Recognition of Israel : a moral failure

Sources: PM planning to evacuate West Bank outposts in coming months

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is planning to initiate the evacuation of illegal outposts in the West Bank in the coming months, political sources in the capital said Wednesday.

"This year we will see the evacuation of outposts," the sources said, and the appointment of Ehud Barak to the Defense Ministry will bolster Olmert's ability to deal with this issue.​

What occupation?
Are they dead? It have made up at least partially for the 5 Palestinians killed in the IDF raid on Gaza or the 17 killed since the last few days.

Did you also weep for the Nazis killed by the Jews in Warsaw. Occupiers have only themselves to blame for casualties. The occupation is by their choice.

The decision to take action to expose the tunnel west of the fence on the border of the Gaza Strip Tuesday night was justified and reasonable, even if it had been possible to predict the results: six Palestinians killed, heavy rocket fire on Sderot and a direct hit on the center of Ashkelon. It is hard to see what other choice Israeli leaders had. Such an operation may put the continued cease-fire in danger, but if Hamas had succeeded in its plans to abduct another Israel Defense Forces soldier using the tunnel, the situation would have been infinitely worse.

At least Israel has learned the lesson of the Gilad Shalit abduction. In cases where the Shin Bet security service passes on specific information on a planned attack, a "ticking tunnel" as the IDF called it yesterday, a preventative operation is approved a few hundred meters inside Palestinian territory. Without such operations it would be very difficult to prevent another abduction.​
Yup, go to any city where Jews live. 99.99% they live in an enclave and sell only to other Jews. If they had the power, they would kick out any non-Jews and make it all an enclave. Thats what they have done in any place, historically. Twice in Canaan now.

Like in Dearborn, Michigan? Oh, wait: that wasn't Jewish people. Who was it? I know it'll come to me eventually.

The decision to take action to expose the tunnel west of the fence​

You do know that there is a BLOCKADE on Gaza since June 2006? While starving and being helplessly at the mercy of a military may be very romantic, practical considerations dictate otherwise. Abducting a soldier is practical when 1.5 million people are hostage. Actually I would kidnap several and send pieces of their bodies until the blockade was lifted. They'd still be alive of course, at the end of it, but blockades would not last for two years anymore. The Palestinians are clearly too softhearted. I'd see no reason to starve for a military that will attack you anyway, no matter what you do. Six months of ceasfire and they broke it for a tunnel, killing 17 people. Why not kidnap 17 soldiers and get the blockade lifted instead?
Who cares? They are occupying the Palestinians, any justification they have is meaningless. They just killed 17 people because one soldier MIGHT have been injured, when they have been completely blocking food, water, medical supplies for two years with feeble sops to mark their "charity". All the while evicting Palestinians in Jerusalem to make homes for Jews and building settlements in West Bank. Clearly they do not value the lives of the Palestinians. Why should the Palestinians value their lives above their own?
The Israelis have a right to protect themselves from kidnappings and rocket attacks. It is my understanding that Israel was in the process of withdrawing from the occupied territories before the actions of Hezbollah.
Israel needs a place to throw old Palestinians they evict from their homes. Gaza is a convenient prison to maintain the "demographic advantage". Like the bantustans of South Africa.

Palestinians do not desire all of Israel. They desire all of Palestine.

I understand now, your opinion is no different than Hamas. Good luck with your Jihad, we have no common ground whatsoever.
My opinion is based on Israeli actions, there is no possibility of compromise with a people who are STILL, after 60 years, evicting Palestinians to create homes for Jews. They have not moved one inch from the nakba.

The Palestinians are foolish to hope otherwise:

Palestinians advertise peace plan in Israeli press

Like its ever gonna make a difference:(

Asked about the advertisement, Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni reiterated that while she viewed the peace plan as "positive," it needed revisions on issues such as the future of Palestinian refugees and Jerusalem.

"The Arab world has to understand what I am saying now: you don't put a peace plan on the table and say 'take it or leave it,'" Livni told reporters.

Yeah, right. :rolleyes:
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Ah, I could not understand your logic for this:

swarm said:
The Palestinians are no more native than the Jews are, possibly less depending on how you count such things.

SAM said:
I suppose you are unaware of genetic studies from Israel that put them there from prehistoric times, while putting Jews closer to Turks and Kurds.
swarm said:
And what does that have to do with anything?

And abandoned it as a futile exercise. The rest was not really related to recognition of Israel.

As for the 9/11, its good that you see it as a result of meddling, however, I see no evidence of the perpetrators that can hold up in court. Which is possibly the reason why the United States constantly rebuffed all attempts by the Taliban to obtain evidence of al Qaeda involvement and preferred to bomb Afghanistan for seven years instead. While not a conspiracy theorist, I would like to see concrete evidence of their involvement. Especially since Osama came out in a Pakistan newspaper a few days after September 11 and denied his role [he always accepts his role, if he has one]

And the casualty list of Btselem ignores that over 4 million residents of Palestine have been held hostage for 60 years and there is no real count of the massacre of the nakba.

Yes, Americans can kill, so can the plague. The fact that they can do so from 10,000 feet at ease and without concern for those who they kill, is not a testament to their humanity, but their inhumanity. No one I know thinks America is "soft", they prefer words like reckless adventurism and satan instead.
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America is Satan? Sort of a theistically extreme perspective. The other is arguably reasonable.
You're diverting. We can discuss satanistic influences of America separately, if you wish. :D
Hey, SAM, of the billions of people on Earth, how many should have a say in what other nations do or don't do? I mean, for example, should Indians have a say in what Iraelis do or don't do? And by the same token, should Israelis have a say in what India does or doesn't do? Or should Indians have a say in what America does or doesn't do? Or vice versa?

How do you see that "minor" little conflict of interests?

Baron Max