Rape and the "Civilized" World

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You certainly are.

No I'm not. I'm showing you how your own argument necessarily leads to that conclusion, if a woman wishes to absolve herself of blame in the case of her own rape.

No one else is advocating "men" as a necessary hazard category in risk assessment

Animal certainly did, and you endorsed it.

Yes, I have already pointed out the humour of you being solely responsible for advocating a position you don't even agree with ..


I'm noticing a new behavior pattern here, at least in your interactions with me: When a point is raised that you cannot effectively counter, you resort to non-sequiturs.

I am showing you what your own position implies, not endorsing it. You know the difference.

But it is precisely your position since no one else - at least no one with a professional interest in the issue - is working with it as a hazard category

It's also your position, as well as Animal's. Do you not consider him to have a professional interest in the issue?

Which then begs the question, if it is so effective, how come it is only you talking about it (and not persons professionally involved)

How many times must we go around in these circles?

Doesn't matter if a victim runs away from a larger woman or even a space alien for that matter.
It's still effective.

No its not.
Its not even species specific

If you're going to extend the imperative for women to run away from larger men--as it is presented on the website--then you can easily extend the imperative to stay away from men to staying away from all people.

Once again, then the next question is why is it you who thinks this is the logical consequence and not any professional or even a great many assault survivors for that matter.

It's taken directly from a professional's website.

However given that "men" as a category only exists in the imagination of persons advocating spurious arguments for the sake of saving face during online discussions, it operates in a dimension quite close to the non-existent.

No, it exists as a natural and logical category for any woman who wishes to absolve herself completely of responsibility in the case of her own rape, per your argument. The point is that you've stacked the deck in such a way that a rape victim cannot possibly be blameless without taking some extreme measure such as staying away from men. Is that incorrect? Can a woman be blameless in the event of her own rape?

if the only adjectives you could come up with are "large" and "amorous", its simply more evidence you don't read stuff

The imperative for her to shut up was based solely on the fact that he was a physically large man who was infatuated with her. Her angry reaction to his rumored behavior (masturbating in the restroom) was considered provocation by the website author. In other words, mouthy female + large amorous male = rape.

Ditto above
the article was about pro's and con's of a variety of approaches you doofus

No it wasn't, you misogynistic lackwit. The only approaches endorsed by the site were "Shut up" and "run away." Everything else--including martial self-defense techniques--was strongly discouraged.

which then brings us back to why you are the only idiot who offers such so-called solutions.
What is that you have that a professional doesn't .... apart from alack of relevant skills and background information on the subject?

How many times must it be said that I'm not offering or advocating such a position? I'm simply pointing out a necessary condition of your argument if a woman is to be absolved of blame.

and like I said, if you don't do those things, then you are not actually doing all that you can do to avoid an incident .... and as a further detail, your ability to correctly discern the appropriate situation to do and not do these things shows how you are fully capable of limiting such preventative measures (when you don't have the pending dilemma of saving face during online discussions of course )


If I don't do what things?

well you did just make a claim about hunter-gatherer individuals being some sort of epitome of precautionary existence ...

Is this point truly lost on you, or is this another one of your little rouses perpetrated in the hope that no one notices the bloody corpse of your argument laying just over there?

Obviously, the use of hunter-gatherer imagery was to illustrate the most effective way to ensure one's own food is safe to eat. You then ridiculously claimed that hunter-gatherers agreed with your vague and seemingly arbitrary definition of "all one can do."

If that was the case, you wouldn't be blowing all this hot air about prevention being necessarily oppressive and wotnot

Yet another straw man.

Given that you have given countless references for persons blaming the victim for no other reason than they are implementing/advocating a preventative strategy, this so called salient difference is coming more as a convenient double standard

It's not merely advocating a preventative strategy. It's the myth that a woman can reduce her risk to "virtually zero" without taking extreme measures. The implication is that the woman brings about the rape through her own actions rather than the actions of the rapist. It's the double standard that is prevention advocacy for the victim while considering prevention advocacy for the perpetrator "absurd." It's the suggestion that the woman should be the one who stops drinking, not the man. It's the suggestion that the woman ultimately decides whether she's raped or not. In other words, you blame the woman.

