Same sex marriage officialy legal through all of Canada Today

Bells said:
...can be so discriminatory against another group of people because their sexual orientation is different to your own.

I think there's a lot of discrimination against gays and lesbians in the USA, but NOT in the realm of marriage laws!


Seems perfectly equal to me. Can you see any discrimination in that?

Bells said:
If gays and lesbians were classified as another 'race' ...

And I think that's just exactly what gays are wanting to do!! See the bold statement above. But as it is, with regard to marriage, gays and normal males have the same, exact rights.

Baron Max
Bells said:
It never ceases to amaze me how someone who dislikes discrimination as much as you (supposedly) do can be so discriminatory against another group of people because their sexual orientation is different to your own. If gays and lesbians were classified as another 'race' as African Americans and Asians are for example, you'd be seen as a rabid racist.
First dare you put being gay in the same phrase as African American??? my previous post on other topics I never said anything about's not the exact same as being a racist...which I never said I wasn't. I simply defend people who need defending...these are not (in my opinion) people worthy of my own personal opinion only!

to perceive the distinguishing features of; recognize as distinct,
to distinguish by noting differences; differentiate,
to make or constitute a distinction in or between:

I am totally and honestly against gay/lesbian people marrying and raising children. I think it demolishes what little value on family life that we have left.This will destroy what's left of humanity as we know and live by. will... :( that is a true fact of my opinion.
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With regard to marriage laws in the USA, gay males have EXACTLY the same rights as straight males. Straight males can't marry males ....AND.... gay males can't marry males.


They have the same "rights" yet you use the word "can't". Using "rights" and "can't" in the same sentence is an oxymoron.

Curtesy of your pal Sean Hannity:

"Let freedom ring
Let the white dove sing
Let the whole world know that today is the day of a reckoning
Let the weak be strong
Let the "right" [republicans] be wrong
Roll the stone away
Let the guilty pay
It's Independence Day"

God bless the FREEDOM in AMERICA! R..O..F..L..M..A..O..!!!

First dare you put being gay in the same phrase as African American???

Haha, that's funny. What an ignorant biatch.

I am totally and honestly against gay/lesbian people marrying and raising children. I think it demolishes what little value on family life that we have left.This will destroy what's left of humanity as we know and live by. will... that is a true fact of my opinion.

Please, do share what you view as "family values". And you SERIOUSLY believe that allowing gay marriage will destroy humanity? What, you think everyone is gonna all of a sudden convert to homosexuality with the passing of that marriage law? Wow, you're whackier than the psuedoscience board and more paranoid than us Bush haters. And sorry for being crude and harsh, but I've had my limit with stupid people for today. THOSE are the people that are gonna destroy humanity.

- N
ReighnStorm said:
I am totally and honestly against gay/lesbian people marrying and raising children. I think it demolishes what little value on family life that we have left.This will destroy what's left of humanity as we know and live by.

Strange and interesting that we agree on this, but disagree on other topics.

What I find horrible is that gays and lesbians are wanting to change our laws based on there own preferences for sex! That just seems like a special interest group, doesn't it? Should I be able to change laws based on the fact that I like to fuck goats and sheep? ;=)

Baron Max
The only people who do any real good are whores and bartenders.
Baron Max

Baron Max said:
I think there's a lot of discrimination against gays and lesbians in the USA, but NOT in the realm of marriage laws!


Seems perfectly equal to me. Can you see any discrimination in that?
Baron, I'm guessing that you must have that statement saved somewhere and you just continuously paste it into the threads because that appears to be all that you are capable of saying. You may think that your statement is witty and clever, but you're beyond the point of sounding like a broken record.

No it's not perfectly equal and yes discrimination does exist in the realm of marriage laws.

And I think that's just exactly what gays are wanting to do!! See the bold statement above. But as it is, with regard to marriage, gays and normal males have the same, exact rights.
Really? So the fact that they want to have the same rights as everyone else and be allowed to do the same things as everyone else and not be treated differently to everyone else makes them them want to be a different race? Riiiigghhhtttt... moving right along...


