Same sex marriage officialy legal through all of Canada Today

QUOTE by Kotoko
How is he not "genetically correct" if he was created that way?
You mean you want me to answer that? Many people are born genetically incorrect...but honestly...I just said that because he said something about me that wasn't true either. It was however his true opinion of me....which is exactly what mine is towards him/her/it ;)
by kotoko
By the way Reign, there is no evidence whatsoever that homosexuals have a greater chance of committing pedophilia.
What in the hell are you talking about? I would never put gays in a category like that! Maybe a misuse of my words by someone else....but I would never..

by kotako
Bottom line is that in Canada, human beings are now equal.
Bottom line is that all human beings have always been equal...It's other races of people who didn't think so!
ReighnStorm said:
So you're ok with hating someone for no good reason.

I am at peace with the fact that people like you exist in the world. So long as you're declawed your views aren't much of my concern.

ReighnStorm said:
That's just it! Your rights are not being witheld. Is it new law that you want?

If my rights are not being withheld then why can I not enter a civil contract with the consenting adult partner of my choice? It is not "new law" that I want. What I want is the repeal of new laws which target me for descrimination.

ReighnStorm said:
AND You think that the sanctity of marriage is trivial??

First off that's not what I was talking about - I'm sure your religious views are very important to you as the are to many people, and I recognize that though they may seem trivial to me (and they do, which I am now stating for the first time in this conversation) I should at least respect your perspective on the matter. What I was calling trivial was who someone is interested romantically or sexually when it boils down to a case of two consenting adults. It's not something that I think anyone needs to worry about very much.

Also the idea of sanctity of anything is quite outside the realm of discussion. Unless you believe that the Governments of individual states in the US have the power to bestow some sort of mystical blessing on anyone I don't see how it comes into play. If you're worried that gay people simply living together, calling themselves married, and even having religious ceremonies and taking vows to make it nice and official like, well I'm afraid that's already happening and shall continue to regardless of the government’s policy on the issue.

ReighnStorm said:
Which means that you're a Bigot!

You're easily entertained aren't you? If you like these semantic games so much here's another fun one I like to tell to children - My intolerance of intolerance makes me intolerant! What an amusing paradox! Let’s draw some defining lines here, though – so long as I’m against an idea – one which causes people to get all uppity and self righteous and behaving as though they’re entitled to tell others how they ought to live their lives – rather than directly intolerant toward any single group of people, at least my intolerance is, in a sense, tolerable.

ReighnStorm said:
You're exactly right...they are turning in their graves at the thought of realizing that the founding of these terms would now be used as a joke for gays.

Yes, the furtherance of an egalitarian society in matters of law and domestic tranquility is just a big old joke. Hahah, very funny we can all go home now.

ReighnStorm said:
I can't believe that you're putting gays in the same light as slavery? How unjust is that!

Unjust? I think you'd have a pretty tough case to make there. I'm not even sure how such a term could apply merely to a sentiment based on observed parallels.

ReighnStorm said:
I do believe that gay bashing and crimes against them because they are gay need to be addressed before we can move on to something as important as marriage. I'm simply against gay/lesbian marrying until that issue is addressed and resolved. I don't see how you would disagree with me on that.

Yes, and perhaps African Americans should have all their rights repealed as well only to be restored once there are no more racists. That will go over wonderfully, I'm sure. If only we give all the homophobes and bigots the power over these matters then they'll certainly turn out in time and much for the better!

Frankly I can't see how you could possibly come to such a completely absurd conclusion as this, it's got to be one of the most ridiculous ideas I have ever heard on these forums and I've been here for quite a while and even used to frequent the pseudoscience and parapsychology boards.

At any rate, would you voulenteer to be banned from Sciforums until I like you more? I think that seems like a more workable situation.

ReighnStorm said:
I said this a long time ago. Which is funny...because I once again said that you should be allowed to marry...just for different reasons

Yes, what was it again? Something about the idea that it will cause us to kill each other and our children to commit suicide? What a beautiful sentiment and impeccable logic - nothing gets people hating homosexuals like actually being exposed to them and realizing - oh wait, they're not just a stupid label and pre-conceived set of stereotypes, they're actual human beings! Thank you for bringing this up again, I was almost begining to forget what an ugly ugly person you can be.
Gays are not asking for ADDITIONAL laws, only that existing laws include them in their rights and protections afforded to every other American.

What are they asking for "in addition"?

As for adoption, there are currently 387,000 children living in orphanages according to the 2000 census. Not foster care, but orphanages. Alone, without loving people to take care of them and love them. They are available at almost no cost to single/married people and include tax breaks for said people, and yet there was a 7% increase of the number of children living in orphanages between the 1990 and 2000 census reports. These single/married people have the opportunity to adopt, and don't do it... what harm does it do to allow gays to adopt them?

As for the higher incidence of suicide, in addition to regular teen-aged stress and moodiness, they also have to deal with being unaccepted and ridiculed by their peers if they are "found out" and having to hide their feelings and emotions all the time as well. Sure there is a higher rate of suicide. They grow up with people like Baron Max in their face spouting their bullshit all the time.

Gays cannot marry and share their life with the one they love. They often lose their homes when one dies, and the family contests the will because homosexuality is not accepted. They suffer lawful discrimination in the workplace, that is not illegal in the laws of many states. In most states, you can fire someone for their sexual preference and do not have the right to contest it. They don't have the right to visit their significant other in hospital intensive care units because they are NOT considered family. Unmarried couples are also at a disadvantage in regard to most employee pension plans. 401(k) savings cannot be rolled over tax free to unmarried partners. Even homosexual couples that have been together 30-50 years are not eligible for the spousal benefit or the survivor benefit that Social Security offers married couples.