Once again, you are talking about ideas that no one has brought to the discussion except you (which, again, is funny because apparently you don't agree with them)

Once again, you have brought this idea to the discussion. You simply don't have the balls to own up to it.

I am just playing the stupidity of your own so called brilliant idea ....

Which idea is that? And when did I "so-call" anything brilliant?

I mean you do understand how not driving a car is the only logical effective end of all road safety campaigns, yes?

Road safety campaigns put the onus for harm where it belongs. Anti-drunk driving campaigns, for example, target potential drunk drivers. Nowhere in their prevention advocacy do they suggest that sober drivers stay off the roads, let alone implicate them in the case of an accident caused by a drunk driver. What you're essentially saying is that people who drive at times and places where drunk drivers might be must share in the blame for any ensuing accidents.

feel free to reference this claim : warning ... it may involve you actually having to read stuff

To start, go here. Tell me where the hypothetical rapist is referred to as anything other than "he." He even prefaces the text by saying it's impossible to know who will rape you, implying that the only real "category" per se is "male."

actually I followed the link from an article titled "I won't live in fear" ... which tends to fly in the face of your ideas about preventative measures defaulting to fear and having logical consequences that obviously have no precedent outside of your fertile brain.

Which begs the question: If you endorse self-defense courses as a form of prevention, then why did you first endorse a website that explicitly opposes such a measure?

Notice how I didn't say they are responsible for not getting raped.

You don't have to. It's implied.

errr ... no

I believe I just said someone is responsible for indulging in drinking ...

You said they were responsible for "assessing the concomitant risk factors associated with the behavior," meaning they must take responsibility for putting themselves at risk to be raped. How does one logically then excuse them from this responsibility when they are raped?

I see you have a high regard for her personal safety

I do. I simply believe there are less extreme and reasonably effective measures that can be taken instead of "stop drinking."

Quite a fine selection of suitable preventative measures (none of which, for the record, involved using "men" as a hazard category btw ... since the bartender and bouncer would probably be male).

I agree. I've never advocated avoiding all men. I've done nothing but ridicule it as an unreasonably extreme measure.

But your inability to consistently follow through on ridiculous ideas you advocate aside, how is it that you think continuing to get shit-faced doesn't pose any pending hazard issues (since you have already indicated a bevy of other strategies brought to the fore for the obvious task of dealing with a hazard.)

I don't claim that it doesn't increase the risk. I've said quite the opposite. This is why I brought up the points about eating at restaurants and taking medicine; there is no reasonable way to eliminate all risk. If a person is going to live in today's western society, there are inherent risks. Blaming the victim--as you and your ilk do--for being raped when the only possible way to completely avoid it is by taking unreasonable measures, is not fair.

To put it bluntly, if there is no problem, why advocate complaining to the bouncer or going to a different place.
And if there is a problem, what on earth makes you think proceeding to get shit faced isn't going to complicate issues down the track?

There is potential that drinking will complicate matters, but the odds are fairly remote and the alternative you suggest is oppressive. Stop drinking just because some creep hits on you at a bar? In what world is that a reasonable solution?

If a right is not an essential thing expected to be extended to all people all the time (ie a "cornerstone"), you don't have a leverage point for protecting it.
IOW if getting shit faced is not an essential right, then you can't come back with the half-assed argument of an individual being oppressed due to others trying to change their behaviour that revolves around getting shit faced.

This doesn't do anything to explain how or why a right must be essential to be valid.

Could you honestly not make a case for the legitimacy of the right to consume alcohol? You can't think of any reason why that right should be maintained?

I don't.
I have said I don't.
I have linked sites that say they don't
I have cited references of people incorporating preventative strategies who say they don't.
I have challenged people like yourself to find any reference where I say anything other than "I don't"

Yet despite all this, you think I do.

You very clearly do. Your particular brand of "prevention advocacy" mandates the victim receive at least some of the blame. You say she is to be responsible for herself at all times, and failing to do that--or acting in such a way that increases risk--makes her culpable. This is by definition diametrically opposed to victim advocacy.