First dare you put being gay in the same phrase as African American???
Oh I dare and I believe I just did. Surely you are not so naive as to think that there are no gay African American's? Oh look, I believe I've just put them in the same sentence again. my previous post on other topics I never said anything about's not the exact same as being a racist...
Ya! You just keep telling yourself that so you can sleep better at night. When someone stops or prevents a person of a different colour or race of doing something that you are allowed to do, ie. getting married, that is discrimination and you'd be calling that person a racist. The two go hand in hand. When you are racist, you discriminate against the other. It may comfort you to think otherwise, but you are wrong.

As I said in the post above, if homosexuals were classified as a 'race' in the traditional sense that African Americans and Asians are, YOU would be a rabid racist. Now because African American homosexuas are not classified as another race to you because you are also African American, YOU would be a 'gay basher and hater'.

However, here comes the little kicker. You have declared yourself to be an African American in other threads, correct? Now when you discriminate against White homosexuals, Asian homosexuals and homosexuals of other races, you are in fact being racist. So you Miss 'we're not racist' ARE in fact a 'rabid racist gay basher and hater'.

I simply defend people who need defending...these are not (in my opinion) people worthy of my own personal opinion only!
How delightfully hypocritical of you! So you deem others worthy of defending if mistreated by society because of their differences and because they can't help those differences.. for example a black person can't help being born black, a disabled person can't help being born disabled or having become disabled through an accident? What happened with gays and lesbians? Oh that's right, they are not worthy as far as you are concerned. You are selective in your bigotry. Surely you are not so closed minded as to think that one becomes homosexual are you? You are aware that one is born homosexual and they can't help being who they are... aren't you? So now we can say that you are a 'hypocritical rabid racist gay basher and hater'. Has quite a kick to it, don't you think?

I am totally and honestly against gay/lesbian people marrying and raising children. I think it demolishes what little value on family life that we have left.This will destroy what's left of humanity as we know and live by. will... that is a true fact of my opinion.
And I'm totally against people like you. It is because there are people like you around that gays and lesbians are bashed and killed for being born the way they are. It is because there are people like you that gays and lesbians are discriminated against in society. It is because of people such as yourself that teenagers who find that they are attracted to their own sex end up killing themselves because they have parents who are and think like you. It is people like you who will end up destroying humanity.
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You SEE???? MY prophesy above is already coming true, God doesnt want anyone to die, so he gave them a warning allowing their plane to crash disasterously.
posted by neildo
Haha, that's funny. What an ignorant biatch
What exactly does biatch mean??? And was I supposed to somehow be offended (LOL) that's actually pretty funny! :p

posted by neildo
Please, do share what you view as "family values". And you SERIOUSLY believe that allowing gay marriage will destroy humanity? And sorry for being crude and harsh, but I've had my limit with stupid people for today.
Bloodlines = a direct line of descent
I believe that a man and a woman need to raise children. This should be self explanatory. I said that I believe that it will destroy humanity as we know it. Pay attention please!
Somethings seriously wrong when you have to explain family values and when you have to shop for a child or pass laws just to get married. :bugeye:

