their own in orphanges.

A man (naturally) is supposed to be with (procreate) with a ifs ands or buts about! It's what nature intended...period!

Yeah, and? Natural procreating has nothing to do with marriage. There are many married couples that choose to not have children or cannot have children due to reproductive reasons. Not only that, there are many people that have children that aren't even married. And not only that, if a homosexual chooses to want a child, they can naturally have sex with the opposite sex. Your ideal religious views on marriage, sex, and everything else simply do not exist. Quit living in your fantasy land.

I know from personal experience that growing up in a homosexual household is not the best experience! Not good at all which is why I'm against gay marriage and adoption.

Wow, talk about a jack of all trades here. We have a black/indian woman who lives with a white stepfather and a homosexual sister/brother/mother/father/grandparent (?). Anything else crazy to add to the list?

I'm going to say this for the last time. "I said that gays/lesbians can marry and adopt"

Err, when'd you say gays and lesbians can marry? Do you mean marry the opposite sex or be allowed to marry any sex they choose, even if it's the same? But even then, they still have to be at the back of the bus, err, bottom of the adoption and marriage list.

"Among children raised by same-sex couples, the report notes a significant increase in low self-esteem, stress, confusion regarding sexual identity, an increase in mental illness, drug use, promiscuity, STD’s, and homosexual behaviour, amongst others. Furthermore, the report shows that statistics have brought to light the fact that same-sex relationships betray a much higher instance of separation and break-up than heterosexual relationships, increasing the likelihood that the child will experience familial instability".

She probably finds it funny for the same reason I do. All of those reasons you list exist in everyone, heterosexual couples too. And what is that "significant increase" of all those activies being raised by same-sex couples? What's the percentage number? And the other reason why it's funny is because that's not what ALL THE OTHER statistics say, but of course, as your site says:

"The report contests that the majority of the studies carried out which have concluded in favour of same-sex parenthood betray an egregious lack of scientific rigour. Most of the studies show a strong bias to one side."

Heh, as usual, the RELIGIOUS people say other people lack scientific rigour, lol. That's damned funny. Almost everyone on these forums, other than the religiously brainwashed, would find that statement hilarious.

Good grief! The pretty colours again. Reighn, have you been snorting bleach up your nose?

No, she's secretly part of the Rainbow Coalition as I mentioned earlier. ;)

Do I distinguish them as different? I treat them like I treat everyone else. They're human beings Reighn. you their homosexual human...not just human...which means that they aren't the same. How you treat them? If you treat them like everyone else, judging by your post then I'm surprised you even have friends or are these the only type of people who would befriend you?

Now that's funny too. The person who doesn't like homosexuals is telling the other person that THEY'RE the one who treats them differently? LoL! You're starting to use the argument style of Baron Max now. I suggest you quit before others put you on ignore as they did him.

I know with definitive proof that a man is designed (remember hole and stick) to be with a woman to mainly continue the blood line

I thought it was about the bird swallowing the bee? Joke!

if people who believe in equal rights make you sick then that's your problem, not mine

That's just it! They have the same rights as you and me....a man can marry a woman vice versa....they can adopt as well....Your point??????

They can adopt as well? Didn't you just say you're from Florida where gay adoption isn't legal? And oh god, there we go again with the Baron Max style of argument.

And yet again, some questions which you have always dodged, which I don't blame you as it'd just continue to point out all the holes in your beliefs:

Since natural reproduction is the reason why you don't want homosexuals to marry, what is your opinion on couples that get married but choose to not have kids or couples that get married and want to have kids but can't biologically due to reproductive problems? And also, since you as a black/indian/whatever-else-you-may-be woman who has gone through prejudice, or at least the majority of those two racials groups have, why would you wish others, such as gays, or anyone for that matter, to go through that; as minor as it may be?

- N
ReighnStorm said: you their homosexual human...not just human...which means that they aren't the same. How you treat them? If you treat them like everyone else, judging by your post then I'm surprised you even have friends or are these the only type of people who would befriend you?
I treat them as though they're "homosexual human"? I shall say it again Reighn, in simple english just so you can understand, ok? I treat homosexuals the same way I treat heterosexuals. I don't distinguish the differences like you do. And actually yes I have a lot of friends. Some who are heterosexuals and others who are homosexuals. I don't treat my homosexual friends any differently to the way I treat my heterosexual friends. Why? Because they are all human beings. And in that regard, they should have equal rights. Hence why they should also be allowed to marry. Do. You. Understand. Now?

No, but you probably are....your poor child to come.

Yeah your a real inspiration here!.... Your a real lady aren't you...your poor child !
Just Filth
Just filth? Did I swear at you at all? No. Tell me, which word did you find so offensive? 'Peon', 'freaks', 'stick it where the sun don't shine' or 'bleach' and 'nose'?

But lets look at you shall we? You're the "lady" who posted her breast size on an internet forum. You consider that to be "lady" like? You'd consider that to be "inspirational"?

Would you like me to go through your posts and pull out all the insults and all the swearing you seem so prone to doing and using? Just because you put '$' or '@' signs does not mean that you aren't swearing. She who lives in a glass house should not through stones Reighn, because you can be sure that I will throw them back at you.

Just because you proclaim to be religious and carry a bible does not make you a Christian! Rednecks and some homo's thought that slavery was right as well. Hell, there even some homosexual christians. Christianity is not an organization.
You're grasping at straws Reighn. I have never proclaimed to be religious. Just the opposite in fact. And I have never said that I was a Christian. I believe you implied that YOU were a Christian. Your whole argument does not even make sense. You're beginning to ramble like Baron.

You're making my point Bells...I never said or would say that this was right or ok. The reason I keep posting it is to show you the real life (whether good or bad) of what being gay or being raised by gay people has been and will continue to be....just like racism is still here, racial crimes is still happening right now even though black people have been free for over 100 years! And yes homophobic - Fear of or contempt for lesbians and gay men - people are to blame! That's been my point from the want us to allow the marriage and adoption when we can't even stop this from happening. The situation will just get worse...why would you want to bring a child into that. And you claim to be a mature adult. (HA) I laugh in your face.
Ok. Lets just look at what you've just said. By your own argument, being raised by homosexual parents or being homosexual would result in homophobes abusing and sometimes murdering the individual. Then you state that black people face racial crimes and such crimes continue today. However, then you claim that because of the treatment homosexuals and their offspring get from homophobes, they should not be allowed to adopt and it seems you imply that they should stop being homosexual so that this kind of violence against them stops happening. If I were to take your form logic Reighn, then any couple adopting a black child should not do so because that child could grow up to be the victim of racial crimes and black people should not be black so that they don't face the racial abuse or be the victim of racial crimes. Do you see how you make no sense whatsoever?

Allowing marriage doesn't have anything to do with the crime rate Reighn. And may I remind you again, in most places, adoption is legal.

