Rules of War in the Quran

So its very simple innit? Don't fight with Muslims and they won't fight back. How difficult is that?

What corresponds to "fight with muslims" though? Self-defence? The protection of your own culture? Being part of a culture that's at war with islam? What if it's started by an islamic nation? Spain springs to mind here.
So its very simple innit? Don't fight with Muslims and they won't fight back. How difficult is that?

Very difficult, in fact, impossible.

So, you have therefore confirmed that making films and cartoons is equivalent to fighting, otherwise why would a Dutch filmmaker be slain in the streets when he did not lift a finger towards anyone?

You see, Sam, that is the problem, how Muslims define "fighting" which can be taken as simple arguments or even competition.

Hence, we are not to have any arguments or competitions with Muslims for fear of being killed?

And, we are to just allow Muslims to do as they please? Not fucking likely.
You see, Sam, that is the problem, how Muslims define "fighting" which can be taken as simple arguments or even competition.

I asked her if quran defines agressor in post 194. What's the old adage, 'Any excuse will serve a tyrant' . I'm starting to think the Romulans from Star Trek were patterned after the Muslims. Fighting is what they do, not too well though. Sad.

Watch the news, its always men in the streets burning effigies or stomping on flags. Seems like they're practically falling over each other itching to kill someone.

Imagine being a woman in that fraternal order of avengers.
I asked her if quran defines agressor in post 194. What's the old adage, 'Any excuse will serve a tyrant' . I'm starting to think the Romulans from Star Trek were patterned after the Muslims. Fighting is what they do, not too well though. Sad.

Watch the news, its always men in the streets burning effigies or stomping on flags. Seems like they're practically falling over each other itching to kill someone.

Imagine being a woman in that fraternal order of avengers.

They can't have sex unless they are married. They can't marry if they don't have a job. This frustration needs an outlet somewhere. (They can't drink either).
You tell me. What does your moral code of conduct tell you to do with someone who punches you?

Probably a whole lot less than what a Muslim would do over a cartoon depiction or a film.

Would cutting off their head satisfy Allah?
No really

That's not what your holy book says.

what do you do if someone punches you? Just curious.

Why don't you ask if me what I would do if someone created a cartoon depiction of me or made a film? That is the relevance of the discussion. We can get to actual physical violence when we first have reached an understanding why Muslims use the Quran to kill people who make films or riot when someone draws a cartoon, or any number of innocuous actions that offend Muslims who take violent actions based on their holy book.
Why don't you ask if me what I would do if someone created a cartoon depiction of me or made a film? That is the relevance of the discussion. We can get to actual physical violence when we first have reached an understanding why Muslims use the Quran to kill people who make films or riot when someone draws a cartoon, or any number of innocuous actions that offend Muslims who take violent actions based on their holy book.

Well it has to be an equivalent fight, which is what most people ignore because they too read only bits and pieces instead of getting the whole picture. You can't just go around punching people for having an opinion, thats excessive.
Well it has to be an equivalent fight, which is what most people ignore because they too read only bits and pieces instead of getting the whole picture.

Bullshit lies.

You can't just go around punching people for having an opinion, thats excessive.

Yet, you can riot in the streets over a cartoon, or kill someone for making a film, which ARE opinions, Sam.

You're so full of it.
Well it has to be an equivalent fight, which is what most people ignore because they too read only bits and pieces instead of getting the whole picture. You can't just go around punching people for having an opinion, thats excessive.

How about hanging them for leaving a religion? That ok? :D
You can do anything you want, that does not necessarily make it right.

As long as it's sanctioned by a holy book, anything goes, eh Sam?

Killing infidels wherever you see them is perfectly acceptable in Islam, and not just encouraged, but it is an obligation to Allah. Of course, we don't see all Muslims running out and doing that, as they clearly wouldn't last very long in most societies that have grown out of bronze age myths and superstitions.

But, most certainly, any Muslim who wishes to apply physical violence to that which he conveniently deems "fighting" will see himself as righteous before Allah.

That is why the Rules of War in the Quran MUST be prohibited and removed from the Quran if you're to have anyone believe Islam is a religion of peace.

Can you see the differences here, Sam? Note the blatant contradiction.

Religion of Peace - Rules of War
Killing infidels is not sanctioned anywhere either, which you would know if you read more than one line on

And as for hating and dismissing the killing of people that do not believe as you do, well you seem to do pretty well on that count yourself. Much better than most Muslims in fact. So clearly it does not require a misinterpretation of some words in a book.
No amount of Islamophobia can unfortunately alter the fact that the by far the biggest aggressor nations today, who have killed millions of citizens via fighting illegal wars and occupying sovereign nations, are Christian and Jewish.

The childish schoolyard argument of "but HE started it" is unbelievably naive if one looks at actual realities at play. Dialogue is a good starting point, but aggressor nations seem to believe that violence is the better option.

The extremely tragic (and inexcusable) execution of van Gogh, would most likely never have occurred if Western warmongering were curtailed.
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No amount of Islamophobia can unfortunately alter the fact that the by far the biggest aggressor nations today...The extremely tragic (and inexcusable) execution of van Gogh, would most likely never have occurred if Western warmongering were curtailed.

I think the word you were looking for is murder or assasination.

Without a doubt western nations can kick ass like nobody's business.