A fundamental social group in society typically consisting of one or two parents and their children,
bloodline-direct line of descent
value worth wealth
Among children raised by same-sex couples, the report notes a significant increase in low self-esteem, stress, confusion regarding sexual identity, an increase in mental illness, drug use, promiscuity, STD’s, and homosexual behaviour, amongst others. Furthermore, the report shows that statistics have brought to light the fact that same-sex relationships betray a much higher instance of separation and break-up than heterosexual relationships, increasing the likelihood that the child will experience familial instability.
One of the tangible consequences of this new relativism is that “we are presented with a new sort of feminism which fails to recognizes maternity as God’s most valuable gift to women and uphold homosexuality as a sexual option rather than the disordered inclination which it is.”
o Lesbian and gay youth commit 30% of the completed suicides annually with suicide being the leading cause of death.
o 28% of gay/lesbians high school students in a national study were seen to have dropped out of school because of harassment resulting from their sexual orientation.
o 45% of gay and 20% of lesbian reports having experienced verbal harassment and or physical violence as a result of their sexual orientation during high school (Youth Pride Inc.1997)
Dropout 28% of gay/lesbian high school students in a national study were seen to have dropped out of school because of harassment resulting from their sexual orientation.
Suicide: 30% of the completed youth suicides are committed by lesbian and gay youth annually and suicide is their leading cause of death.
Violence: 45% of gay and 20% of lesbians report having experienced verbal harassment and/or physical violence as a result of their sexual orientation during high school
Homelessness: 26% of gay and lesbian youth are forced to leave home because of conflicts with their families over their sexual identities.
Student Attitudes: 97% of students in public high schools report regularly hearing homophobic remarks from their peers.
Isolation: 80% of lesbian, gay and bisexual youth report severe isolation problems. They experience social isolation, emotional isolation and cognitive isolation.
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originally posted by Bells
Oh I dare and I believe I just did. Surely you are not so naive as to think that there are no gay African American's? Oh look, I believe I've just put them in the same sentence again.
You totally miss it every time.
How does being Gay relate to being African American....not who are the gay people? :bugeye:

posted by Bells
You just keep telling yourself that so you can sleep better at night. When someone stops or prevents a person of a different colour or race of doing something that you are allowed to do, ie. getting married, that is discrimination and you'd be calling that person a racist. The two go hand in hand. When you are racist, you discriminate against the other. It may comfort you to think otherwise, but you are wrong.
First off.. being gay has no color difference or race difference. The difference is sexual. Nothing more. I'm not allowed to do anything! I'll do whatever I damn well please... No one allows me to do anything. It's my right by natural design to join and become one with my male counterpart! Let me say that's my right by NATURAL DESIGN to join and become one with my male counterpart and to carry children...that's what the entire female body was designed and created give life and to rear children.

posted by Bells
As I said in the post above, if homosexuals were classified as a 'race' in the traditional sense that African Americans and Asians are, YOU would be a rabid racist.
However, here comes the little kicker. You have declared yourself to be an African American in other threads, correct? Now when you discriminate against White homosexuals, Asian homosexuals and homosexuals of other races, you are in fact being racist. So you Miss 'we're not racist' ARE in fact a 'rabid racist gay basher and hater'.
Do you understand what the word IF means? What traditional sense are you talking about? I've never declared myself as an African American...I am an American....that's it. I'm not discriminating against some homo's...I'm against all homosexuals who want to adopt children! I have nothing against a persons sexual orientation as long as there not rearing gods children. That's my only problem as well as forcing me to live with it.

posted by Bells
How delightfully hypocritical of you! So you deem others worthy of defending if mistreated by society because of their differences and because they can't help those differences.. for example a black person can't help being born black, a disabled person can't help being born disabled or having become disabled through an accident? What happened with gays and lesbians? Oh that's right, they are not worthy as far as you are concerned. You are selective in your bigotry.
A hypocrite is a person who professes beliefs and opinions
that he does not hold. I don't believe that the mistreatment of Blacks (in the past history) even comes close to that of gays. I am a defender of black people, children and women only. I made that very clear! A hypocrite I am not. That's like saying I should defend poor white people! Which I do not.

quote by Bells
And I'm totally against people like you.
And you have every right to be against people like me! Just like I have a right to not want children to be reared by gay/lesbians....again I don't dislike gay people. I just don't feel that they are well equipped to rear a sexual orientation of children when their orientation is in question.
Since people are born gay, not made gay, I don't see much of a problem of gay parents rearing children.
Not all gay/lesbians are born that way....also you may not see much of a problem but you do see A problem..obviously
No, pretty much all homosexuals are born like that. Only a few are made into homosexuals, and that's pretty much just confusion from living with fucked up parents.
ReighnStorm said:
I believe that a man and a woman need to raise children. This should be self explanatory. I said that I believe that it will destroy humanity as we know it. Pay attention please!
So you discriminate against single parent families as well? My, you're just a poster child for a pro-discrimination lobby aren't you?

