Reality as God

Reality is not an information processing system & it is not intelligent. There are info processors & intelligences in reality along with everything else which exists. Claiming reality is god is claiming everything is god which means absolutely nothing. May as well claim everything is Daffy Duck.
What kind of proof do you require? I have written extensively on the topic of God. See my thread just above on "Meta-Reality". Extraordinary proofs require extraordinary means. Consider that reality is an information processing system. This means it is intelligent. Therefore it is capable of responding to you at exceptional requests. I.e. you can "summon" God.

What kind of proof would you require to believe Donald Duck created the universe from his farts?
If reality is God then ...
LOL (sorry about that) .... IF you want to persist with the notion of Reality being "God" then I suggest you read Baruch Spinoza's work. Mind you, he's considered by many (such as Eisenstein) as a Prince among Philosophers. Oh, and he derived God through Syllogism via Euclidean Geometry - the proofs are water tight. Of course, if God 'IS' reality, then we should just do away with the word God, and use the word Reality.

Here's the curse the Jewish community laid upon Baruch Spinoza when they excommunicated him - it's pretty awesome:

"By decree of the angels and by the command of the holy men, we excommunicate, expel, curse and damn Baruch de Espinoza, with the consent of God, Blessed be He, and with the consent of the entire holy congregation, and in front of these holy scrolls with the 613 precepts which are written therein; cursing him with the excommunication with which Joshua banned Jericho and with the curse which Elisha cursed the boys and with all the castigations which are written in the Book of the Law. Cursed be he by day and cursed be he by night; cursed be he when he lies down and cursed be he when he rises up. Cursed be he when he goes out and cursed be he when he comes in. The Lord will not spare him, but then the anger of the Lord and his jealousy shall smoke against that man, and all the curses that are written in this book shall lie upon him, and the Lord shall blot out his name from under heaven. And the Lord shall separate him unto evil out of all the tribes of Israel, according to all the curses of the covenant that are written in this book of the law. But you that cleave unto the Lord your God are alive every one of you this day. That no one should communicate with him neither in writing nor accord him any favor nor stay with him under the same roof nor within four cubits in his vicinity; nor shall he read any treatise composed or written by him.."​

Apparently, his was the only recorded in Amsterdam to never be rescinded.

Yes, Baruch Spinoza proved God was Reality. He left a soft spot in the hearts of many scientists - particularly given his reputation for being such a kind, gentle, honest person. I'm of the mind, had Spinoza been born in a different time, and a different place, he'd have become Buddha :)

Oh, he was wrong too - there are no Gods, water-tight logical proofs or otherwise. Unless we substitute the word "Universe" for God. Then, things become quite clear. No wonder the ruling Jews hierarchy of Amsterdam wanted no one to ever read a page of his words.
Reality is not an information processing system & it is not intelligent. There are info processors & intelligences in reality along with everything else which exists. Claiming reality is god is claiming everything is god which means absolutely nothing. May as well claim everything is Daffy Duck.

Yes, claiming reality is God is claiming everything is God. If Daffy Duck is real it would be the same thing. You are reality within reality. It was said by a friend that consciousness is the inevitable combination of the information processing/ computation of the universe along with the apparent non-locality of sub-space.
LOL (sorry about that) .... IF you want to persist with the notion of Reality being "God" then I suggest you read Baruch Spinoza's work. Mind you, he's considered by many (such as Eisenstein) as a Prince among Philosophers. Oh, and he derived God through Syllogism via Euclidean Geometry - the proofs are water tight. Of course, if God 'IS' reality, then we should just do away with the word God, and use the word Reality.

Or we could call reality an intelligent and responsive being. But that would not be specific enough or it might leave questions unanswered. Thank you for your suggested readings.

