Read the appalling Chapter 31 of the Book of Numbers

Below I rename Mses with Hitler:_

Here is the offending Chapter in full!!

No, it not full but omits the pivotal crimes of the Mediantes.

Hitler was a Christian born of Christian parents in a Christian land.

Is there anything more absurd than Christians claiming belief in the Hebrew bible - then exposing what that belief is all about.

None can fool heaven. :rolleyes:
No, it not full but omits the pivotal crimes of the Mediantes.

Hitler was a Christian born of Christian parents in a Christian land.

Is there anything more absurd than Christians claiming belief in the Hebrew bible - then exposing what that belief is all about.

None can fool heaven. :rolleyes:

Hitler was not a Christian he was a despot only concerned with his own evil path of murder and genocide of the Jews

He was the incarnation of the Devil himself

It is not the one you say you follow it is the one whose will you do that is your true master
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Hitler was not a Christian he was a despot only concerned with his own evil path of murder and genocide of the Jews

He was the incarnation of the Devil himself

It is not the one you say you follow it is the one whose will you do that is your true master

Hitler and his sister and parents were born and baptised Christians, as was Luther and Isabela. And all of these subscribed to the Gospel teachings.

It seems the truth will not set everyone free.
Adolf Hitler's religious views's_religious_views

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Adolf Hitler's religious views have been a matter of dispute, in part because of apparently inconsistent statements made by Hitler, and those attributed to him. The relationship between Nazism and religion was complex and shifting over the period of the Nazi Party's existence and during its years in power.

Childhood and youth

According to historian Bradley F. Smith, Hitler's father Alois, though nominally a Catholic, was somewhat religiously sceptical,[1] while his mother was a practicing Catholic.[2] According to historian Michael Rissmann, young Hitler was influenced in school by Pan-Germanism and began to reject the Catholic Church, receiving Confirmation only unwillingly. [edit] World War I experiences
According to an interview with a British correspondent years after the Great War, Hitler claimed a mysterious voice told him to leave a section of a crowded trench during a minor barrage. Moments after he left the area, a shell fell on that particular spot. Hitler saw this experience as a message that he was a uniquely illuminated individual who had a special task to fulfil.[6] This story did not, however, appear in Mein Kampf.

Public statements

In public statements, especially at the beginning of his rule, Hitler frequently spoke positively about the Christian heritage of German culture, and his belief in the "Aryan" Christ. In a proclamation to the German Nation February 1, 1933 Hitler stated, "The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and co-operation. It will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life."[7]

Historian Joachim Fest wrote, "Hitler knew, through the constant invocation of the God the Lord (German: Herrgott) or of providence (German: Vorsehung), to make the impression of a godly way of thought."[8] He used his "ability to simulate, even to potentially critical Church leaders, an image of a leader keen to uphold and protect Christianity," according to biographer Ian Kershaw. Kershaw adds that Hitler's ability also succeeded in appeasing possible Church resistance to anti-Christian Nazi Party radicals.[9] For example, on March 23, 1933, he addressed the Reichstag: "The National Government regards the two Christian confessions (i.e. Catholicism and Protestantism) as factors essential to the soul of the German people. ... We hold the spiritual forces of Christianity to be indispensable elements in the moral uplift of most of the German people."[10]

According to Hitler's chief architect Albert Speer, Hitler remained a formal member of the Catholic Church until his death, although it was Speer's opinion that "he had no real attachment to it."[11] According to biographer John Toland, Hitler was still "a member in good standing of the Church of Rome despite detestation of its hierarchy, he carried within him its teaching that the Jew was the killer of God. The extermination, therefore, could be done without a twinge of conscience since he was merely acting as the avenging hand of God—so long as it was done impersonally, without cruelty."[12] However Hitler's own words from Mein Kampf seem to conflict with the idea that his antisemitism was religiously motivated.
Take it from one who was there:

Hitler Was a Christian

The Holocaust was caused by Christian fundamentalism:

History is currently being distorted by the millions of Christians who lie to have us believe that the Holocaust was not a Christian deed. Through subterfuge and concealment, many of today’s Church leaders and faithful Christians have camouflaged the Christianity of Adolf Hitler and have attempted to mark him an atheist, a pagan cult worshipper, or a false Christian in order to place his misdeeds on those with out Jesus. However, from the earliest formation of the Nazi party and throughout the period of conquest and growth, Hitler expressed his Christian support to the German citizenry and soldiers. Those who would make Hitler an atheist should turn their eyes to history books before they address their pews and chat rooms.

Considering that Christianity has thus far been incapable of producing an unbiased, educated follower which speaks the truth, (I haven’t encountered any), I have been forced to dispel the myth by writing this essay. It is not until I bring up his speeches, my personal info on the Nazi regime and their tactics that a Christian will begin to question what their clergy told them. ( is important information to take into consideration for I am privy to some info that most Americans do not know. It is common for American media and education institutions to lie to their citizens concerning Nazi Germany.) So, in presenting this information I must break it into four parts: 1) Facts about Hitler and his involvement with the Church. 2) How the Church was the catalyst for anti- Semitism. 3) Facts concerning how the Nazi regime drilled these beliefs into Germanic society. 4) Quotes Hitler made which prove he had a disdain for atheism/occultism, upheld his Christian faith, and hated Jews due to his Christianity.

Hitler’s involvement with the Church:

a) Hitler was baptized as Roman Catholic during infancy in Austria.

b) As Hitler approached boyhood he attended a monastery school. (On his way to school young Adolf daily observed a stone arch which was carved with the monastery’s coat of arms bearing a swastika.)

c) Hitler was a communicant and an altar boy in the Catholic Church.

d) As a young man he was confirmed as a “soldier of Christ.” His most ardent goal at the time was to become a priest. Hitler writes of his love for the church and clergy: “I had excellent opportunity to intoxicate myself with the solemn splendor of the brilliant church festivals. As was only natural, the abbot seemed to me, as the village priest had once seemed to my father, the highest and most desirable ideal.” -Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

e) Hitler was NEVER excommunicated nor condemned by his church. Matter of fact the Church felt he was JUST and “avenging for God” in attacking the Jews for they deemed the Semites the killers of Jesus.

f) Hitler, Franco and Mussolini were given VETO power over whom the pope could appoint as a bishop in Germany, Spain and Italy. In turn they surtaxed the Catholics and gave the money to the Vatican. Hitler wrote a speech in which he talks about this alliance, this is an excerpt: “The fact that the Vatican is concluding a treaty with the new Germany means the acknowledgement of the National Socialist state by the Catholic Church. This treaty shows the whole world clearly and unequivocally that the assertion that National Socialism [Nazism] is hostile to religion is a lie.” Adolf Hitler, 22 July 1933, writing to the Nazi Party

g) Hitler worked CLOSELY with Pope Pius in converting Germanic society and supporting the church. The Church absorbed Nazi ideals and preached them as part of their sermons in turn Hitler placed Catholic teachings in public education. This photo depicts Hitler with Archbishop Cesare Orsenigo, the papal nuncio in Berlin. It was taken On April 20, 1939, when Orsenigo celebrated Hitler’s birthday. The celebrations were initiated by Pacelli (Pope Pius XII) and became a tradition.