The site might be funny to people like you (irresponsible)....but the subject that I was speaking on is not funny at all.
Have I ever said that violence against others was funny? Quite the contrary. What I am saying is that the site you've posted does not give a translation of the report in english and it is a Christian fundamentalist site, that also has reports on how books like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings are a danger to children because they might make the children turn to Satan. I'm sorry but I don't take anything from such sites seriously. And might I point out that the messages put out by sites such as the one you so gleefully posted, incite homophobes to abusing, killing and generally mistreating and discriminating against homosexuals. And you expect me to take such a site seriously?

witchcraft is still the fastest–growing religion in America today, If that doesn't alarm you then might be because of you're beliefs or non beliefs...but to laugh at what other believe and what others concerns are without even thinking about it...then you're no better than a phobic yourself. At least I'm commited enough to debate and to be called names for what I believe. You've been offensive all the way.....So what does that say about You???? This is the evolution of society that we're just supposed to accept without question ????? What kind of person would just accept things without question! Just plain old irresponsible so called woman aren't you?
Oh Lordy! You're one of those who thinks books like Harry Potter poses a danger. And no it doesn't alarm me at all. Witchcraft that is growing at such a rapid rate is usually the love nature kind of witchcraft. Tell me, are you worried that witches in black hats are going to build house out of candy to tempt little children in before eating them?

And to be called names? Would you like me to go through all your posts to pull out all the names that you've called me? Would you like me to go through and pull out how offensive you have been? Or would you like some time to go through and edit all your posts to delete all the insults and swearing you've been doing right from the start? You've called me stupid with a few choice words I'd rather not repeat, you lumped me in the same box as rapists and murderers (said that people like rapists, murderers, me for example), you've said I'm a bad mother and will be a bad mother, irresponsible... shall I go on? I've left out all those lovely swear words you seem to adore using in each post because frankly, I think they're childish. I'd have quoted them but there are too many to quote.

Refer to above about glass houses Reighn. I give as I get, so what does that say to you?

You think that now...but not later...just ought to be ashamed of such a thing to say about not caring about who and when your child has sex. Shame on you! It's not about being in their's about caring enough about them and their business....I can tell you aren't a parent yet!, and will probably not be a good one!
Did I say I didn't care? No. Read it again Reighn. I said that when my child has sex and with whom is their business, not yours. Do you think I'm going to tell my child that because they're designed to procreate (to use your own words), that they should do so? I wouldn't even tell my child or bring them up to think that they are designed to procreate. My children will learn about the facts and what a responsible person would do and I'll leave it up to them to make the judgement call as to when and whether they are ready.

If everyone is homosexual then humankind will no longer exist.(not that this will ever happen-cross my fingers-) but that is what your saying is o. k.!
Ah but not everyone is homosexual are they? And in thinking about it, human kind would probably continue. Because the homosexuals would want to have children and would devise a way as to ensure they can have children.. be it by the gay male having sex with the lesbian female or through artificial insemination.

There are flaws and diseases in every earth being.
You're referring to being born homosexual a flaw and/or a disease?

That's just it! They have the same rights as you and me....a man can marry a woman vice versa....they can adopt as well....Your point??????
And now you're becoming a dumbed down version of Baron Max. Read through the whole thread again and you'll see that I've answered his question many many times over. Are you going to start putting that question into every post of yours now? Because if you do, you'll go on ignore like so many of us have put Baron on ignore in these threads pertaining to homosexuality.
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Neildo said:
What the hell? Talk about selective reading trying to underline my words to give it a meaning that it has not. Uh, the key words aren't "gays are unfit", it's "as if" they are. Wow, so you just see people as black and white, huh? How racist. What about other ethnic groups? Joke! Duh, I obviously know THAT part of what stability is. My main question was if only heterosexuals are considered stable because someone like you would say that homosexuals are unstable. But hey, at least you say that can be stable.. but of course, they still have to be in the back of the bus, err, at the bottom of the adoption list.
And I love how you disagree about single parenting, that just takes the cake and shows how wrong you are in this whole argument. If you think those high school gay statistics looked bad, go take a look at some single parenting statistics. Single parenting is one of the worst ways to bring up a child but you just love to ignore statistics. You won't believe those single parent ones and all the gay statistics are also flawed in your eyes as well. Just look at the link you posted for us, that christian site says all gay statistics are wrong and only theirs are right. LoL, and YOU say I'm the one with blinders on?
Yeah nigga, y'know what I'm sayin?
First off, the dude comment was a joke. But yes, most people who DO use that word are in fact white, just as most people who say "boo" and "nigga" are black. Lemme guess, you're now gonna call me racist for admiting those FACTS. Damn boo, lighten up. Oops, I guess I should say EASE up because you might think I'm saying "whiten up" or some stupid thing. Err damn, but now I can't say ease up cause you'll think I'm calling you Eazy-E. LoL, I just can't win.
I like how you continue your responses on the word "racist". That's not the point of what I'm quoting. The part I'm focusing on is the sentence above it. You don't want "homo's" adopting children just as whites back in the days don't want "niggers" drinking for the same water fountain, sitting next to them on a bus, going to the same schools, using the same restrooms, voting, marrying white men/women, or any other example. The limitation you want to place on them is no different than the limitation of what blacks had. That is why I call you a sad black woman. Why would you want them to go through the same limiting ordeals that your people had to go through? Maybe it's because you didn't have to deal with those issues since you didn't live in those times just as the Jews of today continue to complain about the Holocaust in which they didn't live through. Basically you, and them, are ALL TALK. You're stingy mothaf'ers only worried about the benefits of yourselves rather than the benefits of humanity. So long as you don't have any problems, it's all good, but you could care less about others having to go through the same problems. That's why I called you an uncaring b**** those past couple times in certain responses.
There is no difference between someone who discriminates (which you call yourself) and someone who is a racist. They both discriminate, just against a different group. We have racists that dislike other races, we have sexists that dislike other sexes, and we have homophobes that dislike those who sexually prefer the same sex. For you to dislike racists yet at the same time disliking homosexuals is hypocritical. This is the reason why your argument cannot be taken seriously. You talk the talk but don't walk the walk. If that is so, then why do you turn your back on homosexuals?
And for not wanting homosexuals to adopt children because you care about the children and the statistics you read make them look bad, again, those are high school statistics. To judge people off a time of experimentation and other peer pressure things happen is stupid. I betcha even the Pope was a lil demon at that age, but look where he is now. If everyone were judged off things they did when they were young, NOBODY would be fit to do ANYTHING, lol. You seriously need to look at other studies, but of course your Christian website says all other studies are wrong, which is no surprise as that's the usual ignorant Christian way of doing things where only what they say is truth and everything else are the lies of Satan. Shall I post some statistics that show how bad many blacks or mexicans have it during high school and base them off that which basically means blacks and mexicans shouldn't be allowed to adopt as well? No, because that would be stupid using meaningless statistics that deal with a later time that has nothing to do with a now more matured person, yet you seem to cling on that. Tsk tsk, not wanting blacks and mexicans to adopt as well all because of high school statistics. Shame on you.
Lol, another, what the hell? So a gay woman and a gay man that marry each other are now bigots? That makes absolutely no sense. Yeah, a heterosexual man/woman couple that marries each other are now bigots too, I guess. WTH? Lol. If they are in fact, bigots, it's only because the laws FORCED them to be bigots since they can't marry those of a preferred sexual preference. But even then, they're not bigots because the law of marriage is between a man and a woman, NOT a law between those who prefer to have sex with the opposite sex. Now if having sex was the law for marriage, then a gay couple marrying the opposite sex would be a bigot, but they're not because that's not the law.
Well it seems you're ignorant of our laws. Church and State are seperate, but we still have outdated laws that exist, such as not allowing homosexuals to marry because that's a religious issue.
Second, and this will be a quick and easy, yet also fun one as I love debating religion, shall I post a numerous list of stupid laws and beliefs in the Bible that today are seen wrong? Do you not realize that where you see homosexuality as wrong in the Bible, those are NOT the word's of God but rather the words and beliefs of men? And as we all know, morals and beliefs change all the time amongst men so to use man's word in the Bible as law is silly. Go ahead and use God's words in there, but you're not.
30% of suicides are gay? LoL, so that means 70% of the annual suicides are heterosexuals. Wow, I don't want a heterosexual to adopt a child.
This one is funny because the gays didn't drop out due to not being able to handle the school work, but rather it was because of harassment and hate. So that makes heterosexuals look bad for having a high case of anger issues as well as being stupid when it comes to learning. Shall I post the dropout rates of other minority groups? Or even more amusing, their graduating GPA? And the other three of your statistics (the first two were just repeats of two lower ones) just shows the same.. heterosexuals being violent people. How odd that they're better candidates by you to raise children.
So isn't that a good thing for homosexuals to marry? They can't have children so that means less children being born and it also means no giving up their baby's to those gays that prematurely have them at an age where they can't take care of em (school, etc). So now that we have all these childless homosexuals, they get to raise all the children that were abandoned by heterosexuals rather than leaving there to rot and grow up on their own in orphanges.
Yeah, and? Natural procreating has nothing to do with marriage. There are many married couples that choose to not have children or cannot have children due to reproductive reasons. Not only that, there are many people that have children that aren't even married. And not only that, if a homosexual chooses to want a child, they can naturally have sex with the opposite sex. Your ideal religious views on marriage, sex, and everything else simply do not exist. Quit living in your fantasy land.
Wow, talk about a jack of all trades here. We have a black/indian woman who lives with a white stepfather and a homosexual sister/brother/mother/father/grandparent (?). Anything else crazy to add to the list?
Err, when'd you say gays and lesbians can marry? Do you mean marry the opposite sex or be allowed to marry any sex they choose, even if it's the same? But even then, they still have to be at the back of the bus, err, bottom of the adoption and marriage list.
She probably finds it funny for the same reason I do. All of those reasons you list exist in everyone, heterosexual couples too. And what is that "significant increase" of all those activies being raised by same-sex couples? What's the percentage number? And the other reason why it's funny is because that's not what ALL THE OTHER statistics say, but of course, as your site says:
"The report contests that the majority of the studies carried out which have concluded in favour of same-sex parenthood betray an egregious lack of scientific rigour. Most of the studies show a strong bias to one side."
Heh, as usual, the RELIGIOUS people say other people lack scientific rigour, lol. That's damned funny. Almost everyone on these forums, other than the religiously brainwashed, would find that statement hilarious.
No, she's secretly part of the Rainbow Coalition as I mentioned earlier. ;)
Now that's funny too. The person who doesn't like homosexuals is telling the other person that THEY'RE the one who treats them differently? LoL! You're starting to use the argument style of Baron Max now. I suggest you quit before others put you on ignore as they did him.
I thought it was about the bird swallowing the bee? Joke!
They can adopt as well? Didn't you just say you're from Florida where gay adoption isn't legal? And oh god, there we go again with the Baron Max style of argument.
And yet again, some questions which you have always dodged, which I don't blame you as it'd just continue to point out all the holes in your beliefs:
Since natural reproduction is the reason why you don't want homosexuals to marry, what is your opinion on couples that get married but choose to not have kids or couples that get married and want to have kids but can't biologically due to reproductive problems? And also, since you as a black/indian/whatever-else-you-may-be woman who has gone through prejudice, or at least the majority of those two racials groups have, why would you wish others, such as gays, or anyone for that matter, to go through that; as minor as it may be?