Yes, Baruch Spinoza proved God was Reality. He left a soft spot in the hearts of many scientists - particularly given his reputation for being such a kind, gentle, honest person. I'm of the mind, had Spinoza been born in a different time, and a different place, he'd have become Buddha :)

Oh, he was wrong too - there are no Gods, water-tight logical proofs or otherwise. Unless we substitute the word "Universe" for God. Then, things become quite clear. No wonder the ruling Jews hierarchy of Amsterdam wanted no one to ever read a page of his words.

I happen to know that God is reality because I've seen God in action. I've seen a kind of "realistic" God and felt It inside me.
Yes, claiming reality is God is claiming everything is God. If Daffy Duck is real it would be the same thing. You are reality within reality. It was said by a friend that consciousness is the inevitable combination of the information processing/ computation of the universe along with the apparent non-locality of sub-space.

Daffy Duck is as real as any gods. Everything is god means nothing is god. Repeating nonsense after it is refuted does not make it valid.
Or we could call reality an intelligent and responsive being.
The Universe isn't intelligent. Much of it is hot gas and next-to-empty space.

But that would not be specific enough or it might leave questions unanswered. Thank you for your suggested readings.
Spinoza did not believe in an intelligent God, per say.

I happen to know that God is reality because I've seen God in action. I've seen a kind of "realistic" God and felt It inside me.
Have you ever seen BLUE? Not really. What you'd say is you've "experienced" Blue. Did you know we do not have a photoreceptor for the wavelength of light that is blue? Our photoreceptors skip blue and reach maximum excitation in PURPLE. Thus, the blue you 'see' is exactly made up in your mind. We make up blue. Actually, we make up everything (subjective). But blue is a good example, it's not like 'color' is objectively real anyway. Their corresponding wavelengths are.

Michael, may I ask, what makes you think God is not real?
Why would I?

I wouldn't frame it that I "think God is not real". I'd suggest this: I lack a belief in gods and goddesses. It'd be like a Scientologist asking me what makes me think Xenu is not real? Well, it's not that I go out of my way to single out Xenu. I just don't believe in extraterrestrial alien Overlords. Which would include Xenu, as well as any other's that have popped into the imagination of various people. I mean, maybe someone out there believes in Klingon's? I'm not about to.
Have you ever seen BLUE? Not really. What you'd say is you've "experienced" Blue. Did you know we do not have a photoreceptor for the wavelength of light that is blue? Our photoreceptors skip blue and reach maximum excitation in PURPLE. Thus, the blue you 'see' is exactly made up in your mind. We make up blue. Actually, we make up everything. But blue is a good example anyway.

that explains why my favorite color is blue..:bugeye:

but I find that hard to believe, blue,green,red from CRT..
that explains why my favorite color is blue..:bugeye:

but I find that hard to believe, blue,green,red from CRT..
Well, you could ask BillyT, he probably knows for sure.

Here's 420 nm, the peak excitation for the opsin in 'blue' cones.

Posted by Christopher M. Langan (Member # 264) on 21. July 2003, 13:01:

Dr. Frank Tipler of Tulane has a theory which says that the universe is a function of "front-loaded" design by the God of traditional monotheism. In essence, Dr. Tipler’s theory says that the evolution of the universe is following a pre-written script consisting of the laws of physics and implicitly containing the blueprint of life, and he offers what he and others consider to be strong physical evidence of such a relationship. I have a theory which goes somewhat farther, acknowledging the distributed or front-loaded aspect of design while making the universe a self-contained feedback system in which the design function can take specific local arguments and deliver specific localized output in the course of evolution. My theory, called the CTMU (short for Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe), implies that a self-aware designer distributes over reality, or in theological terms, that "God configures Himself as reality." This, of course, is fully consistent with the idea that God is the ultimate reality, an insight that has been oft-made but seldom explored by theologians and philosophers.

ISCID Forums

Reality is self-distributed. Reality is all over.
Aside from no supporting facts, that would be reality is god yet not god is reality. As in my big toe is me yet I am not my big toe. You have your terms backward.