Each April 20, Cardinal Bertram of Berlin was to send “warmest congratulations to the Fuhrer in the name of the bishops and the dioceses in Germany with “fervent prayers which the Catholics of Germany are sending to heaven on their altars.” (If you would like to know more about the secret dealings of Hitler and the Pope I recommend you get a book titled: Hitler’s Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII, by John Cornwell)

h) Due to Hitler’s involvement with the Church he began enacting doctrines of the Church as law. He outlawed all abortion, raged a death war on all homosexuals, and demanded corporal punishment in schools and home. Many times Hitler addressed the church and promised that Germany would implement its teachings: “The National Socialist State professes its allegiance to positive Christianity. It will be its honest endeavor to protect both the great Christian Confessions in their rights, to secure them from interference with their doctrines (Lehren), and in their duties to constitute a harmony with the views and the exigencies of the State of today.” –Adolf Hitler, on 26 June 1934, to Catholic bishops to assure them that he would take action against the new pagan propaganda “Providence has caused me to be Catholic, and I know therefore how to handle this Church.” -Adolf Hitler, reportedly to have said in Berlin in 1936 on the enmity of the Catholic Church to National Socialism

How Christianity was the catalyst of the Holocaust:

Hitler’s anti-Semitism grew out of his Christian education. Austria and Germany were majorly Christian during his time and they held the belief that Jews were an inferior status to Aryan Christians. The Christians blamed the Jews for the killing of Jesus. Jewish hatred did not actually spring from Hitler, it came from the preaching of Catholic priests and Protestant ministers throughout Germany for hundreds of years. The Protestant leader, Martin Luther, himself, held a livid hatred for Jews and their Jewish religion. In his book, “On the Jews and their Lies,” Luther set the standard for Jewish hatred in Protestant Germany up until World War 2. Hitler expressed a great admiration for Martin Luther constantly quoting his works and beliefs.

Now, you must remember before Hitler rose to Chancellor of Germany the country was in a deep economic depression due to the Versailles treaty. The Versailles treaty demanded that Germans made financial reparations for the previous war and Germany simply was not self sufficient enough in order to pay the debt. Hitler was the leader that raised Germany out of the depression and brought them back to a world recognized power. Due to his annulment of the financial woes of the Germanic people he became their redeemer and they anointed him as the leader of the German Reich Christian Church in 1933. This placed him in power of the German Christian Socialist movement which legislates their political and religious agendas. It united all denominations, mainly the Protestant/Catholic and Lutheran people to instill faith in a national Christianity.

How the Nazi Regime converted the people:

a) In the 1920s, Hitler’s German Workers’ Party (pre Nazi term) adopted a “Programme” with twenty-five points (the Nazi version of a constitution). In point twenty-four, their intent clearly demonstrates, from the very beginning, their stand in favor of a “positive” Christianity: “We demand liberty for all religious denominations in the State, so far as they are not a danger to it and do not militate against the morality and moral sense of the German race. The Party, as such, stands for positive Christianity, but does not bind itself in the matter of creed to any particular confession...”

b) The Nazi regime started a youth movement which preached its agenda to impressionable children. Hitler backed up the notion that all people need faith and religious education: “By helping to raise man above the level of bestial vegetation, faith contributes in reality to the securing and safeguarding of his existence. Take away from present-day mankind its education-based, religious- dogmatic principles-- or, practically speaking, ethical-moral principles-- by abolishing this religious education, but without replacing it by an equivalent, and the result will be a grave shock to the foundations of their existence.” – Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

c) The Nazi regime began to control schools insisting that Christianity was taught.

d) The Nazi regime included anti-Semitic Christian writings in textbooks and they were not removed from Christian doctrines until 1961.

e) The Nazi regime having full blown power over the people began to forcibly convert all its military.

f) The Nazi regime forced the German soldiers to wear religious symbols such as the swastika and they placed religious sayings on military gear. An example here is this German army belt buckle (I believe my Opa had one) which reads “Gott Mit Uns”. For those of you who do not speak German it is translated as “God With Us”.

g) The German troops were often forced to get sprinkled with holy water and listen to a sermon by a Catholic priest before going out on a maneuver.

h) The Nazis created a secret service called the “SS Reich” that would act as spies on the dealings of other citizens. If anyone was suspected of heresy (Going not only against the Socialist party but CHURCH DOCTRINE) they would be prosecuted.

Quotes from Hitler:

Hitler’s speeches and proclamations, even more clearly, reveal his faith and feelings toward a Christianized Germany. Nazism presents an embarrassment to Christianity and demonstrates the danger of their faith So they try to pin him on other theistic views. The following words from Hitler show his disdain for atheism, and pagan cults, and reveal the strength of his Christian feelings:

“National Socialism is not a cult-movement-- a movement for worship; it is exclusively a ‘volkic’ political doctrine based upon racial principles. In its purpose there is no mystic cult, only the care and leadership of a people defined by a common blood-relationship... We will not allow mystically- minded occult folk with a passion for exploring the secrets of the world beyond to steal into our Movement. Such folk are not National Socialists, but something else-- in any case something which has nothing to do with us. At the head of our programme there stand no secret surmisings but clear-cut perception and straightforward profession of belief. But since we set as the central point of this perception and of this profession of belief the maintenance and hence the security for the future of a being formed by God, we thus serve the maintenance of a divine work and fulfill a divine will-- not in the secret twilight of a new house of worship, but openly before the face of the Lord… Our worship is exclusively the cultivation of the natural, and for that reason, because natural, therefore God-willed. Our humility is the unconditional submission before the divine laws of existence so far as they are known to us men.” -Adolf Hitler, in Nuremberg on 6 Sept.1938. [Christians have always accused Hitler of believing in pagan cult mythology. What is written here clearly expresses his stand against cults.]

