
Question's a goodn'


I think he is mistaken because there seems to be far more plausible causes for what is happening.

This video doesn't prove you can or can't be reincarnated. It doesn't even hold any partial evidence either way.
I think he is mistaken because there seems to be far more plausible causes for what is happening.

This video doesn't prove you can or can't be reincarnated. It doesn't even hold any partial evidence either way.

What about the question?
Can you answer it?

Are you for real?

I've answered it at least twice all ready. You're the one who evades the questions, not me.
Are you for real?

I've answered it at least twice all ready. You're the one who evades the questions, not me.

Not since the question was posed.
Even if you have, can't you just repeat it?
There's no need to start with the accusations. :)

Jan Ardena said:
How would that have been more credible, than the method they employed?
You are kidding me, right? Have you no conception of what constitutes reliable testimony? Why do police make you pick your attacker out of a lineup?

Do you have children?
Or have you spent time amongst 1,2, and 3 year olds?
My younger brother was born when I was 18, so I do have some experience. I find it highly suspicious that this island was so close to where they lived. Is reincarnation limited to your own geographical location? I mean if a kid from Detroit started talking about some island no one ever heard of, that would be more credible.

You say ''almost'' meaning there are individuals.
Who are these people?
I don't know.

You are kidding me, right? Have you no conception of what constitutes reliable testimony? Why do police make you pick your attacker out of a lineup?

What does this have to do with a little kids testimony, which started at the age of 2?

What could scientists (let's face it, that's what you mean) have done to convince us over and above the childs testimony?

Why not just tell the kid to snap out of it?

Save us all alot of trouble, as reincarnation is a lie. :D

I find it highly suspicious that this island was so close to where they lived. Is reincarnation limited to your own geographical location? I mean if a kid from Detroit started talking about some island no one ever heard of, that would be more credible.

That was his testimony, accept it or not.
Using geographical location to doubt his testimony, is nonsense.

Why not just tell the kid to snap out of it?
That is basically what you are saying.

I don't know.

You don't know?
So why bring it up? :D

I say the geographical location is suspicious because knowledge of this island would be more available to people there than, for instance, in Detroit or Florida. The alternative explanation is the kid made it all up, then loved the attention it gave him. Kids can be convinced that some things are real even if they aren't.

My point about the testimony is that we would need to make it less subjective. To simply bring the kid to a place and notice his reaction doesn't prove a thing. But if, sight unseen, the kid was able to recall specific events or things, which were then confirmed later, that would be more reliable.

There are ways to make personal testimony more reliable. These techniques are used by the courts, lawyers, and police, and this Dr. Tucker seems to be clueless about it.
Why not just tell the kid to snap out of it?
Save us all alot of trouble, as reincarnation is a lie. :D
That's not what he's saying at all.

Using geographical location to doubt his testimony, is nonsense.
If some kid in Glasgow picked out a small town on some island 1000s of miles away in Greece or Japan that would be amazing.
But he didn't. He mentions a fairly local island full of white cottages and just said "a white house".

Why not just tell the kid to snap out of it?
That is basically what you are saying.
Again, that's not what he said.
The soul has been disproved, so no reincarnation, no afterlife of any kind.

All of a person's doings are physical and from the brain.

Nothing is no-physical or intangible. See 'Intangible' thread.

This is also what upset Descartes apple cart. Anything 'spiritual' supposed to be affecting the brain would have to talk the talk of the physical, plus energy would not be conserved.

The brain is an expensive thing, evolution-wise and energy wise. A soul would not duplicate it and render it useless. And no one would volunteer to donate their organ of a live brain to try to prove this 'soul' taking over.

Some even have to resort to the ridiculous position that the brain does nothing.

'Souls' are just an add-on to the first myth-take.
The soul has been disproved, so no reincarnation, no afterlife of any kind.

All of a person's doings are physical and from the brain.

Nothing is no-physical or intangible. See 'Intangible' thread.

This is also what upset Descartes apple cart. Anything 'spiritual' supposed to be affecting the brain would have to talk the talk of the physical, plus energy would not be conserved.

The brain is an expensive thing, evolution-wise and energy wise. A soul would not duplicate it and render it useless. And no one would volunteer to donate their organ of a live brain to try to prove this 'soul' taking over.

Some even have to resort to the ridiculous position that the brain does nothing.

'Souls' are just an add-on to the first myth-take.

You stepping on mi soul bro. No wonder I struggled to catch the wave with Mary today practicing. It was you . You stripped mi of mi soul bro. Why yo do this mi painter writer man. Mi needs mi soul to jam the jam mi man. It took a while for you to find mi , I was hiding in the lime tree, In the city in the rain cloud , poke a hole and watched it drain out
You are kidding me, right? Have you no conception of what constitutes reliable testimony? Why do police make you pick your attacker out of a lineup?

My younger brother was born when I was 18, so I do have some experience. I find it highly suspicious that this island was so close to where they lived. Is reincarnation limited to your own geographical location? I mean if a kid from Detroit started talking about some island no one ever heard of, that would be more credible.

I don't know.

