Reasons not to believe in God

And that conception of God doesn't say that God will answer all your prayers to your liking; He might say No, or give an answer that you didn't expect;
Or... prayers do not get answered, considering that you'll see the same results if you don't pray and considering that the events in life follow their properties regardless of prayer.
there is also the condition that you have to ask for things in faith (in Jesus), and then you'll get them - so if you don't get them, check if you had placed your faith in Jesus;
Yes, the old "The magic of Fantasia doesn't work unless you believe in it" excuse.
given that the Sun shines, plants produce breathable air for humans etc. etc., the world apparently is created with humans in mind.
Or that we evolved in this environment. Remember how you asked what relevance the point of 99% of all species have gone extinct? Now you see that relevance first hand.
Nowhere in the mainstream conception of God is it stated that God is basically a miraculous vending machine for humans, to satisfy every desire, every whim that any human might have.
Yes it does.
i am pointing out a specific mistaken idea on your part, which has popped up in the thread multiple times, i.e. an incorrect insistence that prayer is for religious people a substitute for normal life,
I have never made any such insistence, ColeGrey- I keep telling you that you have missed the point. I can probably say it until I'm blue in the face but until you step back and re-examine things, you won't see it.
I have made the claim that you don't go to a church to get surgery and you don't go to a hospital to get prayer.
Surgery is secular.
Religion is not, it's prayer only.
Just because many people may do both, does not alter what those two things are. It does not claim that most people only turn to one or the other.
You're off on this mistaken tangent and it's a nitpick over a misunderstanding you have and won't let go of. I've explained it enough. Anymore responses from you declaring an error that simply is not there must be ignored.
I don't understand why religious people don't just say, "fine evolution is real but god was in charge of it", instead of worrying about it. Who cares? Only people trying to use the bible as ascience book need to worry about it.
Because evolution demonstrates a complete lack of intelligent design. To say "God did it" doesn't add up. The best they can do is say God started the process 4 billion years ago and then let it run itself from there which would defeat the entire purpose of what they want to believe when believing in the God anyway. That God would have had to disappear 4 billion years ago and that makes him useless.

Decontextualizing and quote-mining.

John 15:16
You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit--fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.

John 16:23
In that day you will no longer ask me anything. I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.

John 14.13
And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father.
Decontextualizing and quote-mining.

John 15:16
You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit--fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.

John 16:23
In that day you will no longer ask me anything. I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.

John 14.13
And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father.

Possibly. I'll admit I don't have the whole bible memorized with quantized alternative interpretations available as a subset.
Yes, the old "The magic of Fantasia doesn't work unless you believe in it" excuse.

It's not my excuse.

Atheists generally have shitty reasons for atheism, that's all.

Technically, I am an atheist too, but at least my reasons for atheism don't give rise to anger and hatred in me.
Technically, I am an atheist too, but at least my reasons for atheism don't give rise to anger and hatred in me.
No, you're agnostic and you're always riding the fence between the two.
A far as atheists reasons for not believing in hocus, I must have terrible reasons for not believing in invisible elves.
These people have both, and see no reason to contemplate a god.

People like Forrest Ackerman, Terry Pratchett, Isaac Asimov, Douglas Adams, Kingsley Amis, Arthur C Clarke, Anton Chekhov.

More here

Please try not to make such imbecilic statements.
Please do think first.
Your point becomes moot, when you don't.

and see no reason... is true.
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How so?

Pretty much you just said what that video I posted said- He's invisible and intends to be invisible. Let me paraphrase what you said a moment ago:
"It takes a creative mind and inventiveness to appreciate God's handiwork."


Thanks- Post 17 shows a reason he does not believe in God as a designer, no mention of deformities as a curse.
Post 35 explains in detail that it's a reason he shared for lack of belief in the designer, again no mention of the accursed.

