Rape and the "Civilized" World

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lg said:
If you can answer these questions, you should be able to answer in what way rape prevention models are limited
The question was in what specific areas of life and behavior, you imagine your advocacy of awareness and precaution whenever a woman "anticipates that she might be raped" is limited -

clearly not a question I can answer, although the implications of your inability to answer it are fairly obvious.

wynn said:
Rape is often associated with control and violence. The question is what is being controlled? Then next, how can you make it such that there is no need for such control?
Wow. Y'know, that's not really a slip, a revealing miswording - that's the basic, underlying psychology these guys operate from.
Originally Posted by wynn
Rape is often associated with control and violence. The question is what is being controlled? Then next, how can you make it such that there is no need for such control?

Wow. Y'know, that's not really a slip, a revealing miswording - that's the basic, underlying psychology these guys operate from.

You won't even attribute quotations correctly.

Once you get on that wagon, it's hard to get off, eh ...
The question was in what specific areas of life and behavior, you imagine your advocacy of awareness and precaution whenever a woman "anticipates that she might be raped" is limited -

clearly not a question I can answer, although the implications of your inability to answer it are fairly obvious.
Did she begin the scenario anticipating she would get raped?
Did she end the scenario anticipating she would get raped?

Looks like you have all the answers you need right in front of you.
If you cannot see this we can only doubt your integrity in asking these questions in the first place.

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I keep thinking that maybe you shouldn't use advertising for self-defense courses as actual arguments. But then it occurs to me how absurd it is to even try that route, and, frankly, I have a hard time believing you can't figure out the problem with that.
already explained how practically all professional self defense courses incorporate quite lengthy prevention strategies (a great part of which includes identifying the behavior of an assailant ... a concept which you seem to prohibit for the sake of supporting impractical arguments) these days.

I guess like bells, you simply just aren't up to speed with them.
Well, how about the link on "Alcohol and Acquaintance Rape" (from post #205) which repeatedly advises victims to contact the UNC Student Health Services? 'Cuz we all know trhat they are not all about blaming victims or anything like that.

Edit: OK, yeah, I know--this takes us full circle all the way back to your opening post. But seriously, some of us are being accused of not reading the links!

so lets have a look at this

what I said : Or more correctly :

Drinking increases the risk of a car accident. Will this risk combine with any others to result in a scenario I wish to avoid? Am I comfortable making this decision?


Drinking (just in case you think I am cherry picking again) can set you up to be a victim of sexual assault. Will this risk combine with any others to result in a scenario I wish to avoid. Am I comfortable making this decision?

Is the unc article I linked related to how drinking alcohol can set you up to be a victim of sexual assault or something else ?
Is the unc article you linked related to how drinking alcohol can set you up to be a victim of sexual assault or something else

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Can't say it enough...

Just for LG and his rape apologist buddies..

As a woman who has been "in a rape situation" on more than one occasion myself, including when I owned a gun for self defense (which is pretty useless if the rapist is your live-in boyfriend) I could not agree more. Yes, women have a right to defend themselves. What Salazar said was stupid and condescending. This is above and beyond that. This is turning rape survivors into a punchline, and doing so in a way that frames the problem of rape as, once again, something that women (and victims in general) are responsible for both provoking and preventing.

The "tip sheet" has been removed from the UCCS website, but here is a screenshot (h/t to Global Grind):


And you know what? It DOES deserve mocking, but as the kids say guys, you're doing it wrong. And you're doing it wrong, because you are completely out of your element. Because TRULY confronting the absurdity of the #UCCS tips, and all of the other "Rape Prevention" tips routinely given to women, means addressing the underlying problem of rape culture itself-something you are clearly not willing to do because it would require looking in the mirror, and actually admitting that rape culture exists in the first place.

The joys and reality of rape prevention in LG's world which deserves all the mocking it gets..

The article then goes on to give actual rape prevention tips which actually do work and would empower women even more. So, just for you LG. Real and true rape prevention tips. I hope you find them helpful:

1. Be realistic about your ability to not rape people. If you are prone to uncontrollable urges to rape, seek help, and avoid situations where you might have an opportunity to rape someone.

2. If your instinct is to rape, start to scream-"I AM ABOUT TO RAPE THIS PERSON, SOMEONE STOP ME!!!!!!!!" Keep screaming until someone intervenes, or at least your potential victim has a chance to get away from you.

3. Keep your shoes on at all times: Athletic trainers work best. If you feel like you are about to rape, they will enable you to run away as quickly as possible.

4. Don't take time to look back, just get away. Keep running until you find a safe place where there are no people that you can rape, and call a mental health professional.

5. If you are putting someones life in danger, stop fucking doing that

6. Assume that the person you want to rape has a disease or is menstruating. Better yet, assume that they have the worst flesh eating bacteria in the world inside of them. Assume they are filled with radioactive, toxic bio-hazardous materials. Convince yourself of this, and act accordingly.

7. If your date is defecating, urinating, or vomiting, this is a pretty good indication that they are not enjoying themselves. Stop raping them.

8. If your date is yelling, hitting or biting you*, this is a also a good indication that they are not enjoying themselves. Stop raping them

Note-This still applies if your date can do none of the above because you have immobilized her, bound her, if you have your hand clamped over her mouth or have taped it shut. Assume that if she could, she would be doing all of these things

9. Understand that some actions on your part, such as rape, may lead to more harm than not raping.

10. Remember, every emergency situation is different, but none of them require you to rape anyone.

Some more advice...

11. If your date is not responding to you in any way whatsoever, not only are they not enjoying themselves, this is a good sign they are heavily intoxicated or unconscious. Stop raping them, and call 911. They probably have alcohol poisoning.