“We were convinced that the people needs and requires this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” -Adolf Hitler, in a speech in Berlin on 24 Oct. 1933 [This statement clearly refutes modern Christians who claim Hitler as favoring atheism. Hitler wanted to form a society in which ALL people worshipped Jesus and considered any questioning of such to be heresy. The Holocaust was like a modern inquisition, killing all who did not accept Jesus. Though more Jews were killed then any other it should be noted that MANY ARYAN pagans and atheists were murdered for their non-belief in Christ.]

Here Hitler uses the Bible and his Christianity in order to attack the Jews and uphold his anti-Semitism:

"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow my self to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice… And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows . For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people." –Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922 (Norman H. Baynes, ed. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939, Vol. 1 of 2, pp. 19-20, Oxford University Press, 1942)

"Christianity could not content itself with building up its own altar; it was absolutely forced to undertake the destruction of the heathen altars. Only from this fanatical intolerance could its apodictic faith take form; this intolerance is, in fact, its absolute presupposition." -Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf (It is quite obvious here that Hitler is referring to destructing the Judaism alters on which Christianity was founded.)

"The personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew." -Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf (The idea of the devil and the Jew came out of medieval anti-Jewish beliefs based on interpretations from the Bible. Martin Luther, and teachers after him, continued this “tradition” up until the 20th century.)

"With satanic joy in his face, the black-haired Jewish youth lurks in wait for the unsuspecting girl whom he defiles with his blood, thus stealing her from her people." -Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf (It is common in war for one race to rape another so that they can “defile” the race and assimilate their own. Hitler speaks about this very tactic here.)

“The best characterization is provided by the product of this religious education, the Jew himself. His life is only of this world, and his spirit is inwardly as alien to true Christianity as his nature two thousand years previous was to the great founder of the new doctrine. Of course, the latter made no secret of his attitude toward the Jewish people, and when necessary he even took the whip to drive from the temple of the Lord this adversary of all humanity, who then as always saw in religion nothing but an instrument for his business existence. In return, Christ was nailed to the cross, while our present- day party Christians debase themselves to begging for Jewish votes at elections and later try to arrange political swindles with atheistic Jewish parties-- and this against their own nation.”–Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

"…the fall of man in paradise has always been followed by his expulsion." -Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf (See Genesis Chapter 3 where humankind is cast from Eden for their sins. Hitler compares this to the need to exterminate the Jews for their sin against Christ.)

“Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.” –Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

“The anti-Semitism of the new movement [Christian Social movement] was based on religious ideas instead of racial knowledge.” –Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf (This quote is very interesting for it disperses the idea that Hitler raged war due to being an Aryan supremacist. He states quite clearly that he has a problem with Jews for their belief not race. That is why many German Jews died in WW2 regardless of their Aryan nationality.)

“Only in the steady and constant application of force lies the very first prerequisite for success. This persistence, however, can always and only arise from a definite spiritual conviction. Any violence which does not spring from a firm, spiritual base, will be wavering and uncertain.” –Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf (Here Hitler is admitting that his war against the Jews were so successful because of his strong Christian Spirituality.)

Quotes from Other Nazis about Hitler and Religion:

"Around 1937, when Hitler heard that at the instigation of the party and the SS vast numbers of his followers had left the church because it was obstinately opposing his plans, he nevertheless ordered his chief associates, above all Goering and Gobbels, to remain members of the church. He too would remain a member of the Catholic Church, he said, although he had no real attachment to it. And in fact he remained in the church until his suicide." (Inside the Third Reich by Albert Speer page 95-96)

Hitler may ... have been influenced by Martin Luther's On the Jews and their Lies. Kristallnacht took place on 10 November — Luther's birthday. In Mein Kampf, Hitler refers to Martin Luther as a great warrior, a true statesmen, and a great reformer, alongside Wagner and Frederick the Great.[15] Wilhelm Röpke, writing after the Holocaust, concluded that "without any question, Lutheranism influenced the political, spiritual and social history of Germany in a way that, after careful consideration of everything, can be described only as fateful."[16]
Numbers chapter 31 altered a little

Alan McDougall
Alan McDougall (299 posts)
08-05-10, 05:05 AM #68

Here is the offending Chapter in full!!

[1] And the Lord spoke to Hitler, saying: [2] Revenge first the children of Israel on the Madianites, and so thou shalt be gathered to thy people. [3] And Hitler forthwith said: Arm of you men to fight, who may take the revenge of the Lord on the Madianites. [4] Let a thousand men be chosen out of every tribe of Israel to be sent to the war. [5] And they gave a thousand of every tribe, that is to say, twelve thousand men well appointed for battle.

[6] And Hitler sent them with Phinees the son of Herman Goering the priest, and he delivered to him the holy vessels, and the trumpets to sound. [7] And when they had fought against the Madianites and had overcome them, they slew all the men. [8] And their kings Evil, and Recem, and Sur, and Hur, and Rebe, five princes of the nation: Balaam also the son of Beer they killed with the sword. [9] And they took their women and their children captives, and all their cattle, and all their goods: and all their possessions they plundered: [10] And all their cities, and their villages, and castles, they burned.

[11] And they carried away the booty, and all that they had taken both of men and of beasts. [12] And they brought them to Hitler, and Herman Goering the priest, and to all the multitude of the children of Israel. But the rest of the things for use they carried to the camp on the plains of Moab, beside the Jordan over against Jericho. [13] And Hitler and Herman Goering the priest and all the princes of the synagogue went forth to meet them without the camp. [14] And Hitler being angry with the chief officers of the army, the tribunes, and the centurions that were come from the battle, [15] Said: Why have you saved the women?

[16] Are not these they that deceived the children of Israel by the counsel of Balaam, and made you transgress against the Lord by the sin of Phogor, for which also the people was punished? [17] Therefore kill all that are of the male sex, even of the children: and put to death the women that have carnally known men. [18] But the girls and all the women that are virgins save for yourselves: [19] And stay without the camp seven days. He that hath killed a man, or touched one that is killed, shall be purified the third day and the seventh day. [20] And of all the spoil, every garment, or vessel, or any thing made for use, of the skins, or hair of goats, or of wood, shall be purified.

