Rebirth, Heaven, Hell, nothingness?

Rebirth, Heaven, Hell, nothingness?

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You ARE the universe... Did you ever see a grain of sand embedded in a brick manipulate the brick ?

Sure, to turn you metaphor back the other way.
I have seen myself and others deny our passion and desire because of a tiny voice of guilt our minds. I have seen people think their way into doing something they did not want to do only to wake up sometimes years later and finally break off the pattern that to nearly their whole being felt wrong. (a bad relationship). I think small portions can change the whole for good or for ill.
Sure, to turn you metaphor back the other way.
I have seen myself and others deny our passion and desire because of a tiny voice of guilt our minds. I have seen people think their way into doing something they did not want to do only to wake up sometimes years later and finally break off the pattern that to nearly their whole being felt wrong. (a bad relationship). I think small portions can change the whole for good or for ill.

Sure, a cancer cell may affect other cells, and spread through your whole body.
Sure, to turn you metaphor back the other way.
I have seen myself and others deny our passion and desire because of a tiny voice of guilt our minds. I have seen people think their way into doing something they did not want to do only to wake up sometimes years later and finally break off the pattern that to nearly their whole being felt wrong. (a bad relationship). I think small portions can change the whole for good or for ill.

Something cant manipulate itself.
If you did it on purpose you, at some level, wanted to do it. Even if it was a little voice inside your head; the little voice is YOU.
A grain of sand cannot think or want or feel or change. It's just an object, just like us, but we can take action. That's why you dont call a Human being a grain of sand.
A grain of sand cannot think or want or feel or change. It's just an object, just like us, but we can take action. That's why you dont call a Human being a grain of sand.

It doesnt matter. You are the universe, the universe can not manipulate itself. So you can not manipulate the universe.
Ever tried to propel a sailing ship by blowing in the sail ?
It doesnt matter. You are the universe, the universe can not manipulate itself. So you can not manipulate the universe.
Ever tried to propel a sailing ship by blowing in the sail ?

But your perception have an impact on other people´s perception; and those people´s perception will have an impact on other people´s perception... It is basic customer service training, one satisfied customer is worth 10 other customers...
Your ideas and thoughts will have an impact on other people, I mean that is how religions started. It was one man who had an impact on thousands and those thousands on millions, and spread... It is like a little match flame, wich spreads to another match, and continue until it forms a huge forrest fire.
But your perception have an impact on other people´s perception; and those people´s perception will have an impact on other people´s perception... It is basic customer service training, one satisfied customer is worth 10 other customers...
Your ideas and thoughts will have an impact on other people, I mean that is how religions started. It was one man who had an impact on thousands and those thousands on millions, and spread... It is like a little match flame, wich spreads to another match, and continue until it forms a huge forrest fire.

Yeah so.. ?

The analogy was a reaction to:
Well the universe is just an object pretty much, it exists and like anything can be manipulated
Since it has no will, our will can change it:)

Like a rock. We can do whatever we want with a rock.

But with a puppy, we can try, but it will only cause it pain and it will fight back.
Well then yeah, a person has the possibility to alter the Universe with words, actions and thoughts.

No, he says you can manipulate the universe like you can manipulate a rock !You cant !
You cant pick up the universe or alter the laws of physics just because you want it. Its just not going to happen..
No, he says you can manipulate the universe like you can manipulate a rock !You cant !
You cant pick up the universe or alter the laws of physics just because you want it. Its just not going to happen..

Yes you can, it is a potential, not a reality.
I am not the universe. I am part of the universe, but a part which can think, feel, and change and act. That's why a Human isn't the same thing as a grain of sand, because if we were the same thing, I would like like a grain of sand :eek:
I am not the universe. I am part of the universe, but a part which can think, feel, and change and act. That's why a Human isn't the same thing as a grain of sand, because if we were the same thing, I would like like a grain of sand :eek:

Norsefire...we are the same like give me all your money. ok?
I am not the universe. I am part of the universe, but a part which can think, feel, and change and act. That's why a Human isn't the same thing as a grain of sand, because if we were the same thing, I would like like a grain of sand :eek:

Yes, part of the universe. That makes you universe dont it ? Is part of an apple not apple ? Tell ya what.. good luck changing the laws of physics.. and drop me a note when you succeeded.
I always liked to think your perception of time slowed down as you died, so it kinda went on forever. You could play around in your head for all eternity, never being the wiser, ha HA!