Rules of War in the Quran


Baraatun mina Allahi warasoolihi ila allatheena AAahadtum mina almushrikeena

if u do a word by word translation,it doesnt give any meaning.

thank you!

Thats true for any literal translation in any language. In Babel Fish if you start with a sentence and do translation after literal translation, sometimes when you get back to the original it looks completely different. :p

How do you translate baraatun? What is the root word?
The barbaric actions of Muslims speak much louder than your words or the words of the Quran. It is not what I feel or an opinion, it is a fact. And, whenever your holy books or actions are questioned, you continue to resort to violence.

I know exactly what attacks means, I was asking you.

Then clearly, there is a great majority of Muslims who don't know that definition, or ignore it.

Most often, it is to point out to Muslims their own ignorance and intolerance.

Yet, hordes of Muslims turn to violence upon seeing depictions of Muhammad, how do you explain that?

You need to explain why Muslims turn to violence when there are no "attacks" as defined by you?

hi Q

i feel your hostile?
as i said,your opinions about muslims are sumthing wich is our right to have. i dont see the point of arguin about them?

Muslims ara barbarian?

1,2 world war,started by None muslims. nuclear weapon used,by Nonemuslims in Japan. Crucades,by nonemuslims. Iraq,Afghanistan invaded by nonemuslims. israel killin 1300 civilians and using NEW weapons.Obama pointing his bombs to Pakistan now.

hehe,and your callin muslims barbarians?The muslims are divided,they can fight back,But Pakistan can.If Obama attack Pakistan,how childish is it if you think this can be solved over a cup of evergood?

depictions of Muhammed is not the same as criticizing a relgion,they were ment to mock the muslims. Sect muslims reactions is not my responsibility ,i didnt do anything like that.i can only talk for my own actions.I dont think a hindu would sit and enjoy none hindus makin fun of their religious idols.And muslims didnt attack your country .....

Majority of muslims dont know much ,your right. But time wont go,time will come :)
Qatl actually means to kill with premeditation. So it should read: if they come with the intention to kill you.

So, cartoon depictions of Muhammad were in fact premeditated intentions to kill Muslims?
hi Q

i feel your hostile?
as i said,your opinions about muslims are sumthing wich is our right to have. i dont see the point of arguin about them?

Muslims ara barbarian?

1,2 world war,started by None muslims. nuclear weapon used,by Nonemuslims in Japan. Crucades,by nonemuslims. Iraq,Afghanistan invaded by nonemuslims. israel killin 1300 civilians and using NEW weapons.Obama pointing his bombs to Pakistan now.

hehe,and your callin muslims barbarians?The muslims are divided,they can fight back,But Pakistan can.If Obama attack Pakistan,how childish is it if you think this can be solved over a cup of evergood?

depictions of Muhammed is not the same as criticizing a relgion,they were ment to mock the muslims. Sect muslims reactions is not my responsibility ,i didnt do anything like that.i can only talk for my own actions.I dont think a hindu would sit and enjoy none hindus makin fun of their religious idols.And muslims didnt attack your country .....

Majority of muslims dont know much ,your right. But time wont go,time will come :)

Don't confuse him with facts. He gets more excited over teddy bears than waterboarding or snipers shooting babies in the head. Thats why a few organised riots get his attention, but deliberately starving millions and killing thousands or hundreds of thousands of people? Not a single word. :p
Thats true for any literal translation in any language. In Babel Fish if you start with a sentence and do translation after literal translation, sometimes when you get back to the original it looks completely different. :p

How do you translate baraatun? What is the root word?


