Rape: The Megathread

Nope - verbal disrespect is not grounds for physical violence. That goes for anyone whether you're male or female.

So you are going to say that next time this shit comes up?

Ya, because ALL WOMEN are leeches. If you had specifically attacked those women who do behave like that, that would be fine. But no, you just ranted about how 'women' in general were leeches.

Please quote where I stated that all women are leeches, and that I didn't just point out a societal norm (that the man exists to pay all their bills while they stay at home) that many women take advantage of and you don't see many 'feminists' going out to attack?
What is it this time?

I would call it a really bad television show.

But what the hell are you going on about here?
You already admitted that the end result of having sex with a 10 year old sober and consenting girlfriend that claims she wasn't raped and that having sex with a 20 year old drunk and 'consenting' girlfriend that claims she wasn't raped are generally two different results, yet you are trying to claim that there is no double standard? This is hillarious, though I guess it is just an example of that good ol feminist logic aka lateral thinking aka bullshit.

Both are illegal in the eyes of the law. Both are also deemed immoral. I'm guessing some day that might sink in. This is not to be the day for you.

I used the example of lacking the ability to consent and you twist it into saying that it would be ok for you to somehow have sex with a 10 year old or a 20 year old drunk and incapacitated person.

I guess some people will try to find excuses in any way, shape or form.

Actually he has made multiple posts about how he has sex with his girlfriend while she is drunk to the point of not being able to consent, and even in this thread he has talked about how he has sex with her while she is unconcious. Though I guess that it isn't rape in either of those cases because:
And as he was advised a thousand times over in that thread, as were you, yes, it is illegal. Hard to prosecute but not impossible. Surely you can understand that, can't you?

So why can't someone turn around and say that it is fine to fuck a 10 year old because of the reasons specified by Asguard?
The question that comes to my mind at the moment is, why are you so obsessed in trying to find a loophole to "fuck" a 10 year old? As has been explained to you repeatedly, raping a 10 year old is illegal. So is raping a woman or a man who is incapacitated to the point where she/he cannot give consent. Is it really that hard to understand?

The analogy I used in that other thread was just that.. an example of how consent can be lacking due to the other's inability to understand enough to make an informed consent. But what do you do with it? Attempt to use it to find a legal defense to "fuck" a 10 year old. I think it says more about you, don't you think?

Either both cases should be discouraged or encouraged. You can't have a double standard in two cases where the 'regular partner' is not in a position to consent.
There is no double standard. Both are illegal. One might be hard to take to trial, but it does not mean it does not get to that point.

What do you think ABS? Do you think both should be encouraged or discouraged?
Asguard wasn't speaking in hypothetical, but in the reality that he has sex with his girlfriend when she is asleep and/or drunk beyond reason.

Here, we'll start with a point that apparently confuses you:

First, I'll stop with it when you stop with the disingenuous bullshit. As to where it comes from? It's easy enough: the concept is called good faith, which is fairly easily defined as "honesty or lawfulness of purpose".

Quite simply, I don't see your purpose as being particularly honest.

For instance, we might take as an example a portion of our exchange so far:

Randwolf: These 51 points certainly seem like femtroll material to me. Anyone have comments?

Tiassa: Why is it that I've never heard of this "femtroll" except from angry boys like yourself?

Here you go.

Recommended reading (for ABS, too), from Feminism 101:

Randwolf: Your logic sucks, Tiassa. You never bothered to ask me if I believe in the feminist movement. Equal pay for equal work, etc. Absolutely, I agree. I also think that some people take things to the extreme. I have a problem with that. You can go play with your "Recommended reading". These are real issues, affecting everyone. I live in the real world, not an ivory tower.

Tiassa: It doesn't matter whether or not you believe in equal pay for equal work. In your topic post, you wrote, "These 51 points certainly seem like femtroll material to me." In other words, you took one list, allegedly written by a feminist—described by the website you got the list from as "a 34 year old cumdumpster from Ohio"—and attributed it to feminism ("femtroll material"). Hence, the two links discussing the fact that one feminist does not represent feminism, and cannot be automatically presumed to represent another feminist.

Whether or not you think you believe in the feminist movement is a separate question entirely. I would suggest you turn your critical eye toward your own logic, but with one difference: try doing it honestly.