ReighnStorm said:
First off.. being gay has no color difference or race difference. The difference is sexual. Nothing more. I'm not allowed to do anything! I'll do whatever I damn well please... No one allows me to do anything.
How very comforting for you. Shame not everyone in society is allowed to do as they 'damn well please'. But oh yeah, that's right, you are a selective bigot. You don't care that not every human being is allowed to do as they please. Just so long as you and your race are (as long as they aren't homosexual), that's fine by you.

It's my right by natural design to join and become one with my male counterpart! Let me say that's my right by NATURAL DESIGN to join and become one with my male counterpart and to carry children...
Lady are you for real? You only see yourself as being an object designed to have sex with men and bear children? So if a lesbian decides to have sex with a man and carry a child, by your own definition, she'd be fulfilling her 'natural design'.

Gays and lesbians who decide to have children do have women carry said children. Science has not yet discovered a means by which a child can be brought to term by unnatural means.

that's what the entire female body was designed and created give life and to rear children.
Tell me, do you discriminate against women who are unable to bear children because because of some medical or genetic reason as well since their body does not fall into the mold of what you see a woman's body as being? I'm a woman and I don't see my body as an incubator. Even though I am carrying my first child as I type this, I don't see my body's sole purpose as bearing children. I see my body as being designed to sustain my own life. That is what I was created for. I'm not some kind of baby factory.

I've never declared myself as an African American...I am an American....that's it.

I'm not discriminating against some homo's
Mmmm hmmm...

I'm against all homosexuals who want to adopt children! I have nothing against a persons sexual orientation as long as there not rearing gods children. That's my only problem as well as forcing me to live with it.
Noooo of course you're not discriminating. :rolleyes:

What did I refer to you as before? Ah yes that's right.. 'hypocritical rabid racist gay basher and hater'..

And rearing God's children? LOL! And how is a homosexual having children forcing YOU to live with it or anything? How is it even any of your business? Last I checked, you are not the centre of any universe except your own. So if a homosexual decides to have a child or to adopt a child and save that child from a life of pain and poverty, that's actually none of your damn business. Why don't you look after your own children and let homosexuals look after theres. Homosexuals do not step into your life to tell you that you are an unfit parent, who and what in the hell gives you the right to do the same to them? What because you're a woman and see your own body as an incubator you think gives you that right? Your 'I am woman hear me roar' crap means nothing.

And might I remind you that this thread is about homosexual's being given equal rights to marry. You know, since you claim that you can do anything you 'damn well please', you should be aware that not everyone has the same rights as you do.

I don't believe that the mistreatment of Blacks (in the past history) even comes close to that of gays.
Really? You can tell yourself that all you want, but the reality is completely different. What African American's went through in the past is what gays are going through today. And it's kind of worse when one considers that we condemn such actions against others when committed in the past but are quite willing to turn a blind eye to it today, be it against blacks or gays.

I am a defender of black people, children and women only. I made that very clear! A hypocrite I am not. That's like saying I should defend poor white people! Which I do not.
Interesting! And of course you aren't a hypocrite. :rolleyes:

I thought you said you were an American? So you wouldn't defend the rights of all Americans? You discriminate against non-black Americans? And I thought you said you weren't racist? And what about black men? Don't they fall under your selective altruistic radar?

You actually make my skin crawl.

again I don't dislike gay people. I just don't feel that they are well equipped to rear a sexual orientation of children when their orientation is in question.
LOL! You can actually sit there and say you don't dislike gay people? Oh yeah, how silly of me.. you hate them. And how is their sexual orientation in question? They're gay. They know their sexuality. They know their sexual orientation. Therefore they are more than well equipped to raise a child. I can tell you now, if I and my other half die, I know I'd rather trust our children with our homosexual friends than leave them to be brought up by someone like you who is racist, bigotted and so full of hate.

