The families begged and pleaded with me to do something. Anything. I did.
M*W: Are you a licensed minister? Have you been trained to counsel the dying? Why couldn't their own family members talk to them about it? I can imagine that you are just a big mouth christian who interferes in everyone elses business. You're the kind of christian who under the guise of praying for people's problems get confided in with all kinds of juicy gossip. I've seen your kind in prayer meetings. It's just a big gossip fest where they 'pretend' to pray for those with 'problems.'
I can't imagine that those families approached you to pray for their loved ones on their deathbeds, but I can imagine you barging in and telling them you want to pray for their loved ones. In fact, I think I've met you before... or at least others like you who interfere in people's personal lives.
Why would you be upset that someone's spirit is in Heaven now with God and Jesus? One less spirit for hell. Is that why?
M*W: I feel for the dying person who was probably holding onto one thin grasp of life while you're hovering over them 'praying' to change them on their deathbed... as if they could even understand what was going on. Admit it, sandy, you did this for entertainment purposes and for your own ego trip. You're the kind of christian who wants other christians to see you holier than thou.
This has nothing to do with me being upset about them being in heaven. There is no such place. Those people were dying. They were about to lose their state of consciousness. Instead of your badgering them, their families should have been comforting them and helping to encourage them to go peacefully. People at that stage of life (at the end) need to be reassured to know it is okay for them to go when they are trying desperately to hold on to one last grasp of life. You did the wrong thing. You put fear into them as they were leaving this world. You're an evil person.