12. Don’t put drugs in drinks that do not belong to you. Whether or not you bought them is irrelevant.

13. When you see a woman walking alone at night, cross over to the other side of the street and leave them alone.

14. If you pull over to help someone with car problems, please remember not to rape them!

15. NEVER come in through an unlocked door or window uninvited. Ring the doorbell, push the buzzer, call the phone, throw rocks at the window, serenade. No one likes to be "surprised" in such a manner.

16.If you are in an elevator and someone else gets in, do not rape them.

17. Remember, people go to the laundromat to do their laundry.Do not attempt to rape someone who is alone in a laundry room.

18. Remember that a marriage license is not the same thing as a property deed. You do not own your spouses body, and they are not required to have sex with you.

19. Treat your lady like you would treat your car- and don't rape her.

20. Remember, having a sexual partner is not like owning a pair of jeans-Once you have had "worn" them, that doesn't mean you get to put them on again, any time you feel like it.

21. Use the buddy system! If you are not able to stop yourself from assaulting people, ask a friend or two to stay with you while you are in public, and keep an eye on you.

22.Don't be a tease! Don’t pretend to be a caring friend in order to gain the trust of someone just to take advantage of them. Consider telling them you are only interested in sex, and plan to rape them. If you don’t communicate your intentions, the other person may take that it as a sign that you do not plan to rape them.

23. Consider the message your clothing is sending If you are dressed to appear as a nice normal person, you can't blame people for assuming you are one. Consider purchasing a shirt that says "I am a rapist", or getting it tattooed across your forehead.

24. Don’t forget: you can’t have sex with someone unless they are awake!

25. Carry a whistle! If you are worried you might rape the person you are hanging out with, keep a whistle hanging around your neck, so they can blow it if you do.

26. Carry Pepper Spray! Keep it in an easy to access place, like your front pocket. If you start to pull down your pants to rape someone, reach into your pocket first and grab the pepper spray, then spray yourself in the face until you can't see or breathe, let alone rape. (Note-Hornet spray, taser guns and, in extreme scenarios, firearms will also do the trick if used in a similar fashion)

27. Avoid situations that leave you vulnerable- Know what your triggers are. If you want to rape children, avoid playgrounds, coaching, teaching, and raising children. If you want to rape college girls, avoid university campuses, frat parties, and bars in college towns. If you want to rape the elderly, avoid nursing homes. Be aware of your environment at all times.

28. If you are unsure if your date is old enough to consent to sex, ask to see ID. Generally NON-acceptable forms of ID include:

• Elementary, Middle, or High School Identification cards
• Child Safety Identification cards
• Learners Permits
• Boys & Girls club membership cards
• Build-a-Bear workshop club membership cards
• The response "what is ID? I am eight years old."

29. If you are unsure if your date is actually consenting to sex, try asking them "is it OK for me to have sex with you?" If the response is any of the following, stop raping them immediately:

• "No"
• "I don't know"
• "I'd prefer not to"
• "Get the fuck off of me and stop raping me!"
• "ummmmmm wha?" (or any other form of alcohol slurred muttering)
• "What is sex? I am eight years old."
• Silence-due to your date being unconscious, non-verbal, or not old enough to talk
• Anything other than "YES" or a similar, clearly affirmative answer

And finally, the BEST, most fool-proof tip of all......

30. Don't rape.

Even if she said yes before
Even if you really want to
Even if he or she looks old enough
Even if she's wearing a miniskirt
Even if she's acting like a whore
Even if she's drunk
Even if she's alone
Even if she's your wife
Even if she's your girlfriend
Even if she is transgendered
Even if she is a lesbian

so lets have a look at this

what I said : Or more correctly :

Drinking increases the risk of a car accident. Will this risk combine with any others to result in a scenario I wish to avoid? Am I comfortable making this decision?


Drinking (just in case you think I am cherry picking again) can set you up to be a victim of sexual assault. Will this risk combine with any others to result in a scenario I wish to avoid. Am I comfortable making this decision?

Is the unc article I linked related to how drinking alcohol can set you up to be a victim of sexual assault or something else ?
Is the unc article you linked related to how drinking alcohol can set you up to be a victim of sexual assault or something else

Well, the UNC link provided no evidence for any of it's claims.

And the wiki link suggests such, but only vaguely; what it states more clearly is that perpetrators are more likely to use or abuse alcohol--do you even read your own goddamned links?

But sure: I would recommend that if you feel that you are at risk for raping someone, you might choose not to partake.

I personally do not drink alcohol, nor do I feel especially inclined towards raping people, so it's not especially an issue for me.
Just for LG and his rape apologist buddies..
Oh you mean like Louise Nicholas, the famous misogynistic rape survivor who has now engaged herself in the nefarious business of engineering excuses for the type of people she fought long and hard to send to jail?

As a woman who has been "in a rape situation" on more than one occasion myself, including when I owned a gun for self defense (which is pretty useless if the rapist is your live-in boyfriend) I could not agree more. Yes, women have a right to defend themselves. What Salazar said was stupid and condescending. This is above and beyond that. This is turning rape survivors into a punchline, and doing so in a way that frames the problem of rape as, once again, something that women (and victims in general) are responsible for both provoking and preventing.

The "tip sheet" has been removed from the UCCS website, but here is a screenshot (h/t to Global Grind):

more evidence that digression is only ever about the nature of prevention, and not prohibiting prevention because it exists as a dichotomy to victim advocacy.


And you know what? It DOES deserve mocking, but as the kids say guys, you're doing it wrong. And you're doing it wrong, because you are completely out of your element. Because TRULY confronting the absurdity of the #UCCS tips, and all of the other "Rape Prevention" tips routinely given to women, means addressing the underlying problem of rape culture itself-something you are clearly not willing to do because it would require looking in the mirror, and actually admitting that rape culture exists in the first place.
The joys and reality of rape prevention in LG's world which deserves all the mocking it gets..