I cant find the root meaning of that word ,i searched the Edward william lane dictionary and cant find it. i Called Dr shabbir too,but he didnt knw :(

I guess there is no translation of that word, like the word dukhan. wich is translated to Nebula,but it dont give the proper meaning . I guess this word is rare and nobody know the root of this word,,YET.we just have to search moore :)


I cant find the root meaning of that word ,i searched the Edward william lane dictionary and cant find it. i Called Dr shabbir too,but he didnt knw :(

I guess there is no translation of that word, like the word dukhan. wich is translated to Nebula,but it dont give the proper meaning . I guess this word is rare and nobody know the root of this word,,YET.we just have to search moore :)


Haven't you heard of Lailat-ul-Baraat [aka Shab-e-Baraat]? Baraat stands for privilege or salvation. I don't know the root yet.:p
hi Q

i feel your hostile?
as i said,your opinions about muslims are sumthing wich is our right to have. i dont see the point of arguin about them?

Of course you don't see the point, you will choose to ignore that which you don't agree or that which demonstrates Islam is a violent religion. These are not opinions, these are facts you choose to ignore. No amount of preaching the gospel will change that.

Muslims ara barbarian?

depictions of Muhammed is not the same as criticizing a relgion,they were ment to mock the muslims.

They were not mocking Muslims, they were mocking Islam. And, there is nothing wrong with mocking religions or beliefs.

Sect muslims reactions is not my responisiblity,i didnt do anything like that.i can only talk for my own actions.

So, you do nothing about it and those sects continue to destroy the face of Islam. You are part of the problem if you don't care to offer solutions.

I dont think a hindu would sit and enjoy none hindus makin fun of their religious idols.

It happens all the time. It's only Muslims who react violently to such things.

Majority of muslims dont know much ,your right. But time wont go,time will come

Fourteen centuries is plenty of time, the time has run out. The world awaits for Muslims to move out of the medieval ages.
Don't confuse him with facts. He gets more excited over teddy bears than waterboarding or snipers shooting babies in the head. Thats why a few organised riots get his attention, but deliberately starving millions and killing thousands or hundreds of thousands of people? Not a single word.

Are you natural born liar or did Islam make you that way?
So, cartoon depictions of Muhammad were in fact premeditated intentions to kill Muslims?

dear sir

depictions of Mohammed was an (in my opinion) a hostility to muslims. how many cartoons do u see have been made of Kali mata? Buddah? Ram? Jewish rabi's?

if you want to live with other people,its normal to live with mutual respect. hindu's and muslims living together in india ,christians and muslims living together in Etiopia and Other countries.

They could not live in hoarmony and balance if they started to mock each others religion,or the things that mean anyting . this is seen mostly in the west,not in other countries.

i had a good friend from Etiopia,he was very proud of himself,because he was related to the king that helped Mohammed once. (i dont remember the kings name ) He was a very religious christian,and he was so glad to meet me,because he didnt have many friends here.

He could talk about religon with me ,and we became very good friends. if he started to mock my religion,and i started to mock his religion,we couldnt create a harmonious friendship.

i hope you udnerstand my intention,its not to win this discussion ,but to show you that we can have a mutual respect for each other without mocking on each other or our repective views/religions. what do you think?

im sorry im typing and typing,all of you are tired of me now.i should go eat sumthing before you kick me out -My mom used to say,None will ever marrie you,because you talk to much :D
dear sir

depictions of Mohammed was an (in my opinion) a hostility to muslims.

There's the problem, you opine that it is hostility towards Muslims, so you are now justified to resort to violence based on the rules of war.

if you want to live with other people,its normal to live with mutual respect. hindu's and muslims living together in india ,christians and muslims living together in Etiopia and Other countries.

We're not talking about people, we are talking about religion. I can respect people easily, but don't respect religions. Do you understand the difference?

They could not live in hoarmony and balance if they started to mock each others religion

Perhaps that is why you have rules of war?

He could talk about religon with me ,and we became very good friends. if he started to mock my religion,and i started to mock his religion,we couldnt create a harmonious friendship.

Then, there was no friendship at all as you placed your religion above such things.

i hope you udnerstand my intention,its not to win this discussion ,but to show you that we can have a mutual respect for each other without mocking on each other or our repective views/religions. what do you think?