You on the other hand, have clearly demonstrated that you do.

No. I support prevention techniques. I think women who believe they are at risk should take self-defense classes, carry pepper spray, or whatever else makes them feel safer. I also don't think that women who choose not to adopt such techniques are somehow responsible when they are raped. Nor do I believe a woman can reasonably reduce her risk of being raped to "virtually zero," a spurious claim you've agreed with.

But you can't find any quotes where I or anyone else says that.

I've shown you numerous examples of your arguments that cannot lead to anything other than the woman being blamed. So have Bells, Tiassa, and iceura. And your cronies bilvon and wynn have said the same.

On the other hand, I can find numerous quotes where you cite adopting a preventative measure being akin to rape apology, misogyny, etc etc
Which is why I ask, why is it that you think risk prevention is diametrically opposed to victim advocacy?

Again, it's not risk prevention that is diametrically opposed to victim advocacy, it's your brand of it that is.

and if you go to the next bit after that, beginning with "IOW ..." you can see exactly in what manner it becomes absurd

It doesn't change anything. You're still advocating that women do all the work, and if they don't, it's their own fault for the rape. Men, apparently, can do nothing to help prevent rape.

I wasn't aware that you did say that either ...

thats why I asked you :

Since you have no qualms about working with such a dichotomy however, perhaps you would like to explain why the notion of women abstaining from alcohol in order to surmount the issues of risk surrounding rape is absurd whereas men abstaining from alcohol for the same end isn't?

LG fails at reading comprehension yet again.

I only scoffed at it when it is made at the expense of something.

If you read the entire reference .. or even anything subsequent you would understand that.

At the expense of what?

and again, put the quote back in its context, and you have nothing.

The context changes nothing.

Your earlier ideas about the logical implications of prevention clearly suggest you do have issues with the double pronged approach of advocacy and prevention ... or at the very least, your inability to entertain "alcohol" as a hazard category establishes a precedent for your views being markedly distinct from those in the professional arena ...

Again, I have problems with the kind of prevention you advocate, and the implications you make with your reasoning, not prevention as a whole.

and once again, perhaps that would make sense if you could explain how HED (heavy episodic drinking) is a cornerstone of your personal liberty.

And once again, you must rely on the false dichotomy that a liberty must be essential to be valid.

"Irony is wasted on the stupid"

If you had any notion of it, perhaps that would be an apt quote. Sadly, most of the time you drop your repetitive "will the irony never end" OCD tick, you aren't pointing out anything ironic.

Your inability to find references from websites to support your ideas aside, the one that you concur to be sensible is apparently doing something that is not allowed in your books - establishing "alcohol" as a hazard category while making the great blunder of ignoring the so-called obvious one of "man".

Are we to assume that by your own admission, your ideas are not sensible?

We've reached the point of no return, I fear. Tiassa had the right of it when he said you were operating on pure ego defense, as you repeat the same tired and exposed claims over and over. Your game, as it typically is, is simply to outlast the opposition.

The problem is that I am not the one having difficulty explaining why my views are not incorporated into professional strategies to deal with the problem of rape.

You actually are, at least in the case of the second website you linked to. They did not advocate the same things you have, nor did they lay the blame at the feet of the victim as you have. The first site, however, agrees with you completely, though I'm not sure that's something you should brag about.
And yes, they're far more likely to be raped. The only place where men are raped often enough to comprise a meaningful statistic is in our prisons, where there simply aren't any women to do it to.

Another factor compounding the confusion within this thread is that a few participants haven't yet grasped that rape seldom has much of anything to do with a person finding someone REALLY attractive and feeling COMPELLED to have sex with them. And so we get these weird remarks about dressing in a "sexy" manner--or, going about altogether naked--as though these were somehow "risk factors." Prison rape aside, that rape and sexual assault are oft used in torture and intimidation kinda throws a wrench into that perspective.
Does that mean that you do not consider the possibility of assault at all in anything you do in your life?

Do you ever lock your door, for example? If you do lock your door, does that make you feel like if you are assaulted in your home, it will be your fault?