The article then goes on to give actual rape prevention tips which actually do work and would empower women even more. So, just for you LG. Real and true rape prevention tips. I hope you find them helpful:

1. Be realistic about your ability to not rape people. If you are prone to uncontrollable urges to rape, seek help, and avoid situations where you might have an opportunity to rape someone.

2. If your instinct is to rape, start to scream-"I AM ABOUT TO RAPE THIS PERSON, SOMEONE STOP ME!!!!!!!!" Keep screaming until someone intervenes, or at least your potential victim has a chance to get away from you.

3. Keep your shoes on at all times: Athletic trainers work best. If you feel like you are about to rape, they will enable you to run away as quickly as possible.

4. Don't take time to look back, just get away. Keep running until you find a safe place where there are no people that you can rape, and call a mental health professional.

5. If you are putting someones life in danger, stop fucking doing that

6. Assume that the person you want to rape has a disease or is menstruating. Better yet, assume that they have the worst flesh eating bacteria in the world inside of them. Assume they are filled with radioactive, toxic bio-hazardous materials. Convince yourself of this, and act accordingly.

7. If your date is defecating, urinating, or vomiting, this is a pretty good indication that they are not enjoying themselves. Stop raping them.

8. If your date is yelling, hitting or biting you*, this is a also a good indication that they are not enjoying themselves. Stop raping them

Note-This still applies if your date can do none of the above because you have immobilized her, bound her, if you have your hand clamped over her mouth or have taped it shut. Assume that if she could, she would be doing all of these things

9. Understand that some actions on your part, such as rape, may lead to more harm than not raping.

10. Remember, every emergency situation is different, but none of them require you to rape anyone.

Some more advice...

11. If your date is not responding to you in any way whatsoever, not only are they not enjoying themselves, this is a good sign they are heavily intoxicated or unconscious. Stop raping them, and call 911. They probably have alcohol poisoning.

12. Don’t put drugs in drinks that do not belong to you. Whether or not you bought them is irrelevant.

13. When you see a woman walking alone at night, cross over to the other side of the street and leave them alone.

14. If you pull over to help someone with car problems, please remember not to rape them!

15. NEVER come in through an unlocked door or window uninvited. Ring the doorbell, push the buzzer, call the phone, throw rocks at the window, serenade. No one likes to be "surprised" in such a manner.

16.If you are in an elevator and someone else gets in, do not rape them.

17. Remember, people go to the laundromat to do their laundry.Do not attempt to rape someone who is alone in a laundry room.

18. Remember that a marriage license is not the same thing as a property deed. You do not own your spouses body, and they are not required to have sex with you.

19. Treat your lady like you would treat your car- and don't rape her.

20. Remember, having a sexual partner is not like owning a pair of jeans-Once you have had "worn" them, that doesn't mean you get to put them on again, any time you feel like it.

21. Use the buddy system! If you are not able to stop yourself from assaulting people, ask a friend or two to stay with you while you are in public, and keep an eye on you.

22.Don't be a tease! Don’t pretend to be a caring friend in order to gain the trust of someone just to take advantage of them. Consider telling them you are only interested in sex, and plan to rape them. If you don’t communicate your intentions, the other person may take that it as a sign that you do not plan to rape them.

23. Consider the message your clothing is sending If you are dressed to appear as a nice normal person, you can't blame people for assuming you are one. Consider purchasing a shirt that says "I am a rapist", or getting it tattooed across your forehead.

24. Don’t forget: you can’t have sex with someone unless they are awake!

25. Carry a whistle! If you are worried you might rape the person you are hanging out with, keep a whistle hanging around your neck, so they can blow it if you do.

26. Carry Pepper Spray! Keep it in an easy to access place, like your front pocket. If you start to pull down your pants to rape someone, reach into your pocket first and grab the pepper spray, then spray yourself in the face until you can't see or breathe, let alone rape. (Note-Hornet spray, taser guns and, in extreme scenarios, firearms will also do the trick if used in a similar fashion)

27. Avoid situations that leave you vulnerable- Know what your triggers are. If you want to rape children, avoid playgrounds, coaching, teaching, and raising children. If you want to rape college girls, avoid university campuses, frat parties, and bars in college towns. If you want to rape the elderly, avoid nursing homes. Be aware of your environment at all times.

28. If you are unsure if your date is old enough to consent to sex, ask to see ID. Generally NON-acceptable forms of ID include:

• Elementary, Middle, or High School Identification cards
• Child Safety Identification cards
• Learners Permits
• Boys & Girls club membership cards
• Build-a-Bear workshop club membership cards
• The response "what is ID? I am eight years old."

29. If you are unsure if your date is actually consenting to sex, try asking them "is it OK for me to have sex with you?" If the response is any of the following, stop raping them immediately:

• "No"
• "I don't know"
• "I'd prefer not to"
• "Get the fuck off of me and stop raping me!"
• "ummmmmm wha?" (or any other form of alcohol slurred muttering)
• "What is sex? I am eight years old."
• Silence-due to your date being unconscious, non-verbal, or not old enough to talk
• Anything other than "YES" or a similar, clearly affirmative answer

And finally, the BEST, most fool-proof tip of all......

30. Don't rape.

Even if she said yes before
Even if you really want to
Even if he or she looks old enough
Even if she's wearing a miniskirt
Even if she's acting like a whore
Even if she's drunk
Even if she's alone
Even if she's your wife
Even if she's your girlfriend
Even if she is transgendered
Even if she is a lesbian

(putting aside the problems your quoted reference has in framing a learning environment for its target audience for just a moment ....) Notice how none of this is diametrically opposed to the notion of potential victims also adopting some sort of preventative measure?