You are free to mock my views all you want, it makes no difference to me, as I am free to mock Islam. The difference is that I'm not mocking YOU personally.
there was no friendship at all as you placed your religion above such things.

That is so fricking hilarious. You of all people to talk about putting religion above all else.
Of course you don't see the point, you will choose to ignore that which you don't agree or that which demonstrates Islam is a violent religion. These are not opinions, these are facts you choose to ignore. No amount of preaching the gospel will change that.

no i dont see the point to debate about your opinions,sorry.No sir,i dont ignore the fact that YOU think islam is a violent religion,i know the real facts and i know who started the world wars,invading other countries like iraq afghanistan. i know very well that was none muslims. i also know the indians and aborigins were eradicated by none muslims.

They were not mocking Muslims, they were mocking Islam. And, there is nothing wrong with mocking religions or beliefs.

Mohammed was a Muslim,momin,Messenger,Rasool.nabi,with the message of ISLAM.If you want to mock islam,you put the seed for a negative relationship.And i dont understand the point of mockin other peoples religion and belefs. If you do that to the jews,you will soon be called antisemite.ANd equal rights for everyone ,right?

So, you do nothing about it and those sects continue to destroy the face of Islam. You are part of the problem if you don't care to offer solutions.

my dear friend Q!
To me ,its the content of a message wich is important and wich count. how this message is understood by uneducated people,is not the everlasting problem.because the truth wont be changed. bad times can occure everywhere,also in the white mans world.The free will cant be changed,and its every human beings right to understand what he wants to understand.

It happens all the time. It's only Muslims who react violently to such things.

a friendly advice,please read the the history. Read about the treatment of iraqi's,afghani's,palestinians,and rad about the methods used by the american military . How dick cheney defend the use of torture ,and have a look at the pictures taken by american soldiers,when they tortured and mocked iraqi prisoners.look up the word violence and mayb,only mayb,ull understand the meaning of it.

Fourteen centuries is plenty of time, the time has run out. The world awaits for Muslims to move out of the medieval ages.

14 centuries is not plenty of time,if you think about how old mother earh is.T?define medieval ages please ?
There's the problem, you opine that it is hostility towards Muslims, so you are now justified to resort to violence based on the rules of war.

you dont get it and im not goin to repeat myself.

We're not talking about people, we are talking about religion. I can respect people easily, but don't respect religions. Do you understand the difference?

if you dont respect religions,why are u tellin me that?if the religion is the problem,then DONT follow it :) simple

If u respect people,then respect THEIR right to follow wichever religion they chose,like YOU have the right NOT to follow any religion.

Perhaps that is why you have rules of war?

yes we do have rules of war,so people can be treated as human beings,and not as dogs or animals ,or gentiles.

Then, there was no friendship at all as you placed your religion above such things.

If you feel like that,then im sorry. you think friendship mean that a person must leave his religion so YOU can respect him,but its not how it works.ANY right YOU have,the other person have the same right to practice the opposite

if u like grapes,and i like apples,that is a basic human right. if you want to force me to start eating grapes,that is NOT mutual respect or friendship. That is your desire to make my leave my choise,so u can be pleased.

You are free to mock my views all you want, it makes no difference to me, as I am free to mock Islam. The difference is that I'm not mocking YOU personally.

No sir,its not a part of my personality to mock you or any thing you respect. you can do what ever you want to,because that is a part of your personality.

as i said before,i only have responsibility for my own actions. i haave to live with myself ,so i cant degrade myself. Your actions are your rights. your free indeed :)
no i dont see the point to debate about your opinions,sorry.No sir,i dont ignore the fact that YOU think islam is a violent religion

As I said, you chose to ignore that debate because you'll find that your religion is violent and promotes violence based on the facts and the Quran.

Mohammed was a Muslim,momin,Messenger,Rasool.nabi,with the message of ISLAM.If you want to mock islam,you put the seed for a negative relationship.And i dont understand the point of mockin other peoples religion and belefs.