Randwolf: Look, Tiassa, you know as well as I that I picked this topic up from another Sciforums thread that you closed, based on plagiarism. All I did with these links was try to trace it back.

Your two responses—"Your logic sucks ...," and "Look, Tiassa, you know as well as I ...," are both dishonest. As I pointed out: it doesn't matter whether or not you "believe in the feminist movement". The question at hand was your transference of one feminist's perspective to the entire movement. And, furthermore, the topic you picked this up from is its own issue. You made an assertion at the end of your topic post—

"These 51 points certainly seem like femtroll material to me."​

—and now try to duck its implications by attempting to change the subject. This is not reflective of an honest purpose in the discussion.

Furthermore, since you decided to raise the issue of the closed topic—

" It would seem that it is the leftist, panty waist, liberal, feminist, do gooders that get angry over this topic. I imagine you will soon lock this thread, just like the other ....

.... Offends your sensibilities, doesn't it?

—you've opened that perspective to consideration. Now, are we supposed to believe you're illiterate? Hardly. You've demonstrated at least a functional literacy in reading words, and your posts suggest you know how to construct sentences. Illiteracy, then, does not explain your transformation of a plagiarism concern (see Section 7 of "Forum Rules, Regulations and Recommendations - - Version 2.3" for more information) into a matter of political sentiment and personal taste. Indeed, your expression to Angrybellsprout—" Any view that does not agree with the establishment is immediately condemned to purgatory. I'm amazed this thread is still open. Especially with the way some moderators are..."—suggests that you either legitimately can't tell the difference, or don't want to.

So, let us put the question directly to you: Are you really unable to discern such a basic difference?

Is that your plea, then, Randwolf? That you are too ignorant to understand the issues you're addressing?

Fine. If that's the case, then that's how it goes, and we'll do what we can to accommodate your handicap. Make sure you list your learning disabilities, so we know what it is we're dealing with. Dyslexia? Borderline mental retardation? Severe emotional conflict? A psychiatric or congenital neurological disorder? There are plenty of reasons one might have trouble grasping and processing the information at hand, but unless people know what they need to accommodate, it is generally considered rude to simply presume such a situation.

Rather, people tend to presume that you are, in some way, intelligent. And this leads to the other alternative. Are you making a conscious effort to misrepresent things? At the heart of it, the question of your honesty is established by your conduct.

Maybe in Rand City, the capital of Sciforums Bizarro World, good faith is a sign of weakness, but for the rest of us, it is essential to understanding one another. Certainly, we make room for sarcasm and humor, but if you look around, those who are so persistent in such forms tend to irritate their neighbors. Eventually, people will wonder whether they are supposed to take you seriously.

We'll take one more example in order to come back to the top of your post:

Are you really asserting that since you posted the topic thread, you have no obligation whatsoever to pay attention to the context of the posts you respond to?

Indeed, your post at #32—the one in which you missed the point consistently and thoroughly—focuses so exclusively on me that one might confuse your purpose. Of the five sections between quoted material, all address me primarily and not the alleged subject of the discussion.

Considering how deeply warped your arguments tend to be, it is easy enough to simply clarify the point about what makes a point invalid. It is not at all an assertion that any particular argument is invalidated, but rather that one, in objecting to any of these criteria for what constitutes a rapist ought to consider that at one time or another, a rapist somewhere has included the argument in his defense, and there are plenty of men out there who sincerely believe that they've never committed an act of sexual violence who would agree with some of these points. That an argument has been used as grounds to excuse a rape is the reason such a question exists. Certainly there are many of us who know well that just because you're married to a woman doesn't mean it is impossible to rape her, but—believe it or not—there are some men out there who don't understand such a point. She was drunk? I was drunk? We both were drunk? Doesn't change the fact that what happened was rape. Now, I personally think a woman has every right to get drunk and go out in search of a shag, but none of that changes the fact of a rape if rape is what happens.

Why thank you, but as I noted, I don't actually care. After all—

—you are so willing to provide evidence of your lack of good faith. Tell us, Randwolf, why did you post this topic? Is it because you have a legitimate question for discussion about its alleged subject matter, or were you trying to posture yourself as some sort of rebel who scores a moral victory for providing a source link?

Well, if that's what you want to discuss, you should probably focus on that at the outset.

If you don't want something addressed, you should probably consider whether or not it is wise to make a point of calling someone out specifically.