Well, the UNC link provided no evidence for any of it's claims.
so their claim that drinking crops up repeatedly in cases of being both rape perpetrator and victim struck you as a wild claim?

And the wiki link suggests such, but only vaguely; what it states more clearly is that perpetrators are more likely to use or abuse alcohol--do you even read your own goddamned links?
Seventy-four percent of perpetrators and 55% of victims of rape of a nationally representative sample of college students had been drinking alcohol

55%, over half, is a vague number for you?

(BTW, the UNC link made the same statement about perpetrators ... IOW they managed to discuss prevention strategies for both perpetrators and victims. I guess bells must place them on the level of having spidey senses or something :shrug: )

But sure: I would recommend that if you feel that you are at risk for raping someone, you might choose not to partake.

I personally do not drink alcohol, nor do I feel especially inclined towards raping people, so it's not especially an issue for me.
Yet you find this general guideline untenable:

Drinking can set you up to be a victim of sexual assault. Will this risk combine with any others to result in a scenario I wish to avoid. Am I comfortable making this decision?

Oh you mean like Louise Nicholas, the famous misogynistic rape survivor who has now engaged herself in the nefarious business of engineering excuses for the type of people she fought long and hard to send to jail?
Self defense being sold as 'rape prevention'.. It's quite popular now.

Any self defense class for women (I would assume you have never attended one, otherwise you would not be making such a fool of yourself) always tell women the one thing that is paramount is not to prevent a rape, but to survive whatever the cost. If survival means being raped, then you be raped.

Your use of Ms Nicholas, and I say 'use' because you are using her and her story and warping it into whatever it is you believe, is obscene. The seminars she holds are aimed at rape survivors. The difference between her and you is that you seem to be arguing from the standpoint that women's actions lead to rape (your obsession with the train station in the red light district earlier on, and your comments made since then), whereas Ms Nicholas holds nothing of the sort.

more evidence that digression is only ever about the nature of prevention, and not prohibiting prevention because it exists as a dichotomy to victim advocacy.

(putting aside the problems your quoted reference has in framing a learning environment for its target audience for just a moment ....) Notice how none of this is diametrically opposed to the notion of potential victims also adopting some sort of preventative measure?

And notice how you just don't get it?

Ask Ms Nicholas who should really be preventing rape.. Rapists or their victims and then get back to me.

I have noticed that in virtually all of your posts, you use this emoticon, sometimes repeatedly.

Over the years, after doing thousands of interviews, one of the things that I observed, which unfortunately had not been written about in the literature, was how the shoulders betrayed those who lacked confidence or who were outright lying. I found that when people are unsure of what they are saying or they lack confidence, their shoulders tend to reflect that uncertainty. As they answer a question, they will say something such as, “I am positive he wasn’t here yesterday,” and as they do so, you see the shoulders or perhaps just one shoulder rise up slightly or slowly. This muted or slow inching up of the shoulders says, subconsciously, I lack confidence in what I am saying.

Common Thread: Rape Isn't About Sex, and Prevention Theory Isn't About Rape

Bells said:

Self defense being sold as 'rape prevention'.. It's quite popular now.

Even setting aside his morbid fixation on presenting advertising as an argument, I think perhaps he might have finally said something useful:

"Drinking can set you up to be a victim of sexual assault. Will this risk combine with any others to result in a scenario I wish to avoid. Am I comfortable making this decision?"

Indeed, he feels so confident about the point that he has repeated it. And while some might have commented on his inability to comprehend the difference between perpetrator and victim, something far more basic stands out when he skips that insane juxtaposition.

Look at his examples: A female commuter. A woman going out for a drink.

As much as I might complain that the prevention advocates don't seem to understand the burden they're trying to put on women, we ought to consider that maybe that is the point.

Well, okay, some are already aware of the corrosive effects of societal outlooks; it's how we get to the point that a University of North Carolina administrator counseling a rape survivor and a confessed rapist from Florida can give the same advice:

“She told me rape is like football, and if you look back on the game what would you have done differently in that situation?” said Annie Clark, describing a school administrator’s response to her sexual assault. Clark said she “absolutely” felt like she was being blamed for the crime against her.

(qtd. in Steven D)

• • •​

A Central Florida woman was walking home from work late Wednesday when, according to deputies, she was approached by Cabane, who told her she shouldn't be walking alone on Silver Star Road.

The woman and Cabane made small talk as they walked. Then, Orange County sheriff's detectives say, he pulled the woman off the road, held a box-cutter to her neck, and raped her.

Afterward, the woman told detectives, Cabane apologized and told her "she should learn from this situation."


Maintaining and reinforcing those societal outlooks, though, accomplishes a second purpose; our prevention advocate neighbors need not be justifying rape per se, but the bottom line in the disparity between the precautions I might take against crime and those recommended for women who want to prevent someone from deciding to try to rape them is that prevention theory would have a woman restrict herself from full participation in society.

And that may well be what it's about. Look at the examples. The commuting woman? The drinking woman? And we've also heard, from others, about the provocative t-shirt, or the bikini top. And, hey, if only that stupid Florida woman hadn't talked to a man she didn't know, Utchey Cabane wouldn't be under arrest.

If we put women back in the home, subservient to their husbands, they won't get raped while commuting to and from work, or when out at the bar, or at the beach in a bikini, or talking to some guy who says hello to them.

It may well be that it's not that they are unable to see the burden of unbounded prevention theory, but simply cannot admit what this is really about.

And the women who get husbands? Well, spousal rape is now a crime of some sort in the fifty states, and that probably isn't changing. Thus, we see the whole spidey-sense thing. Because, you know, if a woman senses it's coming, and doesn't flee the home, then it's not really rape because she let it happen.

