Get used to it, Whammy. The best thing to do is to read the original post and decide if you want to reply to it. If there's tons of posts, read the most recent 5 or 6 and reply to those if you like. Just make sure you don't step into anybody's personal argument unless you've got something valid to say. Then expect return fire. Just don't take it personally. A lot of people use the anonymity of the web to do and say things they normally wouldn't do or say in person.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
Originally posted by Bezzle:
Lori you're a freak and if i wanted to listen to your shit i'd have gone to church maybe you should find a new message board
"Where knowledge ends religion begins"

Here it is striaght,

religion's a joke
GOD is an alien with extreme technoligy to give him his "powers"
The world is one big petre dish, (created by "aliens")

Questions class?
Good then!


God exists and so does other intelligent life... I have seen both... Even if the aliens come and tell you that they created Jesus Christ, even if they show you a hologram of the crucifixion, do not believe them... God has given us the truth. "They" are not God and "we" are not a virus on this earth... We are God's children... Remember that, please.
You do not buy the alien/demon ya????? Ohhhh come on..TS...say it isn't so!
You've experienced abduction... you KNOW they aren't..right?
Hologram of the crucifiction?
You'v seen GOD? What's he look like?
Children? More like specimens.
God is an alien. Mankind just overreacted to his technoligy.
Wanna know how your "savior" healed the sick?
Simple, the same way in wich we treat primative peoples ilnoses, with more advance technoligy than they have. Make sense yet?



I'm having a hard time understanding your fragmented questions above... Yes, I have been abducted.

If you are asking me if I know that aliens exist and that they are not God, then the answer is yes.
umm...sorry :)
What I am wanting to know is do you believe that aliens are simply that...or do you think
that they are fallen Lori and Micah think?

What I want to know is how you know "aliens" are not our "god(s)" ?

Hmm, got an answer to that one?

There's always a way to demolish the strongest arguements.

ok ppl... this is an
ALIEN & ET board. Ahem.

Whether we have ET's visiting earth or whether or not 'God' exists, is this really going to affect the way you live your lives?

It doesn't mine. I subscribe to the idea that we should all be 'good ppl'. A person shouldn't be moral just because they're afraid of making 'GOD' angry. If so, they are not acting from the proper motivation.

If there is a god, and we try to love one another, we don't have to worry about believing in it or not. If there are ET's, again it doesn't make any difference whether or not we believe in them. They either exist, or don't, just the same.


Do not go gently into that good night...

Thanks for the clarification:

What I am wanting to know is do you believe that aliens are simply that...or do you think
that they are fallen Lori and Micah think?

The aliens which I came in contact with were at first very appealing (cute) to me as a child. I soon learned that they were very deceptive, forceful, dishonest, secretive, physically abusive towards children and not too wise in the ways of five year olds back then. So, I would venture to say that the aliens which I came in contact with were guided by an evil spirit. However, I have also come across evil spirits in human form and I know that all human beings are not evil. So, since my experience with aliens is much more limited, I cannot say for sure that "all" aliens are evil... As far as the fallen angels mentioned in the Bible, I'm sure that some can take alien form (like the ones I met), however, fallen angels can also take other forms (such as human).

I hope this helps.
Thank you for your reply. That was a fair answer...I sure wish others would look at it like you do.... (hint..hint... LORI ;) )

What I want to know is how you know "aliens" are not our "god(s)" ?

O.K., first, may I suggest that you review my post to Flash, above.

Second, please let me clarify that there is one true "God" not "god(s)"... "god(s)" are those unique forces within the universe that some people choose to personify as "god(s)." However, they are not "God" and as unique as we are as individuals, neither are we.

Last... if you come across someone (or something) that is at first appealing and powerful but, yet, at the same time behaves in a deceptive, secretive or dishonest manner you can be sure that they/it are not God. As I explained to Flash, among other things, this is how the aliens which I met behaved.

God is also appealing, however God behaves in an openly honest and truthful manner.

I hope this helps.
You are welcome Flash.

Please let me add that if you are actually in contact with aliens and they are turning you against Jesus Christ and causing you to be repulsed by the Word of God, then for sure, they are evil.

I hope this also helps.

TS speaks the truth.

Why do you think what he/she said was cheap? Are these things happening to you?
It was cheap because she knows what I believe
and why. I do not believe aliens are demons.
That is insane...
Just because some teach this does not mean they are demons or evil...

[This message has been edited by Flash (edited January 23, 2000).]

You know aliens? And they are teaching you to go against Christ? And they teach you to be repulsed by God's word?

I choose to use the term god(s) because you couldn't be able to tell him from a child molester giving some kid a candy cane.

In other words you'd think you were worshiping one entity while your really worshiping many.