I know that when my child is born, I won't hate him/her if he/she comes to me and tells me they are gay and I'd kill to ensure they have the right to do as they 'damn well please'.. be it to marry or to have children with the partner of their choice.
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Bells said:
No it's not perfectly equal and yes discrimination does exist in the realm of marriage laws.

Okay ....explain how gays and lesbians are being discriminated against by the marriage laws of the USA? And please don't give me that shit about love ain't got nothin' to do with the marriage laws.

A gay male is a male, right? Males are not permitted to marry males.
A straight male is a male, right? Males are not permitted to marry males.
(Ditto for females ...homo or hetero ...they're treated equally under the law)


Seems perfectly equal to me. Can you see any discrimination in that?

Gays and lesbians just want laws changed because of how and who they like to fuck ....that's all, that's it! They want special considerations under the law ....they don't want equality, they want SPECIAL considerations.

Baron Max
The only people who do any real good are whores and bartenders.
Marriage is a social contract with your government that acknowledges the couple as a social unit. It's not just for the benefit of any possible children. Gay people create a lasting social unit no less legitimate than straight couples, so why shouldn't they be allowed to marry? The discrimination lies with defining males with females as the only legitimate structure that can be considered a couple in the eyes of the government.
spidergoat said:
Marriage is a social contract with your government that acknowledges the couple as a social unit.

No! Marriage is the social contract between a man and a woman! NOT just a "couple" of "anythings".

spidergoat said:
The discrimination lies with defining males with females as the only legitimate structure that can be considered a couple in the eyes of the government.

Hmm, does that mean that after y'all get the law changed, then I can marry my goats and sheep? And a man marry his own daughter? And a woman marry her own son?

Or are gays planning to keep SOME laws that gays like, but do away with others that gays don't like? And you don't call that special interests?


Seems perfectly equal to me. Can you see any discrimination in that?

Baron Max
Lawdog said:
I prophesy great chastizement upon Canada, such as islamic attack.

I'd say that Christian terrorists is more likely - they're the only ones that I've really heard bemoaning this.
Somethings seriously wrong when you have to explain family values and when you have to shop for a child or pass laws just to get married.

Oh, I agree things are wrong when someone has to shop for a child that a HETEROSEXUAL, "preferred ones to raise a child" type people give their kids up for adoption. I'm sure glad that homosexuals actually go out and adopt them, picking up the lack of care those HETEROSEXUALS had. And yep, things are wrong when laws have to pass to get married. Where is the freedom in that? Why can't we already marry whom we choose? God Bless America!

o Lesbian and gay youth commit 30% of the completed suicides annually with suicide being the leading cause of death.
o 28% of gay/lesbians high school students in a national study were seen to have dropped out of school because of harassment resulting from their sexual orientation.
o 45% of gay and 20% of lesbian reports having experienced verbal harassment and or physical violence as a result of their sexual orientation during high school (Youth Pride Inc.1997)
Dropout 28% of gay/lesbian high school students in a national study were seen to have dropped out of school because of harassment resulting from their sexual orientation.
Suicide: 30% of the completed youth suicides are committed by lesbian and gay youth annually and suicide is their leading cause of death.
Violence: 45% of gay and 20% of lesbians report having experienced verbal harassment and/or physical violence as a result of their sexual orientation during high school
Homelessness: 26% of gay and lesbian youth are forced to leave home because of conflicts with their families over their sexual identities.
Student Attitudes: 97% of students in public high schools report regularly hearing homophobic remarks from their peers.
Isolation: 80% of lesbian, gay and bisexual youth report severe isolation problems. They experience social isolation, emotional isolation and cognitive isolation.