All of which would only reiterate in a strange way that rape is not really about sex, but about power and control.

But, you know, rape happens. So why wouldn't they exploit the problem in order to shape society how they want?

Perhaps it is not that they don't see the problem, but, rather, prefer such an outcome.

But then we run into that weird question about all sorts of bigotry. If the bigots are right, why aren't they proud of their bigotry? Why don't they just stand up and say, "Bitch, get yo' ass back in the kitchen and make me some pie!"

Maybe Richard Mourdock wasn't so far off, as such thinking goes, when he said a rape-induced pregnancy was a gift from God. It is certainly a gift for the male supremacists who cling to the glory of that age-old hatred demanding that women are nothing more than breeders and house servants.


D, Steven. "Rape is like football, little missy". Daily Kos. March 26, 2013. DailyKos.com. April 12, 2013. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/03/26/1197031/--Rape-is-like-football-little-missy

Pavuk, Amy. "Alleged rapist to victim: you 'should learn from this situation'". The Orlando Sentinel. April 12, 2013. OrlandoSentinel.com. April 12, 2013. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news...rlando-utchey-cabane-20130412,0,7490615.story
Self defense being sold as 'rape prevention'.. It's quite popular now.

Any self defense class for women (I would assume (-snip)

Of course you would assume. You obviously didn't read the part where I talked about my personal experience on the matter.
Given that you have a preference for giving your opinion on others rather than listening to or reading what others say, I guess its understandable why you make such comments.

the one thing that is paramount is not to prevent a rape, but to survive whatever the cost.
..... you don't say.
I'm not sure what makes you think there is a predominance of preventative strategies out there that advocate one must prevent an incident even at the cost of surviving. ("yes ma'am, the surgery was a success but unfortunately the patient died")

Your use of Ms Nicholas, and I say 'use' because you are using her and her story and warping it into whatever it is you believe, is obscene. The seminars she holds are aimed at rape survivors.
More evidence of your adroit comprehension skills ....

Louise believes all woman should arm themselves with the skills she learnt to avoid her same fate. It's this message Louise will push at the upcoming women-only seminar.

'Speaking as somebody who has been a victim, to learn these strategies to not to be a victim again – it's vital for every single woman to equip themselves with these skills,' the former New Zealander of the Year explains.

Rape survivors only?
It appears she is casting a broader net ...

If you weren't stuck with this ridiculous dichotomy of yours that has the appeal of a turd in a thermos, I imagine you wouldn't have any need to warp things to avoid terming her as an advocate of rape prevention. My reason for thinking this is because she is an advocate for a charity organization called "Rape prevention education"


The difference between her and you is that you seem to be arguing from the standpoint that women's actions lead to rape (your obsession with the train station in the red light district earlier on, and your comments made since then)
actually its your obsession with the train station.
I do recall citing how one can anticipate risky scenarios based on looking at statistical data surrounding rape incidents.
In particular, I mentioned one particular planning of a scenario that featured, amongst many things, the role of alcohol, since this is a recurring theme in rape occurrences.

You however missed this entirely and instead focused on "train stations" and "red light districts".

And, probably more importantly as far as your excessive slobbering on this thread is concerned, this general principle of analyzing data surrounding rape (both in terms of victims and culprits) and developing preventative strategies was not only rejected by you, but labelled by yourself as the business of rape apologists.

I am simply bringing Ms Louise in as an example to show exactly who you are also trying to pull under in this insane quest of yours to defy logic, reason and common sense in the real world.

, whereas Ms Nicholas holds nothing of the sort.
So you feel that one can discuss such cognitive intense strategies as

How to identify the common manipulation strategies males (with often sinister intent) used against females (this is very important information!)

The psychology of an attacker and how they choose their targets. Knowing this lets you become a 'hard target'

in a manner divorced from behaviour such as drinking alcohol?

IOW do you think being intoxicated would impede one's capacity to implement risk management?
Or do you think that it has no bearing whatsoever on any issues of risk assessment?

Before you give an answer (assuming your disposition permits you to read links), you might want to think about it.

And notice how you just don't get it?

Ask Ms Nicholas who should really be preventing rape.. Rapists or their victims and then get back to me.
No its actually YOU who doesn't get it.

I made it painfully clear at the start that victim prevention and victim advocacy work in tandem.

It is you who suggested that not only they don't, but that they are diametrically opposed.
It is you who suggests advocates of rape prevention are making excuses for rapists.
You used this insane dichotomy of your personal creation to label me as making excuses for rapists

So, if you don't mind, when you run this nonsense by Ms Louise Nicholas .....

Are you still lurking in train stations in red light districts looking for drunken women?

Are you still comparing women to cars and car security?

Are you still lying about rape prevention?

Are you still unable to answer the very basic question of how do women "prevent" being raped by their intimate partners or family members?

Are you still making excuses for rapists

..... you can get back to us (which will probably be some time after you get discharged from hospital if you decide to run it by her in person).

IOW the tragedy of your condition is that you are such a stubborn ignoramus that you don't realize how offensive your attitude is to parties that can actually help manage a problem you also have an interest in dealing with.


I have noticed that in virtually all of your posts, you use this emoticon, sometimes repeatedly.
It tends to sum up the puzzlement of dealing with people saying ridiculous things.

Over the years, after doing thousands of interviews, one of the things that I observed, which unfortunately had not been written about in the literature, was how the shoulders betrayed those who lacked confidence or who were outright lying. I found that when people are unsure of what they are saying or they lack confidence, their shoulders tend to reflect that uncertainty. As they answer a question, they will say something such as, “I am positive he wasn’t here yesterday,” and as they do so, you see the shoulders or perhaps just one shoulder rise up slightly or slowly. This muted or slow inching up of the shoulders says, subconsciously, I lack confidence in what I am saying.

will the irony never end?

