
"seems to be"
I hardly chose my words that carefully. :rolleyes:

Why would somebody jump straight in at the fantastical and supernatural when there are many far more plausible and realistic causes?

Have you watched the videos, signal?
"seems to be"
I hardly chose my words that carefully. :rolleyes:

Why would somebody jump straight in at the fantastical and supernatural when there are many far more plausible and realistic causes?

Have you watched the videos, signal?

You jumed straight in and believe the so-called skeptics though.

"seems to be"
I hardly chose my words that carefully.

If you think this is only me being overly focused on semantics ...:rolleyes:

Why would somebody jump straight in at the fantastical and supernatural when there are many far more plausible and realistic causes?

Again, how do you know that there are "many far more plausible and realistic causes"?
Do you know the truth about reincarnation after all (namely, that there is nothing to it)?

Have you watched the videos, signal?

Some. But like I noted earlier, my belief in reincarnation does not depend on other people's testimony. So I am not troubled by things that may appear awkward in a testimony.
You jumed straight in and believe the so-called skeptics though.


I didn't jump straight in and believe the sceptics. I came to my own conclusion while watching the film. How can you not get that?

And signal, fair enough. But all along I have not been reincarnation-bashing, all I've been saying is the video Jan posted was very vague with no evidence and all the coincidental stuff in it can be explained very easily.

If you watch it you will see this, and you cannot question my "many far more plausible and realistic causes" without actually viewing the evidence I was shown.
I didn't jump straight in and believe the sceptics. I came to my own conclusion while watching the film. How can you not get that?

And signal, fair enough. But all along I have not been reincarnation-bashing, all I've been saying is the video Jan posted was very vague with no evidence and all the coincidental stuff in it can be explained very easily.

If you watch it you will see this, and you cannot question my "many far more plausible and realistic causes" without actually viewing the evidence I was shown.

Please be more specific in what could have been done, in this movie, to make
reincarnation plausible to you?
And please show HOW it would make it so?

Spidergoat and I have already said a number of times. I'm getting bored of this now.

Spider merely stated;

I mean like some objective third party could have gathered all the details the kid remembered and then checked them against the actual place.... before he visited there.

Given that the child mentioned; the house, the dog, the name of the family, the fact that he used watch aeroplanes land on the beach, and the location.
How could an independent third party having gone there beforehand, have heiped to prove his account?

Also you haven't yet debunked the James Leninger account, which was, for the purpose of positive evidence, almost unbelievably, more conclusive. :)

Are you optimistic that a person can overcome denial (that is deeply rooted in our society) simply by participating in a discussion?

Sometimes it isn't denial, it is based upon research and investigation that leads many, including myself , to conclusions. Those things include discussions as well. Discussing something until you brow beat others into "believing" isn't a way to prove anything.
Sometimes it isn't denial, it is based upon research and investigation that leads many, including myself , to conclusions. Those things include discussions as well. Discussing something until you brow beat others into "believing" isn't a way to prove anything.

Look who's talking!
Spider merely stated;

Given that the child mentioned; the house, the dog, the name of the family, the fact that he used watch aeroplanes land on the beach, and the location.
How could an independent third party having gone there beforehand, have heiped to prove his account?

Also you haven't yet debunked the James Leninger account, which was, for the purpose of positive evidence, almost unbelievably, more conclusive. :)


I don't think that fact that people landed planes on the beach was a state secret, he could have seen it on TV. The family name could have been a common one, as well as a house having three toilets.

His most specific prediction, that someone named Shane Robertson died in a car crash, was not confirmed.
I don't think that fact that people landed planes on the beach was a state secret, he could have seen it on TV. The family name could have been a common one, as well as a house having three toilets.

His most specific prediction, that someone named Shane Robertson died in a car crash, was not confirmed.

He could have seen a view from a room in a house on the beach, where
planes land, on tv, then suddenly decide to put it into a tale?
At the age of two?

Did you see that video of a typical 2 year old I showed you, where the toddler
was running from his shadow? :D

Why do some people rely on testimony when it comes to proving or disproving reincarnation?
But it doesn't.
There is general agreement that testimony as such is not a reliable source anyway. So why focus on it, as if through it, anything could be proved or disproved?
But it doesn't.
There is general agreeement that testimony as such is not a reliable source anyway. So why focus on it, as if through it, anything could be proved or disproved?

We know it doesn't, but it wastes time.
They say show me proof, or else I won't belief (as if we WANT them to believe). It's a false sense of security.
I think the truth of the matter is, we don't want to believe, so we set up
impossible tasks.

How come you're not out on the town?

I presume you are writing this on your Blackberry while you are sipping some nasty drink and swinging to some crazy rhythms in a crowded discotheque. :bagpuss: