Religions are created by the delusional.


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: It's been stated many times on this forum that religions were created by the delusional. To recap:

Paul was epileptic and reported to have had hallucinatory visions.

Muhammad was epileptic and reported to have had hallucinatory visions.

Moses was reported to have had hallucinatory visions.

My question to the forum:

Could Joseph Smith have been epileptic? We know he had hallucinatory visions.

Are any other founders of religions known to be epileptic or have hallucinatory visions?

Thanks for your replies.
atheism is a delusion, which is why it is entirely based off the argument from ignorance....

theism is the truth, the truth is eternal and exists with or without evidence....if all religion is false then why does Gautama Buddha, Jesus, and Krishna all say very similar things, almost as if they were preaching the same truth? Why would they all be lying? It doesn't make sense....
Religions are man-made.
Christianity is Christ-made. Judaism is God-made.
All others are man-made.
Paul and Moses weren't hallucinating. I would bet everything I own on that one.
Smith was just the founder of the Mormons. He was just a mere man. Not a man of God like Paul and Moses.
I would think the founders of the Wiccans and pagans have had plenty of hallucinations.
It's easier to prove that they've been telling fibs than it is to prove they were hallucinating. If they were hallucinations, then at least there was still some sincerity there... but I don't think there was much sincerity at all. Prophets just wanted to be important.

VitalOne said:
theism is the truth, the truth is eternal and exists with or without evidence....if all religion is false then why does Gautama Buddha, Jesus, and Krishna all say very similar things, almost as if they were preaching the same truth? Why would they all be lying? It doesn't make sense....

It makes perfect sense.

Why do I (always being a skeptic) fear the dark after I have watched a scary movie? All humans fear ghosts at some point, but does that mean they are really there? Or is it merely a coat hanging from a hook?
The first monotheistic religion was not created by Zarathustra (aka Zoroaster), but by his followers, and was distorted in the process. Zarathustra was not a founder of the religion, he was a free spirit.
It is the same case with Gautama and Jesus. Gautama didn´t start Buddhism, Jesus didn´t start Christianity. Their followers did, and it was a lame attempt to feel what Jesus or Gautama felt when they became Christ or Buddha. Jesus was a free spirit, he followed nobody. Gautama was a free spirit, he didn´t like teacher or masters, he only followed himself.
Zarathustra, Jesus and Gautama weren´t exactly followers of nobody or any belief system for that matter. They were followers of only their spirit, which is the living word of the living God.

That is the reason why none of them leaved anything written. They didn´t want to be followed, a person that wants to be followed is not a real teacher. And that is the last message all of the true teachers leaved to their disciples, to not follow them, only follow themselves. To seek for the truth in our very soul, not anything external to us, but internal.

Religions are nothing but subjective science, what we know as science is only objective science, which is the study of thing that are external. The internal science is what we call religion, but it has been misinterpreted since the beggining of history. Because the science of something internal cannot be found anywere but within ourselves.
It makes perfect sense.

Why do I (always being a skeptic) fear the dark after I have watched a scary movie? All humans fear ghosts at some point, but does that mean they really are there? Or is it merely a coat hanging on a hook?
Well, why is it that I (not being a skeptic, and believing that ghosts are real) not fear the dark at all ever? In the past when I was a skeptic and didn't believe in much of anything supernatural I had more fear...why is this? Could it be that fear only comes ignorance.....

Again, why would Gautama Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, and others just be lying for? You really think there is no meaning to life and that what the current evidence shows is the actual, absolute truth? Isn't it obvious to all that the true purpose of life is to attain the actual, true joy?
Religions are man-made.
Christianity is Christ-made. Judaism is God-made.
All others are man-made.
Paul and Moses weren't hallucinating. I would bet everything I own on that one.
Smith was just the founder of the Mormons. He was just a mere man. Not a man of God like Paul and Moses.
I would think the founders of the Wiccans and pagans have had plenty of hallucinations.

ALL od the religions are man-made sandy, you can´t have it both ways.

