Same sex marriage officialy legal through all of Canada Today

Baron Max said:
Now what do we say when the majority of American say that gays marrying harms them in some way?

We'd ask them to please qualify that assertion. Otherwise I could just claim that your continued breathing harms me and we need to take legislative action to cease it at once!

I think it’s kind of cute how grossly stupid you make yourself look with this statement, and what complete lack of any sort of grasp on law or logic you have unintentionally espoused. Were you aware that prosecutors in a court of law are generally required to prove that a crime has even been committed in the first place before they try to pin it on someone? Why exactly should we simply assume harm on the say-so of a bunch of weirdoes such as yourself who themselves frequently agree that they shouldn’t be taken at their word or taken seriously? That seems like really lousy grounds to legislate on if you ask me.
Baron Max said:
True. But it's how and why those LAWS were instituted which case, the LAWS against gay marriage is no different to the LAWS against other forms of sexual deviations child porno. . .

Uuh yeah, right, except that these laws are designed to actually protect someone from something, whereas the laws against gay marriage are designed only to oppress someone.
ReighnStorm said:
It's hard to describe. If you don't have it naturally then u probably never will. It's usually prominent in naturally good natured born people(u know who u are :) ). Those people that I refer to already know what it is and why it's here. Other people "not so natural" have no clue how it feels,what it looks and sounds like.

Ahh okay so same sex marriage should be outlawed based on sacred decree from the master race? That's some good straight thinking there, I'm glad that you decided to add your two cents into the discussion.
Baron Max said:
But also "harm" comes in many, many forms ...and any competent psychologists and psychiatrists will be the first to agree with that. And if that's true, what now? Do we just keep letting sexual deviants do whatever they want in the hopes that no one will be harmed later in life?

Yes, for gods sake of course there have been studies! Do you read this forum? Do you even read the posts in the threads you respond to? I know as fact that you have been involved in threads on this very topic before!

There have been studies across over thirty years tracking the children of same-sex couples and they have found that children raise by same-sex couples grow up to do no worse in school work or their love lives than do children raised in standard heterosexual couple lead households, and in fact are actually statistically slightly more successful to perform better and be more successful. We have already long ago established that homosexuals simply existing, let alone getting involved with kids, does not harm them.

Please take the time to head on back through some of the threads that you've either forgotten or just didn't read in the first place or do some of your own searches online, at this point you haven't really got much of an excuse.
Mystech said:
So the fact that it's applied equally negates the fact that it's written specifically to disenfranchise and ignore the needs of a segment of the population?

I can't think of any law that doesn't do exactly that! ...can you?

Baron Max
Mystech said:
Uuh yeah, right, except that these laws are designed to actually protect someone from something, whereas the laws against gay marriage are designed only to oppress someone.

Hmm, what harm does child porno do to anyone? And, no, I don't mean ACTUAL child molestation, but child porno stories and pictures of children. And, NO! ...I'm not trying to compare child molesting with homosexuality ...I'm making a point about "harm"!! Please read before you go off on some tangent that has no meaning!

And more importantly, the recent advances in computer "art", one can now create child porno without even using real people or real situations -- think of it as damned realistic cartoons! So ....what harm is that?

So, ....tell me again about "harm", okay?

Baron Max
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Baron Max said:
I can't think of any law that doesn't do exactly that! ...can you?

A law designed to target a specific non-criminal minority group of citizens? No I honestly can't think of a single law that's actually like it to tell you the truth, I thought we'd gotten rid of those when the 14th amendment was written to do away with Jim Crow. Please enlighten me, what such laws still exist today that don't deal with the rights of Homosexuals?
Baron Max said:
Hmm, what harm does child porno do to anyone? And, no, I don't mean ACTUAL child molestation, but child porno stories and pictures of children.

What damage does chlid porno do to anyone? How about the children it exploits and traumatizes? As for storys or fabricated images, those aren't illegal in the US, so I don't really see that you've got a valid point there.

Baron Max said:
And more importantly, the recent advances in computer "art", one can now create child porno without even using real people or real situations -- think of it as damned realistic cartoons! So ....what harm is that?

There is none, and that's why it's legal. Click "Procede" on the side bar and then the section labled "Shota" and have yourself a ball, man.
Mystech said:
A law designed to target a specific non-criminal minority group of citizens?

But ye're NOT a minority group of citizens!! Ye're just a bunch of males and females who like to fuck differently than some others ..........and you expect special treatment because you like different kinds of sex!!! That's nothing more than special interests vieing for special laws and rules.

Baron Max
Mystech said:
As for storys or fabricated images, those aren't illegal in the US, so I don't really see that you've got a valid point there.

Ahh, but I think it is illegal! And I know for a fact that one can't "deal" in such material ...i.e., sell it or trade it or even give it away in a public arena.

So the question still stands: What "harm" does child porno cause? (And remember, I'm not to talking about the actual event, but movies and pictures that are created!)

The problem with defining "harm" is not so simple.