- N

All of this to make a racist, discriminitive, bigoted point about people with issues who want to be treated the same AND different at the same time :bugeye:
.....LOLOLOLOL... non of this is worthy, any longer, of my two have're too busy reading between lines to stay on topic..... Later DUDE!
Oh, I will answer this question by you since you keep asking? (I thought I already did).......
what is your opinion on couples that get married but choose to not have kids or couples that get married and want to have kids but can't biologically due to reproductive problems?
This entire post is about choices......If a man and woman get married but choose not to have children (in some societies I would agree that they should not have anymore children, just let that race of people die out! we'd be better off, my opinion only) then that's their choice. If a couple can't reproduce then (as I stated before) they should be put on the adoption waiting list ahead of everyone, just as long as their stable people. And please show me Neildo where I ever said that I didn't like homosexuals!
Again, for people such as you and Bells who for whatever reason can't understand my blacka$$ (As I'm sure you are referring me as)! Let me say again why I'm against Gays/Lesbians marrying....are you listening.....BECAUSE I DON'T THINK IT'S NATURAL FOR A MAN TO FU#CK A MAN OR A WOMAN TO VICE/VERSA....EVEN I, AS A GROWN WOMAN, DON'T WANT TO SEE A MAN KISSING A MAN OR WOMAN KISSING A WOMAN...SO I DEFINATELY DON'T WANT KNOW THAT A CHILD IS LIVING IN THAT ARRANGEMENT. IT'S DISGUSTING AND DEGRADING AND NASTY AND DEPRESSING. NO CHILD WOULD ASK TO BE PLACED WITH A HOMOSEXUAL! And don't give me that shit about orphanages because (and I quote)
"Of the estimated 542,000 children in foster care as of September 30, 2001:(may have changed some since this time), 48 percent were in foster family homes (non-relative), 24 percent were in relative foster homes, 18 percent were in group homes or institutions, 4 percent were in pre-adoptive homes, and 6 percent were in other placement types." How many Americans live in this country...what....millions and millions. There are plenty of good 'other' type people who can and do adopt children. What's 542,000 against millions!

quote from the U S department of Health and Human Services
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QUOTE by Bells
I treat homosexuals the same way I treat heterosexuals. I don't treat my homosexual friends any differently to the way I treat my heterosexual friends. Why? Because they are all human beings. And in that regard, they have equal rights. Hence why they should also be allowed to marry.
So as I now (lol) understand, you treat your homo's the same as the hetero's because they are not different. (LOL) So that means that the laws are the same for both right. Man can marry woman and woman can marry man. WOW...I thought I said that already!
by Bells
Just because you put '$' or '@' signs does not mean that you aren't swearing.
It does mean that I'm not swearing! :D

by Bells
I believe you implied that YOU were a Christian. Your whole argument does not even make sense.
Wrong again....that's why you should never assume or make incorrect implications. Oh, and my argument does not make since to a B!tc## like you.
Again....not was a mistype ;)

by Bells
By your own argument, being raised by homosexual parents or being homosexual would result in homophobes abusing and sometimes murdering the individual. Then you state that black people face racial crimes and such crimes continue today. However, then you claim that because of the treatment homosexuals and their offspring get from homophobes, they should not be allowed to adopt and it seems you imply that they should stop being homosexual so that this kind of violence against them stops happening.
Since you can't seem to understand by paragraph so let me sum it up for you in a couple of sentences (please don't get lost this time). Ready, here goes...please clear your brain for this...concentrate now!
If the government (people of the nation) can't find a way to stop what's already been going on for over 400 years (with blacks and other racial groups).....still with me Bells?..... then how can we trust that things will be better for poor adopted children by Homosexuals? I never stated that's why we shouldn't. I asked, how can we bear it? How can we put even more children through that? We (as a nation) have not even been able to stop the abuse by homophobes and racists in this day and age. Remember, I don't think gays should adopt or marry for many reasons. But this would be one of the biggest reasons. Until we stop this violence against them (something I pray for everyday and try to be involved in that stopping) how can we allow more innocent children to be put throught this? This is my last post on the subject....I've already told you twice that gay people can by all means be allowed to adopt and marry. But that does not mean that I have to like or support it.
OK. Subject (to which I've been apart of only) is now closed by me! By the way....sorry I made more than a couple of sentences but I'm sure you're somewhat smart enough to keep up at this point. The rest of your post isn't worthy of my reply.