Well aren't you a funny man/woman:rolleyes: I am an American dear so I understand fully how violent our society is, but at the same time I do very little in terms of preventative measures mentioned in this thread to protect myself:eek: Now mind you, I have been raped twice in my life once by a so called friend and once by a stranger, soooo in answer to your question,:crazy: nope I forget to lock my doors all the time:crazy:

I simply refuse to live in fear , I made that decision years ago. But just because I refuse to live in fear does not mean at anytime if I am assaulted is it ever my fault!! NEVER! Oh BTW since when does a locked door stop a rapist.
I simply refuse to live in fear , I made that decision years ago. But just because I refuse to live in fear does not mean at anytime if I am assaulted is it ever my fault!! NEVER! Oh BTW since when does a locked door stop a rapist.

Why, how dare you! You talk about "(not having) to live in fear" as though it were some kind of... right. Or something.

The only freedom you are entitled to is that of binge drinking:
Originally Posted by LG
perhaps that would make sense if you could explain how HEd (heavy episodic drinking) is a cornerstone of your personal liberty

There is the ol' double standard. Rape seminars working for women are they? Should work for men, too!

I doubt that you'll convince a criminal to "go straight" with a seminar, somehow. Criminals do not generally head off to their crimes due to a lack of seminars.

But back to the question. Most people lock their doors. Are they are living in fear?
I doubt that you'll convince a criminal to "go straight" with a seminar, somehow. Criminals do not generally head off to their crimes due to a lack of seminars.

But back to the question. Most people lock their doors. Are they are living in fear?

You have no idea what kind of seminars I have in mind and just how interactive they would be.:bugeye:

In regard to locked doors, well some do it because of habit (parents taught them), some feel safer,, but in reality I can only speak for myself dear. Maybe we should take a poll. I had in-laws that lived in the middle of nowhere and they took every precaution known to man and were super vigilant and nothing happened, not unusual though because nothing and I do mean nothing ever happened there anyway. But you would have to ask them why they were all askeered:rolleyes: Wait a minute I take that back their house did burn down(wildfire) :

I can lock my doors, not drink too much, wear modest clothes and anything you may wish that I do to keep myself safe, but after doing all of this and I still get assaulted, then what? At what point do we switch the onus?
In regard to locked doors, well some do it because of habit (parents taught them), some feel safer,, but in reality I can only speak for myself dear.

OK. Why would you not lock them?

I can lock my doors, not drink too much, wear modest clothes and anything you may wish that I do to keep myself safe, but after doing all of this and I still get assaulted, then what? At what point do we switch the onus?

?? Never. It is always the fault of the person who assaulted you. A lot of people here don't seem to get that, oddly enough.

Given all that, do you think that there are things you can do to keep yourself safer overall?
OK. Why would you not lock them?

?? Never. It is always the fault of the person who assaulted you. A lot of people here don't seem to get that, oddly enough.

Given all that, do you think that there are things you can do to keep yourself safer overall?

My locked door is not the problem, the problem is the rapist!:frust: Dammit, let us as a society figure out what steps we need to take, whether that is through media, school, home, sports...........to better train our young men on how to treat women. Getting inside the home is key and that would be difficult but necessary, because much of what is wrong with these young men is happening in the home. You see how I am placing the onus on everyone not just me? No amount of prevention gets at the root cause.
My locked door is not the problem, the problem is the rapist!

Agreed. But locked doors are a bit of a problem for a rapist. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with making it harder for a rapist to rape.

Dammit, let us as a society figure out what steps we need to take, whether that is through media, school, home, sports...........to better train our young men on how to treat women.

I'm all for that. You can do a lot to tell people at a very young age that they are responsible for their own actions, that they are not entitled to sex, that "no" means "no" etc.

Getting inside the home is key and that would be difficult but necessary, because much of what is wrong with these young men is happening in the home. You see how I am placing the onus on everyone not just me? No amount of prevention gets at the root cause.

