Religions are created by the delusional.

The families begged and pleaded with me to do something. Anything. I did.

M*W: Are you a licensed minister? Have you been trained to counsel the dying? Why couldn't their own family members talk to them about it? I can imagine that you are just a big mouth christian who interferes in everyone elses business. You're the kind of christian who under the guise of praying for people's problems get confided in with all kinds of juicy gossip. I've seen your kind in prayer meetings. It's just a big gossip fest where they 'pretend' to pray for those with 'problems.'

I can't imagine that those families approached you to pray for their loved ones on their deathbeds, but I can imagine you barging in and telling them you want to pray for their loved ones. In fact, I think I've met you before... or at least others like you who interfere in people's personal lives.

Why would you be upset that someone's spirit is in Heaven now with God and Jesus? One less spirit for hell. Is that why?:confused:

M*W: I feel for the dying person who was probably holding onto one thin grasp of life while you're hovering over them 'praying' to change them on their deathbed... as if they could even understand what was going on. Admit it, sandy, you did this for entertainment purposes and for your own ego trip. You're the kind of christian who wants other christians to see you holier than thou.

This has nothing to do with me being upset about them being in heaven. There is no such place. Those people were dying. They were about to lose their state of consciousness. Instead of your badgering them, their families should have been comforting them and helping to encourage them to go peacefully. People at that stage of life (at the end) need to be reassured to know it is okay for them to go when they are trying desperately to hold on to one last grasp of life. You did the wrong thing. You put fear into them as they were leaving this world. You're an evil person.
Get back on track: A quote from MW, starting at the beginning. “Paul was epileptic and reported to have had hallucinatory visions.”

Those who say Paul was epileptic are only guessing at what this means: 2 Corinthians 12:7 " And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I be exalted above measure. "

Paul was reincarnated, called Max Heindel 1865-1919, who created the Rosicrucian Fellowship. I am the reborn apostle Peter, who has the same messenger from Satan on me, as I am the one that ends Paul’s preaching, or doctrine. I tell only the truth. I was never epileptic in my life, nor was Paul. A spirit that looks like a mythological Dragon is upon me, which is the messenger from Satan. It makes me tremble, and I can not concentrate like before. Here is my web site if you wish proof:
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Get back on track: A quote from MW, starting at the beginning. “Paul was epileptic and reported to have had hallucinatory visions.”

Those who says Paul was epileptic are only guessing at what this means: 2 Corinthians 12:7 "And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I be exalted above measure. "

M*W: The fact that Paul may have had epilepsy has been discussed ad nauseum in earlier threads. I found a few websites alluding to Paul's epilepsy, but my computer won't let me open links for some reason. The epilepsy theory is one that I had learned a few years ago (when I still believe Paul existed as a human being). I don't now. I believe he is a fictional character, as is Jesus, and represents the god Apollo and Jesus is represented by the sun.

When I believed Paul was a real person, I didn't like his character even then. It didn't take long to realize that all the characters in the NT are fictional, including Peter.

Paul was reincarnated, called Max Heindel 1865-1919, who created the Rosicrucian Fellowship. I am the reborn apostle Peter, who has the same messenger from Satan on me, as I am the one that ends Paul’s preaching, or doctrine. I tell only the truth. I was never epileptic in my life, nor was Paul. A spirit that looks like a mythological Dragon is upon me, which is the messenger from Satan. It makes me tremble, and I can not concentrate like before. Here is my web site if you wish proof:

M*W: The reference to Paul's "thorn in the flesh," refers to his homosexuality.

In any event, you certainly have come to the most appropriate thread.
As said by Rabbi Diamond, down here in SW Florida, "just because a billion flies eat S*** does not mean I will eat it." Similarly, just because a thousand, or a million web sites all say the same about Paul, does not mean it is true. I have proof about what really was on Paul, but as usual, investigating that proof would mean the end of much controversy, and millions of self inflated egos would have little to promote anymore.
M*W: Are you a licensed minister? Have you been trained to counsel the dying? Why couldn't their own family members talk to them about it? I can imagine that you are just a big mouth christian who interferes in everyone elses business. You're the kind of christian who under the guise of praying for people's problems get confided in with all kinds of juicy gossip. I've seen your kind in prayer meetings. It's just a big gossip fest where they 'pretend' to pray for those with 'problems.'