All of these things are unfair, if you consider the fact that unmarried couples have the same problems... except that heterosexual unmarried couples have that choice, and Homosexual couples do not have the possibility.
So if it is God, nature and "situations" that cause homosexuality, the homosexual individual should be punished and discriminated against for something that is out of their control?
Well, their inability to partipate in the state's definition of marriage is not the state's fault.

hmm I found that interesting. However as the article itself claimed, charges against bigamy is quite rare.
Yes, either Utah police like to turn a blind eye on this type of stuff, they don't want to invade privacy, or it doesn't happen much.

I think the reason they went after this guy was because he had taken the girls in as his 'wives' when they were still minors and the fact he owed $50,000 "in welfare the state paid his family". Usually in most cases in Utah, one wife is married legally (as in a legal union - eg marriage certificate) and the rest are classified as de facto's or common law wives or mistresses I guess.
Well, this guy went on Jerry Springer, and before going on this show the state didn't do anything about it. So, in my view, the state went after him to create an example. As for the multiple common law wives, I don't think such a thing exists in the US Having two or more common law wives is bigamy, which is why, I thought, the prosecution only classified one of his wife as common law. (Of course, a guy might have a common law wife and then break up and have another common law wife) Early English common law, well before the mormons, wouldn't even have the provisions for this type of stuff.

Yes life insurance is separate from the State. But the State makes the insurance laws that the insurance companies must comply with. And provisions aren't always available.
Homosexuals aren't unique to this regard. Anyone can become estranged from his or her family and therefore want the insurance money to go to his or her best friend.

The thing is okinrus, the insurance provisions should recognise their relationship. Even if one partner puts down the other as a next of kin, another person can still come onto the scene and claim the insurance money if they can show that they are related to the insured individual.
No, in my understanding that scenario can't happen. If a gay person is able to an unrelated person as their beneficiary, then this beneficiary receives the benefits. In some states, however, only relatives are allowed as beneficiaries.

For example, if the insured person has relatives who refused to have anything to do . A will can be contested in court by relatives because the partner is not considered a spouse or next of kin. However if it were a heterosexual couple in a defacto relationship, the surviving 'spouse' or partner would receive the benefit. Do you see where the discrimination lies now okinrus?
Unless if evidence exists for the defacto relationship, then the relatives could contest this relationship as well. Even marriages can be contested. (Some marry a foreigner to bring the foreigner into the US.) But if the will clearly indicates what each should receive and mentions the relationship between the beneficiary and the deceased, then relatives have no grounds for contesting it, right?

rabid racist
ignorant biatch
pro-discrimination lobbyist
selective bigot
'hypocritical rabid racist gay basher and hater'
You actually make my skin crawl
a black girl
I just don't want niggers drinking from the same water fountain as me.
whiney ass
Here's a b-ball, go involve yourself with something you should be good at rather than these discussions.
God's people" because they are a bunch of homophobic prats
most idiots that have yet to socially evolve.
stupid comment
puritanical parents
Christianity is the bane of humanity
have you been snorting bleach up your nose?
a bible thumping peon
take your bible and stick it where the sun don't shine...
bible thumpers
freakish mother
Yeah nigga, y'know what I'm sayin?
You're stingy mothaf'ers
by mystech
You're easily entertained aren't you?
:bugeye: No, what I am, is sick of being called a name in which you are referring too but you yourself belong in that same definition but pretend that it's only me.
Only caring about ones guys are guilty of the same crime and pretend that you're not. That's what I'm sick of. If you are then you are. Call me what you will as long as you realize everyone else is involved also. Whether I believe in religion, self identity, the sanctitiy of marriage, birth forth and so on......these are my beliefs and opinions just like yours...they are just as important as your beliefs...if you took a look at the polls website you will plainly see that I speak for about half of the whole damn country...but you say I'm ranting and guys have called me least 15 names unecessarily, when you could just stake your point and continue the discussion...yet I'm supposed to trust you to do the right thing by children. I know heterosexual aren't the best parent but look at the world today and you'll see why. The very same government run today is no better than the previous years. Everything run by the majority race can't do anything right. So how are we (people against gay marriage and adoption) supposed to trust you! Give me some facts to read. You laugh at think african american?? opinion is not worthy of discussion because we don't agree......But I'm supposed to just disregard that facts, emotions, opinions of nearly 50% of people in this country because you say it's not fair. Show me some proof at least. Your words mean nothing at this point.
by mystech
Yes, and perhaps African Americans should have all their rights repealed as well only to be restored once there are no more racists. That will go over wonderfully, I'm sure. If only we give all the homophobes and bigots the power over these matters then they'll certainly turn out in time and much for the better!
Perhaps African Americans should have never been put through that atrocity in the first place! No one has the right to give you civil rights...that's yours by birthright! If america and other countries realized that early on then you and I would not be having this so called discussion about civil rights now would we. How about more time goes into obliterating those that do harm to people who do not make up for the majority of this world. What race do you think would be left?

by mystech
Yes, what was it again? Something about the idea that it will cause us to kill each other and our children to commit suicide? What a beautiful sentiment and impeccable logic - nothing gets people hating homosexuals like actually being exposed to them and realizing - oh wait, they're not just a stupid label and pre-conceived set of stereotypes, they're actual human beings! Thank you for bringing this up again, I was almost begining to forget what an ugly ugly person you can be.
Please don't put words into my mouth....maybe other things, but don't misuse what I say. Homosexuals do commit suicide. Children being brought up in that environment do go through these things (mainly because of homophobia, which then leads back to what I said about adoption)....I've given you some proof on that already. I said that the best way to kill something is to lead it to it's death. Meaning lets get this part over with so we could move on to the next problematic subject of our lives. The consequences would be ours to bear. That's what I said!
I do believe that being gay is degrading and unatural...but I don't practice hate against you. If Baron Max (for example) hates black people then that's his right by natural law. If he practices against it is another story altogether. We all have a natural right by law to discriminate, hate, be racist and be a hypocrite...doesn't make it right by emotion but it's a right by natural law. Calling you a name because you called me one is still wrong on both parties. We are least I am...I've stated that I don't believe (true honesty) that gays/lesbians should marry or adopt.....Honest OPINION follow that by telling me what your opinion is....that's an adult conversation...not pages and pages of insults that getting us nowhere! If you truly gave me your word and honest opinion then I may be more inclined to see your side in the argument!
Last edited:
Funny, I'm not insulting anyone and I am giving solid facts and information, that no one seems to be able to dispute... and I am being ignored. It's much easier to sling insults then have a valid debate around here.