And no amount of root cause work will solve the problem either. Educating kids will not stop determined criminals or psychpaths. But education and prevention can do a lot to _reduce_ the problem.
Why, how dare you! You talk about "(not having) to live in fear" as though it were some kind of... right. Or something.
I can't think of anyone who doesn't live in fear ... or even anyone who doesn't live with some sort of pre-emptive strategy to deal with the problem of fear .... yet somehow when the topic of rape comes up, its insisted that one disband any experience with the real world based on real people in real societies ...

The only freedom you are entitled to is that of binge drinking:
Actually its the case that we are free to do many things ... its just the details of dealing with the consequences that people tend to get tripped up on ...
There is the ol' double standard. Rape seminars working for women are they? Should work for men, too!
The problem lies in establishing the learning environment, which do doubt explains why enrollment figures for one sort of seminar vastly outnumbers the other (even when there is one organization hosting both types of seminars)
No I'm not. I'm showing you how your own argument necessarily leads to that conclusion, if a woman wishes to absolve herself of blame in the case of her own rape.

Animal certainly did, and you endorsed it.


I'm noticing a new behavior pattern here, at least in your interactions with me: When a point is raised that you cannot effectively counter, you resort to non-sequiturs.

I am showing you what your own position implies, not endorsing it. You know the difference.

It's also your position, as well as Animal's. Do you not consider him to have a professional interest in the issue?

How many times must we go around in these circles?

If you're going to extend the imperative for women to run away from larger men--as it is presented on the website--then you can easily extend the imperative to stay away from men to staying away from all people.

It's taken directly from a professional's website.

No, it exists as a natural and logical category for any woman who wishes to absolve herself completely of responsibility in the case of her own rape, per your argument. The point is that you've stacked the deck in such a way that a rape victim cannot possibly be blameless without taking some extreme measure such as staying away from men. Is that incorrect? Can a woman be blameless in the event of her own rape?

The imperative for her to shut up was based solely on the fact that he was a physically large man who was infatuated with her. Her angry reaction to his rumored behavior (masturbating in the restroom) was considered provocation by the website author. In other words, mouthy female + large amorous male = rape.

No it wasn't, you misogynistic lackwit. The only approaches endorsed by the site were "Shut up" and "run away." Everything else--including martial self-defense techniques--was strongly discouraged.

How many times must it be said that I'm not offering or advocating such a position? I'm simply pointing out a necessary condition of your argument if a woman is to be absolved of blame.


If I don't do what things?

Is this point truly lost on you, or is this another one of your little rouses perpetrated in the hope that no one notices the bloody corpse of your argument laying just over there?

Obviously, the use of hunter-gatherer imagery was to illustrate the most effective way to ensure one's own food is safe to eat. You then ridiculously claimed that hunter-gatherers agreed with your vague and seemingly arbitrary definition of "all one can do."

Yet another straw man.

It's not merely advocating a preventative strategy. It's the myth that a woman can reduce her risk to "virtually zero" without taking extreme measures. The implication is that the woman brings about the rape through her own actions rather than the actions of the rapist. It's the double standard that is prevention advocacy for the victim while considering prevention advocacy for the perpetrator "absurd." It's the suggestion that the woman should be the one who stops drinking, not the man. It's the suggestion that the woman ultimately decides whether she's raped or not. In other words, you blame the woman.

Once again, you have brought this idea to the discussion. You simply don't have the balls to own up to it.

Which idea is that? And when did I "so-call" anything brilliant?

Road safety campaigns put the onus for harm where it belongs. Anti-drunk driving campaigns, for example, target potential drunk drivers. Nowhere in their prevention advocacy do they suggest that sober drivers stay off the roads, let alone implicate them in the case of an accident caused by a drunk driver. What you're essentially saying is that people who drive at times and places where drunk drivers might be must share in the blame for any ensuing accidents.

To start, go here. Tell me where the hypothetical rapist is referred to as anything other than "he." He even prefaces the text by saying it's impossible to know who will rape you, implying that the only real "category" per se is "male."

Which begs the question: If you endorse self-defense courses as a form of prevention, then why did you first endorse a website that explicitly opposes such a measure?

You don't have to. It's implied.

You said they were responsible for "assessing the concomitant risk factors associated with the behavior," meaning they must take responsibility for putting themselves at risk to be raped. How does one logically then excuse them from this responsibility when they are raped?

