Religions are created by the delusional.

To wisdom Seeker: The sources from which all of that information came from are also included in my site. Please, first read it all, then say "I don't buy it." Right now you are like a person who read the front cover, and the back cover of a book jacket, and then passed judgment without ever reading the inside. This site is called SciForums, but so far, this site might as well be called NoSciForums from the many responses I receive. Sorry I have a background in Engineering, which makes me keep my mouth shut, until I can offer actual proof. I do not fit in among most people here, who offer opinions that they can not validate. Engineering, and science offers proof that can be very lengthy, and involves having to think as well. I have tried to make my site, so if only a 100 IQ is possessed, but the reader reads it all, then they will understand. Not even a IQ of 200 could verify my proof if they only made the scanty review like you made.

I read half your paper man, is too extensive. And to be honest, it didn´t get my full attention.
Some of your ideas are good thought.

What I cannot get in my "pig head" (as you put it in your webpage) is that you claim to be the reencarnation of Paul the Evangelist, based on pure asumptions. You say that your "proof" is in the Bible mixed with the Coran.

You cannot convince people like me. I do not believe in all the words of the Bible or Coran, but I believe in men from whom I hear wise statements.

One answer from you, one little line can convince me that you are a conscious man; but if you come and start quoting random peaces of the Bible and Coran to take it as a "proof" of your identity and God´s intentions on Earth, then I would take it as you misinterpreted the scriptures. Big time.
I claim to be the reborn apostle Peter, I am not Paul. The reborn apostle Paul lived most recently 1865 - 1919. My web site is very extensive, and unfortunately, it will be likely another year, or two before it is all easy to read, and does not tire the reader out. Right now, the reader may have to think more than I wish, as some things need to be stated more clearly. Anyway, I do know if one will actually apply them self to it, and spend many hours, even days on my site, and also read the other material, found in the link “My favorite links” which then means spending months of reading that material, then after that time you should have a reasonable understanding on all the world religions. You will see how to make your life more productive too.

My proof is also found in miracles, the greatest ones seen since the time of Christ. Just because the miracles support the Bible, and Qur'an does not mean I am using those books to prove they are miracles. Millions of people have already said they are miracles, but I show the connection to scripture. Please do not confuse the two, for if you don't believe in scripture then you will see miracles you can believe in, that support prophecy saying someday those miracles will happen. Where today it has happened. The following link shows the entire set of miracles, which proves that God is working through me, to prove who I am. Here is a quote from my site, which tells how to get there:

"After going to what is called "The Little Book," which work was prophecy fulfilled, Revelation 10:8-11, (That is not random. I will prove it.) which book is a sign, and wonder, then scroll down to almost the very bottom to the link found on the table of contents called "Pg 90 Appendix B Miracles that resulted from Lawsuit (<Enter) " You may go to that link only after entering access to it from here:
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I claim to be the reborn apostle Peter, I am not Paul. The reborn apostle Paul lived most recently 1865 - 1919. My web site is very extensive, and unfortunately, it will be likely another year, or two before it is all easy to read, and does not tire the reader out. Right now, the reader may have to think more than I wish, as some things need to be stated more clearly. Anyway, I do know if one will actually apply them self to it, and spend many hours, even days on my site, and also read the other material, found in the link “My favorite links” which then means spending months of reading that material, then after that time you should have a reasonable understanding on all the world religions. You will see how to make your life more productive too.

My proof is also found in miracles, the greatest ones seen since the time of Christ. Just because the miracles support the Bible, and Qur'an does not mean I am using those books to prove they are miracles. Millions of people have already said they are miracles, but I show the connection to scripture. Please do not confuse the two, for if you don't believe in scripture then you will see miracles you can believe in, that support prophecy saying someday those miracles will happen. Where today it has happened. The following link shows the entire set of miracles, which proves that God is working through me, to prove who I am. Here is a quote from my site, which tells how to get there:

"After going to what is called "The Little Book," which work was prophecy fulfilled, Revelation 10:8-11, (That is not random. I will prove it.) which book is a sign, and wonder, then scroll down to almost the very bottom to the link found on the table of contents called "Pg 90 Appendix B Miracles that resulted from Lawsuit (<Enter) " You may go to that link only after entering access to it from here:

You see man? this is what I´m talking about, and this is why I think you are not getting much reception from people.
You hang on to things too much, I always say that wise men contradict themselves all the time, it is only the fools that never admit they are wrong.

A belief cannot be forced into people, unless you force it to a child, who is vulnerable (there are exceptions). You can only show people the way to experience things by themselves, not just telling them random stuff about the Coran or Bible, even the Upanishads.
Seek for answers, and you will get them, but not hang to something so much, specially a belief. Those are borrowed truths.