I can't imagine that those families approached you to pray for their loved ones on their deathbeds, but I can imagine you barging in and telling them you want to pray for their loved ones. In fact, I think I've met you before... or at least others like you who interfere in people's personal lives.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Those people are in Heaven now because of what the families pleaded with me to do and what God told me to say and do. How dare you personally attack me for doing His work. :(

M*W: I feel for the dying person who was probably holding onto one thin grasp of life while you're hovering over them 'praying' to change them on their deathbed... as if they could even understand what was going on. Admit it, sandy, you did this for entertainment purposes and for your own ego trip. You're the kind of christian who wants other christians to see you holier than thou.

This has nothing to do with me being upset about them being in heaven. There is no such place. Those people were dying. They were about to lose their state of consciousness. Instead of your badgering them, their families should have been comforting them and helping to encourage them to go peacefully. People at that stage of life (at the end) need to be reassured to know it is okay for them to go when they are trying desperately to hold on to one last grasp of life. You did the wrong thing. You put fear into them as they were leaving this world. You're an evil person.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Those people are in Heaven now because of what the families pleaded with me to do and what God told me to say and do. How dare you personally attack me for doing His work. :(

Those people died in peace knowing where they were going. They were fearful and hanging on because they were afraid. Once they knew they were saved, redeemed, sanctified, and justified, they had complete and total peace. They were no longer afraid.

p.s. Not licensed. Ordained. Yes. They tried. Desperately. God help you if you ever get the chance to try to explain this post to Him.
Most every Greek myth story also includes a nation, or town, and its founders, which archeologists have many times proven existed. Myth stories are based upon actual events, that are then interwoven with spiritual truths, where together they may be compared to the parables of Jesus. We know Jesus preached, Matthew 13:1-10, so that part is true, but we should not get parables mixed up with saying that every word should be taken literally. We should not say all is false, merely because we did not understand the overall myth story. Jesus existed, so did Paul, and Peter, and so on. They are interwoven into a story, which in this instance makes the NT to be a myth. Myths are truths.
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You have no idea what you're talking about. Those people are in Heaven now because of what the families pleaded with me to do and what God told me to say and do. How dare you personally attack me for doing His work. :(

Those people died in peace knowing where they were going. They were fearful and hanging on because they were afraid. Once they knew they were saved, redeemed, sanctified, and justified, they had complete and total peace. They were no longer afraid.

p.s. Not licensed. Ordained. Yes. They tried. Desperately. God help you if you ever get the chance to try to explain this post to Him.


I know, scary isn't it WS?
God does not look kindly upon those who bring mental anguish to people such as what Sandy is doing. Actions such as those confirm many of the problems I have with organized religion.
There is a big difference between spirituality and religion but alas, many fundamentalists do not realize this...they have corrupted their minds with man created dogmatic b/s:bawl:
Getting back on track, if that is OK? Mohammed only acted a bit like he was epileptic during the time the angel Gabriel spoke to him. Since the Qur'an was given over a time of 22 years, that is a long time to prove that only when revelations came, then did he appear epileptic. For two years no revelations came to Mohammed, and then they started again. Logic tells us that true epileptics don't go for two years without any episodes. So we can likely conclude Mohammed was not an epileptic.
Sandy: The Koran of Islam says that you help them go to Hell.

Where does it say that?

Learn a little something about religion before you claim to argue for OR against them.
Do you really think you will sway anyone with your ignorance?
As said by Rabbi Diamond, down here in SW Florida, "just because a billion flies eat S*** does not mean I will eat it." Similarly, just because a thousand, or a million web sites all say the same about Paul, does not mean it is true. I have proof about what really was on Paul, but as usual, investigating that proof would mean the end of much controversy, and millions of self inflated egos would have little to promote anymore.