I do. I simply believe there are less extreme and reasonably effective measures that can be taken instead of "stop drinking."

I agree. I've never advocated avoiding all men. I've done nothing but ridicule it as an unreasonably extreme measure.

I don't claim that it doesn't increase the risk. I've said quite the opposite. This is why I brought up the points about eating at restaurants and taking medicine; there is no reasonable way to eliminate all risk. If a person is going to live in today's western society, there are inherent risks. Blaming the victim--as you and your ilk do--for being raped when the only possible way to completely avoid it is by taking unreasonable measures, is not fair.

There is potential that drinking will complicate matters, but the odds are fairly remote and the alternative you suggest is oppressive. Stop drinking just because some creep hits on you at a bar? In what world is that a reasonable solution?

This doesn't do anything to explain how or why a right must be essential to be valid.

Could you honestly not make a case for the legitimacy of the right to consume alcohol? You can't think of any reason why that right should be maintained?

You very clearly do. Your particular brand of "prevention advocacy" mandates the victim receive at least some of the blame. You say she is to be responsible for herself at all times, and failing to do that--or acting in such a way that increases risk--makes her culpable. This is by definition diametrically opposed to victim advocacy.

No. I support prevention techniques. I think women who believe they are at risk should take self-defense classes, carry pepper spray, or whatever else makes them feel safer. I also don't think that women who choose not to adopt such techniques are somehow responsible when they are raped. Nor do I believe a woman can reasonably reduce her risk of being raped to "virtually zero," a spurious claim you've agreed with.

I've shown you numerous examples of your arguments that cannot lead to anything other than the woman being blamed. So have Bells, Tiassa, and iceura. And your cronies bilvon and wynn have said the same.

Again, it's not risk prevention that is diametrically opposed to victim advocacy, it's your brand of it that is.

It doesn't change anything. You're still advocating that women do all the work, and if they don't, it's their own fault for the rape. Men, apparently, can do nothing to help prevent rape.

LG fails at reading comprehension yet again.

At the expense of what?

The context changes nothing.

Again, I have problems with the kind of prevention you advocate, and the implications you make with your reasoning, not prevention as a whole.

And once again, you must rely on the false dichotomy that a liberty must be essential to be valid.

If you had any notion of it, perhaps that would be an apt quote. Sadly, most of the time you drop your repetitive "will the irony never end" OCD tick, you aren't pointing out anything ironic.

We've reached the point of no return, I fear. Tiassa had the right of it when he said you were operating on pure ego defense, as you repeat the same tired and exposed claims over and over. Your game, as it typically is, is simply to outlast the opposition.

You actually are, at least in the case of the second website you linked to. They did not advocate the same things you have, nor did they lay the blame at the feet of the victim as you have. The first site, however, agrees with you completely, though I'm not sure that's something you should brag about.
You still don't get it.

You say Its logical to work with "men" as a risk category.

No one else does.
Not me.
Not any professional.
Not any website I have linked (even though you say they do, but consistently fail to offer a reference)

Its your idea.

The real question which you simply don't want to address, is how come you can't find a quote from someone who is involved in professionally dealing with the problem who thinks along your same lines : IOW why can't you find a professional who works with the category of "man" as a risk category?

You even went as far to say that one rape prevention site offered sensible advice, yet it plainly does not work with the category of "man" as a hazard category (or follow it to its so-called "logical conclusion" of advocating the complete disassociation of women with men).

If you can agree that their ideas are sensible, why are your ideas about the logical implications of rape prevention not to be found within their approach to the subject?

Agreed. But locked doors are a bit of a problem for a rapist. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with making it harder for a rapist to rape.

I'm all for that. You can do a lot to tell people at a very young age that they are responsible for their own actions, that they are not entitled to sex, that "no" means "no" etc.

And no amount of root cause work will solve the problem either. Educating kids will not stop determined criminals or psychpaths. But education and prevention can do a lot to _reduce_ the problem.

