Religious Nonsense

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Zealotry in the practice of prejudice and religious exclusivity is a bad thing.

Then learn the damn lesson.

If I zealously defend the atheists perspective in my own unique way way, it is only in response to the religious zealotry directed at me. As is my right, which you now seek to take away from me.

Libelous bigot.

Zealotry in defense of truth is an good thing.

You reject evidence you don't want to believe in. You make up random accusations. Zealotry in promotion of your religious straw truth is a practice of prejudice and religious supremacism.

Who are you? God?

No, just someone who flatly rejects such petty religious hatred as you insist on polluting the world with.

Methinks your are displaying too zealous a defense of those poor religious sheeple.

No, I'm not; your imagination is indefensible.

Well, you are innocent and naive. Religous people are dangerous.

Adding to that danger is not really helping, so stop it.

They'll kill you for your beliefs if they differ from their's.

Some will. Hasn't happened, lately. Most of what endangers my life doesn't need God or religion in order to be so dangerous. That is to say, whatever, get rid of "religion"; you're only making things worse.

Your hatred precludes understanding:

That's bad zealotry, don't you agree?

Zealotry is zealotry. Inasmuch as killing is bad, sure. But your contribution, to inflame the symptoms while strawstuffing the cause, is no better.

You've already made it clear your zealotry is about your own satisfaction; that makes you precisely like every other zealot. Honestly, we follow your path, religious zealotry becomes more dangerous to humanity.

It's not exactly a contribution to be proud of.
Thats a tautology. We can not "not mess" with nature, by definition.
What did you think I meant with that expression?
Did you miss the example I gave. The point was that, not only do you not mess with nature, you must actively respect and practically protect it's life giving properties.

IOW, Live in symbiotic harmony (as much as possible) with the earth's biosphere.
A Symbiotic relationship.

Talking about introspection. Interestingly, insects have learned this lesson. They even look like the environment they live in. Neat huh?
Oddly so does the descendant of a sea slug. The cuttlefish is able to morph into its surrounding patterns. That's "knowing your backside"
Determining the pros and cons of our "messing" by assessing the state of our backside is simply an assessment of the state of our backside.
Apparently you do not understand the metaphorical nature of scripture.
The story of eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge teaches obeying natural (not God's) law. Hence the consequent of expulsion from paradise.
You are arguing against scripture....eeek!
By your own admission, the introspection and knowledge of relationship only goes as far as one's backside.
I admitted no such thing. I'll admit that introspection by religious people goes as far as their backside.
And returning to reality; that reference to backsides (offered by you) brought a very unpleasant visual of a real life history with Catholic and some other religions to mind. But then, it is just one out of many. We've become jaded.

When clergy, the communicators of truth and ethics, can resort to child molestation without penalty, something is wrong with that religion.
Once again, you never leave the arbitrary human sense of value.
You are right, and my values are arbitrarily honest and genuine in the best tradition of secular Human tenets of morality and ethics.
Libelous bigot.
Who am I addressing personally with my libelous bigotry? You gonna start a class action suit against me for addressing a terrible blight on humanity?

The invention of exclusive religions! And human sacrifice in the name of that exclusivity. I call that a problem that needs correction.

p.s. my wife is native american and catholic and we've been compatibly married for 50 years.
As a result of sharing her personal experiences with real religious zealots as well as exclusive prejudism against my wife, I have experience with libelous bigotry against minority members of the citizenry.

I cam empathize with all people of color who must suffer untold humiliation as a result of prejudice.

What is going on today screams against all notions of moral an ethical civility.
Where is the outcry from the religious community? Are they criminally negligent?

Is a theocratic autocracy desirable, or even acceptable? Back to the Dark Ages?
Looks to me like that's where we are headed.
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Who am I addressing personally with my libelous bigotry? You gonna start a class action suit against me for addressing a terrible blight on humanity?