ReighnStorm said:
Since you keep talking to me and begging for a response .............
Begging? LOL! I'd have been equally happy if you didn't respond at all. As I said to you before... I don't like you and I find you personally repulsive.

I do notice your play on words.....So where's your proof on that?
What play on words? Still having difficulty in comprehending? Hate is a learned behaviour Reighn. A child is not born to discriminate or be prejudiced. It is a learnt behaviour. You think a one year old child who sees a gay couple will distinguish between that gay couple and a heterosexual couple? You think it would find the gay couple disgusting unless someone taught it to think that way?

So when I say that same thing......

It's racist??? huh??? Only someone like you are allowed to have feelings about it? These are my feelings about it and ........You called me a racist, yet now you say YES! It's true....says alot about you!
You consider my saying that one of the primary reasons (as even quoted by you) that homosexuals commit suicide and have emotional problems is because people like you treat them the way you do and hate them the way you do... the same as you saying the best way to kill them off and their cause is to lead them to their death? As I said before Reighn, ghouls like you turn my stomach.

I'm not trying to poison anyones mind! That's just it. You bring up poison when speaking on gays having children! You know children that are being reared by gays and they are fine. I know adults who have been reared by gays who are not fine! It does go both ways you know. Theres not enough proof to state either way as of yet. That's why I said at the beginning of my post that we will just grow old and weary over it!
Is that before or after you lead them to their deaths? And you don't have to try to poison anyone's mind. Your whole being is pure poison. I wasn't bringing up poison when speaking on gays having children... I brought up poison because that's what YOU are. You having comprehension problems again Reighn?

I guess you still didn't get it. Leading them to their deaths allows the cause to die out! It's born, it lives, it procreates, gets old then die. So I guess that's exactly what you're doing. I'm not doing anything except giving my opinion.
The cause will not die out Reighn. You may be happy to be the pied piper in leading the cause to its death, but I can assure you that will never happen. Just like the civil rights cause for African Americans never died out, neither will this cause. You want to know why? There are some of us out there who feel that equal rights do matter.

So let me get this straight.....You and Neildo Dildo initially have a problem with me because I stated and I quote "Let them have their marriage"?
I have a problem with you because you're a bigotted bitch who thinks that because she's a female and black that she is superior to everyone else. I have a problem with you because you are the type of person who'd jump up and down with if a homosexual committed suicide in front of you as you drove them to it with your hate, and you would still fail to recognise that you were the reason that they went to their death. You said "let them have their marriage" so that they may die out and so that their cause dies out. After which, you have repeatedly stated that gays should not marry because you personally find being gays degrading, disgusting, and all the rest of the crap you spout.

My comments against white people are true. Period....Has nothing to do with racism....It's funny you try to use that alot.
Funny! If a white person said the same about black people, you'd consider them a racist. Let me tell you lady, I am a descendant of African slaves and I can assure you... YOU are a racist.

Is this what you're asking me to do...Because I most certainly do discriminate against homosexuals sexual preference...but in the eyes of the law (which would not be right to change) Homosexuals are human males and females just like heterosexuals. You're telling us not to discriminate, which means that we should not see there distinctions, sexual or otherwise... OK...I won't....
You really are in bed with the Baron aren't you? You keep spouting the same crap as he does.

Yes, I find being gay degrading, depressing and disgusting...I find most people on this site to be the same (mainly you) . But that's an opinion of mine....No one else has to recognize it and call it their own. I've never asked that anyone do so. It seems that you think only you're opinion counts! Everybody's count. Oh and the statement you made "Children wouldn't care who they were placed with under normal circumstances" I agree especially because a gay adoption isn't under normal circumstance. A vulture preying on the minds of children? I'm not the one trying to change the law and force this on the children! You are!!
Force what on children? Homosexuals being allowed to marry? Or are you still stuck on the adoption issue. AGAIN Reighn, homosexuals in most parts of the world are allowed to adopt children. The law does not have to change to allow this. What the law does need to change is on the the marriage issue. And I can assure you that a child would not care who adopted them... unless they had a vulture like you lurking in the background to fill their heads with hate. Again I remind you Reighn... discrimination and prejudism is a learnt behaviour.

That's exactly what gay/lesbians are trying to do! Thanks for pointing that out.
Are you for real? Just because you are some kind of rabid sexpot who is entirely hung up on the idea that because you are a woman, you think your body is solely designed to procreate and who uses this as a leverage does not mean that homosexuals are the same.

I never said that they were or ever will be! So you're saying that you're not using you're sexual preference in order to change a law? Is that it? I don't have to (try) back that up..It's directly in front of your face.
Refer to above...

You're saying that you want to be treated just like everyone else and you do not want to be recognized as different. Then you turn around and say "but the government needs to change the laws so we can marry each other because we are different!??? Or choose to have sex differently???
My goodness... Do you simply not understand what you read or does your bigotted and prejudiced mind simply refuse to recognise what is said? The Government needs to recognise homosexuals as equals because they ARE equal to everyone else. As Mystech pointed out to you, the Government changed the laws so that homosexuals could not marry.

