Reasons not to believe in God

It's quite clear what several of you here think of me, and you certainly don't view me as a peer.
Considering me a peer would make your crown fall off! And we can't have that, can we.
What's clear is what I think of your posts. I know pretty much nothing about you as a person.
It is ironic though, the way you just behaved in the manner that you just objected to. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean he's wearing a crown, it simply means you're communicating with a different brain than your own. We are all peers. You don't have to like it. It's just the way it is.
Oh please. PC doesn't really fool anyone here.
As if I'm P.C. Come on now. That's not being P.C., it's being realistic. Do you believe that assholes aren't your peers? To someone else, you're an asshole, too. It's not P.C. to recognize that there isn't a straight head on the forum or around you in your life. Everyone's got issues.
As if I'm P.C. Come on now. That's not being P.C., it's being realistic. Do you believe that assholes aren't your peers? To someone else, you're an asshole, too. It's not P.C. to recognize that there isn't a straight head on the forum or around you in your life. Everyone's got issues.

Here's my proposal for you:

Take a course in assertiveness. Then come back, and let's have a conversation then, alright?

As things stand, you usually use the aggressive communication style, and I can't tell whether you are using it unaware that you're using it and also seem to be unaware of its effects on people; or whether you are actually trying to communicate precisely that aggressiveness.

Until you learn to use various communication styles, I can't talk to you in any depth about the personal things that you keep bringing up.

I said you were a tease because you come in with a provocative issue, and then when things get hot, you bow out.

I didn't bow out, I backed off. Didn't you read my post correctly?
I got my answer when AiD failed to answer.

But sure, tease away, whatever. Maybe your "peers" will have a lesson to teach you or something!

That would be great.

1. Valid enough- but the word random has more than one connotation.

2. That's quite a stretch, just to hang onto a belief you hold that lacks evidence...

3. I refer by "that God" to any creator God. There's more than one kind of God. And before you ask, I do not believe in any Gods.

4. A valid enough one. It's one reason why the creation God myth is quite absurd.

1. Irrelevant. Unless you have perfect knowledge, it means you aren't aware of a pattern, or the ultimate cause.
Apart from that, why do believe in random mutation?

2. That's rich coming from someone claiming their so-called un-belief is due to ''an intelligence that causes billions of agonizing deaths instead of altering one gene with his noodly appendage to be creature-survival the first time.''

3. You didn't answer the question.

4. I don't think you've given God enough thought, so I can't take this answer seriously.
1. Irrelevant. Unless you have perfect knowledge, it means you aren't aware of a pattern, or the ultimate cause.
Actually, I said it was irrelevant, first, thief.
The reason it is not relevant is that if we assume there was a pattern (A far-fetched assumption since, again, we are talking of evidence of a God and an invisible pattern is not evidence) that "pattern" would still contradict a Creation God since that pattern is based on trial and error rather than design.
Apart from that, why do believe in random mutation?
Because observational evidence strongly supports it. It has been observed in bacterial cultures in the lab where generations of bacteria can pass rather quickly - think of it as an evolutionary high speed camera. The fossil record also supports that likelihood since eons are required to show variation and speciation.
2. That's rich coming from someone claiming their so-called un-belief is due to ''an intelligence that causes billions of agonizing deaths instead of altering one gene with his noodly appendage to be creature-survival the first time.''
No, it isn't. You seem to be claiming here that I actually believe in the FSM. I would like to think you know better than that...
3. You didn't answer the question.
Yes, I did. You for some unknown reason claiming that I didn't does not mean I didn't- you quoted the answer. If you don't like the answer- tough. If you don't understand the answer- ask for clarification. But I did answer it and I think I answered it well enough.
4. I don't think you've given God enough thought, so I can't take this answer seriously.
Given that I used to be in the Ministry, I think you need to make less assumptions. I've given plenty of thought to God. Just because I reached a different conclusion than you have does not mean I gave it no thought. Frankly, I would think I gave it more thoughtful effort than you have because you still believe in the absurd self-contradicting mass of myth.
Here's my proposal for you:
Talk or don't talk.
I have never made any such insistence, ColeGrey- I keep telling you that you have missed the point. I can probably say it until I'm blue in the face but until you step back and re-examine things, you won't see it.
I have made the claim that you don't go to a church to get surgery and you don't go to a hospital to get prayer.
Surgery is secular.
Religion is not, it's prayer only.
Just because many people may do both, does not alter what those two things are. It does not claim that most people only turn to one or the other.
You're off on this mistaken tangent and it's a nitpick over a misunderstanding you have and won't let go of. I've explained it enough. Anymore responses from you declaring an error that simply is not there must be ignored.
as i mentioned, i am glad you use english in the same way as everyone else to say this obvious thing. I am also glad you realize **edit "realize" is the wrong word, sorry, i should have said "already know"** that turning to prayer does not include turning away from doing everything else, and that prayer and surgery are not opposing actions for normal people. That is what i thought you believed, based on your earlier posts, but now i see i was wrong about your belief.