Yawn. You're complaining about ad hom. There's a surprise.

As to where people get off saying all men are rapists? Perhaps this is one of those context things. We have, somewhere around here, at least one example. Oh, right. You provided it. You know, the one spoken by a fictional character in the book?

Let's revisit that one:

They rape us with their eyes, their laws, their codes.

(McKinnon, qtd. in Byron)​

Well, right there you have a context for what the phrase means. Men "undress" women with their eyes, and our laws and social codes are often set up in a manner that (coincidentally?) oppresses women.

We have discussed some of these behaviors, laws, and customs in other topics around Sciforums. Indeed, this deficit of human respect is the hole into which the feminist foundation is poured and molded. How we regard the structure built up from that foundation is, indeed, a question of our era.

Even the source you provide is particularly conflicted over the phrase:

... a quick internet search for the phrase reveals that it is currently mostly used by critics of feminism and by feminist pages with a "not" in front ....

.... Nevertheless I want to use this phrase as an example of the endemic anti-male sexism within the feminist movement.


So even Mr. Byron admits that he sees the argument more from anti-feminists. Yet that doesn't stop him from making that point a scurrilous accusation against feminism, comparing it to racism. Which makes for a convenient circular argument:

• Accuse, accuse, accuse.
• Response.
• Transform response into accusation.​

Thus, like we see here: anyone here can reiterate that not all men are rapists, but there's always a misogynist somewhere willing to transform that reiteration—offered for the comfort of angry misogynists—into yet another reason to complain about feminism.

This is an old political game. And while it's a thin ruse and easy enough to see through, it's always amazing how many people will try to run it. This might have to do with their outlook and political positions and lack of any real support for their arguments, but I'm generally not surprised when I see it.

I mean, it's not like people are saying, "Not all men are rapists, except that they are". This sort of argument would better fit Byron's point, but it is a point too subtle for some of our members here at Sciforums. You know, the kind who say, that they don't advocate rape, except that ______, when what goes in the blank amounts to a defense of a rapist and a condemnation of the victim. Or those who say they're not transferring the responsibility for other people's conduct onto a woman, but then spend their time asking people to list out the precautions a woman should take.

Which leads us back to Byron's page for a moment. It's a curious point:

Now, here at Sciforums, we recently had a nifty row over this concept. Let's isolate a point for contention: "'All men are rapists' is taking one of the worst crimes recognized and saying it represents the universal nature of men. It is saying men are evil. It is also saying women are universal victims who should fear men."

We should be upset at such "bigotry", yet as recent threads have discussed, women have an obligation to take precautions against rape, which necessitates the calculation that any man is a potential rapist.

So do you agree with Byron, then? Would it be bigoted to presume all men are potential rapists? Because that's exactly what you encourage with your open-ended precaution theory.

Another example of you missing the point. Except that it seems deliberate, which at least hints toward dishonesty.

So where do you think the fifty-one point list comes from? Is it drawn out of thin air? Do those points correspond to any real circumstance? Do they correspond to some evil, feminist victimization of a poor, innocent male whose only "crime" was to see an unconscious woman and decide to fuck her? Which, of course, leads us to:

So what part do you not understand? We come back, on the one hand, to the question of where the list comes from. Is it just some perverse invention of a crazy woman? And, to the other, we come back to your disingenuous presentation:

It seems you're just trying to avoid the subject. You ask for links to verify what you already know is true, but act as if you cannot connect tab A to slot B.

See, yet another example: Why did you bother wasting your time with such a weak attempt at a point or a joke.

Something about context. Something about sarcasm. And yet another something about your disingenuous self-righteousness. Really, it would be easy for people to simply accept that you're making a big, fucked up joke that is somehow funny to you, except that you at least pretend to be attempting a serious conversation. The problem with that pretense, though, goes back to the earlier consideration of the honesty of your purpose.

What it ends up looking like is contempt. Inchoate anger seeping up to further poison the fertility of your intellect. On the one hand, it's kind of sad to see. To the other, though, it's your right to hurt yourself like that. In the end, it is enough to deal with you as you present yourself.

Quite obviously, you can cycle back to the beginning of this post.

Ooh. Scary, scary.

Are you afraid of the answer or the logical question in might bring?

The key word there is intelligent. Certain questions are already answered, and it requires a paradigm shift of considerable magnitude before they become valid again.