"What this really demonstrates above anything else is that basic rights should not be put up for a popular vote," said Matt Foreman, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force,
He's correct. Basic rights should never be put up for a popular vote. The basic rights of homosexuals should never be put up for popular vote, nor should any other human rights. Putting such a right up for vote is akin to a vote being put out for the rights of non-whites to own land or to be allowed to sit at the front of the bus.

Isn't it religion or the life thereof that started the sanctity of marriage in the first place?
Marriage is recognised at law before it is ever recognised 'at' religion. One can marry in a church and not be married at law. A marriage certificate is given by the State, not the church.

So you're ok with hating someone for no good reason.
Good grief! You are the one who is ok in hating someone for no good reason. Have you been keeping up with your own posts in here Reighn. Or do you suffer from selective amnesia in that regard?

That's just it! Your rights are not being witheld. Is it new law that you want?
AND You think that the sanctity of marriage is trivial??
So homosexuals are allowed to marry then? Because if they aren't allowed to be married, then their rights are being withheld. It is not a new law that is sought. It is that the existing laws should also provide for homosexual marriage and not just heterosexual marriage.

I can't believe that you're putting gays in the same light as slavery? How unjust is that!
As a descendant of slaves, I don't find it unjust at all. The rights of slaves were equal to zero, just as the rights of homosexuals are equal to zero. The similarities are decidedly vile.

I do believe that gay bashing and crimes against them because they are gay need to be addressed before we can move on to something as important as marriage. I'm simply against gay/lesbian marrying until that issue (among others) is addressed and resolved.
Really? Your posts prior to this seem to prove otherwise. Crimes are also committed against African Americans, Asians, Hispanics, Whites, Native Americans, Muslims, etc. So should they also not be allowed to marry until the issues against them is addressed and resolved? If we are to use your logic Reighn, no one should be allowed to marry and no one should be allowed any rights whatsoever.

Which is funny...because I once again said that you should be allowed to marry...just for different reasons
Yes... you once said that homosexuals should be allowed to marry so that they could be led to their deaths and so that their children could hate them and both homosexuals and their children could commit suicide. And you put a smiley face afterwards as though that is something amusing? I shall say it again... ghouls like you turn my stomach.

I also think with making new law or changing this current law would in fact open other said issues by reg humans such as yourself to dispute important laws
There are regular humans and irregular humans? And what issues would allowing homosexuals to marry open up?


Beautifully said!
ReighnStorm said:
:bugeye: No, what I am, is sick of being called a name in which you are referring too but you yourself belong in that same definition but pretend that it's only me.
As I told you before Reighn. I give as good as I get.

Perhaps African Americans should have never been put through that atrocity in the first place!
No one is saying that they should have. No one should ever be discriminated against or treated as being different because of their race, colour, sex, sexual orientation. And yet people are. That is why many of us taking part in this debate are so against when people such as yourself place such a distinction on homosexuals and refer to them as being disgusting and depressing.

No one has the right to give you civil rights...that's yours by birthright!
And that's what we have been saying all through this debate. That is why the rights of homosexuals should never be up for a popular vote because as you've said yourself, everyone's rights are theirs by birthright.

How about more time goes into obliterating those that do harm to people who do not make up for the majority of this world. What race do you think would be left?
You think only one "race" is guilty of these crimes? The human race would be left Reighn. Whites and blacks are equally capable of harming others and do so.
okinrus said:
Well, their inability to partipate in the state's definition of marriage is not the state's fault.

So it's not the state's fault despite the fact that the state created legislation likely within the last four years in order to spacificaly preclude them from the ability to enter into a civil marriage contract? How is that not the state's fault?
ReighnStorm said:

Reign, please attribute the long stream of obscenities you posted to whoever said them, because as it stands now it looks like you're crediting me with it, and I know that I never said those things.

ReignStorm said:
Whether I believe in religion, self identity, the sanctitiy of marriage, birth forth and so on......these are my beliefs and opinions just like yours...they are just as important as your beliefs

Exactly, that's just what I've been saying again and again in the past few pages of this thread. Now why don't you allow this idea to sway your opinion and realize that it's wrong for you to think that you have some sort of divine right or mandate to force your bleliefs on others. That's just wrong.
I will attribute to the following:

rabid racist / racist - said in light that if homosexuals were classified as a different race, she would be this.
selective bigot
'hypocritical rabid racist gay basher and hater'
You actually make my skin crawl
God's people" because they are a bunch of homophobic prats
stupid comment - not sure if that was me.
puritanical parents
Christianity is the bane of humanity
have you been snorting bleach up your nose?
a bible thumping peon
take your bible and stick it where the sun don't shine...
bible thumpers
freakish mother

Are they obscenities? Some could be classified as that.. yes. I will also take the blame for calling her a ghoul for her comments about leading gays to their deaths. Do I apologise for them? Some yes, others no. I guess we should also look at what context these "obscenities" were used and in reply to what as well.

Now if you will excuse me, I am going to take my bhudda baby belly and go for a walk. Since I am going to (supposedly according to Reighn) be a bad mother for teaching my child that homosexuality is not wrong, depressing, disgusting or nasty :rolleyes: and because I apparently won't dictate it's sex life when he/she decides to start having sex (which in all honesty I hope they will be an adult by that point).. again according to Reighn, at least I can comfort myself with the knowledge that I won't be a bad mother in that I'm trying to take care of myself while expecting. ;)
Bells said:
No one should ever be discriminated against or treated as being different because of their ...<snip>... sexual orientation.

Well, that's interesting, isn't it? I mean, don't we LEGALLY discriminate against convicted pedophiles even AFTER they've served their sentences? I mean, there's a national clearing house for them, right? People are actively against them moving into their neighborhoods, etc.

And pedophiles, just like homosexuals, are born that way, right? Even those who have NOT done anything to a child, they still have those tendencies, right? Should we allow them to adopt children? If not, why not?