Oh, my more thing........
by Bells
But lets look at you shall we? You're the "lady" who posted her breast size on an internet forum. You consider that to be "lady" like? You'd consider that to be "inspirational"?
I've also posted that I am a woman....a person of color....a person who does not believe that a woman's breast is a mere sexual toy for men.....a woman who is profoundly against gay adoption....a woman who is doubly profoundly against the prison system......I could go on but I'm not sure what your point was here....I'm a woman...never called myself a lady...there is a difference you know...I'm not sure if you're worthy of either title!
Gender, race and impairment all relate to what a person is, whereas homosexuality relates to what a person does
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ReighnStorm said:
So as I now (lol) understand, you treat your homo's the same as the hetero's because they are not different. (LOL) So that means that the laws are the same for both right. Man can marry woman and woman can marry man. WOW...I thought I said that already!
You ARE the dumbed down version of Baron. So because we've all put him on ignore for posting the same thing over and over again, you take up his flaming stick and try to wave it around and claim it as your own?

I shall explain it again. I'll even use simple words for you...

Marriage laws distinguish between heterosexuals and homosexuals. The laws state that marriage can only take place between a man and a woman, therefore the marriage laws are only for heterosexuals. Homosexuals wish to marry people of the same sex. Ergo, the marriage laws as they stand discriminate against homosexuals. These marriage laws also ensure that people who are homosexual cannot receive the benefits and protections that only married people can have. Now homosexuals should be given equal rights and seen to be equal at law instead of having the law distinguish them as being different because of their sexual orientation.

It does mean that I'm not swearing!
What are you? 5? You left out the 'ner ner'..

Wrong again....that's why you should never assume or make incorrect implications. Oh, and my argument does not make since to a B!tc## like you.
Nooo.. You're just the type to latch on to anything or anyone who might agree with you. Even rabid little racists like Baron can be your friend so long as he props up your little argument. Hell, if a pathetic little Christian fundamentalist site can give you a leg up, you'll jump on their bandwagon as well. You should write to them and tell them that you believe your body is 'designed' for procreation with a man. I'm sure they'd love to have you on board.

Yes, you are correct. Your argument does not make sense to a bitch like me. And one day you actually will know what words like 'implied' mean.

Again....not was a mistype
Why? You feel yourself too much of a lady to type out the word 'bitch' but not ladylike enough so that you can tell a forum full of complete strangers what your bra size is? Believe me little girl, your claws couldn't even snag in your own fur. I've faced down much worse and much sadder people than you could ever hope to be.

OK. Subject (to which I've been apart of only) is now closed by me! By the way....sorry I made more than a couple of sentences but I'm sure you're somewhat smart enough to keep up at this point. The rest of your post isn't worthy of my reply.
Closed by you? And who are you again? I'm not going to bother replying to the bold text as it has been dealt with repeatedly throughout this whole post and you are still sadly unable to keep up or understand the argument itself. And frankly, maybe it is best if you can't reply to the rest of my posts. I see enough pathetic bigots in my day to day life without having to read your version online.

I've also posted that I am a woman....a person of color....a person who does not believe that a woman's breast is a mere sexual toy for men.....a woman who is profoundly against gay adoption....a woman who is doubly profoundly against the prison system......I could go on but I'm not sure what your point was here....I'm a woman...never called myself a lady...there is a difference you know...I'm not sure if you're worthy of either title!
I thought you weren't going to reply to the rest? If you can't understand the words typed Reighn, then that's too bad. They were kept simple for you. If you aren't able to understand the replies to your own post, maybe it is best if you stop posting. Your inadequacies are becoming too obvious.

And yes you're woman hear you roar.. And no you're not a lady. And yes there is a huge difference. A difference so vast that you'd drown trying to get to the other side. And yes that's right. You've deemed that I'm not worthy of either title.. since I'm a "B!tc##". If that is the best than you can do, then tap yourself on your back in self praise. Refer to above about your inadequacies...


Mystech my darling boy. I do apologise for side tracking your thread. But the things some people say just cannot always be ignored. Again my apologies.
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All of this to make a racist, discriminitive, bigoted point about people with issues who want to be treated the same AND different at the same time .....LOLOLOLOL... non of this is worthy, any longer, of my two have're too busy reading between lines to stay on topic..... Later DUDE!

Wow, what a copout. See? I toldja you were a shame to other black people. Giving up so easily like that. C'mon, be a fighter like those before you that helped make things better for others having to go through discrimination issues. Oh wait, you can't. I forgot you have a discrimination against homosexuals.

And please show me Neildo where I ever said that I didn't like homosexuals!

With you not wanting homosexuals to marry or adopt children. To say because you have that stance makes it mean you don't have a dislike for homosexuals is stupid. It's the exact same thing if I said that I like black people, I just don't want them to drink from the same water fountain as me, sit next to me on the bus, marry white women, or use the same restroom as me. If I demanded those old laws to come back, I'm pretty sure you'd say I didn't like blacks even if I had no problem with them.

This entire post is about choices......If a man and woman get married but choose not to have children (in some societies I would agree that they should not have anymore children, just let that race of people die out! we'd be better off, my opinion only) then that's their choice. If a couple can't reproduce then (as I stated before) they should be put on the adoption waiting list ahead of everyone, just as long as their stable people.

But those two either chose not to, or cannot have children NATURALLY. Isn't that the whole reason why you oppose gay marriage because it's not natural? Remember, the laws of marriage is between a man and a woman (so much for "freedom"), NOT "those who prefer the opposite sex to they can procreate" otherwise it would be illegal for those who choose not to have a child or those who cannot have a child due to biological reproductive problems to marry just as it's illegal for gays to marry. Having the stance of natural reproduction as you do actually makes it more limiting on heterosexuals that cannot have children more than it does against homosexuals because even though one may be homosexual, they can still reproduce unlike the biologically inept.

Just because you put '$' or '@' signs does not mean that you aren't swearing.” - Bells

It does mean that I'm not swearing! - Reign

Uh, hi Baron Max.

If the government (people of the nation) can't find a way to stop what's already been going on for over 400 years (with blacks and other racial groups).....still with me Bells?..... then how can we trust that things will be better for poor adopted children by Homosexuals? I never stated that's why we shouldn't. I asked, how can we bear it? How can we put even more children through that? We (as a nation) have not even been able to stop the abuse by homophobes and racists in this day and age. Remember, I don't think gays should adopt or marry for many reasons. But this would be one of the biggest reasons. Until we stop this violence against them (something I pray for everyday and try to be involved in that stopping) how can we allow more innocent children to be put throught this?

Since blacks and other minority groups still get discriminated against just as homosexuals, and since you're saying homosexuals shouldn't be allowed to adopt due to those discriminations which can also harm the child, you're basically saying all minority groups shouldn't be allowed to adopt as well. Wow, talk about love for the white man.

Oh, I will answer this question by you since you keep asking? (I thought I already did).......

And the other question?

"And also, since you as a black/indian/whatever-else-you-may-be woman who has gone through prejudice, or at least the majority of those two racials groups have, why would you wish others, such as gays, or anyone for that matter, to go through that; as minor as it may be?"