No you are not all "for that" Because I am not talking about just that blah, blah, blah kind of education you seem to think I am talking about. First off many rapists are not psychopaths or criminals( the kind I am assuming you are talking about) these men are from every class, from every occupation, every church..........They are our husbands, friends, employers, co-workers and they are you and therein lies the problem. Will we eliminate rape completely?:shrug: But until men understand that it is they with the stinking thinking, that somehow rape is their privilege and as long as it is pooh-poohed so many times amongst their own, then yeah, getting at the root cause will not mean shit!
No you are not all "for that" Because I am not talking about just that blah, blah, blah kind of education you seem to think I am talking about. First off many rapists are not psychopaths or criminals( the kind I am assuming you are talking about) these men are from every class, from every occupation, every church..........They are our husbands, friends, employers, co-workers and they are you and therein lies the problem.

Yes, education MIGHT help these people. And I am all for that, despite your faulty assumptions.

Will we eliminate rape completely?:shrug:

Of course not. No amount of education (or prevention) will.

But until men understand that it is they with the stinking thinking, that somehow rape is their privilege and as long as it is pooh-poohed so many times amongst their own, then yeah, getting at the root cause will not mean shit!

And as long as women see themselves as helpless victims who can do nothing to protect themselves, prevention won't mean shit, either. Both those problems need fixing.
What is this really about, Bells?

Are you angry with yourself for feeling so irresistibly attracted to men?

Are you upset that your notions of normalcy are such that they put you at the mercy of men?

And now you're taking this out on people on the internet?
You do realise that this is what you promote, don't you?

What is it like to be submissive Wynn?

That's not "freakish," it's realistic.

Just like people need to "curb their behavior and live their lives a certain way" if they want to get and keep a job, stay relatively healthy, have a family and friends etc. etc.

Everything in this world comes at the cost of "curbing one's behavior and live one's life a certain way."

Tell me, how do you curb your behaviour so that you aren't raped by a male relative?

Because what you seem to obviously want, is for women to become docile and submissive, for reasons known only to yourself... When however a woman behaves, whether she curbs her behaviour or not, will have no bearing or impact on whether she is raped or not. So you expect and demand that women live in fear and terror of rape, and live their lives surrounded by this fear with the looming questions about whether they prefer to be raped if they do not live to this misogynistic ideal of yours. In other words, if they don't live like you and be like you, then obviously, they were asking for it.

Actually, and this may come as a surprise, you are the misogynist here.

You'd rather that women be helpless idiots than try to do things to improve their situation.

Says she who has just spent several pages asking a woman if she would rather be raped than to refuse to live life in fear of every man in her surroundings.. Says she who even went so far as to ask if I preferred or wanted to be raped because I choose to be sexually active.

Who do you think you are fooling here Wynn?
billvon;3068580]Yes, education MIGHT help these people. And I am all for that, despite your faulty assumptions.

What faulty assumption?

And as long as women see themselves as helpless victims who can do nothing to protect themselves, prevention won't mean shit, either. Both those problems need fixing.

This is so infuriating and insulting that I will have to calm down before I say something that I will have to apologize for.
And as long as women see themselves as helpless victims who can do nothing to protect themselves, prevention won't mean shit, either. Both those problems need fixing.
Quite the contrary.

The problem faced by you and your merry band of rape prevention sycophants is that women refuse to see themselves as helpless victims who need to curb their behaviour and live a certain way and to take special classes to "prevent" themselves from being raped by the men in their families, work or off the street. It is because we refuse to bow down and adhere to how and what men think we should be doing to stop ourselves from being raped by their fellow men, that you view us as "helpless victims".

I would become a victim if I altered my life completely just in case a man I know or do not know might decide to rape me for reasons known only to him. It is not my responsibility to live my life in fear and hyper vigilance because of what another person may or may not do at any given time. It is not for me to not be raped but for others to not rape.

Once people start understanding that the rape problem lies solely with the rapist, then we might see a drop in numbers. While rape prevention ideology continues, then the expectation will be that it is up to the woman to not be raped, instead of the man to not rape.

You want to combat rape?

Teach your son's and daughters, from the moment they can understand, that not respecting others is not to be tolerated and that learning 'no means no' and that rape and treating women like shit is not acceptable and tolerated.
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