No, I'm not comparing homos to pedos, but comparing the LAWS and the discriminations of the two. IF one is okay, why not the other?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Well, that's interesting, isn't it? I mean, don't we LEGALLY discriminate against convicted pedophiles even AFTER they've served their sentences? I mean, there's a national clearing house for them, right? People are actively against them moving into their neighborhoods, etc.

And pedophiles, just like homosexuals, are born that way, right? Even those who have NOT done anything to a child, they still have those tendencies, right? Should we allow them to adopt children? If not, why not?

No, I'm not comparing homos to pedos, but comparing the LAWS and the discriminations of the two. IF one is okay, why not the other?

Baron Max
Baron. I take you off ignore and this is the first post I see by you. I swear, you actually make my teeth hurt... Only someone like you would actually compare a paedophile to a homosexual. I guess nothing from you should surprise me, and yet, I'm still surprised at your reasoning.. or lack thereof..
OK, this is the said I had a distorted view of reality....Everything above IS REALITY...just like it is for normal could you not understand my post to your response???? I made a statement of phrase that was true and you say it's distorted. Isn't this post about homosexuals????? Shouldn't I be speaking to that??? I thought that this was clear??? Reasking the questions for heterosexuals does not change the fact about homosexuals. There's not enough evidence or proof to confirm or deny either side...That's why I always say that it's my opinion only!

You DO have a distorted view of reality. How many times do I have to say it in every single one of my posts? Those "facts" you present are LIES. The reason why your view of reality is distorted is because you're basing your opinions on reality off lies. You says gays do this and that when they don't yet you claim it as fact. Hello? Bueller, are you there?

I'm not trying to poison anyones mind! That's just it. You bring up poison when speaking on gays having children! You know children that are being reared by gays and they are fine. I know adults who have been reared by gays who are not fine! It does go both ways you know. Theres not enough proof to state either way as of yet.

Uh, there is "proof" to state either way, however, seeing as you're a fundamentalist Christian who only listens to other fundamentalist websites and nothing else, you think things are bad on the homosexual side as if they're unfit parents when it's not true. You continue to ignore the numerous other studies that say claims against homosexuals being unfit parents are false. You only listen to your fundamentalist websites and because they say all other studies are lies, you believe em. Gee, many studies being lies but only the Christian one being correct? Uh, okay.And what do you mean you don't bring up poison when speaking on gays having children? You're the one not wanting them to have children, WTF.

And your reasoning is also pretty stupid of "I know kids who have been raised badly by homosexuals therefore homosexuals should be at the bottom of the adoption list". Well uh, I can list 100x the amount of bad heterosexual parents than that of homosexual parents. Just because you know a couple cases where homosexuals raised their children badly doesn't mean you should ban them or automatically put em on the bottom of the list because heterosexuals have the exact same problem, but are even more common. This is why your arguments are stupid especially using those statistics you used. It basically means NOBODY should be allowed to adopt children since everyone in the world is dysfunctional.

So let me get this straight.....You and Neildo Dildo initially have a problem with me because I stated and I quote "Let them have their marriage"?

Please point me to where you said "let them have their marriage". And even if you did still say it, all of these posts have been about debating our opinions on the matter of why it's okay vs why it's bad.

My comments against white people are true. Period....Has nothing to do with racism....It's funny you try to use that alot.

So our mine against other races yet I'm called a racist. Funny how when YOU generalize a whole race, it's okay, but when I generalize a whole race, I'm being racist, lol.

someone of no consequence who uses her colour and her sex to try to achieve her own sense of superiority over others..

That's exactly what gay/lesbians are trying to do! Thanks for pointing that out.

Uh, where exactly are homosexuals trying to achieve superiority over others? All they want is to be able marry the one they love the same as heterosexuals can. The homosexuals are the ones with the limitations, not the heterosexuals so exactly how are they trying to gain superiority over them? Here, I'll use your guys' stupid thinking. There is no superiority because the new law is created equal. Heterosexuals can choose to marry the same or other sex, just as homosexuals can. Just because one may not choose to marry both, doesn't mean it's discrimination, or whatever other stupid things you wanna call it, lol.

I never said that they were or ever will be! So you're saying that you're not using you're sexual preference in order to change a law?

Nope, they're not. They're using freedom to change the law because that law severly limits the act of marriage. I'm also all for polygamists, brothers and sisters, man and animal, or whatever else crazy combinations you can think of to be allowed marriage. It's a simple freedom of being able to do what you want so long as it doesn't harm others.

Measure 36, which amends the Oregon Constitution to legally recognize marriage only between a man and a woman, passed in Tuesday's election by 57 percent to 43 percent, the smallest margin among the 11 states that had such measures, most of which passed by 70 percent of more. Oregon's measure was approved in every county except Multnomah and Benton.
"What this really demonstrates above anything else is that basic rights should not be put up for a popular vote," said Matt Foreman, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force,

Thank you for posting that. As you can see, there used to not be a limitation on marriage between a man and a woman. People used to be free to marry whom they choose. Only now are limitations being placed on others. Where is the freedom in that? That's taking away the freedom of others. And you call yourself proud to be an American? Well Americans love their freedom among anything else so why aren't you arguing against a fascist law such as that?

Isn't it religion or the life thereof that started the sanctity of marriage in the first place?

Nope, only the sanctity of marriage UNDER GOD. Toss out being married under God where one brings their religious book into play and it no longer is a religious ceremony therefore the religious limitations of same sex marriage being bad no longer applies. I love how the last four weddings I've been to, no religious parts were used, and these were all 100% heterosexual weddings.

