Rape: The Megathread

umm, try it and see. Roll over one night and give your husband a blowjob in his sleep and see how he reacts:p He will proably tell you in the morning he was having a sex dream:p

He wakes up! and is raring to go even if I touch him there.
Well I can't get through Tiassa's posts, they are stories not posts. Between Bells and Tiassa I am almost asleep.
i guess we are just deep sleepers. In fact we have woken up and wondered if we were both having sex while we were both asleep at times. One of the reasons PB went on the pill is because of this

actually there is a disorder called sleep sex which causes you to have sex while sleeping, i THINK its related to sleep eatting

Then there are just those who simply dont care, i was reading an artical by a women a while ago whos husband had insomnia. She said she had given him permission to "rape" her (if thats the term you wish to use) while shes asleep which was actually what got PB and i onto talking about it. She also said that it was the best feeling because she always woke up refreshed afterwards:p
Well I can't get through Tiassa's posts, they are stories not posts. Between Bells and Tiassa I am almost asleep.

OMG, I hear you. But we must exhibit "tolerance" and "understanding". I'm begining to sound like draq... :eek:
explicit includes written and verbal assent
implicit includes physical and ____________ assent

Most states define legal intoxication as having a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 to 0.10 or greater. Many states define intoxication as a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) lower than 0.08 for people under age 18.​

the venues where one can typically be prosecuted is if out in public, in the workplace, operating heavy machinery, a courtroom .....whatnot
i have to agree with shorty, i woke up this morning and have barly been able to get through the EXISTING threads without starting more. Havent even done my normal thing of reading through the news and posted the interesting stuff yet because of the 12 pages or so of crap on this issue
Whats with all the rape threads?, its confusing me as to which one I responded in. lets combine them all into 1 post or something, they are all about the same thing.

OMG, I hear you. But we must exhibit "tolerance" and "understanding". I'm begining to sound like draq... :eek:

HA! Well when you start liking only Asian women, buy a kayak and start eating baby food...I would start to get worried. :D
explicit includes written and verbal assent
implicit includes physical and ____________ assent

Most states define legal intoxication as having a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 to 0.10 or greater. Many states define intoxication as a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) lower than 0.08 for people under age 18.​

the venues where one can typically be prosecuted is if out in public, in the workplace, operating heavy machinery, a courtroom .....whatnot

You mean as opposed to our bedrooms?
Whats with all the rape threads?, its confusing me as to which one I responded in. lets combine them all into 1 post or something, they are all about the same thing.


No kidding I was up till like 2 am arguing it last night. I just came on now to find
more threads on it. It is confusing, I don't know what I posted in which one anymore. Personally I feel like it has been talked to death now, but that is just me.
i have to agree with shorty, i woke up this morning and have barly been able to get through the EXISTING threads without starting more. Havent even done my normal thing of reading through the news and posted the interesting stuff yet because of the 12 pages or so of crap on this issue

Well, this is only my second on this topic. I thought this one would be applauded for bipartisan support. And, by the way Asguard, I can relate, the threads are allover the map. What are we up to, about 12 open now?
shorty, thats tacky.

We are up to 5 that i have in my window. That being said its not one post on each, the origional thread had about 10 pages of new posts. i still havent gone through the new post list yet, just the ones im subscribed to
Whats with all the rape threads?, its confusing me as to which one I responded in. lets combine them all into 1 post or something, they are all about the same thing.


Please, let's consolidate. That might overtake the "supernovaes in the laboratory" thread in sheer verbosity.... :D
No kidding I was up till like 2 am arguing it last night. I just came on now to find
more threads on it. It is confusing, I don't know what I posted in which one anymore. Personally I feel like it has been talked to death now, but that is just me.

lol, Yeah it seems like its been killed, but everybody seems to take rape debates very personaly and get a bit touchy. All these consent laws are getting a bit annoying aswell, soon people will need a court hearing before they can get some.

Based on this suggestion from our good neighbor, Tiassa, I would like to discuss rape some more.

First, a reference:

Let's go with this.

When does consent explicitly exist? Is this consent defensible?

When, if ever, does consent implicitly exist? Is this consent defensible?

Let's take the example of someone who has been drinking. This has been debated heatedly here on SF in a number of threads. Can someone consent if they are inebriated? How inebriated? Is this like drunk driving, in the sense that you can consent until your blood alcohol reaches .05, or .08, or some other arbitrary number? But after that point, your sexual partner is guilty of rape?

Another example, one that has long intrigued me. Statutory rape, in the event of two teenagers. Today, they can consent to have sex, legally. Tomorrow, one of the partners turns 18 (or whatever the applicable age is) Now, the younger partner can not consent. The older partner is guilty of rape by definition.

I understand that laws have to be written somehow, and will always be somewhat arbitrary. But maybe society can do better. If the comments on some other threads are at all representative, the views on these issues are extremely polarized. What do you think? Can we improve the status quo? Are we going forwards or backwards here?

Perhaps before we even discuss these issues, maybe a definition is in order. What exactly is rape, anyway? We seem to have the preconception that we are all talking about the same thing when we speak of "rape". Are we?
Excuse me for a min... :cool: I have a psychology degree... and we where told;

''Rape is in fact a power struggle, not only by the rapist but by what he experiences from it. There are sexual undertones, which reflect on the nature of practicing a raping of someone...

... in other words, it's just plain sick!''