[16] "The sin of Phogor"... The sin committed in the worship of Beelphegor.

[17] "Of the children"... Women and children, ordinarily speaking, were not to be killed in war, Deut. 20. 14. But the great Lord of life and death was pleased to order it otherwise in the present case, in detestation of the wickedness of this people, who by the counsel of Balaam, had sent their women among the Israelites on purpose to draw them from God.

[21] Herman Goering also the priest spoke to the men of the army, that had fought, in this manner: This is the ordinance of the law, which the Lord hath commanded Hitler: [22] Gold, and silver, and brass, and iron, and lend, and tin, [23] And all that may pass through the fire, shall be purified by fire, but whatsoever cannot abide the fire, shall be sanctified with the water of expiation: [24] And you shall wash your garments the seventh day, and being purified, you shall afterwards enter into the camp. [25] And the Lord said to Hitler:

[26] Take the sum of the things that were taken both of man and beast, thou and Herman Goering the priest and the princes of the multitude: [27] And thou shalt divide the spoil equally, between them that fought and went out to the war, and between the rest of the multitude. [28] And thou shalt separate a portion to the Lord from them that fought and was in the battle, one soul of five hundred as well of persons as of oxen and asses and sheep. [29] And thou shalt give it to Herman Goering the priest, because they are the firstfruits of the Lord. [30] Out of the moiety also of the children of Israel thou shalt take the fiftieth head of persons, and of oxen, and asses, and sheep, and of all beasts, and thou shalt give them to the Levites that watch in the charge of the tabernacle of the Lord.

[31] And Hitler and Herman Goering did as the Lord had commanded. [32] And the spoil which the army had taken, was six hundred seventy-five thousand sheep, [33] Seventy-two thousand oxen, [34] Sixty-one thousand asses: [35] And thirty-two thousand persons of the female sex, that had not known men.

[36] And one half was given to them that had been in the battle, to wit, three hundred thirty-seven thousand five hundred sheep: [37] Out of which, for the portion of the Lord, were reckoned six hundred seventy-five sheep. [38] And out of the thirty-six thousand oxen, seventy-two oxen: [39] Out of the thirty thousand five hundred asses, sixty-one asses: [40] Out of the sixteen thousand persons, there fell to the portion of the Lord, thirty-two souls.

[41] And Hitler delivered the number of the firstfruits of the Lord to Herman Goering the priest, as had been commanded him, [42] Out of the half of the children of Israel, which he had separated for them that had been in the battle. [43] But out of the half that fell to the rest of the multitude, that is to say, out of the three hundred thirty-seven thousand five hundred sheep, [44] And out of the thirty-six thousand oxen, [45] And out of the thirty thousand five hundred asses,

[46] And out of the sixteen thousand persons, [47] Hitler took the fiftieth head, and gave it to the Levites that watched in the tabernacle of the Lord, as the Lord had commanded. [48] And when the commanders of the army, and the tribunes and centurions were come to Hitler, they said: [49] We thy servants have reckoned up the number of the fighting men, whom we had under our hand, and not so much as one was wanting. [50] Therefore we offer as gifts to the Lord what gold every one of us could find in the booty, in garters and tablets, rings and bracelets, and chains that thou mayst pray to the Lord for us.

[51] And Hitler and Herman Goering the priest received all the gold in divers kinds, [52] In weight sixteen thousand seven hundred and fifty sickles, from the tribunes and from the centurions. [53] For that which every one had taken in the booty was his own. [54] And that which was received they brought into the tabernacle of the testimony, for a memorial of the children of Israel before the Lord.

Hitler believed in Darwinism, and thought we were nothing more than animals. He referred many times to life as a struggle for survival of the fittest.

And why do you keep crying about the so-called crimes of the Jews but not about the much greater crimes in our own day of the atheists? Stalin killed more people in six months than Moses did. The reason is because you really do not care about human life at all or respect human life, you only want to attack God so you can have an excuse for rejecting him. Too bad this won't work when after your death you have to give an account of your life before God.
Take it from one who was there:

Hitler Was a Christian

The Holocaust was caused by Christian fundamentalism:

History is currently being distorted by the millions of Christians who lie to have us believe that the Holocaust was not a Christian deed. Through subterfuge and concealment, many of today’s Church leaders and faithful Christians have camouflaged the Christianity of Adolf Hitler and have attempted to mark him an atheist, a pagan cult worshipper, or a false Christian in order to place his misdeeds on those with out Jesus. However, from the earliest formation of the Nazi party and throughout the period of conquest and growth, Hitler expressed his Christian support to the German citizenry and soldiers. Those who would make Hitler an atheist should turn their eyes to history books before they address their pews and chat rooms.

Considering that Christianity has thus far been incapable of producing an unbiased, educated follower which speaks the truth, (I haven’t encountered any), I have been forced to dispel the myth by writing this essay. It is not until I bring up his speeches, my personal info on the Nazi regime and their tactics that a Christian will begin to question what their clergy told them. (This is important information to take into consideration for I am privy to some info that most Americans do not know. It is common for American media and education institutions to lie to their citizens concerning Nazi Germany.) So, in presenting this information I must break it into four parts: 1) Facts about Hitler and his involvement with the Church. 2) How the Church was the catalyst for anti- Semitism. 3) Facts concerning how the Nazi regime drilled these beliefs into Germanic society. 4) Quotes Hitler made which prove he had a disdain for atheism/occultism, upheld his Christian faith, and hated Jews due to his Christianity.