Gotta love the freedoms lack of religion brings. I'm surprised America isn't an athiest or agnostic country yet. Hopefully all the inbreeding that the redneck religious people do will finally result in the demise of their group thereby removing a large portion of Christians that force their views upon others. The same applies to any group that forces others to live by their rules of limitations. Don't force others to live under your rules and it's all good. The rules that those types of people try to force on others goes against everything America stands for which is FREEDOM.

we don't want legal reorganization of our marriages because we're different, we want legal recognition of our marriages because we are not different in any significant way to disqualify us from such a civil contract."

So in which ways then would you say you are different??? Or are you not different at all???

God you need to learn how to read. No, they are not different. A man is a man and a woman is a woman. The only "not in any significant way" is what I meant in the porition you quoted of me awhile back of "blondes are different, blue-eyes are different, blacks are different, big-nosed people are different". The same can be said about sexual preference. Someone may prefer black men, someone may prefer oriental women. Some may prefer blondes, some may prefer brunettes. Some may prefer the opposite sex and some may prefer the same sex. In the end, they're still both a man and a woman. The marriage law of forcing a person to marry someone of the opposite sex is the same as making a law to force people to marry those of the opposite hair color. A pretty stupid limiting law.

Oh? But what happens when someone's "freedom" Is exerted over others such to prevent them from exerting the rights of their "freedom"? Isn't that what slavery is in the first place? Are you trying to make an argument in favor of organizing our society such that the will of the majority trumps all and your rights are provisional based entirely on the whim of those in power? That's a very dangerous sort of thing to suggest - and you'll have a lot of work to do in destroying the constitution before it's achieved. Somewhere our founding fathers are rolling in their graves. . .

Also, you are a human failure because you have betrayed one of the most noble ideals ever conceived of by man. One which, as an American, and especially as an African American, I really feel you should be particularly in tune with.

A shame she still doesn't get it.

That's just it! Your rights are not being witheld. Is it new law that you want?
AND You think that the sanctity of marriage is trivial??

New law? More like old law. The old law, before '96 as Mysech metioned, did not specify marriage being only between a man and a woman.

You're exactly right...they are turning in their graves at the thought of realizing that the founding of these terms would now be used as a joke for gays.

Uh, exactly how is freedom being used as a joke for gays? What ignorance. You don't even know what freedom for all means, what our country was founded on. Get the hell out of our country, you sad excuse for an American.

I can't believe that you're putting gays in the same light as slavery? How unjust is that! I do believe that gay bashing and crimes against them because they are gay need to be addressed before we can move on to something as important as marriage. I'm simply against gay/lesbian marrying until that issue (among others) is addressed and resolved. I don't see how you would disagree with me on that. I said this a long time ago.

Well at least I can finally "sort of" agree with you on something. At least you don't mind homosexuals getting married, you'd just rather quell the angry heteros first. However, waiting until everyone is fine with people being homosexual before allowing them to marry would never happen. If that were so, blacks would still have their same limitations as they used to have before the Civil Rights Movement. Someone has to first recognize blacks as equal before others can think of them as equal, and that's exactly what the laws did. Now once the laws deem homosexuals as equal, others will think of them as equal too, even if it may be a long awhile before all do. But if the law doesn't even acknowledge blacks or homosexuals being equal to whites, then why exactly would others think so too?

If you like these semantic games so much here's another fun one I like to tell to children - My intolerance of intolerance makes me intolerant! What an amusing paradox!

Lol, I was gonna use that exact same line.

Whether I believe in religion, self identity, the sanctitiy of marriage, birth forth and so on......these are my beliefs and opinions just like yours...they are just as important as your beliefs

Yes, but the difference? People that share your limiting views are forcing those on others. Stupid laws such as those have been enacted because of people that hold discriminating views that want to limit other's freedoms.

but you say I'm ranting and guys have called me least 15 names unecessarily, when you could just stake your point and continue the discussion..
ignorant biatch - Me, but that speaks for itself
hypocrit - All of us?
a black girl - Me, but how's that an insult?
stupid - All of us?
nigger - I don't know who called her that, but I did say the next one, which isn't an insult but was rather used in comparison to a line she said
I just don't want niggers drinking from the same water fountain as me. - Me, see above and I'll specify this too
whiney ass - Me, in regards to her saying we shouldn't compare blacks to homosexuals
Here's a b-ball, go involve yourself with something you should be good at rather than these discussions. - Me, I intentionally said this after her calling me a racist so many times
most idiots that have yet to socially evolve. - Me, but that speaks for itself. That was in response to her, and others like her, with their continuous discrimination against others
stupid comment - Prolly me, but that speaks for itself.
Yeah nigga, y'know what I'm sayin? - Me, which isn't an insult directed at her, but was rather a jokingly response to her saying the word "dude" isn't limited to white people.
You're stingy mothaf'ers - Me, in response to people who've been discriminated against yet discriminate others and don't try to protect others from discrimination but rather only when it applies to themselves which includes her

Well quite a few of those listed were mine targetted at you. HOWEVER, I purposely wrote those AFTER you called me a racist when I showed not one racist comment. If someone is gonna continue to call me something I'm not, then I'm gonna start flinging that mud at their direction. Also someone of those you listed weren't bad things directed towards you, but was rather using the exact same logic as you used such as the one you selectively quoted of mine:

"I'm not racist, [<-- part you left out] I just don't want niggers drinking from the same water fountain as me." was in response to you saying [in response to what you left out -->] "I'm not discriminating, I just don't want homos to adopt children", etc.That's the exact same applied limitation with also the same little hypocritical insult added. It would have been even better though if you said faggot instead of homo though.

Perhaps African Americans should have never been put through that atrocity in the first place! No one has the right to give you civil rights...that's yours by birthright!

Exactly, which is why it's so puzzling to me why those who have gone through the same discriminations would want others to as well. Disgruntled payback, perhaps?

Funny, I'm not insulting anyone and I am giving solid facts and information, that no one seems to be able to dispute... and I am being ignored. It's much easier to sling insults then have a valid debate around here.

