Wow, wow, wow!!!! This is exactly what I've desparately been trying to tell you people!!!!!!!!! It's documented! I didn't know that it was documented! It's being researched! I didn't know it was being researched! I came to the EXACT same conclusion as these MUFON investigators did, but from a totally different path. I did not know if it can been confirmed that the name of Jesus can protect those being abducted. This was my hypothesis, given what I had already learned regarding new age religious beliefs, abduction testimony, and prophecy (Biblical and otherwise). I'm right! I knew it! I've got to tell people! I've got to spread the word! I'm so excited about this, I'm gonna bust a nut, and I don't even have any!!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Boris, did you say there was no Holy Spirit? How in the blankity blank do you think that I came upon this conclusion? By myself? HA!

God loves you and so do I!

I bow to your faithful abandonment. I have sincerely tried to read the site and see your point of view. However, I only got half way through before I could take it no longer. I don't know if ever I have seen such a pile of demagogic horseshit. I wanted at first to write up a very long list of all the self-contradictions and self-inconsistencies, leaps of irrationality, blatant tangential departures, and lack of any examination of potential counterarguments, but such a labor seems like too much to give over such crap. I'll just let everybody else go and see for themselves.

Yes people, you should definitely read it. If only to get a glimpse into the type of inane nauseating banter that arises from attempts at spirituality in the modern world.

I am; therefore I think.

Ok, but in case I don't get a chance to tell you later...I told you so. Be a martyr if you must; it's your choice.

God loves you and so do I!
People, please! This could save your soul. I know it's long, but with what is at stake here, I think it's definately worth it, right? The fact is that I have been researching different information on these topics and others for over a year now, and never did come across this site (don't know when it was published). I have a close relationship with God (I guess that's relative), but I have prayed for the truth, and for the power of the Holy Spirit. This is exactly, almost word for word, the information that I was given by the Holy Spirit. This is no coincedence, folks. The only agenda I have here is to help people.

God loves you and so do I!
Lori--And all this time I thought you were just regurgitating the contents of that site. LMAO so you DO have a brain!
Thanks, Lori. I did read this when you first posted it... Here are my comments as you requested. :)

The CE4 research findings are very telling, indeed. There are no "walk the walk" Christians among those who testify to having had an abduction experience. This IS a substantial differentiation.

There are also a few individuals who testify that they were able to thwart an abduction attempt by invoking the name of Jesus Christ. Now, THAT is powerful!!!

"Talk the talk" Christians are the most vulnerable... This makes so much sense. Other than "walk the walk" Christians who seem to be deemed untouchable, "talk the talk" Christians would probably be the most "prized" possession of the anti-Christ movement.

Believing is seeing!

[This message has been edited by truestory (edited October 06, 1999).]
Whew, ok I feel better now. So JMitch, is that coincedence, irony, my brain? I don't think so. I mean I'm pretty smart and all, but it's totally not me who's putting this stuff in my head. It's the Holy Spirit all the way, dude. It's just so amazing to witness it. I would say I can't believe it, but I do! Thank you Jesus!!!!

God loves you and so do I!
Lori, I am skeptical of the Ce4 people for one reason. They show nothing. As far as I can see all that they have done is come to the same conclusions that any God believing christian could come up with. Because their "records" say there haven't been any bible believing 'walk the walk' christians abducted means little to me. Because they claim that people can stop abductions by yelling jesus means even less. You might gasp at how quickly I dismiss this stuff, but the reasons for doing so are simple: How do they know that people who believe in God are not being abducted? How do they know that yelling jesus is connected to stopping the abduction, or even God for that matter? How do they know that alien abductions even take place? And lastly, the idea that aliens are some creation of satan is just WAY out there. They've tried so hard to be logical in their conclusions but then they start clamoring on like fearful idiots. (OUCH, I know that's harsh, but that's the impression they give)

So to answer your question, yes, I do think that it's a coincidence. Give a new-age aethiest a bible; you get aliens equals spiritual guides. Give that same bible to a christian and you get aliens equals demons. nuff said.
So what you're saying is that if you observe a correlation (cause and effect) regarding a "phenomenon", that it means nothing? That it's coincedence? Doesn't that premise imply that science is worthless? Or that scientific experiments regarding causal relationships is all mere coincedence, and hence, worthless? I think not, but nice try....

God loves you and so do I!
What scientific correlation? If I built a web site and claimed to have a connection between ear wax and hearing loss some people might actually take me seriously! It looks plausible enough but there's nothing scientific or reliable about me as a source.
Lori you're a freak and if i wanted to listen to your shit i'd have gone to church maybe you should find a new message board
Hey Bezzle,

Eat me.


Uh, that would be the correlation that the entire reading is explaining. What did you miss, the entire point? If you're saying there's no proof, then you're right, but then again, that arguement can be applied to the entire alien phenomenon, in which case, what the hell are you even out here for?

God loves you and so do I!
Lori, yes, very good. I figured you would call me on that. I don't take what any one person says seriously, but I can look at the sheer mass of people making claims and generally say..."yes they are here." and "some people are telling the truth" Some things are just easier to believe in. If every encounter suggested biblical prophecy, I'd take the idea more seriously.
Thanks Flash,

That little red-faced icon isn't surprise or embarrassment, but me heaving over the toilet spewing chunks. But ok, I'm better now. LOL! Gee guys, did you happen to notice that site said the same exact thing I've been telling you guys about for over a year? Did anyone happen to notice that not one word was mentioned of Jesus, you know our saviour? Oh, that's right, the OTHER guys are our saviours. HELLO! HELLO! FLIPPIN' HELLO PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!! Ta-da! There you have it....THE END TIMES DECEPTION DESCRIBED ALMOST WORD FOR WORD IN REVELATIONS IN THE BIBLE!!!!!! WAKE UP!!! Oh, but I must say that I got quite a laugh when I read the profound statement of "you see, the good aliens look good, whereas the bad aliens look bad". Profound. Gee, I wonder what all that fuss was made in the Bible then about deception? Hmmm....ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!

God loves you and so do I!
Ya walk in and say read this
blah blah blah...yet, when someone else says anthing which goes against that you ..well,
you act like you are now!! One side..which
is yours... do you think it would be possible to ever consider this side?????
ALSO, it mentioned how we should put GOD THE
CREATOR FIRST!!!!!!! Did you read that???????
Look i think you should get put mpre and stop reading the bible and holy weekly. Piss off to bible basher town. Face up to it God is a myth. a little joke or a prank thats got way out of hand. Take it like the woman with half a brain you are.


What sad geezer spent his time making a book that makes no sense and sadly so many fools believe.

Satan's a bit of a geezer though!!!!!!!!

It's not MY side. There is only one way to the Father, and that is through the Son. Do you think I made that up myself? What exactly do you think deception means?

God loves you and so do I!