Hitler’s involvement with the Church:

a) Hitler was baptized as Roman Catholic during infancy in Austria.

b) As Hitler approached boyhood he attended a monastery school. (On his way to school young Adolf daily observed a stone arch which was carved with the monastery’s coat of arms bearing a swastika.)

c) Hitler was a communicant and an altar boy in the Catholic Church.

d) As a young man he was confirmed as a “soldier of Christ.” His most ardent goal at the time was to become a priest. Hitler writes of his love for the church and clergy: “I had excellent opportunity to intoxicate myself with the solemn splendor of the brilliant church festivals. As was only natural, the abbot seemed to me, as the village priest had once seemed to my father, the highest and most desirable ideal.” -Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

e) Hitler was NEVER excommunicated nor condemned by his church. Matter of fact the Church felt he was JUST and “avenging for God” in attacking the Jews for they deemed the Semites the killers of Jesus.

f) Hitler, Franco and Mussolini were given VETO power over whom the pope could appoint as a bishop in Germany, Spain and Italy. In turn they surtaxed the Catholics and gave the money to the Vatican. Hitler wrote a speech in which he talks about this alliance, this is an excerpt: “The fact that the Vatican is concluding a treaty with the new Germany means the acknowledgement of the National Socialist state by the Catholic Church. This treaty shows the whole world clearly and unequivocally that the assertion that National Socialism [Nazism] is hostile to religion is a lie.” Adolf Hitler, 22 July 1933, writing to the Nazi Party

g) Hitler worked CLOSELY with Pope Pius in converting Germanic society and supporting the church. The Church absorbed Nazi ideals and preached them as part of their sermons in turn Hitler placed Catholic teachings in public education. This photo depicts Hitler with Archbishop Cesare Orsenigo, the papal nuncio in Berlin. It was taken On April 20, 1939, when Orsenigo celebrated Hitler’s birthday. The celebrations were initiated by Pacelli (Pope Pius XII) and became a tradition.

Each April 20, Cardinal Bertram of Berlin was to send “warmest congratulations to the Fuhrer in the name of the bishops and the dioceses in Germany with “fervent prayers which the Catholics of Germany are sending to heaven on their altars.” (If you would like to know more about the secret dealings of Hitler and the Pope I recommend you get a book titled: Hitler’s Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII, by John Cornwell)

h) Due to Hitler’s involvement with the Church he began enacting doctrines of the Church as law. He outlawed all abortion, raged a death war on all homosexuals, and demanded corporal punishment in schools and home. Many times Hitler addressed the church and promised that Germany would implement its teachings: “The National Socialist State professes its allegiance to positive Christianity. It will be its honest endeavor to protect both the great Christian Confessions in their rights, to secure them from interference with their doctrines (Lehren), and in their duties to constitute a harmony with the views and the exigencies of the State of today.” –Adolf Hitler, on 26 June 1934, to Catholic bishops to assure them that he would take action against the new pagan propaganda “Providence has caused me to be Catholic, and I know therefore how to handle this Church.” -Adolf Hitler, reportedly to have said in Berlin in 1936 on the enmity of the Catholic Church to National Socialism

How Christianity was the catalyst of the Holocaust:

Hitler’s anti-Semitism grew out of his Christian education. Austria and Germany were majorly Christian during his time and they held the belief that Jews were an inferior status to Aryan Christians. The Christians blamed the Jews for the killing of Jesus. Jewish hatred did not actually spring from Hitler, it came from the preaching of Catholic priests and Protestant ministers throughout Germany for hundreds of years. The Protestant leader, Martin Luther, himself, held a livid hatred for Jews and their Jewish religion. In his book, “On the Jews and their Lies,” Luther set the standard for Jewish hatred in Protestant Germany up until World War 2. Hitler expressed a great admiration for Martin Luther constantly quoting his works and beliefs.

Now, you must remember before Hitler rose to Chancellor of Germany the country was in a deep economic depression due to the Versailles treaty. The Versailles treaty demanded that Germans made financial reparations for the previous war and Germany simply was not self sufficient enough in order to pay the debt. Hitler was the leader that raised Germany out of the depression and brought them back to a world recognized power. Due to his annulment of the financial woes of the Germanic people he became their redeemer and they anointed him as the leader of the German Reich Christian Church in 1933. This placed him in power of the German Christian Socialist movement which legislates their political and religious agendas. It united all denominations, mainly the Protestant/Catholic and Lutheran people to instill faith in a national Christianity.

How the Nazi Regime converted the people:

a) In the 1920s, Hitler’s German Workers’ Party (pre Nazi term) adopted a “Programme” with twenty-five points (the Nazi version of a constitution). In point twenty-four, their intent clearly demonstrates, from the very beginning, their stand in favor of a “positive” Christianity: “We demand liberty for all religious denominations in the State, so far as they are not a danger to it and do not militate against the morality and moral sense of the German race. The Party, as such, stands for positive Christianity, but does not bind itself in the matter of creed to any particular confession...”

b) The Nazi regime started a youth movement which preached its agenda to impressionable children. Hitler backed up the notion that all people need faith and religious education: “By helping to raise man above the level of bestial vegetation, faith contributes in reality to the securing and safeguarding of his existence. Take away from present-day mankind its education-based, religious- dogmatic principles-- or, practically speaking, ethical-moral principles-- by abolishing this religious education, but without replacing it by an equivalent, and the result will be a grave shock to the foundations of their existence.” – Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

c) The Nazi regime began to control schools insisting that Christianity was taught.

d) The Nazi regime included anti-Semitic Christian writings in textbooks and they were not removed from Christian doctrines until 1961.

e) The Nazi regime having full blown power over the people began to forcibly convert all its military.

f) The Nazi regime forced the German soldiers to wear religious symbols such as the swastika and they placed religious sayings on military gear. An example here is this German army belt buckle (I believe my Opa had one) which reads “Gott Mit Uns”. For those of you who do not speak German it is translated as “God With Us”.

g) The German troops were often forced to get sprinkled with holy water and listen to a sermon by a Catholic priest before going out on a maneuver.

h) The Nazis created a secret service called the “SS Reich” that would act as spies on the dealings of other citizens. If anyone was suspected of heresy (Going not only against the Socialist party but CHURCH DOCTRINE) they would be prosecuted.

Quotes from Hitler:

Hitler’s speeches and proclamations, even more clearly, reveal his faith and feelings toward a Christianized Germany. Nazism presents an embarrassment to Christianity and demonstrates the danger of their faith So they try to pin him on other theistic views. The following words from Hitler show his disdain for atheism, and pagan cults, and reveal the strength of his Christian feelings:

“National Socialism is not a cult-movement-- a movement for worship; it is exclusively a ‘volkic’ political doctrine based upon racial principles. In its purpose there is no mystic cult, only the care and leadership of a people defined by a common blood-relationship... We will not allow mystically- minded occult folk with a passion for exploring the secrets of the world beyond to steal into our Movement. Such folk are not National Socialists, but something else-- in any case something which has nothing to do with us. At the head of our programme there stand no secret surmisings but clear-cut perception and straightforward profession of belief. But since we set as the central point of this perception and of this profession of belief the maintenance and hence the security for the future of a being formed by God, we thus serve the maintenance of a divine work and fulfill a divine will-- not in the secret twilight of a new house of worship, but openly before the face of the Lord… Our worship is exclusively the cultivation of the natural, and for that reason, because natural, therefore God-willed. Our humility is the unconditional submission before the divine laws of existence so far as they are known to us men.” -Adolf Hitler, in Nuremberg on 6 Sept.1938. [Christians have always accused Hitler of believing in pagan cult mythology. What is written here clearly expresses his stand against cults.]