(actually I had a chuckle when I read this .... given that you have such immense difficulty coming to grips with "identifying a rapist" yet feel quite comfortable analyzing a person's intentions via emoticons - lol)​
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Another victory of quantity over quality part VIII

Even setting aside his morbid fixation on presenting advertising as an argument, I think perhaps he might have finally said something useful:

"Drinking can set you up to be a victim of sexual assault. Will this risk combine with any others to result in a scenario I wish to avoid. Am I comfortable making this decision?"

Indeed, he feels so confident about the point that he has repeated it. And while some might have commented on his inability to comprehend the difference between perpetrator and victim, something far more basic stands out when he skips that insane juxtaposition.

Look at his examples: A female commuter. A woman going out for a drink.
You are just simply pumping out more grist for the sciforums mill.
You say "look at his examples", but its obvious you haven't.

When you get around to doing that, feel free to try again.

Perhaps this tactic will win merit amongst other individuals who also esteem giving their opinions on others rather than first paying attention to what they are actually saying.
Of course you would assume. You obviously didn't read the part where I talked about my personal experience on the matter.
Given that you have a preference for giving your opinion on others rather than listening to or reading what others say, I guess its understandable why you make such comments.
You have been raped before?

Sexually assaulted by someone you know and trust?

..... you don't say.
I'm not sure what makes you think there is a predominance of preventative strategies out there that advocate one must prevent an incident even at the cost of surviving. ("yes ma'am, the surgery was a success but unfortunately the patient died")
I have to wonder, is your stupidity learned or were you born with it?

Even your own rape prevention links state that survival when being attacked is the most important thing and sometimes, if remaining passive means you live, you remain passive.

You see LG, the thing with such classes (and I have attended many and spoken at even more) is that you don't tell women it is up to them to prevent themselves from being raped. You tell them that they must do their best to survive and if being raped means they get to live, then they should remain passive. Those classes are also usually aimed at rape and sexual assault survivors and it is a way of letting them know that they survived and that they have nothing to be ashamed of... Your version of rape prevention places that onus on the woman, which is an insane amount of pressure on her and if she is raped, she will feel guilt for not having stopped it.

Your version of rape prevention stems from the whole ideology that if a woman doesn't fight back, she is somehow wanting it. That if she remains passive or freezes during her assault, then she obviously didn't do enough.

Do you even get that is why everyone bar Wynn and Billvon have been calling you out in this thread? It's not everyone else LG. It is you.

More evidence of your adroit comprehension skills ....

Louise believes all woman should arm themselves with the skills she learnt to avoid her same fate. It's this message Louise will push at the upcoming women-only seminar.
Do you even know what her fate was?

She was raped by two police officers and her journey was to see them charged for their crimes.

Her fate could not have been avoided. She was raped by person's in society she trusted. It was also stranger rape.

Earlier on, I linked you studies about how women are usually not going to fight back against their rapist if their rapist is someone they know or are intimate with. Ms Nicholas' seminars deals mostly with stranger rapes. Acquaintance rape is vastly different and women will often not fight back because they know the person and because they may be confused about what is happening to them and a variety of reasons. So your obsession with rape prevention does not take the horror of acquaintance rape into account.

Rape survivors only?
It appears she is casting a broader net ...

If you weren't stuck with this ridiculous dichotomy of yours that has the appeal of a turd in a thermos, I imagine you wouldn't have any need to warp things to avoid terming her as an advocate of rape prevention. My reason for thinking this is because she is an advocate for a charity organization called "Rape prevention education"
She helps provide counseling sessions and help for rape victims, you twat.

And you did notice that the site also has a section aimed at potential rapists and help lines to help them stop offending? Yes? No?

actually its your obsession with the train station.
I do recall citing how one can anticipate risky scenarios based on looking at statistical data surrounding rape incidents.
In particular, I mentioned one particular planning of a scenario that featured, amongst many things, the role of alcohol, since this is a recurring theme in rape occurrences.

You however missed this entirely and instead focused on "train stations" and "red light districts".

And, probably more importantly as far as your excessive slobbering on this thread is concerned, this general principle of analyzing data surrounding rape (both in terms of victims and culprits) and developing preventative strategies was not only rejected by you, but labelled by yourself as the business of rape apologists.

I am simply bringing Ms Louise in as an example to show exactly who you are also trying to pull under in this insane quest of yours to defy logic, reason and common sense in the real world.
My god you are such a liar.

You harped on and on about the train station earlier on in the thread, until you latched onto Ms Nicholas' rape and her sessions she has aimed at rape survivors. You then went on to designate certain "risky scenarios" which you deem could place a woman at risk of being raped. I and others pointed out that the onus should be on men to not rape, something you found ridiculous.

You openly disregarded that the greater majority of rapes are acquaintance rape, then went on to discuss how women should somehow protect themselves by citing examples of how one protects one's car from theft and then acted like a dick when it was pointed out to you that such comparison's were offensive.

So don't lie.

So you feel that one can discuss such cognitive intense strategies as

How to identify the common manipulation strategies males (with often sinister intent) used against females (this is very important information!)
My my..

Again, this does not apply for the greater majority of rapes...

The psychology of an attacker and how they choose their targets. Knowing this lets you become a 'hard target'

in a manner divorced from behaviour such as drinking alcohol?

IOW do you think being intoxicated would impede one's capacity to implement risk management?
Or do you think that it has no bearing whatsoever on any issues of risk assessment?

Before you give an answer (assuming your disposition permits you to read links), you might want to think about it.
In other words, if she is drinking, then she is somehow to blame..

No its actually YOU who doesn't get it.

I made it painfully clear at the start that victim prevention and victim advocacy work in tandem.