The only true religion is inside each and everyone of us, that is the true Christ. You won´t find it written anywere, not even in the Bible.
ALL od the religions are man-made sandy, you can´t have it both ways.

The only true religion is inside each and everyone of us, that is the true Christ. You won´t find it written anywere, not even in the Bible.

Yeah, I agree....the only true religion is the truth....the truth exists with or without is eternal and everlasting....the truth is the truth...there is nothing more than the truth....
atheism is a delusion, which is why it is entirely based off the argument from ignorance....

theism is the truth, the truth is eternal and exists with or without evidence....if all religion is false then why does Gautama Buddha, Jesus, and Krishna all say very similar things, almost as if they were preaching the same truth? Why would they all be lying? It doesn't make sense....

Yes, they were teaching the same truth. But that truth is not what we call religion.
Well, why is it that I (not being a skeptic, and believing that ghosts are real) not fear the dark at all ever? In the past when I was a skeptic and didn't believe in much of anything supernatural I had more fear...why is this? Could it be that fear only comes ignorance.....

Again, why would Gautama Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, and others just be lying for? You really think there is no meaning to life and that what the current evidence shows is the actual, absolute truth? Isn't it obvious to all that the true purpose of life is to attain the actual, true joy?

Maybe your 'prophets' didn't exist at all. Maybe they were created and the creators just used ideas from other religions?
I would think the founders of the Wiccans and pagans have had plenty of hallucinations.

Their belief systems are just as valid as yours!
There are many paths to God . Religion itself is not important to God.It's what's in your heart and mind that is important. We all have a simple choice in life..embrace the good or embrace the bad (the ignorance of the ego)
Like many Christians you have swallowed all the man made lies.. "Our God is better than yours", "other religions are evil","you need a saviour to attain Heaven"( Your saviour is casting off the ego and following the voice of your inner self). God is not so petty that he/she requires constant reassurance and verbal assent
All Gods and Goddesses were created by mankind to reflect what they thought God should be,or what they wanted God to be...hence...all the various and often conflicting natures between the Gods/Goddesses...this is simply a combination of cultural differences,racism and other forms of ignorance.
Perhaps on some world halfway across the galaxy ,it's inhabitants are arguing over the nature of God..who knows.
Maybe your 'prophets' didn't exist at all. Maybe they were created and the creators just used ideas from other religions?

A person that teaches you to not follow anyone but youself, and doesn´t want anything in return, has no hidden agenda whatsoever.

The creators of religions did have a hidden agendas, they teach you to follow them or you are doomed, that is a political statement.
Their belief systems are just as valid as yours!
There are many paths to God . Religion itself is not important to God.It's what's in your heart and mind that is important. We all have a simple choice in life..embrace the good or embrace the bad (the ignorance of the ego)
Like many Christians you have swallowed all the man made lies.. "Our God is better than yours", "other religions are evil","you need a saviour to attain Heaven"( Your saviour is casting off the ego and following the voice of your inner self). God is not so petty that he/she requires constant reassurance and verbal assent
All Gods and Goddesses were created by mankind to reflect what they thought God should be,or what they wanted God to be...hence...all the various and often conflicting natures between the Gods/Goddesses...this is simply a combination of cultural differences,racism and other forms of ignorance.
Perhaps on some world halfway across the galaxy ,it's inhabitants are arguing over the nature of God..who knows.

well said my friend, I share your perspective entirely
Maybe your 'prophets' didn't exist at all. Maybe they were created and the creators just used ideas from other religions?

Thats highly unlikely...why would they be saying the samethings? We all know Buddha dates back to 500-400 BCE....Christ dates back to 30 all can pretend like it makes sense to say they were all made up...but it obviously doesn't....people don't all of a sudden start following non-existent people....and if they do its in very few cases....

