Back to the problem of inherent or innate nature, again.
What is a "good person", what is a "bad person"?
Are some people innately good, so that they can rightfully be called "good people"?
Are some people innately bad, so that they can rightfully be called "bad people"?
The phrases "good person" and "bad person" suggest that there is such a phenomenon as an innately good person, and an innately bad person.
This yet has to be shown, though.
I've already answered this.
Edit: I'll expand, since the first one apparently didn't take: I think the inherent qualities in a good person would be a lack of cynicism, perhaps a good sense of humor and irony, an affection for other people. This goodness can be manifest in their actions, but I think it's displayed more in their motivations. But even the best people are capable of doing bad things, sometimes for good reasons and sometimes for really bad reasons. Just as bad people--those who are humorless, cynical, mean-spirited--can do good things, such as act charitably, display kindness, etc..
No one is wholly one thing or the other. Some people can begin their lives as good people and become very bad people, and vice versa.
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