I like your posts. I just don't respond to them cause I don't wanna ruin any of it. EVERYONE READ KOTOKO'S POSTS!! :p

You really are in bed with the Baron aren't you? You keep spouting the same crap as he does.

Hey now, that was below the belt. I don't think anyone should ever be insulted in such a way, hehe.

And pedophiles, just like homosexuals, are born that way, right? Even those who have NOT done anything to a child, they still have those tendencies, right? Should we allow them to adopt children? If not, why not?

Oh god, I knew something stupid like that was gonna be said and of course it had to be Baron Max. Heck, I even addressed something like that to make sure someone wouldn't say it.

Uh, moron, the big difference is that homosexuals don't harm others whereas pedophiles do. Oh, and of course, the person to refute that statement was of course you in another thread that wanted a definition of "harm". No, the act of homosexuals don't HARM others, it's the THOUGHT that causes harm to the person which is their own fault, not the homosexuals. No different than some racist being harmed by a black and white marrying each other.

- N
by bells
ghouls like you turn my stomach.
bigotted bitch

by Bells
A child is not born to discriminate or be prejudiced. It is a learnt behaviour. You think a one year old child who sees a gay couple will distinguish between that gay couple and a heterosexual couple? You think it would find the gay couple disgusting unless someone taught it to think that way?
Animals are born a certain way just like human animals. We all have feelings even as children when things aren't right. (won't give examples on that). you do not speak for all people....what you're doing is assuming those things. You can't say with definitive proof that a child would not recognize and dislike the difference!
by Bells
You consider my saying that one of the primary reasons (as even quoted by you) that homosexuals commit suicide and have emotional problems is because people like you treat them the way you do and hate them the way you do... the same as you saying the best way to kill them off and their cause is to lead them to their death? As I said before Reighn, ghouls like you turn my stomach.
People commit suicide for a number of reasons. And you agreed with 3 or more of my points! You can't tell me with definitive proof why all people gay commit suicide.
by bells
The cause will not die out Reighn. You may be happy to be the pied piper in leading the cause to its death, but I can assure you that will never happen. Just like the civil rights cause for African Americans never died out, neither will this cause. You want to know why? There are some of us out there who feel that equal rights do matter.
You can't assure me of anything. You don't make any decisions! The civil rights for AA's can't die out because of people like you. If equal rights do matter to you then why are you so against my EQUAL right to voice what I feel about gays marrying and adopting. You're practicing the very same thing you claim to hate! WOW!
by bells
I have a problem with you because you're a bigotted bitch who thinks that because she's a female and black that she is superior to everyone else. I have a problem with you because you are the type of person who'd jump up and down with if a homosexual committed suicide in front of you as you drove them to it with your hate, and you would still fail to recognise that you were the reason that they went to their death. You said "let them have their marriage" so that they may die out and so that their cause dies out. After which, you have repeatedly stated that gays should not marry because you personally find being gays degrading, disgusting, and all the rest of the crap you spout.
I brought the statistics to your face to show you what is happening to gays. What are you trying to do about it?....Nothing at all except talk about how you can't sleep at night because you hate me for having an opinion. Again WOW! All the name calling is all you have isn't it. You can't have a discussion without it? Feel better now? The only person bringing up my blackness is you...which I've told you time and again I'm not just black...I carry the blood of slavers and the slaves, I'm on both sides of the fence. there is no superioty in my gene pool...there mixed which I keep having to say to you. I guess you're just on a rant! You don't like blacks, religion, personal freedom (opinions), truth, honesty and you have no respect for the conversation. I said let the cause die out (once again) meaning let them marry and go through their turmoil. Everyone has turmoil whatever the reasons may be!
And I can assure you that a child would not care who adopted them... unless they had a vulture like you lurking in the background to fill their heads with hate. Again I remind you Reighn... discrimination and prejudism is a learnt behaviour.
Bells, you're not qualified to assure me on anything, you don't know what every child is thinking or feels. And again about vultures and learned behavior..answer me this. Who taught the vultures their behavior. Everyone is born with prejudice and discrimination. You use these words too loosely! Those behaviors may manifest into something more when their adults.
Do you simply not understand what you read or does your bigotted and prejudiced mind simply refuse to recognise what is said?
Bells, you're just as biggoted and prejudiced! (See above)
by bells
Crimes are also committed against African Americans, Asians, Hispanics, Whites, Native Americans, Muslims, etc. So should they also not be allowed to marry until the issues against them is addressed and resolved? If we are to use your logic Reighn, no one should be allowed to marry and no one should be allowed any rights whatsoever.
The logic is that why haven't we addressed the issues of the crimes first or at least at the same time the laws are changed or being changed. You mean it doesn't infuriate you to know that people are still being treated with this injustice! The government has not made or adjusted tougher laws against hate crime. That's what I'm saying! We should be fighting for that more than fighting for marriage and further adoption. If gays are being murdered and committing suicided (like other hate crime victims), don't you think that needs to be addressed. I would say yes. Your logic in what I say is, "no one should be allowed to marry and no one should be allowed any rights whatsoever." That's not what I said or would ever say. I'm saying that we have greater issues upon us now! Hate crimes against any race should be above all else dealt with! period. Learn from past mistakes! Period. Laws to protect blacks and others hated because of the color of their skin should have been outlined when blacks did finally get the right to be human! Period! :mad:
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QUOTE by Mystech
Reign, please attribute the long stream of obscenities you posted to whoever said them, because as it stands now it looks like you're crediting me with it, and I know that I never said those things.
Exactly, that's just what I've been saying again and again in the past few pages of this thread. Now why don't you allow this idea to sway your opinion and realize that it's wrong for you to think that you have some sort of divine right or mandate to force your bleliefs on others. That's just wrong.
Mystech, please don't tell me how to do my reply............................... :D
Next you called me a bigot which is exactly (if you look at the meaning of the word) what you are doing. I'm not forcing anyone to do anything. I'm giving you my opinion (belief) If you don't agree with it then that's your right by natural law....again all of this started when I said to let them marry! I do have a divine right to my opinion. You guys are the ones trying to force yours on me!
Bells said:
Baron. ... Only someone like you would actually compare a paedophile to a homosexual.