It is you who suggested that not only they don't, but that they are diametrically opposed.
It is you who suggests advocates of rape prevention are making excuses for rapists.
You used this insane dichotomy of your personal creation to label me as making excuses for rapists

So, if you don't mind, when you run this nonsense by Ms Louise Nicholas .....

Are you still lurking in train stations in red light districts looking for drunken women?

Are you still comparing women to cars and car security?

Are you still lying about rape prevention?

Are you still unable to answer the very basic question of how do women "prevent" being raped by their intimate partners or family members?

Are you still making excuses for rapists?

..... you can get back to us (which will probably be some time after you get discharged from hospital if you decide to run it by her in person).

IOW the tragedy of your condition is that you are such a stubborn ignoramus that you don't realize how offensive your attitude is to parties that can actually help manage a problem you also have an interest in dealing with.
You should move to Scotland.

The police there find your reasoning to be as ridiculous as everyone else here finds it and their rape prevention programs are aimed at men..

You see LG, I am a survivor of a sexual assault. I have also spent a lot of time with women and children who have been raped, molested, abused, assaulted. So I find your sexist and abusive attitude to be inherently harmful. Then again, you seem to believe it is up to the woman to not be raped and your views on women and their rights are well known on this site, so I should not be surprised by this continued misogyny .

It tends to sum up the puzzlement of dealing with people saying ridiculous things.
It tends to further show just how dishonest you are.

will the irony never end?

(actually I had a chuckle when I read this .... given that you have such immense difficulty coming to grips with "identifying a rapist" yet feel quite comfortable analyzing a person's intentions via emoticons - lol)
Why do you lie so much?

How many times were you asked by many people in this thread how can a woman identify a rapist, I even posted you photos of 6 men and asked you to identify the rapist, and each time, you have refused to do it. Your rape prevention spiel is aimed at putting women in their place, not going out, not drinking, not having sex... You expect women to behave and act in such a way so that they are not raped and if they are raped, then you expect them to behave in a certain way as well. You expect women to be able to identify their rapists and take preventative measures to stop themselves from being raped. You belittle and abuse rape and sexual assault survivors because they don't act in a certain way. In short, you believe that women are the ones who must stop men from raping, because you believe that to expect and educate men to not rape is ridiculous. You compare women to cars and use the pathetic and misogynistic line that if one uses a lock on one's car to stop it from being stolen, then somehow women should follow "OH&S principles" to not be raped.

You are disgustingly sexist LG and you are a pathetic human being.

Someone said to me that you are clearly ignorant. I don't think ignorance is your problem. I think you are a sexist twat because of how you view women and their rights in society.
You have been raped before?

Sexually assaulted by someone you know and trust?
But then that is hardly a prerequisite for "Any self defense class for women" ... much less being familiar with how they design learning outcomes., is it?

I have to wonder, is your stupidity learned or were you born with it?

Even your own rape prevention links state that survival when being attacked is the most important thing and sometimes, if remaining passive means you live, you remain passive.
Not only that, but even my own statement that you are attempting to respond to at the moment :

"I'm not sure what makes you think there is a predominance of preventative strategies out there that advocate one must prevent an incident even at the cost of surviving. ("yes ma'am, the surgery was a success but unfortunately the patient died")"

Did you have a point to make aside from the obvious one about your inability to read stuff before you give an opinion?

You see LG, the thing with such classes (and I have attended many and spoken at even more) is that you don't tell women it is up to them to prevent themselves from being raped. You tell them that they must do their best to survive and if being raped means they get to live, then they should remain passive. Those classes are also usually aimed at rape and sexual assault survivors and it is a way of letting them know that they survived and that they have nothing to be ashamed of... Your version of rape prevention places that onus on the woman, which is an insane amount of pressure on her and if she is raped, she will feel guilt for not having stopped it.
and of course the problem with your approach is that you give zero skills to deal with it if it happens in the future. This isn't to say of course that advocacy methodologies are ineffective or less in value or whatever.
Rather, this is to say why people gravitate for a more empowering pro-active approach - namely victim advocacy and prevention strategy (eg - Louise Nicholas and the rape prevention education she is part of) since this offers a more complete approach to the problem

You see Bells, unlike you, most people can manage to benefit from this approach since they don't have an insane dichotomy running between their ears that exists purely for the sake of saving face on an online discussion forum.

Your version of rape prevention stems from the whole ideology that if a woman doesn't fight back, she is somehow wanting it. That if she remains passive or freezes during her assault, then she obviously didn't do enough.
More evidence that you haven't attended any of these so-called numerous classes.
Can you find themes of this in Louise Nicholas's & co's presentation?

Do you even get that is why everyone bar Wynn and Billvon have been calling you out in this thread? It's not everyone else LG. It is you.
Hmm. A tough question. When it comes to the question of how to protect women from rape, and the societal effects of that protection, who should one heed?

A woman who has been raped, helps teach a class on how to protect oneself from rape, speaks regularly on women's rights, pushes for changes in laws for women's protection and advocates for rape survivors in court?

Or (3) angry poster(s) on the Internet?

Tough one.

Do you even know what her fate was?
Do you understand how you just made a statement about who she was exclusively focused on teaching and that you are plainly wrong?
Do you understand that we are not actually talking about Louise Nicholas's history but rather who she is focusing on as a target audience?
Do you realize that the you are the one who is trying to manipulate who she is and what she does just so you can pretend that she has nothing to do with rape prevention?
Do you realize that this is technically not possible for you because she has worked for an organization called "rape prevention education" which, amongst other things, actually educates people how to prevent being raped?
Do you realize how utterly offensive your attitude of "persons advocating rape prevention are actually making excuses for rapists" is to such people?
Do you realize how insignificant your own experience and efforts to deal with the problem of rape are when compared to the collective time, energy, resources and knowledge base of individuals facilitating that organization?