A problem with this, of course, is the rise of cynicism as a means of asserting individualism. Cynicism should be rational, sir, and not based so blatantly in self-interest.

To view the list in this light, there is a lot of it that seems self-evident. If a man has trouble with the concept, he should just picture another man trying to have homosexual intercourse with him under the same circumstances. The reason some people feel compelled to include such boneheaded criteria on a list like this is because somewhere they have encountered—so they know there are more out there—a person who doesn't understand or accept the point.

(Three days and three hundred posts later ....)

No, seriously, dude, take your time.

Oh, poor you.

While the question of spending nine years in any forum community is its own, I long ago took the note about just how unproductive such laughable, teenybopper façades as yours really are. Look, dude, maybe all of this serves some obscure point that is important to you, but if you intend to use this community as a proving ground for such juvenilia, you should expect to run into at least a few people who won't show you the infinite patience and adoration you seem to expect. There's no future in your brand of pathetic individualism and fake intellect.

Put the issues first, and give them genuine consideration. Don't use them to hide behind while shouting for a pissing contest.


"good faith." Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Viewed July 7, 2008 http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/good faith

Byron, David. "All Men Are Rapists". Sex War. Viewed July 7, 2008. http://members.tripod.com/feministhate/id51.htm

Hi neighbor Tiassa. No I am not going to address this post line by line. I suppose that will reinforce your dishonesty theory. But, I would like to thank you for your effort here. Also, you are right to some degree, although you were wrong in the beginning. I really did more or less randomnly pick the rape topic as my first foray in SF. My mistake, I know, but an honest one. I do actually have an interest in finding out how others feel about this topic, but probably not to the fervent degree needed to keep up this pace. Subsequently, yes I have tended to try and bait you. You specifically, not the others that have joined these threads. I may not agree with all of their views, but I respect them. I imagine that several members have issues with me. Or maybe not. I also imagine that several members do not have issues with me, and I'm not referring only to the wingnuts here. I have tried to come to terms with you several times Tiassa, but have lately decided that is will remain a fruitless endeavor. That's ok, we can still coexist in the same community. No community that I know of is comprised only of people who like and respect one another, especially all of the time. Again, that's ok. Furthermore, as to your allegations of not responding on a point by point basis to the "list", after 300+ posts as you put it, I did reply in Jame's thread to the individual points contained is his poll. Not an exhaustive effort, I agree. Right now, I am more interested in starting a new thread based on your, IMHO, excellent suggestion to raise the question of "what constitues consent". Before you start in, the preceding sentence expresses my honest opinion. In closing, Tiassa, will you ever relax, or can I just expect these attacks, and I'm not talking about the attacks on the issues, but rather the ad homs, to continue forever? In short, if I quit baiting you, will you quit the personal attacks? Please? Oh, and you were not being disengenous in this post, right? Seriously?

Strikingly, though, this aspect is never raised as a topic. There are at least a couple of reasons for this, though. On one side of the issue you have a number of people who consistently explain boundaries and don't seem to have much of an objection to them. We might consider the wording of a particular expression, or make certain points about a source author or transference from one individual to an entire movement, but by and large we appear to understand a bit more about the social and psychological issues accompanying rape than certain others. And those others are, as you might expect, on the other side of the issue, and seem to be arguing desperately from a perspective of whatever it takes to improve their chances of getting laid without going to jail. These don't want to explore the issue without finding some way to attack feminism or complain about injustice against men. These are the ones who post topics as responses to individuals, attempting to disguise their anger as some sort of intelligent response to something allegedly obscure and confusing. The reality, however, is that this side of the issue tends to argue as if they have no human sympathy or empathy, no compassion for their fellow human beings, and seem utterly and completely invested in themselves. Maybe it's hard to figure out when you're a teenager surrounded by a bunch of wide-eyed idiot dorks who actually believe that her eyes will say yes while her mouth says no. But when you grow up and actually take a moment to think through it, and once you have a little more experience with sexual relations, the whole situation should become a little more clear. And if it doesn't, you're still doing it wrong. There is nothing at all—to use a repeatedly-considered example from these discussions of late—about Asguard's situation with his partner that is confusing. Perhaps their relationship will eventually decline to the point that his permission is revoked; if he can't figure that out when it happens ... well, other people in this world have been sent up for criminal ignorance. It would be unfortunate, and may well be exploitative, but men have known the rules since boyhood, when they stood nose to nose in the schoolyard, trying to look tough, and saying, "Go ahead. Throw the first punch."