The invention of exclusive religions! And human sacrifice in the name of that exclusivity. I call that a problem that needs correction.

p.s. my wife is native american and catholic and we've been compatibly married for 50 years.
As a result of sharing her personal experiences with real religious zealots as well as exclusive prejudism against my wife, I have experience with libelous bigotry against minority members of the citizenry.

I cam empathize with all people of color who must suffer untold humiliation as a result of prejudice.

What is going on today screams against all notions of moral an ethical civility.
Where is the outcry from the religious community? Are they criminally negligent?

Is a theocratic autocracy desirable, or even acceptable? Back to the Dark Ages?
Looks to me like that's where we are headed.

We are in the Dark Ages .

We have yet by definition , are civilized .
You know, I quoted it. Why can you not follow yourself from post to post?
To whom have I done harm?

OTOH, I have been subject to physical harm from religious bigotry, without demanding retribution. But that was done to me and doesn't seem to count in your book.
A rather blase outlook I must say.

Tell me, do you ever cry watching an unspeakable horror committed by a congregation of humans on other humans or living things? I do, I have seen horror and been subjected to it.
No shame in that.

When one side tries to play by the rules and the other doesn't, who is at fault? The side that declares divine right?
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To whom have I done harm?
OTOH, I have been subject to physical harm from religious bigotry, without demanding retribution.
But that was done to me and doesn't seem to count in your book. A rather blase outlook I must say.
Tell me, do you ever cry watching an unspeakable horror committed by humans on other humans or living things? I do. No shame in that.

Again↑: Why can you not follow yourself from post to post?
Again↑: Why can you not follow yourself from post to post?
I don't contradict myself in context of premise.

Why are you acting like you have Anosognosia, the lack of ability to recognize a common disease, also known as religion. My rants are not personal, they are against all belief systems, which demand compliance on threat of everlasting punishment.
That is a psychopathic and sociopathic mindset. It is a dictatorial mindset. Think about it.

p.s. I find it interesting that you have not been so dilligent in reminding my theist friends of their responsibility to explain their theological nonsense encrypted in Scripture and which has led them to commit unspeakable crimes by divine decree.

Arrogant hubris and prejudice or sheepish obedience as demanded by exclusive Scripture?
Take your pick.

Religious people own their religion. That is the powerful province of the theist's exclusive congregational mindset. It's encoded in their "mirror neural system". The hive mind.
It creates their hive Tulpa, aka God.
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Then learn the damn lesson.
I am not being zealous in the practice of prejudice and religious exclusivity. That would be bad.

However I am zealous ( in the best sense of the term) against the practice of prejudice and religious exclusivity.

Read and reflect on what I post, will you.
  1. He had no cause for self-reproach on the score of neglect, or want of thought, for he had been devoted to her service; and yet a hundred little occasions rose up before him, on which he fancied he might have been more zealous, and more earnest, and wished he had been. —Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist, 1838

Click so everybody else can go to Hell.

Why are you acting like you have Anosognosia, the lack of ability to recognize a common disease, also known as religion. My rants are not personal, they are against all belief systems, which demand compliance on threat of everlasting punishment.
That is a psychopathic and sociopathic mindset.

You should probably take the time to learn what you're talking about. It is worth noting, in the spirit of Baudelaire, that there comes a point when your ministry really does sound like a childish, sneering iteration of Satanism↱.
Why are you acting like you have Anosognosia, the lack of ability to recognize a common disease, also known as religion. My rants are not personal, they are against all belief systems, which demand compliance on threat of everlasting punishment.

Then you would probably do well to limit your criticism to christianity for a start. I've come to quickly understand that, around here, "all religion" means a few verses from the koran and protestantism and post protestant catholicism ... or perhaps even just a few key verses from the OT. By key verses, I mean ones that offer a seemingly obvious bitterness when juxtaposed against modern life (an obviousness that can have its acerbity reduced, somewhat, by a 10 second google search into scriptural commentaries, I might add)

That is a psychopathic and sociopathic mindset.

p.s. I find it interesting that you have not been so dilligent in reminding my theist friends of their responsibility to explain their theological nonsense encrypted in Scripture.