I have spent much time with 1,2,3,4,5, .................. year olds . One thing I can tell you is 1 threw 5 is when you have an opportunity to mold the child. If the parent impresses there thoughts on the child then that is how the child will act. They are a reflection of there parents , or the day care they go to. Yeah man , humans copy humans , only us freaks don't, or people that suffer trauma. Traumatized people can brake free of the loop of life . Yet that is hard too for you can fall into existing groupings that way too. Widows with out spouses . Support groups as an example
You stepping on mi soul bro. No wonder I struggled to catch the wave with Mary today practicing. It was you . You stripped mi of mi soul bro. Why yo do this mi painter writer man. Mi needs mi soul to jam the jam mi man. It took a while for you to find mi , I was hiding in the lime tree, In the city in the rain cloud , poke a hole and watched it drain out

You can do it on your own, Me-Ki-Gal. Having outside help would no longer be you, and wouldn't count, either for life or for a Chemistry exam.

Where is the soul? No one knows, How does it do what it does? No one knows. Why? No one knows. How does it attach it horns to newborns? No one knows. When unattached or detached does it live with an unperceptive immortality? No one knows. Does it duplicate the brain? No one knows. How does it talk the talk of the physical that it affects? No one knows.

Seems like the soul isn't known about, being just a 'word'.
“Are you human religious mammals, of such recent vintage, so extraordinarily important and special in the whole entire scheme of things that took so many tens of billions of years to stumble along in such as haphazard way?”


“Do a trillion stars exist just to illumine your night?”


“Do forty million species thrive just for your delight?”


“And is all of space there just for show, to glorify you?”


“Did the supernovae stardust showers of the atomic elements write the names of future humans across the sky way back when?”


“Does every atom exist and spin to service you?”


“Did proto-men, and before them, and all, live, die and suffer only for your promise?”


“So, then, every dinosaur, and more, was condemned so you could gain a space to live, war and kill?”


“Does the sun shine with you in mind?”


“Was Heaven’s shrine built just to await your coming, you being so special as to deserve a divine reward beyond?”



I say the geographical location is suspicious because knowledge of this island would be more available to people there than, for instance, in Detroit or Florida. The alternative explanation is the kid made it all up, then loved the attention it gave him. Kids can be convinced that some things are real even if they aren't.

Check out this typical 2 year old and tell me if you think he's capable
of making up such an elaborate story.

But if, sight unseen, the kid was able to recall specific events or things, which were then confirmed later, that would be more reliable.

Maybe (although i can't see why), but it didn't occur like that
so all we have to go on is the lads testimony.

What do you think to this vid?

There are ways to make personal testimony more reliable. These techniques are used by the courts, lawyers, and police, and this Dr. Tucker seems to be clueless about it.

So now Dr. Tucker is incompetant? :rolleyes:
How predictable of you.

I'm not saying Dr. Tucker is incompetent without a reason. He just collected testimony without apparently trying to confirm it in a reasonable way.

You are seriously telling me you can't see why a specific prediction is more accurate than a vague one?

If I said something bad was going to happen in 2013 and it did, that would not be more profound than if I said that on March 2, 2013, at 2:14 PM, Jan Ardena (insert real name) is going to go to the refrigerator and stub her toe on a speak-and-spell, and it happened exactly like that?
I'm not saying Dr. Tucker is incompetent without a reason. He just collected testimony without apparently trying to confirm it in a reasonable way.

You are seriously telling me you can't see why a specific prediction is more accurate than a vague one?

If I said something bad was going to happen in 2013 and it did, that would not be more profound than if I said that on March 2, 2013, at 2:14 PM, Jan Ardena (insert real name) is going to go to the refrigerator and stub her toe on a speak-and-spell, and it happened exactly like that?

Forget what should have been and what
could have been. All we have to go off is what
is available.
Maybe reincarntion isn't true, but there was something about
that film, that was more positive than negative.
It seems to me, you cannot even accept that.
This is what I find remarkable about yours and drumbeats reaction.

If you write it off, then how are we going to find anything out.
There are lots more cases. Perhaps you should consider some more
before such drastic actions. Isn't that what science is about?

Heaven, soul, afterlife, Hell, and God are not true either, as all are based on a Being who can't possibly be fun wit da mental and first-most. Nor could the eternal basis of the vacuum fluctuations ever have been created, so, again, no Creator, on two counts.

Where is the religious count? Zero.

Where is the religious undoing of the two counts? Zero.
Forget what should have been and what
could have been. All we have to go off is what
is available.
Maybe reincarntion isn't true, but there was something about
that film, that was more positive than negative.
It seems to me, you cannot even accept that.
This is what I find remarkable about yours and drumbeats reaction.

If you write it off, then how are we going to find anything out.
There are lots more cases. Perhaps you should consider some more
before such drastic actions. Isn't that what science is about?


I thought that was your best example. Actually, claims of reincarnation are quite common, especially in cultures that believe in it. So far there is no evidence for it. Science is about having evidence for something before you believe it.

This movie is evidence for nothing outside of the brain. People see UFOs, Gods, bigfoot, and the Loch Ness monster too, but these claims don't mean shit without evidence.
I thought that was your best example. Actually, claims of reincarnation are quite common, especially in cultures that believe in it. So far there is no evidence for it. Science is about having evidence for something before you believe it.

Spider, there is evidence.
That film was an example of such evidence.
There is lots and lots more evidence.

Why can't you accept that?

It would be pretty hard to move up again, wouldn't it, after becoming sub-human?

Or should we make something up about that, too?

Also, if we go all the way up, do we end up with Krishna on Planet X?