I actually read a little stuff about the link you posted. Ammong other things, I found the following:

"Within 12 hours time Jesus had been arrested, tried, convicted, sentenced to death, whipped, and was now on the way to be crucified, which as one will learn elsewhere never happened to him, but did happen to another, who was transformed in one more miracle by Jesus, to be His look alike. Simon of Cyrene, who carried the cross of Jesus was transformed as the look alike, who would later be reborn as Mohammed the prophet. The old covenant of the OT ended by the blood of Mohammed at his crucifixion, and the new covenant of the NT began by the blood of Jesus, 1 Peter 2:24, at His whipping."

Now were the hell did you get that information from?

"Matthew 20:42-43 "The Lord said to my Lord, "sit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool.'' " Clearly Jesus is in heaven while I make the enemies of Jesus his footstool. Therefore I am the son of man who suffers, and has been now rejected for about 26 years. That is almost half of my life. I was always innocent, and those who tormented me guilty, but the guilty always escaped condemnation, and I suffered. The simple adage of "What goes around comes around" is for the lucky, and does not apply to me."

You may be the "son of man", but who are you? Really, with such claims you should show yourself.

"I would make myself be respected at work for the good job I preformed, as I always had done before. I would have enough friends, and not be looked at as a lunatic, one who is friendless save his family. However, as this web site proves, I do not do that, and instead I linger on in hope, waiting for some one good to come along. "

Who are you man?

I find the theory about Jesus not dying in the cross very feasible, since Jesus was only crucified for about 4 hours. A crucified person would live for about 2-3 days hanged on the cross and finally die of dehydration. But Jesus was taken away 4 hours after hanged by special request of a Joseph of Arimatea.
Joseph of Arimatea was a wealthy man with influence (he spoke personally to Pontius Pilatus), he was probably ammong the secret disciples of Jesus.

But your theory, quite frankly, I don´t buy it.
To wisdom Seeker: The sources from which all of that information came from are also included in my site. Please, first read it all, then say "I don't buy it." Right now you are like a person who read the front cover, and the back cover of a book jacket, and then passed judgment without ever reading the inside. This site is called SciForums, but so far, this site might as well be called NoSciForums from the many responses I receive. Sorry I have a background in Engineering, which makes me keep my mouth shut, until I can offer actual proof. I do not fit in among most people here, who offer opinions that they can not validate. Engineering, and science offers proof that can be very lengthy, and involves having to think as well. I have tried to make my site, so if only a 100 IQ is possessed, but the reader reads it all, then they will understand. Not even a IQ of 200 could verify my proof if they only made the scanty review like you made.
To One Raven: The following can be found in the Qur’an, please read it someday: Qur’an, chapter 5, The table, verses 70: "But had the people of the Book, (Christians) believed, and been godfearing, we would have acquitted them of their evil deeds, and admitted them to Gardens of Bliss."

Paul at Romans 1:20-24, says God is invisible, so logically Jesus, who was seen, could not be God. Therefore people like Sandy are not Godfearing, they are man fearing instead. By believing not in God, but putting companions, or equals to God, then the Qur’an says they will go to Hell.

Good going Sandy! (Just joking)
I know, scary isn't it WS?
God does not look kindly upon those who bring mental anguish to people such as what Sandy is doing. Actions such as those confirm many of the problems I have with organized religion.
There is a big difference between spirituality and religion but alas, many fundamentalists do not realize this...they have corrupted their minds with man created dogmatic b/s:bawl:

I totally agree dude, I have seen that you and me think in the same page.

Sandy, this is for you:

"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!" (Matthew 7, 21)

Do you know what this means?
Jesus was reffering to the people who say they do things in the name of God. But then tells everyone all the things you have done in the name of the Lord. But you tell everyone because of your ego, not because you did it with pure heart.
The people who actually do the will of God in Earth, don´t go to everyone and tells them what you have done. Because in the moment you do this, you are seeking your own glorification, not God´s.
Ring any bells?
Oh, and if you are not convinced:

"Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven." (Matthew 6,1)

"So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." (Matthew 6,2)

Someon like Jesus, or who wants to follow his footsteps, would do as he did:
"and he healed all their sick, warning them not to tell who he was." (Matthew 12,15)

In other words, Jesus healed the sick, and did not claim this acts as his own. On the other hand, some people do small things in the name of Jesus, and goes to tell everyone what they have done, for strenghten their egos.