So unless we are expected to believe that such a number of our Sciforums neighbors are so warped by their upbringing that such simple and commonplace arguments like right and wrong, honor among thieves, walking the line, pushing the rules, and falling flat on our faces are foreign to them, it would probably do the "confused" or "we're not advocating rape and violence against women, why do you think that we are?" crowd to address a real question in good faith. Otherwise, a lot of people are just going to shrug and make a note that if there is ever a Sciforums convention, get-together, or meet-up, we at least know some of the people we need to keep our children away from.

Seriously, if there is an honest inquiry afoot by the anti-feminist crowd, it's not apparent. What constitutes consent? How hard is it to ask the question without setting up all manner of diversion about "femtrolling" or "copypasta", or Bells, or Tiassa, or anything else? What the hell is so goddamned hard about asking the question that is so important that you'll hammer away at it in topic after topic, complain that it doesn't get asked, but is too much to ask that you post it in good faith?

I hope.
Only took you this long to come up with that response despite his multiple posts talking about the huge difference between picking up a girl at the bar who falls asleep and going home to your sleeping girlfriend...

Though I'd still like the double standard resolved of why one case is pretty much an automatic conviction and the other is 'hard to prosecute'. Either both should be automatic convictions or they should both be 'hard to prosecute'.
Why actually talk about positions when you can just make up bullshit on someone such as they supposedly 'hate women' or some other nonsense.
Why actually talk about positions when you can just make up bullshit on someone such as they supposedly 'hate women' or some other nonsense.

Well, I am actually trying to play nice today. Truth be told, I am exhausted. But, to answer your question, they call this "reading between the lines" or "taking things in context". I think.
oh for fuck sake, you are a moron.

DO you even know the difference between UNCONCIOUS and asleep?

actually its more likly to be HER who instigates while IM asleep
as for the drunk thing she wasnt unconcious, she just couldnt stand up propperly and thats as much detail of my sex life as im willing to give you PERIOD, end of discssion.
They are mostly idiots, as with most feminists and liberals that I encounter, who seem to think that feminism/feminists == women, and that opposing feminism is the same as opposing women. This is hillarious given how a minority of women will self identify as 'feminist' because they know that most of the feminists are sexist idiots, and as you can see the ones around here do quite well living up to that standard.
look YES it was against the law (though to be honest i was ALMOST a drunk as she was, only difference i could kinda stand:p) and yes if she wanted to have me charged over it she could have and i would have plead guilty because she would have been right. That being said she wouldnt and didnt and so it was forgoten. The only reason i brought it up was in the context of the law changes in NSW's

That being said there is a HUGE difference between "taking advantage" of your partner who you would PROBABLY be having sex with even if they WERNT drunk than "taking advatage" of someone you know dam well wouldnt go near you if they went so drunk (so in your case ABS ANY man or women)
What is rape, anyway? Do you know? (Consolidate)

Based on this suggestion from our good neighbor, Tiassa, I would like to discuss rape some more.

First, a reference:

Originally Posted by Randwolf

Sex without consent is wrong. What constitutes consent is a topic for debate.

Originally Posted by Tiassa
Strikingly, though, this aspect is never raised as a topic. There are at least a couple of reasons for this, though. On one side of the issue you have a number of people who consistently explain boundaries and don't seem to have much of an objection to them. We might consider the wording of a particular expression, or make certain points about a source author or transference from one individual to an entire movement, but by and large we appear to understand a bit more about the social and psychological issues accompanying rape than certain others. And those others are, as you might expect, on the other side of the issue, and seem to be arguing desperately from a perspective of whatever it takes to improve their chances of getting laid without going to jail. These don't want to explore the issue without finding some way to attack feminism or complain about injustice against men. These are the ones who post topics as responses to individuals, attempting to disguise their anger as some sort of intelligent response to something allegedly obscure and confusing. The reality, however, is that this side of the issue tends to argue as if they have no human sympathy or empathy, no compassion for their fellow human beings, and seem utterly and completely invested in themselves. Maybe it's hard to figure out when you're a teenager surrounded by a bunch of wide-eyed idiot dorks who actually believe that her eyes will say yes while her mouth says no. But when you grow up and actually take a moment to think through it, and once you have a little more experience with sexual relations, the whole situation should become a little more clear. And if it doesn't, you're still doing it wrong. There is nothing at all—to use a repeatedly-considered example from these discussions of late—about Asguard's situation with his partner that is confusing. Perhaps their relationship will eventually decline to the point that his permission is revoked; if he can't figure that out when it happens ... well, other people in this world have been sent up for criminal ignorance. It would be unfortunate, and may well be exploitative, but men have known the rules since boyhood, when they stood nose to nose in the schoolyard, trying to look tough, and saying, "Go ahead. Throw the first punch."