- N
Since you did beg me not to give up...I do this one thing for you. ;)
by RS
If the government (people of the nation) can't find a way to stop what's already been going on for over 400 years (with blacks and other racial groups)then how can we trust that things will be better for poor adopted children by Homosexuals? I never stated that's why we shouldn't. I asked, how can we bear it? How can we put even more children through that? We (as a nation) have not even been able to stop the abuse by homophobes and racists in this day and age. Remember, I don't think gays should adopt or marry for many reasons. But this would be one of the biggest reasons. Until we stop this violence against them (something I pray for everyday and try to be involved in that stopping) how can we allow more innocent children to be put throught this?
How about you answer all of these questions in this paragraph Neildo Dildo :D

by neildo
"And also, since you as a black/indian/whatever-else-you-may-be woman who has gone through prejudice, or at least the majority of those two racials groups have, why would you wish others, such as gays,(as if they're some other species) or anyone for that matter, to go through that; as minor as it may be?"
Part I: Once again, just because I'm a woman of think I have been treated with prejudice?
Part II: Let's get this out in the open shall we. Why don't we kill all of the whitey' about that...seeing as they're the reason for the majority of the discrimination. Let you not forget that white (cra*kers) are the reason that we needed civil rights!!!!! As if Blacks and Indians aren't human at all. That was ridiculous....and stupid....just like some people on this site I've come across. You want me to give you reasons?????/ What about the reasons your ancestors had for causing all this turmoil in the first fuc%k#ing place.....?
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ReighnStorm said:
In reply to the modification in your post...


You are beginning to sound very similar to another poster on here, who shall remain nameless, who is devoutly Christian. These links seem to be the same type of sites this individual would frequent. Are the PM's flying thick and fast?... Hmmm?

All in all though, champion effort! These links are decidedly priceless, regardless of how you came by them... :)
How about you answer all of these questions in this paragraph Neildo Dildo

Heh, that's actually why I chose the name "Neildo". :)

If the government (people of the nation) can't find a way to stop what's already been going on for over 400 years (with blacks and other racial groups)then how can we trust that things will be better for poor adopted children by Homosexuals? I never stated that's why we shouldn't. I asked, how can we bear it? How can we put even more children through that? We (as a nation) have not even been able to stop the abuse by homophobes and racists in this day and age. Remember, I don't think gays should adopt or marry for many reasons. But this would be one of the biggest reasons. Until we stop this violence against them (something I pray for everyday and try to be involved in that stopping) how can we allow more innocent children to be put throught this?

I did answer that with:

"Since blacks and other minority groups still get discriminated against just as homosexuals, and since you're saying homosexuals shouldn't be allowed to adopt due to those discriminations which can also harm the child, you're basically saying all minority groups shouldn't be allowed to adopt as well. Wow, talk about love for the white man."

Basically meaning your concerns are silly and are of no threat. Since homosexuals go through the same discriminations as other minority groups, where are the downsides to children being adopted by blacks and other such people? Very little. Again, the website you're using as a source is erroneous and flat out biased against homosexuals. I can easily counter your website with another just as equally crackpot of a website saying how childred raised by blacks have it worse. Why won't I though? Because it's pure BS as with your website. Go read the numerous other studies and there are no problems with homosexuals raising children, but of course your religious website says everything else is all lies, which is of no surprise as that is the resort that religious websites, usually Christian, always use. And it's of no surprise that the only other websites that agree with your other website are the links you posted that Bells quoted -- all Christian propogandic websites.

You seriously need to ditch religion and just stay spiritual. Being spiritual is still loving God, but on a more closer and personal level as you're not using other people's religious philoshophy to brainwash you. And that's meant as a majorly sincere concern for you. What religion did Jesus follow when he went out on his 40 day journey to be alone and think on things? None. It was a purely spiritual level and he got closer to god than anyone could. This is the same thing with spiritual people of today. They get closer to god than any religion because they're using their own beliefs as god is inside all of us. They're not using the tained beliefs of other men, which aren't the word of god. Go ahead and dislike homosexuals if at least you came to that conclusion yourself, rather than being brainwashed by someone else.

"And also, since you as a black/indian/whatever-else-you-may-be woman who has gone through prejudice, or at least the majority of those two racials groups have, why would you wish others, such as gays,(as if they're some other species) or anyone for that matter, to go through that; as minor as it may be?" - me

Part I: Once again, just because I'm a woman of think I have been treated with prejudice? - Reign

Well as you see in what you quoted of me, I said "or at least the majority of those two racial groups have", which means "if you, as a woman of color, did not go through prejudice, others in your group at least have". I specifically worded it that way because I knew you were gonna respond with that, but unfortunately you still did respond in that defensiveness way regardless.

Part II: Let's get this out in the open shall we. Why don't we kill all of the whitey' about that...seeing as they're the reason for the majority of the discrimination. Let you not forget that white (cra*kers) are the reason that we needed civil rights!!!!! As if Blacks and Indians aren't human at all. That was ridiculous....and stupid....just like some people on this site I've come across. You want me to give you reasons?????/ What about the reasons your ancestors had for causing all this turmoil in the first fuc%k#ing place.....?

You've still yet to answer my question but only went on a rant. Why do you wish for other minority groups to go through the same discrimination as blacks went through, even if it's not as severe as what they went through? After reading, seeing, and possibly having gone through discrimination, why on earth would you ever wish it upon anyone else?

Now your response does basically confirm my "racist black person wanting revenge on the white people" comment I made in an earlier post which is:

"Or hey, here's a racist remark, which is actually true thinking and feelings for some racist blacks which you would probably fall under.. is it because homosexuality isn't limited to just one race which means whites can be gay.. and you want payback for those white homosexuals to go through what blacks had to? If so, what a 'tard. I feel sorry for the black homosexuals that you're giving up on. How could you do that to your people. Since you can do that, I sense a brainwashed Christian religious reasoning to your opinion on them."

Talk about hitting the nail on the head. Go ahead and hate the white man, but remember, homosexuality isn't limited to just whites. By you discriminating against homosexuals, you're discriminating against your own race. That was the reason for me calling you a bad black woman in not so nice words because you're turning your back on your own people.

- N
Bells said:
Marriage laws distinguish between heterosexuals and homosexuals.

No, that's not true! The law is as you stated in the following: "The laws state that marriage can only take place between a man and a woman..." The marriage law is NOT about homos or heteros's about men and women, biological terms.

So now the question is ...are a gay men really men? Or is he/it something that is NOT a man? (Ditto for lesbians)

Bells said:
...therefore the marriage laws are only for heterosexuals.

Nope. The laws are for men and women. Are gays and lesbians men and women? If they ARE, then the laws apply equally to heteros and homos ...the laws say nothing about sexual preferences at all.

If gays and lesbians are NOT men and women, but are something else, then the existing laws don't apply anyway! So now ...what the hell ARE gays and lesbians?

Gays and lesbians want to be recognized as different, but they want to be accepted as the same as men and women. Well, ya' can't have it both ways!! Ye're either different and the laws don't apply or you're the same and laws do apply .....and same-sex marriages aren't permitted because marriage is ONLY for a man and woman. It has nothing to do with who/how they like to fuck or suck.

See? this is where I get confused. Y'all want to be recognized as being different, yet you claim to want to be recognized as being men and women. I see gays as nothing more than people who want to fuck different "things" ...somewhat like me wanting to fuck my goats and sheep! And that's okay ..fuck whatever you want.