Words can never express who or what is God, and words will always be incomplete. Everyones path is different, you may have found your own. If that is the case, then keep it to yourself and let it born in your soul. This will shape your thoughts and actions, people will notice...
I claim to be the reborn apostle Peter, I am not Paul.
M*W: If you are the reborn apostle Peter, as you claim, what is your mission in this lifetime? What is your opinion about the RCC and how it has turned out? What is your belief about christianity today? As part of your mission today, do you perform the sacraments, marry people, baptise them, etc.?

The reborn apostle Paul lived most recently 1865 - 1919.
M*W: Did the reborn apostle Paul have a different name when he was reborn into this lifetime? What was his mission?

My proof is also found in miracles, the greatest ones seen since the time of Christ. Just because the miracles support the Bible, and Qur'an does not mean I am using those books to prove they are miracles.
M*W: Do you perform miracles today as part of your new lifetime?

Millions of people have already said they are miracles, but I show the connection to scripture. Please do not confuse the two, for if you don't believe in scripture then you will see miracles you can believe in, that support prophecy saying someday those miracles will happen. Where today it has happened. The following link shows the entire set of miracles, which proves that God is working through me, to prove who I am.
M*W: Please explain how god works through you. Be specific about the miracles you have performed, who witnessed the miracles, and the result of your miracles.

I see that your username is "danross." Is this your real name in this lifetime, or do you go by Peter? Does Peter have a last name? Do you have any other occupation than the miracle worker and apostle Peter? What is your status in the RCC today? Are you recognized by the pope and The Vatican? Do you wear papal robes? Do you have a college of cardinals? Do you visit other countries like the pope?

Is there another apostle Paul reincarnated today? Do you work closely with him? There has been some rumor for a couple of thousand years now that Paul and Peter didn't get along (as opposed to what was written about them being best friends). Rumor has it that Paul stabbed Peter in the back when they were down in Rome. Can you ever forgive Paul for doing such a thing? Is it true that Paul was gay? I know you two spent some time alone down in the dungeon under Nero's Circus, but did anything happen between you two? Did Paul try to make any advances toward you? Was it true that Paul was beheaded and you were crucified upside down?

Was it a fact that Paul misled the world by his new testament writings? It's been said that you knew Jesus personally, but Paul had never met Jesus. Why did Paul lie so much?

Thanks in advance for answering my questions. This is an interesting subject.
To MW: The answers are in my website.

To Wisdom seeker: Take your own advice: Shut up, and never say another word. You are a hypocrite otherwise.
I am leaving so called SciForums, where science is on vacation everyday. No since wasting my time here thinking science will ever get back to work in this place. As an old Physics friend of mine said: "Lets blow this popsicle stand."
M*W: It's been stated many times on this forum that religions were created by the delusional. To recap:

Paul was epileptic and reported to have had hallucinatory visions.

Muhammad was epileptic and reported to have had hallucinatory visions.

Moses was reported to have had hallucinatory visions.

My question to the forum:

Could Joseph Smith have been epileptic? We know he had hallucinatory visions.

Are any other founders of religions known to be epileptic or have hallucinatory visions?

Thanks for your replies.
Actually, the writings of religious texts doesn't match those of the delusional, they are too well-written for such a conclusion, the ideas may sometimes seem like a dream or a fantasy, but there is nothing to suggest that it was delusional, as they believed it to be a message from God, either through dreams or visual sights, since this is the context of the writing, then it isn't delusional but percepted in such a way, and explained as percepted - in other words, it was a experiance that they in fact had experianced and wrote about, they weren't deluded then for writing what they had experianced.
To MW: The answers are in my website.

To Wisdom seeker: Take your own advice: Shut up, and never say another word. You are a hypocrite otherwise.

I just said that stuff to test you, and you have shown your ego more than anyone in this website. I hurt your feelings? Take your fake preaching elsewere.
Actually, the writings of religious texts doesn't match those of the delusional, they are too well-written for such a conclusion, the ideas may sometimes seem like a dream or a fantasy, but there is nothing to suggest that it was delusional, as they believed it to be a message from God, either through dreams or visual sights, since this is the context of the writing, then it isn't delusional but percepted in such a way, and explained as percepted - in other words, it was a experiance that they in fact had experianced and wrote about, they weren't deluded then for writing what they had experianced.

If you think about it, the people that really had experienced it, like Jesus, Gautama or Zarathustra never wrote anything down.
If you think about it, the people that really had experienced it, like Jesus, Gautama or Zarathustra never wrote anything down.
That is true, also many of the authors used others to write down while they had their experiances so as to not disturb the experiance by writing.

When I think about it, this COULD mean that the analysts could be wrong to say that two different texts didn't have the same author since they didn't share the same style, it was just written by two different writers while the authors were the same perhaps. Unfortunatly we can't know for sure.