So unless we are expected to believe that such a number of our Sciforums neighbors are so warped by their upbringing that such simple and commonplace arguments like right and wrong, honor among thieves, walking the line, pushing the rules, and falling flat on our faces are foreign to them, it would probably do the "confused" or "we're not advocating rape and violence against women, why do you think that we are?" crowd to address a real question in good faith. Otherwise, a lot of people are just going to shrug and make a note that if there is ever a Sciforums convention, get-together, or meet-up, we at least know some of the people we need to keep our children away from.

Seriously, if there is an honest inquiry afoot by the anti-feminist crowd, it's not apparent. What constitutes consent? How hard is it to ask the question without setting up all manner of diversion about "femtrolling" or "copypasta", or Bells, or Tiassa, or anything else? What the hell is so goddamned hard about asking the question that is so important that you'll hammer away at it in topic after topic, complain that it doesn't get asked, but is too much to ask that you post it in good faith

Let's go with this.

When does consent explicitly exist? Is this consent defensible?

When, if ever, does consent implicitly exist? Is this consent defensible?

Let's take the example of someone who has been drinking. This has been debated heatedly here on SF in a number of threads. Can someone consent if they are inebriated? How inebriated? Is this like drunk driving, in the sense that you can consent until your blood alcohol reaches .05, or .08, or some other arbitrary number? But after that point, your sexual partner is guilty of rape?

Another example, one that has long intrigued me. Statutory rape, in the event of two teenagers. Today, they can consent to have sex, legally. Tomorrow, one of the partners turns 18 (or whatever the applicable age is) Now, the younger partner can not consent. The older partner is guilty of rape by definition.

I understand that laws have to be written somehow, and will always be somewhat arbitrary. But maybe society can do better. If the comments on some other threads are at all representative, the views on these issues are extremely polarized. What do you think? Can we improve the status quo? Are we going forwards or backwards here?

Perhaps before we even discuss these issues, maybe a definition is in order. What exactly is rape, anyway? We seem to have the preconception that we are all talking about the same thing when we speak of "rape". Are we?
if you wish to see it that way go ahead. But i seem to recall you saying you had never had sex, wonder why. Wouldnt be that your atitudes are so distateful that no one would go near you would it? oh thats right its "a choice". Easy to chose celibacy when no ones intrested.

Go jack off, its all you will ever get moron
ABS, i fucked up the way i wrote that.

I KNOW she doesnt care because we have spoken about sex while asleep and we both agreed that nither of us cares as long as we arnt REALLY tired and get woken up.

The reason i specifide she was my regular partner is because wether she is to drunk to know WHOS dick she is playing with she isnt going to wake up in the morning and regret it with me because she does that while sober to.

I did this to seperate the case from someone taking advatage of someone else who they wouldnt CHOSE to have sex with under normal cirumstances

God you have one hell of a strange sex life.....

The highlighted part....Do you mean it's ok to have sex while the other is asleep as long as you don't wake them up?? :confused:

How the fuck doesn't the person wake up? Did they take a bottle of sleeping pills?? :rolleyes:
Rape is what occurs when someone gives you both implicit and explicit consent after having a few drinks, or at least that appears to be the feminist standard from folks such as James, Tiassa, Bells and company.
When you're tickled by a pinky finger, you don't tend to wake up...

I'd wager the same for when you throw a hotdog down the hallway.
umm, try it and see. Roll over one night and give your husband a blowjob in his sleep and see how he reacts:p He will proably tell you in the morning he was having a sex dream:p

One day PB and i did have sex, she was coherant enough to tell me to shut the window because she was cold and to say "make sure you wear a condom". She was also a VERY active paticipant (and very LOUD too:p) to the point that i didnt realise she was actually still fast asleep untill the next day