Because evolution demonstrates a complete lack of intelligent design. To say "God did it" doesn't add up. The best they can do is say God started the process 4 billion years ago and then let it run itself from there which would defeat the entire purpose of what they want to believe when believing in the God anyway. That God would have had to disappear 4 billion years ago and that makes him useless.
When you can explain the science behind evolution's "demonstrated" lack of intelligent design, you will have a statement that makes sense there. Evolution is a process by which organisms change - you aren't going to get a scientist claiming that dark matter, or some other non-testable, has, or doesn't have, an effect on evolution. They aren't going to consider it information they can include in a theory, any more than what their favorite color is, and just as religious people shouldn't say they are adding explanation of evolution's science by claiming God's hand in it, a scientist can't propose an ethical or spiritual understanding based on the process. I understand it was the religious people who started this mess, proposing that religion had something to say about which theories were scientifically accurate based on religious texts, but there is no reason for anyone to continue this farce that religion and science are two competing explanations of the same phenomena.
When you can explain the science behind evolution's "demonstrated" lack of intelligent design, you will have a statement that makes sense there.
I can and I have- in this very thread. Scroll up, I made a rather long reply to Wynn explaining Emergence. In debates against Jan Ardena, I've given more information. It is clearly demonstrated.
You can start here, a bit earlier, as well.

Evolution is a process by which organisms change - you aren't going to get a scientist claiming that dark matter, or some other non-testable, has, or doesn't have, an effect on evolution. They aren't going to consider it information they can include in a theory, any more than what their favorite color is, and just as religious people shouldn't say they are adding explanation of evolution's science by claiming God's hand in it, a scientist can't propose an ethical or spiritual understanding based on the process.
And no one has done any such thing.
Cole Grey- what is with you and the absurd nitpicking?
What was said is that something is lacking, not tested against.
I understand it was the religious people who started this mess, proposing that religion had something to say about which theories were scientifically accurate based on religious texts, but there is no reason for anyone to continue this farce that religion and science are two competing explanations of the same phenomena.
They are. Science and religion as they stand today are totally incompatible. Check the thread title. Your crusade to spare religion from being held against science or secular practices is getting very annoying.
Here's my proposal for you:

Take a course in assertiveness. Then come back, and let's have a conversation then, alright?

As things stand, you usually use the aggressive communication style, and I can't tell whether you are using it unaware that you're using it and also seem to be unaware of its effects on people; or whether you are actually trying to communicate precisely that aggressiveness.

Until you learn to use various communication styles, I can't talk to you in any depth about the personal things that you keep bringing up.

This is trolling. Post reported.

If you don't have the integrity to discuss Neverfly's points, then pull your usual stunt and just disappear from the thread. To make these ad hominem comments in an effort to bait him into an insulting reply is against the rules. Hopefully the moderators agree and do something about this.
And no one has done any such thing.
Cole Grey- what is with you and the absurd nitpicking?
What was said is that something is lacking, not tested against.
it is scientifically demonstrated as lacking, without being tested against??? how is that possible? That is technically impossible. You mean to say it is "philosophically" demonstrated as lacking. Un-testables are not scientifically demonstrated.