I understand that Muslims are unable to place a distinction between themselves and their religious beliefs. Muhammad was a murderous despot who used Islam to conquer other nations.

To me ,its the content of a message wich is important and wich count. how this message is understood by uneducated people,is not the everlasting problem.because the truth wont be changed. bad times can occure everywhere,also in the white mans world.The free will cant be changed,and its every human beings right to understand what he wants to understand.

Utter bullshit. Stop making excuses for your religion and do something about it's problems.

a friendly advice,please read the the history. Read about the treatment of iraqi's,afghani's,palestinians,and rad about the methods used by the american military . How dick cheney defend the use of torture ,and have a look at the pictures taken by american soldiers,when they tortured and mocked iraqi prisoners.look up the word violence and mayb,only mayb,ull understand the meaning of it.

Strawmen arguments. This thread is about the rules of war in a holy book.

14 centuries is not plenty of time,if you think about how old mother earh is.T?define medieval ages please ?

You've had all the time you need to make your religion work in the real world, and it has failed miserably, and gets considerably worse every day.
As I said, you chose to ignore that debate because you'll find that your religion is violent and promotes violence based on the facts and the Quran.

i suppose you can show me those aya,wich promote violence?

I understand that Muslims are unable to place a distinction between themselves and their religious beliefs. Muhammad was a murderous despot who used Islam to conquer other nations.

i again suppose you can prove those saying about Muhammed ?

Utter bullshit. Stop making excuses for your religion and do something about it's problems.

that is not an excuse,its a fact,that is how i feel . if u learn maths in school,but 50 % of the students dont understand algebra. it doesnt mean its sumthing wrong with the math,it mean you wasnt able to UNDERSTAND .it wont help if you scream,burn the book burn the book

it can be proven when you put those aya about violence,and your able to show me you understood them correctly. and i dont have a problem with the understanding of the quran :)

Strawmen arguments. This thread is about the rules of war in a holy book.

i guess you didnt have any answer to those facts.

You've had all the time you need to make your religion work in the real world, and it has failed miserably, and gets considerably worse every day.

If your world is real,then provide proofs for ur arguments.hearsay and blaming wont help if you think your in the real world :) what do u mean "failed miserably" what failed? how did it get worse?
you dont get it and im not goin to repeat myself.

Yes, I get it. Repeating yourself doesn't preclude the fact that you choose to ignore the debate because you will most certainly lose it.

if you dont respect religions,why are u tellin me that?if the religion is the problem,then DONT follow it simple

Then, don't shove your religion down my throat.

If u respect people,then respect THEIR right to follow wichever religion they chose,like YOU have the right NOT to follow any religion.

I don't respect religions that have influence over my life or is shoved down my throat.

yes we do have rules of war,so people can be treated as human beings,and not as dogs or animals ,or gentiles.

A holy book doesn't need to turn to war to separate humans from dogs and animals. BTW, humans ARE animals.
Then, don't shove your religion down my throat.

I don't respect religions that have influence over my life or is shoved down my throat.

How exactly is Islam "shoved" down your throat? Is it similar to the way that democracy is being transported to Muslim countries?:rolleyes:
Yes, I get it. Repeating yourself doesn't preclude the fact that you choose to ignore the debate because you will most certainly lose it.

Then, don't shove your religion down my throat.

I don't respect religions that have influence over my life or is shoved down my throat.

A holy book doesn't need to turn to war to separate humans from dogs and animals. BTW, humans ARE animals.

prove your facts rather than discussing your opinions.

when exactly did i do that?

then dont do it,simple :)

. as you said earlier,"there was no frienship because you choose our relgion.." it basically mean,you dont want to be my friend because im a muslim.

to the readers. keep in mind,this objection was from his side not from my side. i never said to anyone,ithere never existed any friendship becaue you chose to be a jew/christian/hindu . in other words,i dont want to be your friend because your a jew/christian/hindu .

this is new. so your mean there is no difference between you and a pig/dog/horse/birds?If yes,then i can understand your quote.