Um, how does this help your argument? All this shows is that all the bad things happen to gays and lesbians because of prejudice and hate towards them. Someone said you're black, and if you are, I do not understand for the life of me how you could hold a prejudice against them. Do you not care about blacks either? Are you a black girl who was brainwashed to be white so you don't care about your "lesser" blacks anymore? Just WTF is wrong with you? You of all people should be more caring and understanding towards gays and lesbians than any other racial group because your people had to go through the same exact things. I don't know, seriously, what is the reason why? Shall I post some statistics about death and crime rates of blacks as well to make them look bad so we should no longer care about them as you're trying to make us think about gays and lesbians?

I've never declared myself as an African American...I am an American....that's it.

Okay, nevermind. At least this makes you look less stupid than being a predjudicial black person, but still still a stupid predjudicial person.

It's my right by natural design to join and become one with my male counterpart! Let me say that's my right by NATURAL DESIGN to join and become one with my male counterpart and to carry children...that's what the entire female body was designed and created give life and to rear children.

It's your right by natural design? What ever happened due to freedom? And you do realize, marriage and having children are two seperate things? People that are married don't have to have children nor do people that have children have to be married? So exactly why are you trying to use natural design as the only reason why only heterosexuals, as opposed to all, should be allowed to marry?

I'm not discriminating against some homo's...I'm against all homosexuals who want to adopt children! I have nothing against a persons sexual orientation as long as there not rearing gods children. That's my only problem as well as forcing me to live with it.

You're not discriminating against some homo's.. you're just against those wanting to adopt children? Uh, do you even realize what you just said there? Hey everyone, I'm not a racist, I just don't want niggers drinking from the same water fountain as me. Yeah, you basically said that. Pretty friggin retarded. And you're trying to save god's children? Oh, no wonder, we must have a Mrs. Bible Belt lady here. No wonder you care about blacks yet dislike homosexuals. But hey, I'd still like to hear you defend the "perfect people to raise children" -- the heterosexuals -- that put their children in orphanages or foster care, wanting nothing to do with their children only to be picked up by these predator homosexuals trying to ruin our family values.

A hypocrite is a person who professes beliefs and opinions
that he does not hold. I don't believe that the mistreatment of Blacks (in the past history) even comes close to that of gays. I am a defender of black people, children and women only. I made that very clear! A hypocrite I am not. That's like saying I should defend poor white people! Which I do not.

Seriously, you're a flippin 'tard. Screw Blacks. Screw Jews. Screw Indians. Screw any ONE group of people. And screw those that try and help only one group of people. I could care less about saving one group of people, I'd rather try and save everyone. So while you go out and try to save one group of people, all us here will try and save all groups because we're not prejudiced. Here, imbed this quote into your brain:

“First they took away the crippled,
but that didn't bother me because I wasn't crippled.
Then they took away the Communists
but that didn't bother me because I wasn't a Communist.
Then they took away the Gypsies
but that didn't bother me because I wasn't a Gypsy.
Then they took away the Jews
but that didn't bother me because I wasn't Jewish.
Then they came for me and who was going to save me”

I've never declared myself as an African American...I am an American....that's it.

Back to this quote since Bells showed us the thread where you said you're black. While I appreciate you saying you're not "African American", but rather "American", thereby getting rid of silly racial tags so that we can "all get along", I have to put you back into the "stupid prejudicial black person" group. I sure hope no true blacks show up because they're tear you a new a'hole since you're not proud to be black. You'd rather hide the fact and this just goes to show it due to your prejudice against gays and lesbians.

Okay ....explain how gays and lesbians are being discriminated against by the marriage laws of the USA?

Seriously, Baron Max, you're a 'tard too on this subject. Your famous quote that you love to use in every single one of your posts does not work. Straight males can't marry males and homosexual males can't marry males therefore there's no discimination! Uh okay, lol. Someone stamp IDIOT onto this guy's forehead. You don't even KNOW what discrimination means by that quote you like to use.

- N
Baron Max said:
Baron, if you keep pasting that same comment over and over again, I'll end up putting you on ignore each time I read a thread that concerns homosexuality. You are becoming boring.

