What I was saying is that if you are not a creationist than you are admitting the bible got it wrong. You believe the bible contains essential truths, but you are also admitting that a so called god inspired book has the most important part (the creation of all of this) wrong.
What does that say about the rest if it ? ”
What do you mean by creationist?
Someone who believe in the story of genesis as it was laid out in the bible.
“ No, it's not more likely since we have nothing to make such judgements by. ”
We can understand that everything has a cause, and because you cannot have an infinate number of causes, there must be an uncaused cause, from which everything else is caused. I call that cause God, you may call it whatever you like.
The idea of an eternal universe makes no sense.
On top of that, everything appears as though there is intelligence behind it, as opposed to just poofing into existence, making it up as it goes along.
You can call that cause god, but show me the evidence that the religions got this creation correct. This is my point. What god are you believing in. Seems that based on the scientific evidence, it contradicts the religious texts version of what god did and when he did it. So we can say that these texts are not the literal word of god and yet believe that god is everything and created the universe billions of billions of years ago. But what text describes this god ?
So if none of the religions have it right, what god are you believing in ? When did it start indeed ? Did it end ? Is god dead now ? and so on.
“ It's unknown at this point that is all. ”
It is not unkown, we just do not agree.
It can only be one of two ideas, and the intelligent cause argument
wins hands down, everytime.
Do you believe we evolved after gods creation or did he make us as we are now ?
“ The rest is purely faith, faith in stories. ”
Yes, stories that are believed by people who are grounded in science.
Yes there are those. I believe that those individuals were brainwashed into a religion by parents for the most part, now they have a hard time letting go of the religion.
“ Don't know, it would have to come out of it's supernatural state. ”
So as science cannot directly prove God's existence, why insist on scientific evidence as the sole source of proof?
Why believe in something we have no evidence to support. What other evidence would be proof for all.
“ I never claimed that the evidence contradicts gods existence directly. There is no evidence for gods existence and you can not prove something does not exist. ”
What would you expect to see if God existed, based on God's claims (i.e creation of the universe)?
I don't know, you believe in it, what should we expect to see ?
“ I claimed that the evidence contradicts the texts which claim to be god inspired. ”
Which is why I asked you;
Where is the contradiction in the Bhagavad Gita, a scripture which claims not only inspiration from God, but spoke directly by God?
Where is the evidence that anyone spoke to god ? What in there suggests that it is god inspired, IOW what could not have been made up.
Science is not contradicting it because it isn't claiming anything that would be contradicited by science. Just like a lot of stories in all of the religious texts.
I am following the evidence, so yes I have come to the belief that god does not exist, but I am agnostic as well because there is no way to prove god either way. ”
It seems you are sticking to an interpretation of evidence, and concluding
there is no God, and using agnosticism as a crutch to appear reasonable.
In fact I am reasonable. This is my position.
There is no way to know with the information at hand whether there is or is not a god and currently there is no way to prove it either way.
The religious texts are in question as many claims are contradicted by what we now know from science and discovery.
For me to believe in a god I would need some evidence, that does not need to be physical evidence, experience would suffice.
“ Either follow the evidence or be a blind believer. ”
By following the evidence and concluding there is no God, is blind belief.
Even if someone believes in God because everything looks like it was designed, still is not as blind as your position. Because no reason whatsoever
to not believe in God, other than you don't want to. I can understand the agnostic position, but it is purely an intellectual one, not practical.
Huh, no reason whatsoever to not believe in god. Again, where is the evidence for me to believe.
The agnostic position is simply to avoid the unanswerable position that there is or is not a god. Since nobody can say for sure, the only logical one is agnosticism. However, I am an atheist as well, at least currently, because I don't believe but I can't say that I know there is no god. So I am both. And yes you can be.
“ Sure, if such an event unfolded for me to witness it and experience it. Again, as I discussed with NM, that doesn't mean I should expect others to believe. ”
Why would you need others to believe?
How would that justify your experience?
I wouldn't need others to believe if I experienced such an event, but I would want them to.
But like ufos and the like, if we have multiple witness videos etc from different angles etc, it might work. ”
How about just multiple witnesses?
Do you believe in ET spacecraft flying in our airspace ? There have been many many mulitple witness sightings of UFO's does that constitute proof to the rest of us ?
“ Then it should be able to make itself known. ”
Based on my point, it has, or God has, but you choose to deny it.
Your point is ? Please explain exactly where you think god started or starts and ends.
Just how much influence does it have on our lives, our world now.
Is it our god or the god of the universe, IOW is it here for us or just the creator of all things etc ?
It's pointless because it's not evidence. But I get your point. ”
It's pointless because it's not about evidence, it already contains the whole.
The point of gaining evidence is to come the realisation, and understanding of that whole.
So if god is everything then you are expousing a more GAIA like version of what god is, essentially within everything. That is quite a different version of gods expressed in the religious texts.
That is also a position that would be impossible to prove, maybe. But at least it isn't falsified by our current knowledge base.