Oh, I don't know about that ....aren't they both born with an UN-natural sexual attraction and/or desire? And isn't that a valid comparison?

And you also didn't note my last comment .....I was, at the time, comparing our LAWS about the two UN-natural acts rather than the acts/attractions themselves. But that's all right ....the other comparison is valid, too.

Baron Max
Neildo said:
I'm also all for polygamists, brothers and sisters, man and animal, or whatever else crazy combinations you can think of to be allowed marriage. It's a simple freedom of being able to do what you want so long as it doesn't harm others.

But "harm" is one of the main issues, isn't it? You seem to think that "harm" means physical damage, but there's a lot more to it than that. Some people do, in fact, think that allowing homos to marry WILL be "harmful".

Just YOU and others saying that there is no "harm" is not good enough. I would suggest that you check out other forms of "harm" before making such blanket statements of "no harm".

Neildo said:
No, the act of homosexuals don't HARM others, it's the THOUGHT that causes harm to the person which is their own fault, not the homosexuals.

But it's the thought about homos getting married that is at issue!! So the thought is, in fact, that there will be/is "harm" if homos marry. Your idiotic ideal that thought doesn't cause harm is wrong ....thinking often causes harm.

Harm comes in many forms should check it out more carefully.

Baron Max
QUOTE by Neildo
Those "facts" you present are LIES. The reason why your view of reality is distorted is because you're basing your opinions on reality off lies. You says gays do this and that when they don't yet you claim it as fact.
Neildo, those facts are not lies.....gays do commit suicide.....divorce is bad.....children (some stastically) do not want to grow up in a gay household.

by neildo
Uh, there is "proof" to state either way, however, seeing as you're a fundamentalist Christian who only listens to other fundamentalist websites and nothing else, you think things are bad on the homosexual side as if they're unfit parents when it's not true. You continue to ignore the numerous other studies that say claims against homosexuals being unfit parents are false. You only listen to your fundamentalist websites and because they say all other studies are lies, you believe em. Gee, many studies being lies but only the Christian one being correct? Uh, okay.And what do you mean you don't bring up poison when speaking on gays having children? You're the one not wanting them to have children, WTF.
I asked you to show me the proof....quit talking and post will I know if you don't show me...oh and even though they are fundamentalist websites, they are still people and what makes up a nation? PEOPLE! with opinion and beliefs, they may differ from you but it does not qualify your opinion above theirs!
by neildo
pretty stupid of "I know kids who have been raised badly by homosexuals therefore homosexuals should be at the bottom of the adoption list". Well uh, I can list 100x the amount of bad heterosexual parents than that of homosexual parents. Just because you know a couple cases where homosexuals raised their children badly doesn't mean you should ban them or automatically put em on the bottom of the list because heterosexuals have the exact same problem, but are even more common. This is why your arguments are stupid especially using those statistics you used. It basically means NOBODY should be allowed to adopt children since everyone in the world is dysfunctional.
But this isn't about just heterosexual couples and if I know some people who were reared by homosexuals it's just as important as your knowledge of people who were reared by homo's who were fine....that's the basis of statistics! This is not the only reason homosexuals should be at least put at the bottom of the list (on the list but on the bottom). I've already given you those reasons why I think they should.
by neildo
Please point me to where you said "let them have their marriage". And even if you did still say it, all of these posts have been about debating our opinions on the matter of why it's okay vs why it's bad.
So, you're not reading all of the post huh :rolleyes:I
I said more than twice that they can marry. That still does not mean that I want it to happen. But that should not stop them from pursuing it! I keep saying but you guys just want to argue I guess :bugeye:
by neildo It's a simple freedom of being able to do what you want so long as it doesn't harm others.
So who is to decide how and what the harm does? If not laws.
by neildo
That's taking away the freedom of others. And you call yourself proud to be an American? Well Americans love their freedom among anything else so why aren't you arguing against a fascist law such as that?
First, please find where I said that I was proud to be american? This is where I was born. Most americans disgust me!(The majority population anyway) These are,in fact,the people in which you say the laws suck right? Just asking. And just because they disgust me does not mean I'm racist or that I hate them.
by neildo
Don't force others to live under your rules and it's all good. The rules that those types of people try to force on others goes against everything America stands for which is FREEDOM. I free to be a christian or as Bells says "A bible thumping peon". Or what about a law abiding citizen? You know, someone who believes that you should not murder, commit adultery, prostitution, rape or commit race crimes against you.
by neildo
God you need to learn how to read. No, they are not different. A man is a man and a woman is a woman.
I thought God didn't exist and if he (it) does, I figure he (it) would know how to read! Forgive my confusion...if a man is a man and a woman is a woman (by the way I already knew that), then why change the law.....DON'T ANSWER! Mystech already answered because it was a question I asked because I wasn't sure of what they wanted to change. This stuff is new to me.
by neildo
You don't even know what freedom for all means, what our country was founded on. Get the hell out of our country, you sad excuse for an American.
I know what freedom for all means and I know that this country has never given that to anyone completely......
It wassure as hell not founded on freedom...It was founded on murder and theft! But you already knew that right?
by neildo
People that share your limiting views are forcing those on others. Stupid laws such as those have been enacted because of people that hold discriminating views that want to limit other's freedoms.
People that share my views are just that. PEOPLE who share my views!
Were not forcing it on you, were speaking about our beliefs just like you are.
Freedom comes at a price! The question is who's going to pay that price? I believe that children and future generations are the ones who will pay.