Actually, Schredinger, they are one in the same. There is also a third aspect of God... It is called the Holy Spirit.
Everyone has a right to believe whatever they want, so I'm not bashing any one. But what a bunch of crappy crap crap. This stuff is pretty much reverse of the Heaven's Gate cult. Everyone needs to check out the effects of sleep paralysis and its history throughout the centuries. Once people thought witches and demons were casting spells on them in their sleep, then it turned into aliens abducting them. Looks like some people have reverted to old stories.
Your side meaning your theory. I do know the
way to God is through Jesus...I haven't said
anything different.
What do you mean what is deception to me???
That's pretty obvious...when someone deliberately sucks another in by trickery.
Which is not this case.
Yes it is this case. And I will prove it if it's the last thing I do.

God loves you and so do I!
You know why, but I don't think that you want me to say here, right? I'll tell you why it's not

It's not because I think you're evil.
It's not because I think you're stupid.
It's not because I don't like you.
It's not because I think I'm any more intelligent than you.

You are being misled by powers that only Jesus can protect you from.

God loves you and so do I!
thank are right..I don't want you
to say here.
Lori, I am NOT mislead!!!!!! Listen, if
it was a ..don't follow God..follow me type
of thing..then yeah, BUT IT'S NOT!!!!
I am not deceived! Fruits that follow are
of the it????????
I may be a skeptical person on here but, I'm one of those types of people who need the evidence. The real physical evidence. Ufos have left evidence one way or another, however, the higher power has left none that I could see. Forgive me for sayin this, but I just don't think that way of there being a higher power, of course I believe in ufos and aliens because I have no set religion, that's what I like about not being very religious, I can believe in anything I want, real or fictional. However, I think the UFO events have been sky rocketing, I just think there is more too it.

The funniest thing happened the first time I went to click on that link - my computer rebooted itself although the lights in my house stayed on! I'm not saying it means anything, but it was interesting. I told the powers that be (or whatever might have been listening) that I was going to look at that site if they liked it or not, and they would have to do something more drastic than reboot my computer to keep me from looking at it. Apparently, they decided it wasn't worth the effort, and once my computer rebooted, I took a look at the site. :)

The article was extremely long, so I only read about a quarter of it, but it is interesting, and I did bookmark it for later on. Of course, it captured my interest from the beginning when it said, "This document is intended for open, mature seekers of truth and reality." That's what I am - hence the moniker, "Searcher".

Anyway, thanks for the link. I'll try to read it all when I get a chance. By the way, WHERE ARE YOU???
I read it and all I have to say is. Pass me the barf bag!

The Belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it
seems to me the depest root of all evil that is in the world
-Max Born

[This message has been edited by 666 (edited October 31, 1999).]
lori one of the basic features of christianity is that satan can't do anything but tempt free-willed entities. saying that satan created aliens, millions of races, millions of times as powerful as humanity, is purely a radical form of new-age cultism. you have no basis in christianity and should not be allowed to lure people into your trap. i am 13 and i used to be a christian but now i am a zen buddhist. even compared to my grandparents who have been loyal catholics for 78 years would agree that you are completely unfounded and also warping well-meaning christians into a hating of aliens when we do not even understand what the aliens want or even if they are here.
BigC- Like it or not, most ppls belief in aliens is religous. Face it, the evidence is just not there to support the belief fully. It is a great theory, but it is unfortunately based on lack of evidence, making it unscientific. Therefore, blind faith in it is a religous, not scientific or logical, belief.
Here are some interesting facts about aliens and paranormal stuff. There's a thing called zero-point energy that was proved to be non-material ether. In other words, energy, which always exists in one form or another, is limitless in the universe. They've proved that this thing called zero-point energy in non-material. Just something to think about.

There is no such thing as subjective truth.
Here are an interesting fact. There's a thing called zero-point energy that was proved to be in non-material ether. In other words, energy, which always exists in one form or another, is limitless in the universe. They've proved that this thing called zero-point energy in non-material. Just something to think about. Type it in your browser and see what it brings up.

There is no such thing as subjective truth.
Rouge on page one, brings up a very good point. The case studies on that CE4 page are all textbook examples of sleep paralysis, a common condition. Many "abductees" who claim to have been visted by extra-terrestrials, or as Lori would have us consider, demonic agents of Lucifer, have been found to suffer
from this sleep disorder.
There is an old 19th century painting by a Spanish artist, depicting a man being awoken from sleep by a demon sitting atop his chest. This is not a new phenomenon and has nothing to do with any end-times revelation. Furthermore, it is certainly not evidence of alien or demonic
visitation. If you still believe that it is, then I put this to you: Why has it only occurred at night? And why does it only occur to the sleeping? We are mere mortals
and shouldn't be ANY LESS VULNERABLE during the daytime.
I write a science page about physics and picotechnology(the hope that applications will come from the sub-electron realm)and
Zero-point Energy is not about Aliens or possibly not about the paranormal.It can be viewed as lets say the backdrop in a painting or ground water to a river.The virtual particles, but not real particles of zero-point can be seen as a kind of electric fuss on atoms when photographed at high resolution.What can be done with it at this point is anyones guess.There have been some recent papers that state that electrons are not real particles either,but just charges (or information) given substance by Zero-Point.There is a theory that is catching on that great Voids in the universe(some of these voids are 200 million light years across) are areas swept clean by the gentle continuous pressure of Zero-Point,and there have been some interesting theories pertaining to zero-point and gravity,but zero-point is not a Plot Against Humans.
AS A matter of fact HEWmans are a plot against HEWmans,and religions have killed more people than any other plague.


There are plenty of accounts of this happening during the day as well. You can't say that you know for a fact that the phenomenon is not spiritually induced.

"ET phone home!"
"Uh, hello Satan?"
"Hey, your plan worked great! They all think I'm cute!"
I am not saying that the phenomenon MAY not be spiritually induced. That would certainly be irresponsible. I AM saying that there is no evidence in that webpage to support that the phenomenon IS spiritually induced. This phenomenon has been recorded under controlled laboratory conditions. It has to do with brain wave irregularities during REM sleep.