Lots of ideas all mixed together, in short?
And that conception of God doesn't say that God will answer all your prayers to your liking; He might say No, or give an answer that you didn't expect;

Yes it does. Read your bible, you'll see many examples of faith equating to good fortune. Diseases are cured, wounds healed, troubles eased, etc., all for professing faith.

there is also the condition that you have to ask for things in faith (in Jesus), and then you'll get them - so if you don't get them, check if you had placed your faith in Jesus;

Setting aside that this is a direct contradiction to your previous sentence, it's also a typical cop-out by the religious. "If God didn't answer your prayers, you weren't faithful enough." It doesn't stand up to common sense, and it can't be demonstrated. In other words, it's a baseless claim made by apologists who don't have a real answer.

given that the Sun shines, plants produce breathable air for humans etc. etc., the world apparently is created with humans in mind.

Except that the sun also blinds and burns us, gives us cancer and kills our crops when there isn't sufficient shelter or precipitation, so your attempt at "common sense" is neither common nor sensical. The actual common sense explanation would be that we're all here incidentally, an unnecessary byproduct of our sun's creation that lives on a constant knife's edge.

Nowhere in the mainstream conception of God is it stated that God is basically a miraculous vending machine for humans, to satisfy every desire, every whim that any human might have.

Of course it is. Read the texts. Prosperity, both here and in the afterlife, are on offer for our submission.
It's not my excuse.

Atheists generally have shitty reasons for atheism, that's all.

You've yet to demonstrate how any of these reasons are shitty. You've only demonstrated that you're not comfortable with them. The validity of our arguments are not defined by your preference for alternatives to them.

If we're going there, I would say that your reasons are shitty. After all, you're an atheist because you haven't experienced personal revelation. That you've relied on mysticism--or lack thereof--to make this decision for you is, in my opinion, absurd.

Technically, I am an atheist too, but at least my reasons for atheism don't give rise to anger and hatred in me.

Sure they do. Your constant shit-stirring and evasiveness is an example of your anger and hatred. Your refusal to concede a single point is an example of your anger and hatred. Your inability to frame the other person's argument fairly or accurately is an example of your anger and hatred.

I also don't see why anger and hatred are bad qualities. They're perfectly natural, and perfectly healthy. Like anything else, they only become destructive when they take up more space in one's life than they should. Atheists are angry at the oppressive practices of the religious institutions, and hate those who seek to oppress or injure others. Those are pretty worthy targets of such emotions, wouldn't you say? Or are you going to pretend to be a Buddhist again and claim (baselessly, of course) that humans can live without anger and hatred and should constantly strive to do so? Ah, you're too predictable.
You don't get to define me.

Neither do you. Your words and actions define you, and Neverfly is simply stating what they've amounted to. You don't get to invalidate the result just because you don't like it. All you can do is amend it by changing your words and actions. The story of Wynn doesn't end today, so if you want to be more well-thought of by your peers, perhaps you should consider a change of tack.
Sure, I have a total right to say what is good or bad. In fact I do it every day based on reason, empathy, and a value for life itself. Terminal prenatal deformities are bad for babies, bad for families, and just bad altogther. I don't need to posit a magic man in the sky to think that either. Are you seriously justifying the existence of chance and tragedy in a universe run by your God? What kind of sleazeball do you worship that sits by and watches this crap happen without doing anything? To even suggest the existence of a loving all-powerful being in the face of such tragedies suggests an emotional numbness to the human condition that I can't even imagine. What would YOU tell the parent of one of these kids? That God had an off day but will still be round to help later? That he was respecting our free choice--by taking away the free choice of the baby?

What if you don't recognise what He has done and is doing?

Make a suggestion of what God can do to give all the unbelievers a reason to believe?

Who's dreams should be fulfilled? What about the pedo's fantasy? Let's create a world with immortal sinners.
No just the good people... and who are they? Where is the line drawn?

Pretty complex isn't it?
What if you don't recognise what He has done and is doing?

There's simply no reason to believe this is the case. The God you believe in does not pretend to be mysterious or opaque; its motives are always clear. Of course, religious people, in their desire to make their faith fit their situation, have made such an idea popular, but it's not reflected in the text.

Make a suggestion of what God can do to give all the unbelievers a reason to believe?

