
I didn't see any. If the kid knew the name of the family, and they found records that corroborated his story, like how he died or some family history, that would be evidence. But just saying that you lived in a white house on this island and liked the beach, what is that? Just a story.

If I said I were God, would you believe me?
I didn't see any. If the kid knew the name of the family, and they found records that corroborated his story, like how he died or some family history, that would be evidence. But just saying that you lived in a white house on this island and liked the beach, what is that? Just a story.

If I said I were God, would you believe me?

He said more than that.
You're determined to keep the lid on such things. Aren't you?

No I wouldn't believe you.

Spidergoat is a science prophet and should be believed, just as other prophets are.

Nay; he is just reasonable, sensible, rational, and logical man of science, something that believers are not.
Spidergoat used to be an atheist until he found out he was God.

And Jan used to be conceited until he got rid of that and became perfect.

Well, at least Spider and some members here are the closest things to having 'Gods', considering that God cannot exist.
Back to the supposed 'soul':

“Oh my, religious ones, how vain and proud you all are! what hubris, conceit, self-love, and vanity have you to claim such full self-importance to demand so much from the universe… That you would even claim an angelic vapor that drives a living being, provides character, morality, and consciousness, on top of a burdensome, fragile, and expensive organ such as a brain ne’er to be used?

It’s a silliness born from exaggerated self-worth, an invisible hilarity—becoming a merciless indoctrination. May you all soon recover your humility.”

As such spoke the humble graybearded one to show the truth of what we all are: mammal, organic; past narcissism and self-adulation, to the bio-electro-chemical organism evolved upon a planet near a star, in the long and winding mindless way of slow time, dust, and selection by death that sifts the best from the rest: evolution.
Maybe reincarntion isn't true, but there was something about
that film, that was more positive than negative.
It seems to me, you cannot even accept that.
This is what I find remarkable about yours and drumbeats reaction.
I saw it as mostly negative, to be honest. That's why we can't accept it.
Spider, there is evidence.
That film was an example of such evidence.
There is lots and lots more evidence.

Why can't you accept that?
No it wasn't. It was a vague suggestion.
I saw it as mostly negative, to be honest. That's why we can't accept it.

No it wasn't. It was a vague suggestion.

Obviously we are just going round in circles.
Have a look at the other film I posted (short news break)
and tell me what you think.

Here is the link for anyone who wants to watch. VIDEO

OK Jan, I have watched it.

It is overall a bit more convincing that the Scottish kid. Its all done with the reporter and parents telling the cameraman, not James himself. He isn't actually interviewed at all. I could write a big load about it, but I just quickly Googled it and found many others have beat me to it.

I suggest you read this for an example: LINK

Did you knew he visited a WW2 air museum just before his nightmares started?
ABC conveniently left that bit out.
Here is the link for anyone who wants to watch. VIDEO

OK Jan, I have watched it.

It is overall a bit more convincing that the Scottish kid. Its all done with the reporter and parents telling the cameraman, not James himself. He isn't actually interviewed at all. I could write a big load about it, but I just quickly Googled it and found many others have beat me to it.

I suggest you read this for an example: LINK

Did you knew he visited a WW2 air museum just before his nightmares started?
ABC conveniently left that bit out.

Here are a couple of other (proper) news groups that reported the story.

The Telegraph, and The Mail online.

Just for starters;

Neither of these news groups reported that James had visited a WW2 museum
previous to his claim. How did this little known group from Pittzburgh acquire this unique information?

Try googling the Pittsburgh Courier, and see what comes up.