Jesus says:
And he said, "Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death"

2 Verses later:
"Rather, the kingdom is within you and it is outside you" (Gospel of Thomas, 1-3)

Krishna says:
"I shall now explain the knowable, knowing which you will taste the eternal"

3 Verses later:
The Supreme Truth [Brahman] exists outside and inside of all living beings, the moving and the nonmoving" (Bhagavad Gita, 13.3-6)

It is quite obvious that they were talking about the samethings....just as a Mayan astronomer and an Indian astronomer...although having no real connection to each other can arrive at very similar astronomical calculations, because they're talking about the the sameway different teachers explaining the same truth also sound similar...
Their belief systems are just as valid as yours!
There are many paths to God . Religion itself is not important to God.It's what's in your heart and mind that is important. We all have a simple choice in life..embrace the good or embrace the bad (the ignorance of the ego)
Like many Christians you have swallowed all the man made lies.. "Our God is better than yours", "other religions are evil","you need a saviour to attain Heaven"( Your saviour is casting off the ego and following the voice of your inner self). God is not so petty that he/she requires constant reassurance and verbal assent
All Gods and Goddesses were created by mankind to reflect what they thought God should be,or what they wanted God to be...hence...all the various and often conflicting natures between the Gods/Goddesses...this is simply a combination of cultural differences,racism and other forms of ignorance.
Perhaps on some world halfway across the galaxy ,it's inhabitants are arguing over the nature of God..who knows.
There are many paths to all the gods. There is only one path to Jesus Christ/Heaven and that's the one I've chosen. It says so in His word and I'm not taking ANY chances that it's wrong. Religion is not important to God. It is an insult. The man-made garbage twists/distorts His word into dribble.:(

What's in your heart and mind IS important, but it's more important WHO'S in your spirit. If it's just you it's lacking Him. Embracing the good doesn't get you into Heaven just like eating a donut doesn't make you a cop.

I have swallowed NO lies. I live by HIS word. God is a HE and he wants constant/frequent communication with us. The more I talk to Him the better day/life I have. MY God was not created by anyone. He is the great 'I am.' He always was. He always will be.:worship:

And that's the truth.:)
It's been stated many times on this forum that religions were created by the delusional.

Well, being "stated here" sure ain't no sign that it's anything remotely close to the truth!

How do you keep from getting banned if all you ever do is call religious people delusional? How can that not be deemed personal slander?

Baron Max
What's in your heart and mind IS important, but it's more important WHO'S in your spirit. If it's just you it's lacking Him. Embracing the good doesn't get you into Heaven just like eating a donut doesn't make you a cop.
First, you'd have done better to say fighting crime doesn't make you a cop(vigilantes). Also, that version of Yahweh is a very ignorant Tetragrammaton.
There are many paths to all the gods. There is only one path to Jesus Christ/Heaven and that's the one I've chosen. It says so in His word and I'm not taking ANY chances that it's wrong. Religion is not important to God. It is an insult. The man-made garbage twists/distorts His word into dribble.:(

What's in your heart and mind IS important, but it's more important WHO'S in your spirit. If it's just you it's lacking Him. Embracing the good doesn't get you into Heaven just like eating a donut doesn't make you a cop.

I have swallowed NO lies. I live by HIS word. God is a HE and he wants constant/frequent communication with us. The more I talk to Him the better day/life I have. MY God was not created by anyone. He is the great 'I am.' He always was. He always will be.:worship:

And that's the truth.:)

Well, thousands of people who have claimed to have had near-death experiences would conflict with your view.Not just one case in particular,but the overall pattern I've seen from readings hundreds of reports.
God is not so intolerant as you would believe.Heaven is not about being an " exclusive christians' club".
Let's face it, as far as knowing what the after life is about..NDEs' are about as close as it gets to perhaps knowing the real truth. At least these are modern day people who can be identified and interviewed as opposed to ancient documents written by unknown people.
And the NDE people have fascinating stories. I especially like the ones where they're screaming as they enter hell, get resuscitated, and become Christians.
And the NDE people have fascinating stories. I especially like the ones where they're screaming as they enter hell, get resuscitated, and become Christians.

Better do some more study !;)