Ahhh, ....but then, THEN, you want us to change the marriage laws BECAUSE of who/what/how you like to fuck??

Bells said:
Now homosexuals should be given equal rights and seen to be equal at law....

They ARE equal under the law.

Hetero males can't marry males ....AND.... homo males can't marry males. Can't get no 'equal-er' than that, can you?

Perfectly equal. But y'all don't want THAT equality, do you? No, you want to be recognized as different just because of who or what you like to fuck! Gays and lesbians want special treatment under the laws.

Baron Max
Neildo said:
And yep, things are wrong when laws have to pass to get married. Where is the freedom in that? Why can't we already marry whom we choose? God Bless America!

While I agree with your sentiment, you've got the facts a little backward (in general just try to reverse anything that comes from storm or max and you'll probably be closer to the truth). No laws need to be passed to allow same sex marriage, instead some laws need to be repealed (those which have been increasingly put into effect since about 1996). In the absence of any legislation specifically denying homosexuals the right to enter into the civil contract of Marriage there is nothing to prevent them from exercising that right.
Baron Max said:
No, that's not true! The law is as you stated in the following: "The laws state that marriage can only take place between a man and a woman..." The marriage law is NOT about homos or heteros's about men and women, biological terms.

Yes, and this is the problem exactly. The laws have only started being written like this since about 1996, in a clear discriminatory effort on the part of the radical religious right wing.

As supposedly full citizens of our country there's no reason that the needs and rights of homosexuals should not be addressed. There is no valid reason to deny them the right to enter into a legally binding civil marriage contract save to penalize or punish them for some bigoted attempt at retribution against them.

You're free to have your personal opinion that marriage should be only between a man and a woman, just as everyone is free too feel personally that marriage should be only between two members of the same race or religion, or that a marriage should be a contract of ownership of a man toward a woman. That's fine, but it doesn't make for an appropriate policy for a governing body of widely varying diverse peoples to take, it's far too narrow and gives an overwhelming controlling power to only a single group of specific social/political/religious views (yes, believe it or not, Max, you're part of one of your dreaded special interest groups).

If discrimination against homosexuals continues in this way then I suppose I’ll just have to put up with it, and use this system of operation to gather together a group of young people who are into fire arms, such as myself, and petition for legislation allowing us to hunt the elderly in the streets. We youngin’s outnumber the older generation, so we’re a valid majority to pander to, and with our society firmly taking a stand that the rights of perfectly legitimate groups of citizens are not necessarily entitled to full protection under the law so long as the majority (or at least a particularly vocal minority) has some whim which contradicts this notion.

So keep fighting the good fight, max, but don’t continue to do so under the illusion that you’re helping our democracy at all. I’d wager that you’re a much larger threat to it than any other form of terrorist.
by neildo
I did answer that with:
"Since blacks and other minority groups still get discriminated against just as homosexuals, and since you're saying homosexuals shouldn't be allowed to adopt due to those discriminations which can also harm the child, you're basically saying all minority groups shouldn't be allowed to adopt as well. Wow, talk about love for the white man."
First of all....I said that how can we allow children to be put through this any further. I never said that they shouldn't be allowed to adopt for that reason. I said those things need to be handled first before we move further!
Again, you have not answered my questions that were colored. Let me show you the way.....
1. If the government (people of the nation) can't find a way to stop what's already been going on for over 400 years (with blacks and other racial groups)then how can we trust that things will be better for poor adopted children by Homosexuals?
2. How can we bear it?
3. How can we put even more children through that?
Now answer if you will please? :rolleyes:
by neildo
Basically meaning your concerns are silly and are of no threat
So what your saying is that my concern is silly and of no threat to any child...the fact that someone is not concerned when a group of people want to change laws just to suit their needs even when the law is correct. I as a citizen should not be concerned....that's exactly whats wrong with this nation! No one is concerned!
by neildo
You seriously need to ditch religion and just stay spiritual. Being spiritual is still loving God, but on a more closer and personal level as you're not using other people's religious philoshophy to brainwash you. And that's meant as a majorly sincere concern for you. What religion did Jesus follow when he went out on his 40 day journey to be alone and think on things? None
I never said I was religious...I never brought up Jesus...I brought up the truth about murder, prostitutiion, theft, forth and so on....all of those things have serious consequences when they happen....and the bible tells you of those and why you shouldn't. That's what I said to be exact!
So I should ditch something because you don't believe in about hypocritical thinking! :bugeye:
by neildo
I said "or at least the majority of those two racial groups have", which means "if you, as a woman of color, did not go through prejudice, others in your group at least have".
But I can't speak to what someone else is going through because I've never gone through it. But I can tell you that you are being prejudice against people who disagree with you and vice why don't you answer your own question!
by neildo
Now your response does basically confirm my "racist black person wanting revenge on the white people"
My response is telling you a truth about your people. Telling the truth does not confirm anything. You have to practice something in order for you to be it. Speaking on a wrong doing does not make you a racist. It is and will always be the truth. That white people have controlled most of the world in politics, religion, war, slavery....etc...everything foul and bad....that's a truth...being racist means I think I'm superior to you...what I've been saying this whole time is that I'm an american. So there is no superiority to that because we are the same people of this nation. You're the one that started the line dividing not me.
That was the reason for me calling you a bad black woman in not so nice words because you're turning your back on your own people.
I am against gay/lesbian/s marrying and adopting children...that's it. How you got this statement out of this is on your own thinking and mishandling of my words!

by Mystech
reverse anything that comes from storm or max and you'll probably be closer to the truth
So this is of no concern to you...let's just reverse my feeling on this then....Lets see I wish more of them would in fact
Lesbian and gay youth commit 30% of the completed suicides annually with suicide being the leading cause of death.
o 28% of gay/lesbians high school students in a national study were seen to have dropped out of school because of harassment resulting from their sexual orientation.
o 45% of gay and 20% of lesbian reports having experienced verbal harassment and or physical violence as a result of their sexual orientation during high school (Youth Pride Inc.1997)
Dropout 28% of gay/lesbian high school students in a national study were seen to have dropped out of school because of harassment resulting from their sexual orientation. Also Males are four times more likely to die from suicide than females (CDC 2004).
Suicide rates are highest among Whites
quote by the National Center for injury Prevention and Control
Or what about this
Not all gay/lesbians are born that way
So I guess all gay and lesbians become that way after birth HUH???
Oh and what about this little doozy.............
Freedom was our right by natural design and so is procreating.
It's my personal belief and opinion only. Which I've stated from the beginning. You have every right to disagree. But the name calling (in which I too have been involved) is not necessary to make one's opinion openly discussed.
And especially this....let's just reverse this shall we..........
I think that people need to keep their legs closed or at least use a better method of (birth control) child protection.
I think that the government needs to try and get children (that parents may have been killed) to other relatives and help them out financially (not a lot) until that child is 18. If no relative is willing to take the child. Then let a single stable person adopt the child and also help them financially (not a lot) until said child is 18 or is considered an adult in some states. But make sure the child is also put in programs while growing and girls club....or something to that effect.
I think people who can't have their on children (except for gay/lesbian) to be first on the list to adopt whether single or married. (see above on being single). I think everyone before marriage should be ordered to take child care classes and marriage classes before entering a very important, life long commitment. I would rather pay my taxes taking care of children and education than paying taxes for welfare and unecessary war! If none of the above statements are enough then let the gay/lesbian community adopt with social behavior studies and classes for the gay/lesbian couples therapy. (shi!t like that) Is this wrong?
Oh yeah, theres really something wrong with Reighnstorm....She actually wants to protect children from all sorts of things....Wow...she needs to be banned for caring.....LOL...your a damn joke aren't you!
Oops....can't forget this one...which is totally true!
Let's get this out in the open shall we. Why don't we kill all of the whitey' about that...seeing as they're the reason for the majority of the discrimination. Let you not forget that white (cra*kers) are the reason that we needed civil rights!!!!! As if Blacks and Indians aren't human at all. That was ridiculous....and stupid....just like some people on this site I've come across. You want me to give you reasons?????/ What about the reasons your ancestors had for causing all this turmoil in the first fuc%k#ing place.....?
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ReighnStorm said:
Or what about this