Religious people own their religion. That is the powerful province of the theist exclusive congregational mindset.
If its any consolation, I also find a certain reflux reaction to theists who offer lame arsed shrouds of religious authority for their personal vendettas. I never feel that joining arms with them to "swell the numbers" grants a desirable outcome.

Ok, there is Stalins famous quote about quantity also being a sort of quality, but even that argument occupies a very specific field, since he was equal parts ruthless as he was broad in accepting membership.
If its any consolation, I also find a certain reflux reaction to theists who offer lame arsed shrouds of religious authority for their personal vendettas. I never feel that joining arms with them to "swell the numbers" grants a desirable outcome.
Good for you. I respect that. As I said my objections are not against persons, they area gainst the immovable blocks of old time fundamental exclusive religions.

I would never object to sun worship. It's a harmless occupation and one can identify the good parts, such as warmth, reflections on the lake. OTOH the sun can also give skin cancer, unless you protect yourself from over-exposure. I believe there is a moral to be found here.
Then you would probably do well to limit your criticism to christianity for a start. I've come to quickly understand that, around here, "all religion" means a few verses from the koran and protestantism and post protestant catholicism ... or perhaps even just a few key verses from the OT.
Well these three Abrahamic religions make up the great majority of adherents. I already qualified my use of the term religious prejudice.
Well these three Abrahamic religions make up the great majority of adherents.
What are you talking about?

I already qualified my use of the term religious prejudice.
Yeah, with a noteworthy detour around scripture, religion and history, all for the express purpose of maintaining your beliefs about the religious.
So why don't you try coming to that grade?
Should we ever forgive Hitler and what he did to Jews? I don't think so. I lived under his thumb as a child. My family's jewish friends were deported to German concentration camps.
Forget? Never. Forgive? Never.
He truly committed mortal sins against Humanity in the name of socialism, to hell with him.
Should we ever forgive Hitler and what he did to Jews? I don't think so. I lived under his thumb as a child. My family's jewish friends were deported to German concentration camps.
Forget? Never. Forgive? Never.
He truly committed mortal sins against Humanity in the name of socialism, to hell with him.
Victimhood doesn't grant the moral highground (in fact it commonly perpetuates the crime), so if that high ground is what you are looking to acquire, its probably wiser to start looking somewhere else.
Should we ever forgive Hitler and what he did to Jews? I don't think so. I lived under his thumb as a child. My family's jewish friends were deported to German concentration camps.
Forget? Never. Forgive? Never.
He truly committed mortal sins against Humanity in the name of socialism, to hell with him.


But now what ?
What are you talking about?
Religion........, Number of followers (in millions)...., Founded

Christianity..................2,420................................................Middle East
Islam............................1,800................................................Middle East
Hinduism.....................1,150...........................................Indian subcontinent
Buddhism 520...........................................Indian subcontinent

Major religious groups - Wikipedia
With between 14.5 and 17.4 million adherents worldwide,[6] Judaism is the tenth largest religion in the world.
Of course about half the Jewish population was murdered. But you can add that to the top two religions above.
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But now what ?
Address and correct Scripture to reflect modern secular ethical and moral values. Scripture makes a good point (the 7 deadly sins) and then proceeds to ruin it with utter prejudicial tenets and teachings.
The virtues are nothing to sneeze about either. Unfortunately adherence the religion itself is considered a virtue, to the exclusion of other belief systems. Each claims these virtues as their own and kill each other over the right to make the claim....:(

Castitas...............Purity, abstinence................Gluttony...................Gula
Charity.................Caritas....... Benevolence, generosity, sacrifice......Greed..............Avaritia
Diligence............Industria.............Persistence, Effort, ethics.............Sloth..................Acedia
Patience.............Patientia..............Forgiveness, mercy.......................Wrath.....................Ira
Kindness............Humanitas...........Satisfaction, compassion..............Envy................Invidia
Humility........... Humilitas..........Bravery, modesty, reverence............Pride............Superbia
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