Float down from heaven and let everyone know what's going on. Break reality; do something that would otherwise be impossible without divine intervention, and tell us he's going to do it before he does it.
There's simply no reason to believe this is the case. The God you believe in does not pretend to be mysterious or opaque; its motives are always clear. Of course, religious people, in their desire to make their faith fit their situation, have made such an idea popular, but it's not reflected in the text.

Float down from heaven and let everyone know what's going on. Break reality; do something that would otherwise be impossible without divine intervention, and tell us he's going to do it before he does it.

Your reasoning is sharp and excellent.

Floating down in what form? His real self would kill all, anything bearable like a human being would be crucified.

A bright bearable being? - prove it wasn't a dream or that those who see it are mental. What if we all believe? then there's the fights over rights and priviledges, back to square one on earth - dealing with mental mankind.

Give a warning first? Tell us what will happen first, so that we can prepare for it. The first time He came as a man, foretold thousands of years before, still killed Him.

Is returning soon in full form - been predicted for centuries, kills the unbelieving and saves the others.

What does it take to prepare? Faith, knowedge and loving obedience.

People don't believe miracles, the world is a miracle, life is a miracle and it is looked on as nothing better than an accident.

Has sin damaged the mind and alienated it from God?
Your reasoning is sharp and excellent.

Thank you.

Floating down in what form? His real self would kill all,

And yet it was no big deal for Moses, whom he spoke to face-to-face. Odd, that.

anything bearable like a human being would be crucified.

Jesus didn't float down, he was born like any regular person would be. The same "miracles" he "performed" happen nightly in a big tent somewhere south of the Mason-Dixon line. I'm talking about literally floating down for all to see. We draw a pretty big crowd for a glittery ball in Times Square every year, I think the Lord descending from heaven could do big ratings.

Maybe not American Idol big, but still.

A bright bearable being? - prove it wasn't a dream or that those who see it are mental.

Mass hysteria is a real phenomenon, but we're talking about an event that could be recorded on video. We'd have proof. I mean, if a guy climbs to the top of the Empire State building, there's gonna be footage.

What if we all believe? then there's the fights over rights and priviledges, back to square one on earth - dealing with mental mankind.

I have no idea what this is supposed to mean, nor do I particularly care. We're not talking about a reality in which everyone believes in God, we're talking about ways in which non-believers could be made to believe.

Give a warning first? Tell us what will happen first, so that we can prepare for it. The first time He came as a man, foretold thousands of years before, still killed Him.

I'm talking about God floating to the earth and saying "Okay, I'm going to shut off the sun for five seconds. Ready?" The "foretold thousands of years before" stuff is just superstitious nonsense, and I'm not surprised people didn't buy it. Everything he did was done intentionally to fulfill the prophecy, so it's hardly fair to say he actually fulfilled the prophecy. It would be like if I rode into town on a donkey and claimed to be Jesus. Hey, I fulfilled the prophecy, therefore, by your logic, I must be Jesus.

Is returning soon in full form - been predicted for centuries, kills the unbelieving and saves the others.

What does it take to prepare? Faith, knowedge and loving obedience.

Save your low-rent proselytizing for the echo chamber. It's not wanted here.

People don't believe miracles, the world is a miracle, life is a miracle and it is looked on as nothing better than an accident.

Accidents can be beautiful, you know.

Has sin damaged the mind and alienated it from God?

More like God has damaged the mind and alienated it from reality. It's a shame your vision is so occluded. The world really is amazing, yet you're enthralled by the obscene ramblings of illiterate desert nomads from the Bronze Age. That would be like me saying that I really enjoy alchemy. (Which the folks who wrote your bible did, by the way)
Again, you tease.

A 2 worded question: Edward Current?

But the question still remains, why bring up deformed children as an example of God's non-existence in the first place?

Probably because the unspoken assumption is that God, if God would exist, would arrange the world in such a way that humans would be pleased; and since humans are generally not particularly pleased, this then means that God does not exist.

So the world would be a better place it there were no deformities?