“We were convinced that the people needs and requires this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” -Adolf Hitler, in a speech in Berlin on 24 Oct. 1933 [This statement clearly refutes modern Christians who claim Hitler as favoring atheism. Hitler wanted to form a society in which ALL people worshipped Jesus and considered any questioning of such to be heresy. The Holocaust was like a modern inquisition, killing all who did not accept Jesus. Though more Jews were killed then any other it should be noted that MANY ARYAN pagans and atheists were murdered for their non-belief in Christ.]

Here Hitler uses the Bible and his Christianity in order to attack the Jews and uphold his anti-Semitism:

"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow my self to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice… And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows . For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people." –Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922 (Norman H. Baynes, ed. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939, Vol. 1 of 2, pp. 19-20, Oxford University Press, 1942)

"Christianity could not content itself with building up its own altar; it was absolutely forced to undertake the destruction of the heathen altars. Only from this fanatical intolerance could its apodictic faith take form; this intolerance is, in fact, its absolute presupposition." -Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf (It is quite obvious here that Hitler is referring to destructing the Judaism alters on which Christianity was founded.)

"The personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew." -Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf (The idea of the devil and the Jew came out of medieval anti-Jewish beliefs based on interpretations from the Bible. Martin Luther, and teachers after him, continued this “tradition” up until the 20th century.)

"With satanic joy in his face, the black-haired Jewish youth lurks in wait for the unsuspecting girl whom he defiles with his blood, thus stealing her from her people." -Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf (It is common in war for one race to rape another so that they can “defile” the race and assimilate their own. Hitler speaks about this very tactic here.)

“The best characterization is provided by the product of this religious education, the Jew himself. His life is only of this world, and his spirit is inwardly as alien to true Christianity as his nature two thousand years previous was to the great founder of the new doctrine. Of course, the latter made no secret of his attitude toward the Jewish people, and when necessary he even took the whip to drive from the temple of the Lord this adversary of all humanity, who then as always saw in religion nothing but an instrument for his business existence. In return, Christ was nailed to the cross, while our present- day party Christians debase themselves to begging for Jewish votes at elections and later try to arrange political swindles with atheistic Jewish parties-- and this against their own nation.”–Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

"…the fall of man in paradise has always been followed by his expulsion." -Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf (See Genesis Chapter 3 where humankind is cast from Eden for their sins. Hitler compares this to the need to exterminate the Jews for their sin against Christ.)

“Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.” –Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

“The anti-Semitism of the new movement [Christian Social movement] was based on religious ideas instead of racial knowledge.” –Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf (This quote is very interesting for it disperses the idea that Hitler raged war due to being an Aryan supremacist. He states quite clearly that he has a problem with Jews for their belief not race. That is why many German Jews died in WW2 regardless of their Aryan nationality.)

“Only in the steady and constant application of force lies the very first prerequisite for success. This persistence, however, can always and only arise from a definite spiritual conviction. Any violence which does not spring from a firm, spiritual base, will be wavering and uncertain.” –Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf (Here Hitler is admitting that his war against the Jews were so successful because of his strong Christian Spirituality.)

Quotes from Other Nazis about Hitler and Religion:

"Around 1937, when Hitler heard that at the instigation of the party and the SS vast numbers of his followers had left the church because it was obstinately opposing his plans, he nevertheless ordered his chief associates, above all Goering and Gobbels, to remain members of the church. He too would remain a member of the Catholic Church, he said, although he had no real attachment to it. And in fact he remained in the church until his suicide." (Inside the Third Reich by Albert Speer page 95-96)

Hitler may ... have been influenced by Martin Luther's On the Jews and their Lies. Kristallnacht took place on 10 November — Luther's birthday. In Mein Kampf, Hitler refers to Martin Luther as a great warrior, a true statesmen, and a great reformer, alongside Wagner and Frederick the Great.[15] Wilhelm Röpke, writing after the Holocaust, concluded that "without any question, Lutheranism influenced the political, spiritual and social history of Germany in a way that, after careful consideration of everything, can be described only as fateful."[16]

All of this is totally false.

Hitler's assembled religious quotations and statements omit essential Christian doctrines. In all of the references made by Hitler that have any religious content, assembled by diligent search by those who want to link him to Christianity, the following doctrines are conspicuously absent:

~ That God is three in one: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
~ That Christ now sits at the right hand of God, whence he will return as God to judge the world.
~ That he died on the cross as a sacrifice for the sins of the world. This last part is put in italics because Hitler did mention the crucifixion once or twice, but merely mentioning the crucifixion (once in comparison to himself) does not constitute Christianity.
~ That Jesus Christ rose from the dead and ascended into heaven.
~ That Jesus existed as God before the creation of the world, and entered through a virgin's body, God manifest in the flesh.
~ That we are all guilty of sin, and forgiveness of sins comes through faith in Christ and his sacrifice on the cross.
~ That there will be a resurrection from the dead, and a day of judgement.

The abovementioned doctrines are at the very center of Christianity. The adult Hitler as far as is known never mentioned any of them. Occasional references to Christ as an Aryan who died in the fight against Judaism or who cleansed the temple are not proofs of Christian belief.

Hitler's ideas are found in Nietzsche, Haeckel (the Darwinist), Fichte, Wagner, Schopenhauer, and others, none of whom believed that Christ was the Son of God who died on the cross for our sins and rose again.

But, I am not going to debate this forever. When Hitler stands before God he will learn the truth of the biblical teaching that liars and murderers will not go to heaven, no matter if they use Christian language sometimes.

Where does the bible teach that the blond blue-eyed Aryans are the master race? That might makes right? That life is nothing but a pitiless struggle? It was Nietzsche the atheist who said the weak and the unfit should be exterminated.

