Rules of War in the Quran

I don't consider the Hadith significant: moreover the only ones I've read are those that non-Muslims on this site jerk off to. You'll have to ask someone who considers them relevant.

It's my understanding that the Hadith are considered just as sacred as the Quran. Although many Muslims abide by the Hadith, yet criticisms of Islam are based only on the Quran, one cannot help thinking that this is somewhat intellectually dishonest.
It's my understanding that the Hadith are considered just as sacred as the Quran. Although many Muslims abide by the Hadith, yet criticisms of Islam are based only on the Quran, one cannot help thinking that this is somewhat intellectually dishonest.

you can check it out. Islam is not Judaism. The Hadith are not the Talmud. I don't know any Muslim who studies the Hadith as part of religion it's usually a part of scholarly studies in Islamic history or jurisprudence.
What's interesting, Sam, is that one can get an amazing education about Muslims from the site I linked. What's far more interesting is that most everything they say confirms much of how westerners think of them, and how you've been bullshitting us all this time.
What's interesting, Sam, is that one can get an amazing education about Muslims from the site I linked. What's far more interesting is that most everything they say confirms much of how westerners think of them, and how you've been bullshitting us all this time.

If you think that's bad you should read talkbacks in Israeli papers. The things you learn about Jews!!!!
Only fundamentalists will prefer rigid laws. The Quran makes it clear that agression is only permitted against aggressors and to fight oppression.

Which it then commands on non-believers. That or conversion or death. Lovely.

It doesn't lay down laws that's what society is for.

I beg your pardon? Middle Eastern law has nothing to do with religion? What are the four schools of islamic jurisprudence? What impact have they had on law in islamic nations?

And it says only that equivalence and charity should be followed.

Which is "make them to feel themselves oppressed"? Equivalence and charity?

These are simple basic rules that underlies honorable conflict resolution in every single society. They are timeless.

So is war.

This thread has gone to the dogs as usual, and the very same dogs as usual. Mostly unsupported slander and very little evidence.

I think I will start a social group to discuss these things. By invitation only.

Well, that would protect your fragile opinions from reality. Now if only reality could exist in your same bubble.
Which it then commands on non-believers. That or conversion or death. Lovely.

I beg your pardon? Middle Eastern law has nothing to do with religion? What are the four schools of islamic jurisprudence? What impact have they had on law in islamic nations?

Which is "make them to feel themselves oppressed"? Equivalence and charity?

So is war.

Well, that would protect your fragile opinions from reality. Now if only reality could exist in your same bubble.

I would ask for citations but previous experience tells me your "knowledge" is too much to ask for.
I got it all from the Quran. It's a total life system. It has simple basic rules that underlies honorable conflict resolution in every single society. They are timeless.
Hehe. You know, intellectual dishonesty comes up again and again in these debates of me and everyone else with you. Why do you think that is?
Originally Posted by S.A.M.
Why would you want to eliminate the right to self defense or the right to fight oppression?

A religion of "peace" would never support "war." Simple, really.

Sorry I didn't get back to you last night SAM but I was falling asleep.

Actually Q kind of said what I was going to say next anyhow. The last place I would expect to see Rules of War would be in the Bible of a peace loving religion. Its like having the Joint Chiefs of Staff sit down and write Sunday School lessons. If I belonged to one of the big three Abrahamic religions I might even be convinced that Satan had a hand in this literary masterpiece.

What the verses are saying to me is along the lines of Country Joe McDonald's famous line in the Fixin' to Die Rag circa Woodstock era when he sang the words, "you know that peace can only be won when you've blown 'em all to kingdom come".

Agression in this case masquerades as self defence, retribution, reclamation, retaliation, revolution and most of all vengeance. Personally I'm totally in awe that such a rulebook exists in bible form, so much so that I can't help but produce a wry smile and shake my head in disbelief. At least the Christians love their neighbors and forgive their enemies before they kill them.
The last place I would expect to see Rules of War would be in the Bible of a peace loving religion.
Agression in this case masquerades as self defence, retribution, reclamation, retaliation, revolution and most of all vengeance. Personally I'm totally in awe that such a rulebook exists in bible form, so much so that I can't help but produce a wry smile and shake my head in disbelief. At least the Christians love their neighbors and forgive their enemies before they kill them.

So according to you a peaceful society would be a lawless one.
So SAM, you've basically said you aren't a practicing muslum.

Why should we credit your proclamations about islame?
If I was a Muslim and decided that having war regulations in the Quran was unconstitutional and I lobbied to have it removed, then where would that get me? Would I be seen as an aggressor and worthy of being killed? I'm thinking along the lines of Rushdie and Danish cartoonists here. So along with the rules of war am I likely to find a definition for agressor in the quran?
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So according to you a peaceful society would be a lawless one.

There is no Islamic society that is peaceful, Sam. It is behooved to every Muslim they MUST kill whenever there is a "fight." Again, it is the term "fight" that is in contention.
There is no Islamic society that is peaceful, Sam. It is behooved to every Muslim they MUST kill whenever there is a "fight." Again, it is the term "fight" that is in contention.

So its very simple innit? Don't fight with Muslims and they won't fight back. How difficult is that?