Reporting on Gods Visit

After all of that. What did the three you old do to deserve the wrath of god ?

You think I am being a smart ass, your wrong. I am questioning the belief, but especially the origin of the belief in god.

I would like to know from a god that is going to destroy us all, what the three your old did to deserve it ?

Seems like a valid question to me.

Our spirits are eternal and the 3 year old deserves something much better than this. I have known that since I myself was a 3 year old.
Oh yeah science and technology have made society SO MUCH BETTER.

I want to add this thought. Most people are aware the pope has declared pollution a sin. My response is how does one feed 6½ billion people without creating some type of pollution? This is how deities condemn without providing a solution to anything including pollution.

“ Originally Posted by jpappl
I don't know, I asked you.

If it has been sending data, then maybe they aren't all bad. Maybe the data sent has been of value in some ways.

Are you claiming they are evil ? Are you claiming they or it is responsible for why people believe in god(s) ? ”

Using scare tactics isn't accomplishing much. Handing over useful information would be better.

Yes, "it" is responsible for belief in many different Gods, Egyptian, Roman, Mayan and Aztec of the past to name a few.

So your proposing these contacts are not recent and have essentially shaped the way things work by manipulating our minds. Like a game ?

Is this correct ?

Using magic and faith to make the sacrifice acceptable.

The contention that you don't want to face is that there is no magic in this solution.

And don't you dare tell me that the abuse children and we all suffer is meaningless or I will find you and personally correct that tragic misconception.

So your proposing these contacts are not recent and have essentially shaped the way things work by manipulating our minds. Like a game ?

Is this correct ?

Yes. Manipulation is the word. No real answers containing any doable solutions. Never tell one’s enemy anything worth knowing.
I want to add this thought. Most people are aware the pope has declared pollution a sin. My response is how does one feed 6½ billion people without creating some type of pollution? This is how deities condemn without providing a solution to anything including pollution.

And you're listening to the pope because why?!

Because he owns buys and sells god?

The contention that you don't want to face is that there is no magic in this solution.

And don't you dare tell me that the abuse children and we all suffer is meaningless or I will find you and personally correct that tragic misconception.

Nice, now we are on to threats. Give me a break.
Believe it or not, I stated a fact. I have ears.

Pollution is the result of sin. The wages of sin is death. There ya go, its fucking rocket science. Even the bullshit figure head can almost figure that out. Almost...
Nice, now we are on to threats. Give me a break.

It was an empty threat. I was just trying to make a point. I could never hurt you more than the average 3 year old in this world hurts. It takes a village to do that.