Reporting on Gods Visit

I have no evidence of a God. My question is whether or not belief without evidence is enough to condemn?

The evidence of God is the evidence that God has deemed adequate to give. God knows what He is doing.

The Word of God, The message is enough.

Romans 10
7 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Hebrews 4
12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

So if one reads and hears the Word but discounts it then it is not about lack of evidence it is all about disagreement with the Word of God.

So yes Disagreement with the Message of God is just enough reason for ones Condemnation.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Who cares? This is all about your god visiting me. He is all-powerful, yes? He is all-knowing, yes? Then, what's the problem?

God's non-existence is the problem, perhaps?

The Problem is with you. He knows you.

Do you think God is beholden to you. Do you think God is under an obligation to make one believe Him when the one hates His truth?

If you do then your sadly mistaken.

You wanna set your bar and snap your fingers to make God jump for one who hates the love of the truth??? Your kidding.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
it seems the measures are coming into effect

God wants crusade
God wants jihad
God wants good
God wants bad
What God wants God gets
The evidence of God is the evidence that God has deemed adequate to give. God knows what He is doing.

The Word of God, The message is enough.

You have no evidence. My question was whether or not belief without evidence is enough to condemn. Only through the using of religion is such unjust thinking unobjectionable. No reputable court of law would convict a person on belief without evidence. God couldn’t even be a witness. No address to send a subpoena. If God did have an address that a court of law could use, then God could be placed on trial charging him with genocide and crimes against humanity.

So if one reads and hears the Word but discounts it then it is not about lack of evidence it is all about disagreement with the Word of God.

I know, nobody is allowed to disagree without facing conviction. A guilty verdict should be based in fact not belief. You talk as though the bible was absolute fact when the actual evidence provided through science and archeology has proven its not.

So yes Disagreement with the Message of God is just enough reason for ones Condemnation.

Take a book that is known to be inaccurate and condemn or convict people using the false information it contains. According to the book of Genesis the earth is flat. Before anybody can be condemned or convicted or sent to hell a flat earth must be produced first. Religion's sense of justice is not.
it seems the measures are coming into effect

God wants crusade
God wants jihad
God wants good
God wants bad
What God wants God gets

God and the devil come together you don't get one without the other. I think of God as having two heads.
No good answer is no answer .
I just give up .
No smile this time .
:shrug: .

well it is pretty true as far as I am concerned..a work in progress

god existing in the realm where time has no meaning tells me he isn't done yet.. with me .. with you or anyone else

now it boils down to if you believe in such realms
Are any psychics aboard? Perhaps one could explain to me the words “I am”.

Why do you need a psychic" to expalin. "I AM"

It is simply a term God used to describe Himself after being asked for His name.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Why do you need a psychic" to expalin. "I AM"

It is simply a term God used to describe Himself after being asked for His name.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Because I couldn't expect a fair and impartial answer from you.
It is simply a term God used to describe Himself after being asked for His name.

I am's part of my name too...I feel divine :wave:
well it is pretty true as far as I am concerned..a work in progress

god existing in the realm where time has no meaning tells me he isn't done yet.. with me .. with you or anyone else

now it boils down to if you believe in such realms

Does God have a clock?