Religious Nonsense

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Religion........, Number of followers (in millions)...., Founded

Christianity..................2,420................................................Middle East
Islam............................1,800................................................Middle East
Hinduism.....................1,150...........................................Indian subcontinent
Buddhism 520...........................................Indian subcontinent

Major religious groups - Wikipedia

Of course about half the Jewish population was murdered. But you can add that to the top two religions above.

Christians were murdered in their millions as well
Address and correct Scripture to reflect modern ethical and moral values. Scripture makes a good point and then proceeds to ruin it with utter prejudicial tenets and teachings.
You see this is the problem when you insist on warping, well, practically everything (science, philosophy, religion, sociology, history, etc) for the sake of driving home your conclusions which are based on nothing but your own shit stained glasses.

Do you honestly expect people to just sit idly by, while you talk about the legacy of Hitler in one breath, wiggle your fingers, and then finish the sentence talking about the application of scripture?
Address and correct Scripture to reflect modern secular ethical and moral values. Scripture makes a good point (the 7 deadly sins) and then proceeds to ruin it with utter prejudicial tenets and teachings.
The virtues are nothing to sneeze about either. Unfortunately adherence the religion itself is considered a virtue, to the exclusion of other belief systems. Each claims these virtues as their own and kill each other over the right to make the claim....:(

Castitas...............Purity, abstinence................Gluttony...................Gula
Charity.................Caritas....... Benevolence, generosity, sacrifice......Greed..............Avaritia
Diligence............Industria.............Persistence, Effort, ethics.............Sloth..................Acedia
Patience.............Patientia..............Forgiveness, mercy.......................Wrath.....................Ira
Kindness............Humanitas...........Satisfaction, compassion..............Envy................Invidia
Humility........... Humilitas..........Bravery, modesty, reverence............Pride............Superbia

Where is the empires of tolerance gone ?
You see this is the problem when you insist on warping, well, practically everything (science, philosophy, religion, sociology, history, etc) for the sake of driving home your conclusions which are based on nothing but your own shit stained glasses.

Do you honestly expect people to just sit idly by, while you talk about the legacy of Hitler in one breath, wiggle your fingers, and then finish the sentence talking about the application of scripture?
Ever thought about the violence done to the US Constitution in the name of "Make America great again" lately. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. I am the cautionary voice to the many good persons who practise religion. They don't need their pastor tell them never to accommodate atheists or even people of different faith.

I was there, in church, listening to this asshole spout that dangerous crap and heard many hallelujas in response. Scary. I reminded me of my youth and how I had to avoid religious zealots, lest I be beaten.

Just as with other forms of governance, religions themselves are not exempt from judgement as to their social influences.

But when a Christian Bishop who declared a fatwah on Hypatia, who was subsequently literally torn to pieces, is elevated to the position of Sainthood, this is just insult upon injury.
Injustice cannot be allowed to fester. When religion fosters injustice it must be corrected.
Ever thought about the violence done to the US Constitution in the name of "Make America great again" lately. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. I am the cautionary voice to the many good persons who practise religion. They don't need their pastor tell them never to accommodate atheists or even people of different faith.

I was there, in church, listening to this asshole spout that dangerous crap and heard many hallelujas in response. Scary. I reminded me of my youth and how I had to avoid religious zealots, lest I be beaten.

Religions themselves are not exempt from judgement as to their social influences.

But when a Christian Bishop who declared a fatwah on Hypatia, who was subsequently literally torn to pieces, is elevated to the position of Sainthood, this is just insult upon injury.
Injustice cannot be allowed to fester. When religion fosters injustice it must be corrected.
Once again, we come back to history, religion, sociology, etc vs anecdote.

Or to say the same thing another way, its more efficient to simply spot injustice, malice, moral decrepitude, etc at the onset, and avoid playing this shadow puppet game that requires one to bastardize everything in order to have a so called legitimate target to hate under false pretenses.
Where is the empires of tolerance gone ?
IMHO, it is the freedom to pursue the gratifications of greed (the accumulation of unearned and unnecessary resources)
It is the implacable universal imperative of "movement in the direction of greatest satisfaction".

How much is enough and how much is too much and earns a natural response from the earth's ecosystem. Don't mess with mother Nature. Trying to cheat Nature and rob her of naturally restricted resources is a deadly sin and will get you in deep shit, to use someone else's phrase.

Don't worship God, respect Nature is my advise.
Right now we are beginning to become a "surface nuisance", to be shed like dog sheds water.

but if you you think I am some wide-eyed bleeding heart, rest assured, I have an extremely realistic outlook on life and what it means, relatively speaking.......o_O

IMHO, it is the freedom to pursue the gratifications of greed (the accumulation of unearned and unnecessary resources)
It is the implacable universal imperative of "movement in the direction of greatest satisfaction".

How much is enough and how much is too much and earns a natural response from the earth's ecosystem. Don't mess with mother Nature. Trying to cheat Nature and rob her of naturally restricted resources is a deadly sin and will get you in deep shit, to use someone else's phrase.

Don't worship God, respect Nature is my advise.
Right now we are beginning to become a "surface nuisance", to be shed like dog sheds water.

but if you you think I am some wide-eyed bleeding heart, rest assured, I have an extremely realistic outlook on life and what it means, relatively speaking.......o_O

Alexander the Great had tolerance of other religions
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