As to your questions...

Okay ....explain how gays and lesbians are being discriminated against by the marriage laws of the USA? And please don't give me that shit about love ain't got nothin' to do with the marriage laws.
A heterosexual can marry who ever they choose as long as they are above the age of consent in that particular State and of the opposite sex, correct? Now that heterosexual person can marry any one they want to be it for love, financial purposes, tax purposes, etc. The law discriminates because it allows only one type of marriage.

It totally disregards the fact that a homosexual for example does not wish to marry someone of the opposite sex and therefore should not be forced to do so for love, financial purposes, tax purposes, etc. Marriage laws discriminates because it does not allow everyone to marry who they choose. Do you understand now? It discriminates because a gay or lesbian individual is not allowed to marry the person of their choice because that person of their choice is not of the opposite sex.

Now the discrimination in regards to marriage that homosexuals endure also lead on to other discriminatory factors as well. Homosexuals denied the right to marry their same sex partner are also denied the benefits and protections usually allowed under marriage.

For example, lets say we have a homosexual couple who have been together for 30+ years and who have no other family or relatives or have family and relatives who refuse to have anything to do with them because of their sexual orientation (ie.. imagine they were related to Reign for example). Now imagine that one of them falls ill during that relationship and that person has an insurance policy that states that the spouse or closest living relative will benefit from that policy upon their death. Lets say the person is sick for 10 years of that relationship and his/her partner cares for them in all that time. They give up their own life to care for the person they love. Now I understand you have a thing against love, but these situations do occur in the US and in other countries as well. Now the person dies. You'd think that after 30+ years together, the partner should be recognised as the spouse would you not? But no. You see Baron, to be a spouse would mean that your union must be recognised by the State. Now the remaining partner in the relationship who's given up 10+ years to care for their loved one is not entitled to a cent. The family who had deserted the one who passed away oh so long ago get every cent and if there is no family, the insurance company keeps it all. Do you see the discrimination there Baron? Or do you prefer to remain blind to it. Now lets say the partner goes to court to try to get the insurance money. The family or the insurance provider will most probably win and be awarded cost as well, because the surviving partner does not classify as a spouse and the legislation does not recognise them as a spouse either. Even if the one who'd passed away had left a will, the family could contest it and will win because again, the surviving partner is not a spouse and not recognised by law as a spouse.

Sadly, this kind of discrimination does not exist solely in the realm of insurance, but also in regards to pensions and other payments and protection a person may receive.

Now not only are gay people not allowed to marry each other, but their partners are also denied the protections and benefits only allowed under marriage. Get it now?

Gays and lesbians just want laws changed because of how and who they like to fuck ....that's all, that's it! They want special considerations under the law ....they don't want equality, they want SPECIAL considerations.
But this is where you are wrong Baron... again..

Gays and lesbians don't need to change the laws in regards to who they are allowed to "fuck", as you so eloquently put it. They are allowed to have sex with who they want. The issue in this thread is that they are NOT allowed to MARRY who they want. I don't consider that a special consideration. I'm straight and I'm allowed to marry whoever I want. But if someone is homosexual there aren't given the same right as me? You see that as a special consideration? See, most people with an ounce of sense see that as discrimination.
Just a question. Why is it that when people think of gay marriage, they always talk about two men getting married? Why are people much less threatened by two women getting married? There's still no chance of having children, at least biologically. My theories:
1. All the homo-bashers out there probably still watch lesbian pornography and thus can't really condemn two women.
2. This is all less about Christianity and the sanctity of children than it is about preserving some archetype of masculinity that never really existed anyway. Think about it. Women in our society can be close. Men can't, at least nominally. Therefore, when thinking about the "perversion" of gay marriage, people's minds immediately jump to two men getting married. The thing is, this idea of masculinity was an outgrowth of Victorian thinking. But just as there were whores at a time when women were never supposed to even see their own naked bodies, there were also many homosexual relationships between men- and women(though probably more clandestine than in the past).