To say Christianity led to the Holocaust shows a complete ignorance of 19th century German history. Such comments are motivated by hatred, ignorance, and fear.
Hitler and his sister and parents were born and baptised Christians, as was Luther and Isabela. And all of these subscribed to the Gospel teachings.

It seems the truth will not set everyone free.

You think Hitler believed in the teachings of Christ? Show me one bible verse in the sermon on the mount that Hitler followed. Where did Hitler say that Jesus was the Son of God who died on the cross and rose again? That there would be a day of judgment and the righteous would go to heaven and liars and murderes would go to hell.

If you think the bible teaches Naziism and Aryan supremacy and exterminating Jews you are beyond reason and logic.
Pretty sure of yourself, aren't you?

You base your logic on imaginary super beings that don't exist. How could you possibly be anything but wrong.

The parents tell the five year old child "You may not drive the car. You may not play in the park by yourself." But the 18 year old is allowed to do those things. The parents changed their minds. Do you think God is allowed to give commandments for one situation but not for other situations?

Hilarious. Your example is utterly ridiculous and is not even remotely the same thing as the word of a god being changed to something completely different that is also supposed to be the word of god.

In essence, you are stating that the five year old child should poke out the eye of another five year old child because their eye was poked out, yet the eighteen year old should turn the other cheek if his eye was poked out.

Plus, you missed my point that Romans 13 in the New Testament plainly allows for violence and force to be used by police and armies of legitimate governments, and the Sermon on the Mount is a guide for individual believers, not for government policy. So, even in the New Testament era some force is allowed.

Yes, how utterly insane it is for scriptures to promote violence. Thanks for sharing that.

You are unaware that God (a) is the giver of life in a way that no human is and so he has the right to take life in a way that no human has. He has just as much right to take any or all human lives at any time as you have to turn off a light switch in your own home.

You are unaware that those kind of psychotic beliefs are just that; psychotic.

You don't need to worry that Christians who are serious about following Christ will take it into their heads to start killing people that God told them to kill.

Yet, history is replete with people killing in the name of Christ.

with We are not called to be agents of God's wrath, but agents of reconciliation.

You are nothing more than agents of a psychotic despot and mass murderer.

You are also unaware that (b) God is motivated by perfect justice, justice that hates the evil things people do. God is patient and willing to forgive, but after enough time (centuries in the case of the Canaanites) he does send judgment. You don't like the idea, but reality is not based upon our likes and dislikes.

Reality is not based on your irrational beliefs, either.

What is extraordinary about Moses is that in his case, it was true.

Complete bullshit.

Hmm, you forgot the Gulag, the NKVD, the Cultural Revolution in China, the killings of Pol Pot - atheists relying on human reason alone and rejecting God have perpetrated much greater atrocities than the ones you mentioned.

Bad ideologies like Communism go hand in hand with other bad ideologies, like Christianity. They are equally reprehensible and do nothing but cause death and destruction.

Also, the Inquisition, the Crusades, and witch burnings were totally contrary to the message of Christ.

Yet, your fellow brethren who chose to commit those atrocities would wholeheartedly disagree with you, and you would promptly be burned at the stake for uttering such things.

Do you mean the millions of unborn children targeted for destruction by secularists who think we are only animals and have no real respect for human life?

No, it's more along the lines of Christians who pray and thank their gods for their abundance while tens of thousands of children starve to death every day. Your Christ spends way too much time finding your car keys than to feed those children.

To say mankind is a target for hatred and destruction by Christians is totally false. If you are speaking of Islam, may I point out that Mohammed and Christ were two very different people, and people who try to follow them go in very different directions?

Or, they go to war over their irrational beliefs and kill millions in the offing.

Respect my beliefs? It is open season on Christians, they are constantly criticized, rejected, and ridiculed. Hitchens, Dawkins, etc,. do not respect Christianity and they write best selling books. Where do you get the idea people have to respect Christianity?

The law forces me to respect your beliefs, I have no choice in the matter.

I think I know - it is because people are afraid to criticize Islam. They don't want to offend the Muslims out of fear, but they claim it is "respect," then you transfer this to the Christians.

Muslims follow an equally insane set of irrational beliefs and act violently when those beliefs are criticized. Christians used to do the very same thing. None of them have any morals whatsoever. None.

You are quite free to resist my beliefs, but please, no secret police, concentration camps, etc. such as atheists have used recently and are still using today in officially atheist Red China.

There's no need to show your ignorance of communism to argue your point. You are also free to tell me how to live and threaten me with your psychotic beliefs. It is the law and your god given right to do so.

In fact, even here as Sciforums, it is perfectly acceptable to threaten me with hate speech and spew an endless chain of threats, just as long as it falls under the religious umbrella.

Stick to debates and arguments and I have no problem with your disbelief. But, don't forget, that works both ways. Christians also do not have to lie down and be silent before your ideas, and have every right to express their beliefs as well.

Yes, their beliefs are hate speech and they have every right to spread their hatred throughout the world.

I said I suspected the massive bombings of WWII didn't bother you. Was I right? Why is it that human beings have the right to bring fiery devastation and wipe out their enemies but God does not? I await an answer to this question.

Those bombs were dropped by god fearing Christians, or didn't you know that?
its just another example of humanity getting in the way of god..

Sickening and disgusting are all that I can say about those words. Your hatred for humanity and love for your invisible psychotic super being will be the end of us all. Why not just do us all a favor and go to your god and leave humanity alone?
You think Hitler believed in the teachings of Christ? Show me one bible verse in the sermon on the mount that Hitler followed. Where did Hitler say that Jesus was the Son of God who died on the cross and rose again? That there would be a day of judgment and the righteous would go to heaven and liars and murderes would go to hell.

If you think the bible teaches Naziism and Aryan supremacy and exterminating Jews you are beyond reason and logic.

Hi Joe,

It is said it is not the one who you say you follow or worship who is your true master, but it is the one whose will you do who is your master.Thus; Hitlers master was most definitely not Jesus but the Devil himself
its just another example of humanity getting in the way of god..