Baron Max
Mystech said:
Ahh okay so same sex marriage should be outlawed based on sacred decree from the master race? That's some good straight thinking there, I'm glad that you decided to add your two cents into the discussion.

Well, it's obvious you don't have it!
These are your words (remember that) not mine. You obviously don't know how the world is's always about the master race! Poor b@st$@rd$..... Welcome to my world. I said let them (gays, lesbians) have their marriage....then the children will grow up to see how disgusting it is and will want to remain heterosexual. More gay and lesbians will commit suicide because of marriages gone wrong. I say that because it's also obvious that gays have some kind of weird emotional problem, so they won't handle divorce well at all. Most of the poor children adopted will hate you because of being different....I could go on....but's just a wait and see game now.....the best way to kill something is to lead it to it's death....but I'm just rambling now. Like I said earlier "we'll just grow old and weary about it".
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Baron Max said:
But ye're NOT a minority group of citizens!!

No? Your numbers must be slightly schewed as last I checked one in ten was one of the more generous estimates of what percentage of the population we make up. But then perhaps the numbers aren't what you're refering too? There's always if you've confused yourself.

Baron Max said:
and you expect special treatment because you like different kinds of sex!!!

Wrong again, you're really like a broken record, you know that? Try doing cross word puzzles or something, old man, it might help limber up your rusty mind.

Once again, you have it backwards, we seek to end special treatment because of the "different kinds of sex" that we enjoy. Seeking it would be completely counter productive to the aims of the gay rights movement.

Baron Max said:
That's nothing more than special interests vieing for special laws and rules.

Yes yes, everything is a special interest when it doesn't directly involve you, isn't it? If it helps you sleep at night try to keep some perspective on the matter - regardless of how the issue turns out you remain entirely unaffected. That being as it is perhaps it's best if you just mind your own business and quit jawing like the village idiot.

Baron Max said:
Ahh, but I think it is illegal! And I know for a fact that one can't "deal" in such material ...i.e., sell it or trade it or even give it away in a public arena.

Not much of one for facts, are you? No, artistic depictions of children in sexual situations - either written, drawn painted or otherwise expressed in some manner which does not actually involve real children really being put into such situations is entirely legal. If I recall correctly this was determined by the Supreme Court not very long ago after some guy was arrested for having written down his pedophilic fantasies in some journal or other which was later found by some friends or co workers or the like. It's quite legal, and the Japanese even make a fair amount of money selling it to us. . . not to mention a lot of teenage girls have a load of fun putting Harry Potter in rather lewd situations without fear of reprisal.

Also, if you look a little closer I did in fact link you to a public server - hosted in the United States, if you care to run a trace rout on it - which does in fact "give it away in a public arena".

As for you, ReighnStorm, if you continue like this I'm afraid I'm going to have to request that you be banned from these forums. Your style of posting is simply unacceptable. Max is also a hateful bigot, but at least he trys to justify that fact, even if he skips a lot and won't stop repeating the same three lines over and over again.
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Mystech said:
Once again, you have it backwards, we seek to end special treatment because of the "different kinds of sex" that we enjoy.

Mystech, you just don't get it, do you? With regard to marriage laws in the USA, gay males have EXACTLY the same rights as straight males. Straight males can't marry males ....AND.... gay males can't marry males.


But you want different rights want rights that straight males do not have you can say what you like, but that's special rights ..plain and simple.

Okay you can continue to slander me and call me names and denigrate my intelligence, etc., if you wish ...but that don't change the facts of the situation.

Baron Max
The only people who really do any good are whores and bartenders.
So are you then ascerting that in order to claim your full rights as a citizen you too must be forced into a culture of rape because a vocal religious minority has petitioned successfully to have the government take a stand against your way of life? You've got a very strange idea of what the term equal means.
Are you allowed, max, to marry the person you love, or are you told that if you want access to your rights you've got to marry another man? I think that would be a nice equal situation, it would put you in the same position that our laws currently put every homosexual.
Speak to a divorce attorney about that one, it actually has quite a bit to do with it :p It also deals innately with consent, so I'm afraid you haven't got a hell of a lot to stand on with your ascertain.
I prophesy great chastizement upon Canada, such as islamic attack.
ReighnStorm said:
Well, it's obvious you don't have it!
These are your words (remember that) not mine. You obviously don't know how the world is's always about the master race! Poor b@st$@rd$..... Welcome to my world. I said let them (gays, lesbians) have their marriage....then the children will grow up to see how disgusting it is and will want to remain heterosexual. More gay and lesbians will commit suicide because of marriages gone wrong. I say that because it's also obvious that gays have some kind of weird emotional problem, so they won't handle divorce well at all. Most of the poor children adopted will hate you because of being different....I could go on....but's just a wait and see game now.....the best way to kill something is to lead it to it's death....but I'm just rambling now. Like I said earlier "we'll just grow old and weary about it".
It never ceases to amaze me how someone who dislikes discrimination as much as you (supposedly) do can be so discriminatory against another group of people because their sexual orientation is different to your own. If gays and lesbians were classified as another 'race' as African Americans and Asians are for example, you'd be seen as a rabid racist.