Religious Nonsense

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Ah I read

So you know but won't say
Well that's why we post links... to save having to write things so we can continue to converse in brief, ambivalent, sparsely worded single sentences in a rapid manner.
Well that's why we post links... to save having to write things so we can continue to converse in brief, ambivalent, sparsely worded single sentences in a rapid manner.


Pol-pot linked with Khmer Rouge , to say the least not a good association to the Cambodian People .
The latest and the greatest.
Not the latest.
He removed 25 % of his domestic population in less than 10 years IIRC. All without the aid of religious mandated violence.
He is often credited with the entire loss of life under his rule - the American bombing campaign and related war and postwar mortality is omitted. That misleads.

btw: His worldview - and that of most other modern communist atheistic genocidal despotisms, such as Stalin's - shared with the Abrahamic religions a hostility toward Darwinian evolution and biological science in general.

So we should settle - for the purposes of the thread - which of the alternating labels for such authoritarian communist ideological movements and schools to affix: Are they religions ?
In the past the Abrahamic theists here have chosen either yes or no depending on which served their immediate purpose - did they wish to disparage hypocrisy in those who claimed superior rationality and less reliance on faith etc for such governance, or did they wish to separate religion from the bad behavior of authoritarian communists.

bbtw: The attempted slide from religiously organized, caused, or justified, violence to "religious mandated violence" (sic) is not going to work.

Example, from a genocidal mass killing comparable to Pol Pot's, in Nigeria:
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Well, that was a change of subject as subtle as a tv news helicopter crashing into an orphanage, but ok, let's go with the flow.
It was you showing up at the orphanage wearing a bomb vest to get a crack at 72 virgins that prompted the flyover.
To begin, the danger with desiring to only develop a superficial understanding of things so one can crack fart jokes is that one only develops a superficial understanding of things so one can crack fart jokes.
Superficial is as far as you allow any of these conversations to go. Any time a request for specifics arises you start channeling Johnnie Cochran and bring up Wookiees on Endor.
Perhaps I could begin to take that statement seriously if you first displayed an understanding of basic epistemology.
Epistemology deals with various interpretations concerning the acquisition of knowledge, what constitutes knowledge is more narrowly defined. Essentially knowledge is a justified belief. Regardless of how you interpret the process of getting there, you still have to demonstrate the elemental of proof involved. So if you're going to use epistemology as cover for your still unsupported assertion of knowledge of the divine, then you will have to put up a justified explanation for it.
What part of science do you think should not be subject to change?
The scientific method.
You see this is the problem when you insist on warping, well, practically everything (science, philosophy, religion, sociology, history, etc) for the sake of driving home your conclusions which are based on nothing but your own shit stained glasses.

Do you honestly expect people to just sit idly by, while you talk about the legacy of Hitler in one breath, wiggle your fingers, and then finish the sentence talking about the application of scripture?
Yes. Hitler is a favorite of Christians. They cite him all the time in context of atheists killing believers in the name of Atheism.

Talk about a shit stained glasses. Ever looked at shit through Holy glasses. Holy shit...:eek:
How something is defined is always a matter of its relation to the constituents of its existence, that’s context. If something existed by itself in an unchanging reality, then you could argue for a single context. I’m not aware of any such a reality, are you?

There is disagreement between your raw concept and your context. Five people counting coin flips in a probability test can produce a valid and reliable result result by assembling their own empiric observations into a common body of information.

Five people watching an event and offering matching political descriptions of what they saw are not nearly so reliable a context of empiricism.

Five people trying to split hairs about the words "atheist" and "atheism" in order to have maximum argumentative presence and minimal argumentative obligation, similarly, would be trolling.

Your exploration of "orifice ramming"↑, to the other, is your own issue, and needn't be anyone else's.
Not even if membership comes with a swanky uniform?
Atheists wear uniforms? Musika, I'm sorry to say, your mind has been completely obliterated by religious indoctrination and misinformation.

Ever seen a Catholic school? Ever see nuns wear uniforms? Ever see the students wear uniforms? Ever seen a religious priest wear a uniform (frock)? Ever seen religious pomp and circumstance in worship of the divine One?

I saw several atheists wear T-shirts with "Save the Whales" once. Some uniform, huh?
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For those who still believe that Hitler was an atheist, you may want to refresh memory.
Religion in the Third Reich[edit]
See the main article on this topic: Nazism § Religion in Nazism
As for Adolf Hitler and the original Nazis, their relationship with the faith was conflicted, but Hitler described himself as Christian (at least publicly; in private Hitler condemned Christianity in Hitler's Table Talk and in the Goebbels Diaries). For a while, he and Nazi ideologue Alfred Rosenberg promoted a Nazified brand of the faith known as Positive Christianity and attempted to unite Germany's Protestant churches under its banner, but they ran into stiff opposition from the Confessing Church movement, which was repulsed by the Nazis' attempts to force their ideology into the pulpit, and so they largely gave up after 1935. Although atheism was never outright banned, atheist groups were, and atheism was generally frowned upon. Esoteric, neo-pagan, and occultist movements[1] were tolerated, but all occult secret societies were banned, though this had less to do with anti-occult activism and more to do with the fact that Hitler just didn't trust secret societies.

So don't tell me that Hitler was an Atheist. Quite the contrary, he was a religious person.
Kinda turns the Hitler argument on it's head no?

p.s. He didn't kill the Jews for being religious Jews. He blamed the Jews for the faltering German economy. He was afraid of their political influence and wanted their MONEY!

Does that begin to sound familiar?
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Yes. Hitler is a favorite of Christians. They cite him all the time in context of atheists killing believers in the name of Atheism.

Talk about a shit stained glasses. Ever looked at shit through Holy glasses. Holy shit...:eek:

You just cited Hitler (about 2 pages back) as some sort of model for applying scripture. That was the specific bullshit I was calling out in regards to your glasses. This whole discourse about Hitler's individual religious leanings is irrelevant.
Atheists wear uniforms? Musika, I'm sorry to say, your mind has been completely obliterated by religious indoctrination and misinformation.

Ever seen a Catholic school? Ever see nuns wear uniforms? Ever see the students wear uniforms? Ever seen a religious priest wear a uniform (frock)? Ever seen religious pomp and circumstance in worship of the divine One?

I saw several atheists wear T-shirts with "Save the Whales" once. Some uniform, huh?

I used to have a button that said "Nuke a Gay Whale for Jesus!"

I wasn't popular with Baptists or hippies, and that was OK.

Some asshole stole that from me...
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