Okay, great, so nagging from people like you drives other people to kill themselves. Sounds like a wonderful point of pride, I hope you're pleased with yourself.
Mystech said:
Okay, great, so nagging from people like you drives other people to kill themselves. Sounds like a wonderful point of pride, I hope you're pleased with yourself.'s now obvious to me that you're not reading alllllll of our post (and yes, they are long) but if you're going to make a commit then you should by all means read the whole damn thing.
What I would like is some reassurance that this kind of behavior will stop! I don't want anyone to ever commit suicide! That's my point. Come on now...your not that irresponsible to believe and I quote " so nagging from people like you drives other people to kill themselves." is actually ok with me...You really got that from all I said....Sad man....just SAD :(
If you don't want people to glean the wrong point from your words, then be sure to make a coherent point. Also, please look up some of my past posts, and then ask yourself again if your condesending comment about the length of your posts seeming intimidating is appropriate. I'll respond to all of your post when all of it presents some sort of unified idea or a series of at least mildly relevant ones - don't expect me to go jumping at the chaff. I've been at this too long to bother with that.
No, that's not true! The law is as you stated in the following: "The laws state that marriage can only take place between a man and a woman..." The marriage law is NOT about homos or heteros's about men and women, biological terms.

It's about biological terms? So a man and woman that chooses to marry yet decides not to have children should not be allowed to marry. And a man and woman who are biologically incapable to breed due to reproductive problems shouldn't be able to marry as well. Gotta love your guys' line of thinking which discriminates against even MORE people.

First of all....I said that how can we allow children to be put through this any further. I never said that they shouldn't be allowed to adopt for that reason. I said those things need to be handled first before we move further!
Again, you have not answered my questions that were colored. Let me show you the way.....
1. If the government (people of the nation) can't find a way to stop what's already been going on for over 400 years (with blacks and other racial groups)then how can we trust that things will be better for poor adopted children by Homosexuals?
2. How can we bear it?
3. How can we put even more children through that?
Now answer if you will please?

I already answered those questions and again, you continue to dodge my questions. You're telling me to answer your question first when I was the one to ask the first question? Gotta love your evasive manuevers.

I'll answer it again. There are no problems with homosexuals that raise children that are any different than heterosexuals that raise children. The website you quote is full of misguided opinions trying to pretend they're facts. They say every single other study is all lies and that their study is the only correct one, uh okay, that coming from a Christian website. Not only that, they say the other studies lack science of all things, lol, when it's Christians who use the least amount of it.

So that answers all your questions. Because there is no threat, it means all your questions are void. And if you think there is a threat, it only means blacks and other minorities shouldn't be allowed to adopt children since they go through the same discrimination problems as homosexuals. As I said, you're only making this turn into a white-only affair making it so only whites can adopt children since stereotypically, they don't have any discrimination problems.

I never said I was religious...I never brought up Jesus...I brought up the truth about murder, prostitutiion, theft, forth and so on....all of those things have serious consequences when they happen....and the bible tells you of those and why you shouldn't. That's what I said to be exact!
So I should ditch something because you don't believe in about hypocritical thinking!

Uh, what?

You don't HAVE to flat out say "I am religious" or "I am a Christian". I, as well as others, know how to read between the lines. Look what you just said right now, the bible tells you so you shouldn't? That means you're a Christian if you're making your laws based out of the bible. Not only that, but you mentioned other Christian things as well.. and do I even have to mention all the facts you're getting your "homosexuals are bad" made-up facts from are ALL Christian websites? Yeah, you never flat out said you were black either, but well, we know.

But I can't speak to what someone else is going through because I've never gone through it. But I can tell you that you are being prejudice against people who disagree with you and vice why don't you answer your own question!

Okay, so you've never gone through the issues other blacks have. However, you DO know what they went through and you continue to agree that they continue to go through similar things to this day. So knowing that, why on earth would you want other people to have to go through those same things? C'mon, give a real answer rather than these run-arounds.

And I like how you're the one calling me prejudice. Is this not America? Is this not the land of freedom? Now where exactly is the freedom in discriminating and putting limitations on people? That goes against the whole meaning of freedom! You, and others like you, are INSTANTLY flat out wrong in your beliefs once you want to place limitations on those who do no harm to others. It's not as if I'm disagreeing with you on some regular unimportant discussion or debate where prejudice would be silly to have against you, but when YOU and others like you, start to jeopardize what our country is founded on, trying to destroy it, then damned right I'm going to defend it. So to say I'm a bad person for not liking your opinion is pretty stupid. If this had nothing to do with freedom, then you'd be completely right in that assessment of me, but you're not.

My response is telling you a truth about your people. Telling the truth does not confirm anything. You have to practice something in order for you to be it. Speaking on a wrong doing does not make you a racist. It is and will always be the truth. That white people have controlled most of the world in politics, religion, war, slavery....etc...everything foul and bad....that's a truth...being racist means I think I'm superior to you...what I've been saying this whole time is that I'm an american. So there is no superiority to that because we are the same people of this nation. You're the one that started the line dividing not me.

No, you started the line dividing when you don't want homosexuals to have the same rights as heterosexuals. They can't marry the one they love as heterosexuals can. You think they're unfit for adoption and want them to be on the bottom of the adoption list. Is that not thinking of you being superior to homosexuals? If it isn't, then if someone wants a black not to drink from the same fountain as whites, not marry their women, stay in the back of the bus, and whatnot, then those requests mean simply just that, and no superiority complex of racism. I don't hate homosexuals, I just simply don't want them to marry or adopt. I don't hate blacks, I just don't want em to drink from the fountain. Yeah, that really makes sense..

I am against gay/lesbian/s marrying and adopting children...that's it. How you got this statement out of this is on your own thinking and mishandling of my words!

It's no mishandle of your words. You're discriminating against another group. Your people fought long and hard to end discrimination. So now that you, as a black person who has never been discriminated against, want to do? Discriminate. Talk about taking away many years of progress. And not only that, but you're discriminating against your own kind because blacks too, are gay. An even bigger slap in the face to your honorable black patriots.'s now obvious to me that you're not reading alllllll of our post (and yes, they are long) but if you're going to make a commit then you should by all means read the whole damn thing.

Where was he wrong in his statement? ALL of those statistics show that heterosexuals are angry people that abuse homosexuals. Not one of those statistics show there being something wrong that is the fault of the homosexual, it is ALL showing the heterosexual at fault.

