Rules of War in the Quran

I hate for it to be so, but what Q's post makes sense. War for this. Death for that. War on anyone who puts 'obstacles' in islam's way.
You must be feeling really fortunate, or lucky then, that you follow a religion that would never go to war if someone put obstacles in the way of the restoration of your holy position?

You don't believe in a god who is vengeful or spiteful? must feel so relieved.
"Restoration of holy position"? What's that mean? I was referring to interfering with its spread. Modern Christianity generally wouldn't go to war over that. Nor would secularism, generally.

As for believing in a vengeful god - sure. But I'm not going to run around making war on non-believers because of that.
Except when they have to be liberated. Then some showers of white phosphorus are not out of place.


Its very sorrowful, but must be done. For their own good, of course.
Actually the point's to stop the rocketing.

And what's Hamas' endpoint again? Something about the sea.
Ya SAM, it's sport. Nothing passes the day like lobbing phosphorus grenades at unsuspecting muslims. Don't need a reason, just start chucking them over, they're very pretty when they explode. Doesn't everybody get out of bed thinking it's Blow Up a Muslim Day? Just knowing that you might get a couple is a lure that's hard to resist. It's addictive and hard to stop. Those Israelis have made it a national pastime.
GP said:
"Restoration of holy position"? What's that mean?
Let's see, what could it mean?

Moses, according to Jewish mythology, stood on a holy place and decreed that the Hebrews had a superior claim to all the land he could see, because "God" told him so.
Maybe that's when the holy position of Judaism was invented?

So now, you're back thousands of years later to prove how right he was?

Wasn't he actually an Egyptian prince who had a band of mercenary Hebrew tribesmen help him conquer other tribes in the Sinai? Back when Egypt had the only civilisation in the region, when "walled cities", like Jericho and Jerusalem were in fact, surrounded by wooden palisades, and were collections of rude mud bricks? No big deal for an army of Egyptian archers with chariots, and troops of mercenary Hebrews, with a good reputation as close-quarter infantry?
First of all it's important to understand that Palestinians and Jews have been fighting one another since before there was an Islam or Judaism.

RE: Rule of War in the Qur'an

It really is this simple. Islam, like many such religions, is a cult of personality. It's based around Mohammad's life - the examples he set. Islam is often referred to as Mohammedanism. Mohammad spent a lot of time waging war. So of course when whomever wrote the book, wrote about waging war along with everything else.

done and done
First of all it's important to understand that Palestinians and Jews have been fighting one another since before there was an Islam or Judaism.

Mohammad spent a lot of time waging war. So of course when whomever wrote the book, wrote about waging war along with everything else.

What Mohammed & the rules fail to mention are that if you are prepared to wage war then you must be prepared to lose. You can't win 'em all, history confirms it.
You must be feeling really fortunate, or lucky then, that you follow a religion that would never go to war if someone put obstacles in the way of the restoration of your holy position?

You don't believe in a god who is vengeful or spiteful? must feel so relieved.

The very notion of a god having to put "Rules of War" into a message for ALL mankind makes no sense, considering that god apparently made everyone to begin with. That god MUST have known his creations would definitely go around killing one another, or that god MUST have made war a part of mankind's character.

One way or the other, Islam MUST be a religion of war.
The very notion of a god having to put "Rules of War" into a message for ALL mankind makes no sense, considering that god apparently made everyone to begin with. That god MUST have known his creations would definitely go around killing one another, or that god MUST have made war a part of mankind's character.

One way or the other, Islam MUST be a religion of war.

Great summation.

The way it is written promotes an endless cycle of violence. If this is dictating what is happening in the Muslim world then I'm afraid they are the world's hillbillies who don't know any different, completely out of touch with civility.
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Clearly deluded of them to er, fight back against occupation. How dare they?
Let's see, what could it mean?

Moses, according to Jewish mythology, stood on a holy place and decreed that the Hebrews had a superior claim to all the land he could see, because "God" told him so.
Maybe that's when the holy position of Judaism was invented?

So now, you're back thousands of years later to prove how right he was?

I am?


Holy moly! I deserve a raise, then. Although you did say "he". Maybe I'm some other prophet then. "Prophet Geoff". I like the sound of that.

Wasn't he actually an Egyptian prince who had a band of mercenary Hebrew tribesmen help him conquer other tribes in the Sinai? Back when Egypt had the only civilisation in the region, when "walled cities", like Jericho and Jerusalem were in fact, surrounded by wooden palisades, and were collections of rude mud bricks? No big deal for an army of Egyptian archers with chariots, and troops of mercenary Hebrews, with a good reputation as close-quarter infantry?

Er...I guess he could be? :shrug: The point being what?

Anyway, the whole 1948 thing had more to do with defense, though. You're working on this idea that the Jews were pushing for a war or something by moving in and legally buying land. If they were, how come they were armed with crap right up until 1948? It just doesn't wash, really.
The very notion of a god having to put "Rules of War" into a message for ALL mankind makes no sense, considering that god apparently made everyone to begin with. That god MUST have known his creations would definitely go around killing one another, or that god MUST have made war a part of mankind's character.

One way or the other, Islam MUST be a religion of war.

I think people have argued this about various religions. Hopefully they can all curb this tendency, if any.
You're still here? Did Moses say it was ok, then? Some Egyptian rewards his thugs with a parcel of land in the Levant, thinking they might become a vassal state, or whatever, for helping him conquer the region and assert the reign of his Pharaoh?

.I guess he could be? The point being what?
The point being, if you remove the historical blindfold you're wearing, you nor anyone else has anywhere to stand when you point at Islam and the militarism there.
Why is it happening now? Didn't you manage to sort it all out 4000 odd years ago?

You seem to be saying: "it isn't our fault, we didn't do anything except reconquer the place after a 2000 year holiday".
Que? said:
The very notion of a god having to put "Rules of War" into a message for ALL mankind makes no sense
The papal edicts made throughout Medieval European history concerning rules of war, were all nonsensical, then.
Lets just step back one more time. Assuming there are no Gods and assuming Mohammad wasn't completely nuts - why are there verses about how to wage war against non-Muslims in the Qur'an?

Seems pretty obvious to me.