
A-theism - the belief god does not exist.

Can you please now provide the proof...

Peace be unto you ;)
Oh.... I see... I get your point. Okay... so you're using Theism to basically mean 'belief in God' and nothing more?

That is the definition of "theism."

Or rather, "belief in God(s)."

Although I've never really seen such form of theism

Sure you have. There are no other forms.

- and no body simply touts that they are 'theist'-

That's because nobody is "simply" theist. They have specific religions on top of their basic theism.

because all theists give some definition to God's nature- which brings inherent restraints-

There are no restraints inherent in defining God's nature. You might believe that God is an evil entity who commands you to commit heinous crimes.

Are Satanists not theists? Sure seems like they believe in at least one deity.
A-theism - the belief god does not exist.


A- = "lack of"
theism = "belief in god(s)"


atheism = lack of belief in god(s).

Can you please now provide the proof...

The onus of proof is on those who make extraordinary claims. The atheist need only respond that he hasn't seen any good evidence for any of the purported gods.

Or perhaps point out that any given monotheist himself disbelieves in almost as many gods as any given atheist.

A- = "lack of"
theism = "belief in god(s)"


atheism = lack of belief in god(s).

And with what proof do they 'lack' this belief?

Peace be unto you ;)

PS- By the way I think you're playing with words: Theism could likewise be- Belief with God.
The same with which you lack the belief in Xenu, or Odin, or Shiva, or any of the thousands and thousands of other deities that you do not believe in.

Sure. but that is no 'proof', as was being touted. Or you can admit that Atheism is also a faith.

Peace be unto you ;)
I don't recall touting any proof.

It's a lack of faith.

Theism makes extraordinary claims, which in turn require extraordinary evidence (or, failing that, faith). Atheism does not.

The basis for the lack of belief in something without proof is faith- what evidence do you have to 'lack' the belief in something.

Peace be unto you :)
A-theism - the belief god does not exist.

Can you please now provide the proof...

Peace be unto you ;)

That sounds like it would be more appropriate in a separate thread. Maybe one of the last 100 threads in which we have discussed it.
Say religion X permits crimes A-Z - but there are restraints in theism which are there as the part of the religion and so they are inherent to theism

Atheism on the other hand has no restraints and so there are no inherent restrains in Atheism not only is it compatible with crimes A-Z but all the alphabets of all the languages.

There is a difference.

The only difference is your lack of thinking skills.

I'm sorry that you feel insulted by the obvious fact that Atheism is compatible with basically everything even if it be blowing up all the children in the world.

Don't be sorry that you haven't a clue.
The basis for the lack of belief in something without proof is faith- what evidence do you have to 'lack' the belief in something.
Peace be unto you :)
No, the basis for lack of belief in something is lack of evidence for that something.
786 said:
Atheism is simply the denial of God
Plenty of atheistic people have never bothered to deny your deity, or even heard of it, and plenty of theistic people have denied your deity in favor of their own theistic beliefs.
786 said:
The basis for the lack of belief in something without proof is faith- what evidence do you have to 'lack' the belief in something.
I lack belief in all kinds of things without requiring any faith to create the lack. And according to most theists, keeping one's faith can be difficult sometimes - requiring prayer and effort and community support, even divine revelation. So faith without evidence is not so easily come by as you seem to imagine - atheistic approaches require no such effort, in general, in part because they are not based on a faith that must be maintained without (or even in the face of) evidence and argument.
The basis for the lack of belief in something without proof is faith- what evidence do you have to 'lack' the belief in something.

Like I said, a lack of evidence.

No evidence => no belief.

It's really that simple.
Ok so none of you atheists reject God's existence- you simply don't consider the idea due to the lack of evidence- correct?

Peace be unto you ;)

PS-BTW the original question is done with thanks to the responses by Spidergoat :bravo: (just making sure that people don't start it again, those late comers :rolleyes: )