- N
No, you started the line dividing when you don't want homosexuals to have the same rights as heterosexuals. They can't marry the one they love as heterosexuals can.
Homosexuals have exactly the same rights as heterosexuals: neither can officially marry those of the same sex and both can marry those of the opposite sex. How the two sides perceive the law, though unequal, is not necessarily discrimination. After all, men wanting more than one wife have more traditional basis for calling their unofficial marriages marriages than gay marriage, but the law prevents them from officially marrying the one whom they love.
ReighnStorm said:
First of all....I said that how can we allow children to be put through this any further. I never said that they shouldn't be allowed to adopt for that reason. I said those things need to be handled first before we move further!
Again, you have not answered my questions that were colored. Let me show you the way.....
1. If the government (people of the nation) can't find a way to stop what's already been going on for over 400 years (with blacks and other racial groups)then how can we trust that things will be better for poor adopted children by Homosexuals?
2. How can we bear it?
3. How can we put even more children through that?
Now answer if you will please? :rolleyes:
Dear oh dear oh dear...

You have said that they shouldn't be allowed to adopt for that reason Reighn. You say it constantly. As to your questions:

1) The Government does not want to find a way because if it tried to, the right wing groups that sadly reside within our society would withdraw all funding and support for the political parties, resulting in humiliating election losses. The right wing groups are supported by people such as yourself who make comments such as the one's you have made throughout this whole post. You are the right wing constituent in your community Reighn. You are one of the reasons why the Government will not do something to stop the treatment of homosexuals and their by people such as yourself.

2) You were saying about how you've supposedly not been saying that they shouldn't be allowed to adopt for 'that reason'? And you come out with a comment such as 'how can we bear it'? You're arguments and your stance is like a yoyo. You say that you have nothing against homosexuals and then you demean who they are and what they do and refer to it as a lifestyle choice.

3) Why don't you ask yourself that question Reighn, and in doing so, keep in mind that it is people like you who make their lives the nightmares you're proclaiming they live. The question should rightly be, how can you put them through that...

So what your saying is that my concern is silly and of no threat to any child...the fact that someone is not concerned when a group of people want to change laws just to suit their needs even when the law is correct. I as a citizen should not be concerned....that's exactly whats wrong with this nation! No one is concerned!
It is your behaviour and your actions that prove to be the threat to the child Reighn. If people let them be who they are and let their children be, there wouldn't be a threat to them or their children. But as long as people like you exist in society, the threat will remain. They don't want to change the laws to suit their own needs. They want to change the laws so that they are equal at law to everyone else. The law is only correct for one group in society. And as a citizen you should be concerned that a large part of your society is being denied the rights you take for granted and as you've said yourself, you do as you damn well please... not everyone has the right to do that. And you don't show concern. You merely show hate and try to camouflage it as concern.

I never said I was religious...I never brought up Jesus...I brought up the truth about murder, prostitutiion, theft, forth and so on....all of those things have serious consequences when they happen....and the bible tells you of those and why you shouldn't. That's what I said to be exact!
No. Instead you rambled and ranted about being God's people. So if you're not Christian or religious, why hide behind the bible? Why even use the bible in your argument and then augment said bible with links to religious sites that are of no consequence whatsoever?

But I can't speak to what someone else is going through because I've never gone through it. But I can tell you that you are being prejudice against people who disagree with you and vice why don't you answer your own question!
You've never gone through the discrimination that a homosexual goes through on a daily basis because 1, you are not homosexual and 2, you are the one doing the discriminating.

...what I've been saying this whole time is that I'm an american. So there is no superiority to that because we are the same people of this nation.
No, what you've been saying over and over again is that you're an American and that you're a heterosexual American, thereby giving yourself the superiority you think you deserve. You have used your sex and you sexual orientation throughout this thread to place yourself above others..

So this is of no concern to you...let's just reverse my feeling on this then....Lets see I wish more of them would in fact
Your quotes from that report merely show that homophobes such as yourself are making the lives of homosexuals absolute nightmares. It is the treatment that they get from people like you who drive them to suicide. It is because of the harrassment (both verbal and physical abuse) from people like you that they drop out of school and kill themselves. This is not something you should be using as an argument. This is not something you should feel proud about. It has backfired severely and is frankly making you look worse. You show reports of homosexuals and children of homosexuals killing themselves because of the abuse they face from people who think and believe like you, and you think that report is saying something good? All it's saying is that people like you are driving others to suicide.

Oh yeah, theres really something wrong with Reighnstorm....She actually wants to protect children from all sorts of things....Wow...she needs to be banned for caring.....LOL...your a damn joke aren't you!
No you need to be banned for simply not having a clue and not having the ability to give a coherent argument. Refer to above about 'inadequacies'.

You don't want to protect children from all sorts of things. If you wanted to protect children from all sorts of things, you'd be fighting to change the views some in society have of homosexuals to try and bring down the abuse and violence homosexuals and their children face. If you cared about all children, you would not be adding to the problem by heaping further abuse on and about homosexuals.'s now obvious to me that you're not reading alllllll of our post (and yes, they are long) but if you're going to make a commit then you should by all means read the whole damn thing.
What I would like is some reassurance that this kind of behavior will stop! I don't want anyone to ever commit suicide! That's my point. Come on now...your not that irresponsible to believe and I quote " so nagging from people like you drives other people to kill themselves." is actually ok with me...You really got that from all I said....Sad man....just SAD
Read the whole thing? Why should he or anyone do so? You've repeated the same thing over and over again like a broken record. You've become the female version of Baron Max. Mystech has more right to make a comment about this than you ever will. It is his thread after all. He started it.

You don't want anyone to commit suicide? Shall I remind you of this particularly post from you earlier in this thread....

ReighnStorm said:
I said let them (gays, lesbians) have their marriage....then the children will grow up to see how disgusting it is and will want to remain heterosexual. More gay and lesbians will commit suicide because of marriages gone wrong. I say that because it's also obvious that gays have some kind of weird emotional problem, so they won't handle divorce well at all. Most of the poor children adopted will hate you because of being different....I could go on....but's just a wait and see game now.....the best way to kill something is to lead it to it's death..
But no, let me guess. Your next hypocritical argument is that you don't want them to commit suicide. You just want them to lead themselves to their deaths.. after all, as far as you are concerned, that is the best way to kill something. It is you who is "SAD". And yes, Mystech is quite right. It is nagging from people like you who drives homosexuals to suicide. Ghouls like you sicken me to my stomach.


Homosexuals have exactly the same rights as heterosexuals: neither can officially marry those of the same sex and both can marry those of the opposite sex. How the two sides perceive the law, though unequal, is not necessarily discrimination. After all, men wanting more than one wife have more traditional basis for calling their unofficial marriages marriages than gay marriage, but the law prevents them from officially marrying the one whom they love.
Ah Okinrus.. My dear fellow... Finally decided to personally join the fray now instead of lurking in the background?

You may not see it as discrimination, but to the people refused the right to marry just the one person they love, it is discrimination. Bigamist usually marry more than one wife through their church as it is recognised as being acceptable in their church. Their wish to do so is based on their religious beliefs. And they do marry more than one woman in common law I guess you could say. They marry one 'legally' and the other wives are seen as common law wives and they are accepted in their community and their church. Do homosexuals have the same rights? No. Hell, they can't even marry the one person, neither at law or in a Church. They can't even be classified as defacto's or common law marriages because homosexuality is simply not accepted in either. Therefore the man or woman who marries multiple partners knows that the law won't contest the legal rights of the other wives and they will receive the benefits and protections due to them for being defacto/common law wives and husbands. Homosexuals aren't even allowed that. And you think that is equal and not discriminatory?