Not possible. An example is the true Messiah of his time: Moses, who never disregarded those in bondage, who never castigated the victims instead by aligning with the Pharoahs. Moses marks the antithesis of a Christian Messiah, or the European belief of this premise: Europe sided with Nazi Rome after witnessing genocide in 70 CE - marking this as God's work when the killing was done by Rome; then again Europe cried ve vere not avare with Nazi Europe in W.W. II. The return of Israel is an affront to Christianity and Islam - the real truth behind the world's arrows cast at that small nation on a daily basis the past 60 years. Now go ahead and make your day - deny it. But the truth will not free those who are wilfully blinded.
You think Hitler believed in the teachings of Christ?

I say Hitler was greatly assisted by the doctrines in the Gospels - as was Luther and Isabela. So is Islam in like mode when it says its a blessing to kill all infidels.

Common denominator here:

Q: What's the dif between born of the devil or apes?

A: Both are wrong and mark the antithesis of Godly beliefs.

This light was shone as a sign and omen when Islam emulated Christianity - its an answer to the later, first on befalf of the wrongs done to Jews - then to all humanity: whatever is done to Israel will eventually come knocking on your doors. This was seen with Rome and the Nazis - the Arabs foolishly aligned with Hitler, believing he would be their friend if he succeeded. Think it over if this may cause some pain and disdain, which is not my agenda at all, but only the pursuit of truthfulness applies: Christianity and Islam's deeds the past 2000 years on a small nation, obsessed over a few cubits of land which it never needs - does not fool anyone - its was always a test to two king kongs who were given more land for naught - more than they can count.
I say Hitler was greatly assisted by the doctrines in the Gospels - as was Luther and Isabela. So is Islam in like mode when it says its a blessing to kill all infidels.

Common denominator here:

Q: What's the dif between born of the devil or apes?

A: Both are wrong and mark the antithesis of Godly beliefs.

This light was shone as a sign and omen when Islam emulated Christianity - its an answer to the later, first on befalf of the wrongs done to Jews - then to all humanity: whatever is done to Israel will eventually come knocking on your doors. This was seen with Rome and the Nazis - the Arabs foolishly aligned with Hitler, believing he would be their friend if he succeeded. Think it over if this may cause some pain and disdain, which is not my agenda at all, but only the pursuit of truthfulness applies: Christianity and Islam's deeds the past 2000 years on a small nation, obsessed over a few cubuts of and which it never needs - does not fool anyone - its was always a test to two king kongs who were given more land for naught - more than they can count.

Winston Churchill once said,"If Hitler invaded hell he would make a favorable statement about the Devil in the House of Commons"
Winston Churchill once said,"If Hitler invaded hell he would make a favorable statement about the Devil in the House of Commons"

What is forgotten is that Churchill created today's ficticious Islamic regime states for 30 barrels of oil - and the greatest post W.W.II crime by his corruption of the Balfour. This cigar chomping maniac used the term 'COMPROMISE' for carving off 80% of a small land and handing it to a Saudi family member on a whim - after dishing out millions of acres to those who cause all of today's terror. And all christians kept silent witnessing the clearly intended genocide of the Israel, surrounded by Islamic regimes hell bent on her utter destruction. Then the Christian peoples transfered the name Palestinian from Jews to Muslims chanting death to Israel, then they call a 3-state as a 2-state today. Its bad baggage which will make climbing to heaven for Christians very cumbersome. The pollution is not with the climate.

Britainstan and Eurostan is Churchill's legasy. Divine justice?
What is forgotten is that Churchill created today's ficticious Islamic regime states for 30 barrels of oil - and the greatest post W.W.II crime by his corruption of the Balfour. This cigar chomping maniac used the term 'COMPROMISE' for carving off 80% of a small land and handing it to a Saudi family member on a whim - after dishing out millions of acres to those who cause all of today's terror. And all christians kept silent witnessing the clearly intended genocide of the Israel, surrounded by Islamic regimes hell bent on her utter destruction. Then the Christian peoples transfered the name Palestinian from Jews to Muslims chanting death to Israel, then they call a 3-state as a 2-state today. Its bad baggage which will make climbing to heaven for Christians very cumbersome. The pollution is not with the climate.

Britainstan and Eurostan is Churchill's legasy. Divine justice?

My Mother was Jewish and I support the right of Israel to exist to the very depths of my being
All of this is totally false.

Hitler's assembled religious quotations and statements omit essential Christian doctrines. In all of the references made by Hitler that have any religious content, assembled by diligent search by those who want to link him to Christianity, the following doctrines are conspicuously absent:

~ That God is three in one: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
~ That Christ now sits at the right hand of God, whence he will return as God to judge the world.
~ That he died on the cross as a sacrifice for the sins of the world. This last part is put in italics because Hitler did mention the crucifixion once or twice, but merely mentioning the crucifixion (once in comparison to himself) does not constitute Christianity.
~ That Jesus Christ rose from the dead and ascended into heaven.
~ That Jesus existed as God before the creation of the world, and entered through a virgin's body, God manifest in the flesh.
~ That we are all guilty of sin, and forgiveness of sins comes through faith in Christ and his sacrifice on the cross.
~ That there will be a resurrection from the dead, and a day of judgement.

The abovementioned doctrines are at the very center of Christianity. The adult Hitler as far as is known never mentioned any of them. Occasional references to Christ as an Aryan who died in the fight against Judaism or who cleansed the temple are not proofs of Christian belief.

Hitler's ideas are found in Nietzsche, Haeckel (the Darwinist), Fichte, Wagner, Schopenhauer, and others, none of whom believed that Christ was the Son of God who died on the cross for our sins and rose again.

But, I am not going to debate this forever. When Hitler stands before God he will learn the truth of the biblical teaching that liars and murderers will not go to heaven, no matter if they use Christian language sometimes.

Where does the bible teach that the blond blue-eyed Aryans are the master race? That might makes right? That life is nothing but a pitiless struggle? It was Nietzsche the atheist who said the weak and the unfit should be exterminated.

To say Christianity led to the Holocaust shows a complete ignorance of 19th century German history. Such comments are motivated by hatred, ignorance, and fear.

Chuchil was a xian, but did not quote bible day in and day out. When he wanted Gandhi's assinsination, he did not quote bible.
the midianites were, like the israelites, offspring of Abraham. Moses himself was married to the daughter of the priest of Midian. At the time of the exodus they were under the rule of the amorites. It was the amorites (Sihon and Og) that Moses warred against. Who knows what atrocities the amorites had committed against the Midianites.
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