They are. Science and religion as they stand today are totally incompatible. Check the thread title. Your crusade to spare religion from being held against science or secular practices is getting very annoying.
ethics is not science, and your videos posted about God's evil designs are essentially about ethics. Most of this thread is about ethics actually. You are the one committing the intellectual mistake of using ethical, untestable, points to try to explain science, and then calling the ethics scientific evidence. God designed "bad" designs, and THAT demonstrates scientifically that there are no forces we haven't measured as acting on evolution???? Let me say this again to be clear - there is no major ethical or philosophic point to be proven by science, and ethical points are not scientific. We are never going to show that beating a dog is ethically wrong because science points that out. Some people need to figure that out.
it is scientifically demonstrated as lacking, without being tested against??? how is that possible?
Easy! I never said it was done scientifically!
ethics is not science, and your videos posted about God's evil designs are essentially about ethics. Most of this thread is about ethics actually. You are the one committing the intellectual mistake of using ethical, untestable, points to try to explain science,
Wrong. I'm not explaining science.
I'm explaining why we don't belive in God.
You're getting confused because some scientific principles specifically are incompatible with the belief.
and then calling the ethics scientific evidence.
I never did.
The rest of your post is just repeating the same false claims.
Talk or don't talk.

This is trolling. Post reported.

If you don't have the integrity to discuss Neverfly's points, then pull your usual stunt and just disappear from the thread. To make these ad hominem comments in an effort to bait him into an insulting reply is against the rules. Hopefully the moderators agree and do something about this.

Just as I thought: You don't consider me a peer.

And you'd rather demonize me than admit it.
(By way of reminder, the following is in reference to my early life experience with a family that lost 3 children to a congenital birth defect. Each of the boys wasted away for several years, in such suffering that could only be characterized as cruel, if you actually believe God chose for this to happen to them -- particularly if you are a Fundamentalist who thinks God visits the sins of the parents upon the children. The parents were saintly people who could not remotely be categorized as sinners whose sons needed to be tortured and killed to teach them a lesson.)

Wow. It's stories like that that bring home the total uselessness of religion as a viable explanation for human existence. How can anyone glibly claim after all this that well, God really loves them and it was his will afterall? Such tragic events underscore the total indifference of fate and the universe to our lives. There is no loving being out there protecting us and blessing us with special favors. Life is a crap shoot from the moment you're born until you die. And all of human experience confirms this.

It must have been hard for ancient societies to accept that bad things could happen to them without cause. In the course of their development of superstitious explanations for suffering, sickness, injury and death, they must have come up with a pool of inexplicable causes which they tied up in a bundle and called God.

Like you say, life is a crap shoot, whether you talk about the biological processes that randomly mix to form gametes, and the subsequent randomness of fertilization, to the random way things can go wrong in the embryonic development, and from there all of the random ways infection and injury can ravage, maim, torture and kill individuals.

It would be easier to hold the Enlightenment view of the Deists, that there is a God who merely created the Universe, but who does not hang around after creation to mess with his little Frankensteins, wreaking havoc on them for arbitrary, unjust, angry and envious reasons.

The reason not to believe in God is not just that the model of God interfering with reality is so absurd. The reason is that all ideas of God stem from superstition.
Easy! I never said it was done scientifically!
Wrong. I'm not explaining science.
I'm explaining why we don't belive in God.
You're getting confused because some scientific principles specifically are incompatible with the belief.
actually, there aren't. please tell me which principle is incompatible with belief. Do you mean "data"? Was there a scientific principle, or data, that could tell us dark matter didn't exist when people called the "extra stuff" in the universe "aether", or whatever else their misinterpreted, unproven, ideas labeled it as? We certainly didn't have the tools to show science was "incompatible with the belief" in any of that extra stuff, even if it was just a poorly explained, true, idea that there was "more than meets the eye".

I never did.
The rest of your post is just repeating the same false claims.
ok, if i say you are saying something and you aren't, just let me know.
It must have been hard for ancient societies to accept that bad things could happen to them without cause. In the course of their development of superstitious explanations for suffering, sickness, injury and death, they must have come up with a pool of inexplicable causes which they tied up in a bundle and called God.
i wonder if most people in ancient societies didn't just say, "these priests are full of it, there is no reason why it rains, it just rains." Perhaps they were controlled more by force and food than by beliefs. Do we really know that our ancestors were so agreeable, although we moderns all seem to disagree over everything?
there have been a lot of books written on the evolution of morality, based on these types of suppositions of how ancients thought, and Nietzsche was all like, "no you di'int" to those people. Maybe he was right about that.
Just a thought.