Yes, but I feel and think based upon the things I have been taught... I was not taught to be repulsed by the bible..that came

Faith: not wanting to know what is true.
..........Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Well then TS is right to warn you that they are evil.

Do you have any family? Parents, brothers, sisters? Do they know about the aliens?
There are people in my life right now that are aware of them.
Well...I know that TS only means well...but I myself do not heed it...cause I do not believe in the same things which she and or other christians do.
christain boy,

I hate ppl like you, with all that religion crap going on. So I'LL help you out and let u know who's evil.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: ^..^ ME ^..^ :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


That's o.k. We Christians still love you anyway!!!

Jesus Loves You,

Sorry, but you never did tell me what was actually going on before... Have you told anyone in your family?
Well, by "family" if you mean my immediate family..they know about the ufo's I have seen..but I have not told them about the abductions.... that's just not something you tell my family... I learned that especially after telling them about the ufo's.
My roommates are aware of the abductions though.
Well... my father had this little smile on his face that meant... yeah, uh-huh sure... however, there were four other witnesses to he'd have to deem them as being delusional as well... My mother was like trying to tell me how it was anything but a ufo... and then said are you doing drugs??? What are you on?????? blah blah blah.. the typical
type of responses you'd expect to get from
your parents. No biggie...

Faith: not wanting to know what is true.
..........Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Oh, well, that's not so bad... you might want to consider informing them about the abductions...

Can you share the experience that you had that was witnessed by the four with us?
NOOOOOOO bloody wayyyyyy ...forget it! Besides it doesn't affect their lives in any way...

Yeah.. sure..
I was riding with my friend in her car..we were going to see her parents. My friend said..what was that and pointed toward the night sky... I looked up and saw what I thought was just an airplane... and responded with that. She said it.
Keep in mind...I didn't buy into any ufo/alien stories at all. I was always taught that there is always a logical explanation for everything...keep your feet on the ground type of thing. Well this sucker started to follow us... I still kept trying to dismiss it though... However, when we got to my friends parent's home... it was there and we ran inside and got her parents..they both came out... This ufo was hovering right there in their back yard...we were all in amazement...totally. It was triangle shaped...made no sound whatsoever... and was huge... all of the sudden out of no where a second ufo showed up..was smaller than the first..but looked exactly like it... it took position slightly behind and to the right of the first...then a third showed up that was the size of the second..taking its position slightly back and to the left of the first. They all three hovered there for what seemed like forever... during that time the mother ran inside to call a neighbor who works at the airport and told him to go outside and look at these things... then the ufo's started maneuvering around one another at high rates of speed... I mean you couldn't see any space between the three whatsoever...they went in every direction... going around one another..flipping around one another as well... they were all over that sky... then all three resumed their original position.
The one on the right took off in that direction very very was like it was there one second and gone the did the one on the left in that direction and just as fast... the big one hovered there for a bit...then lifted straight up as fast as the other two had gone.

So later the mother talked on the phone with the neighbor... he said that there was not an aircraft that could of maneuvered the way that these three did.

Faith: not wanting to know what is true.
..........Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

[This message has been edited by Flash (edited January 24, 2000).]

Sounds familiar. I saw a similar trio put on a similar light show about 15 years ago. I was sitting in my backyard on a clear summer night when they showed up in the night sky of the valley where I lived. Not as close though.

The aliens that have been abducting you - do they show up in the same kind of craft? Is that where they take you? If so, what does the inside look like?

[This message has been edited by Christian (edited January 24, 2000).]
To be truthful..this is something I do not really wish to talk about here.. not just yet. There is a lot of detail...
If you do not mind sharing... could you tell a little more about what you saw?

The lights were much further away so it wasn't anywhere near as dramatic as your experience. I remember wishing I had a video camera!

I was sitting in my backyard alone and looking at the stars in the deep black night sky when I saw an unusual large light in the sky. It had a hue of color but I can't remember right now for sure (I think it was bluish-green). Anyway it was bright and it wasn't moving.

As I was studying it another light zipped to it from one side and then a third light zipped to it from the other side. Because they were so far away it made them look like one light.

Then they separated and danced around the sky for a long time. Sometimes they danced in unison and at other times they danced in all different directions. They would come together every once in a while and then separate again.

I didn't want them to stop. But just as you described at the end they shot off really quickly in all different directions. It was a pretty sight while it lasted.

Not very exciting unless you saw it for yourself.

I'm not going to pry about your abductions.

Please don't take this the wrong way - I would like to say to you that if something is going on that you can't share with others including your family then it's probably something that you shouldn't be involved with.
Wow... that is great..I mean..I have not spoke with someone, outside of the people that saw what I did, that have witnessed almost the same things... as far as the
"dancing" goes.

Look, Lori and a couple of other people know about the abduction stories... so it isn't that I have hidden them. As far as my family goes...well..we do not talk all that much about things like that... it's more of..
wow, what do you think about that weather?
Yea, no poop Flash. LOL! I had to contemplate to figure out who Christian was talking about you "not being involved with", the aliens or your "family"? LOL! I think you know my answer would have to be "all of the above". :D

"Go Jesus, go! Go Jesus, go!"

I finally get to be the cheerleader that I always wanted to be but could not, as I was not a fluff chick.
Flash ... the girl working with me on my book "Hybrid" has been telling about this dialogue. I rarely talk to people on Net but this sounded interesting.

In my first book UFO Encounters I interviewed more than 200 people concerning a "crash" in Long Island in 1994 I think it was. Also I gathered evidence of a landing in Carp, Canada.

I see some of this on here is "way out there" but I do have an open mind. I had to after interviewing all those people.

There is nothing that is for sure in the UFO world. I have films of UFOs, NTLs (non terrestrial life forms, and even some shot from alien autopsies.

I feel that one is obligated to be as truthful and accurate as possible in their accounts of contact or abduction.

You might wish to check us out. I have talked to Walter, the head of Mufon, several times. He is mentioned in my book.

The irony is that people who should tell their stories are often afraid to. Actual contact with an alien or even a close craft is terrifying.

This is not to say any are demons. Yet I have said "the gods of one religion are the demons of another" It all depends where you see them from.

JB Michaels