For ****'* sake Bells, get off your high horse!!

She helps provide counseling sessions and help for rape victims, you twat.
She probably also watches TV, enjoys swimming and eating cake too.
All this however doesn't detract from her teaching and advocating rape prevention.

And you did notice that the site also has a section aimed at potential rapists and help lines to help them stop offending? Yes? No?
Sure I noticed. In fact if you bothered to read stuff before you gave an opinion, you would see its not the first link I've offerred that does this.
And of course one of the main reasons for this is that its quite common to see individuals/organizations that facilitate a broad scope of advocacy/prevention measures .... which, according to you, is a notion that doesn't occur in the real world.

My god you are such a liar.

You harped on and on about the train station earlier on in the thread, until you latched onto Ms Nicholas' rape and her sessions she has aimed at rape survivors. You then went on to designate certain "risky scenarios" which you deem could place a woman at risk of being raped. I and others pointed out that the onus should be on men to not rape, something you found ridiculous.
Quote me.

All you will have to go on is your own imaginative babble stemming from not reading stuff in the first place.

You openly disregarded that the greater majority of rapes are acquaintance rape, then went on to discuss how women should somehow protect themselves by citing examples of how one protects one's car from theft and then acted like a dick when it was pointed out to you that such comparison's were offensive.

So don't lie.
Find a quote where I disregard that a greater majority of rapes are acquaintance rape.
Find a quote where I draw a qualitative comparison between rape and auto-theft to suggest that the the loss and immorality of the acts are on par with each other.

Once again, slobber chops, quote me. I dare you.
You see, there is a big difference between holding people accountable to what they say and holding people accountable to what one imagines they say.

A normal person, if they made such a mistake, would offer an apology.

My my..

Again, this does not apply for the greater majority of rapes...

Did she say it did?
Did I say it did?
Did anyone who has posted anything on this thread so far say it?

Did you imagine that someone said it did?

In other words, if she is drinking, then she is somehow to blame..
you got that from reading the link?

You should move to Scotland.

The police there find your reasoning to be as ridiculous as everyone else here finds it and their rape prevention programs are aimed at men..
And a link about a successful program for victim advocacy is supposed to tell us what?
That your ideas about them being diametrically opposed to rapist excusing prevention strategies are now suddenly credible?

You see LG, I am a survivor of a sexual assault. I have also spent a lot of time with women and children who have been raped, molested, abused, assaulted. So I find your sexist and abusive attitude to be inherently harmful. Then again, you seem to believe it is up to the woman to not be raped and your views on women and their rights are well known on this site, so I should not be surprised by this continued misogyny .

I never doubted that you were a survivor of sexual assault.
I am simply doubting that your ideas are very comprehensive ... mostly on the authority of other survivors of sexual assault and individuals who adopt their ideas of working simultaneously with advocacy and prevention

It tends to further show just how dishonest you are.
will the irony never end?

Why do you lie so much?
Its not a lie.
I really did chuckle and find it funny.
I mean it wasn't like serious rolling on the floor laughing - it was more like the quick guffawing noises you make from a smiling mouth when something suddenly strikes you as amusing.

How many times were you asked by many people in this thread how can a woman identify a rapist,

how many times have I answered, even providing links that not only tell it, they teach it?

I even posted you photos of 6 men and asked you to identify the rapist, and each time, you have refused to do it.
If you even read what I said you wouldn't embarrass yourself by bringing that up again ... especially when you try and pretend that you have been to "many of these seminars"

Your rape prevention spiel is aimed at putting women in their place, not going out, not drinking, not having sex... You expect women to behave and act in such a way so that they are not raped and if they are raped, then you expect them to behave in a certain way as well. You expect women to be able to identify their rapists and take preventative measures to stop themselves from being raped. You belittle and abuse rape and sexual assault survivors because they don't act in a certain way. In short, you believe that women are the ones who must stop men from raping, because you believe that to expect and educate men to not rape is ridiculous. You compare women to cars and use the pathetic and misogynistic line that if one uses a lock on one's car to stop it from being stolen, then somehow women should follow "OH&S principles" to not be raped.

You are disgustingly sexist LG and you are a pathetic human being

Someone said to me that you are clearly ignorant. I don't think ignorance is your problem. I think you are a sexist twat because of how you view women and their rights in society.
Your main problem is that you cannot understand that you are not the most important player in dealing with the problem of rape.

In fact we could even possibly say that you are not even an effective player since you insist on playing prevention as nothing but a means for making excuse for rapists .. an attitude which any actual professional in the field would find immature at best or disgusting at worst. IOW your opinions fly in the face of persons more qualified, more experienced, more skilled and more capable than yourself.
The notion of advocacy and prevention working in tandem is so widespread and effective, that even you inadvertently gave a link to it in an attempt to present a view of how it "really" is.

And to top it all off, I seriously don't think you really believe this horseshit idea of yours.

Granted, you have certain issues with some or maybe even many ideas of rape prevention, some of which may even be legitimate. I don't however think you are totally against prevention as a concept. The reason I think this is because you have stepped off the gas a bit when it became apparent that your ideas are also tarring people like Louise Nicholas, and it was starting to make you sound like a dickhead.


I think the real issue at stake here is that you are just too stubborn and puffed up to admit that your stance was too extreme and poorly thought out and a consequence of your spur of the moment hot-headedness.

No doubt your egotism won't allow you to comprehend this statement and you will think I am simply trying to say "Look at me Bells!! I do more to help rape victims than you!!!" ... followed of course by more ploys and sleight of hand manouvers aimed at trying to make Louise Nicholas appear as something other than an advocate of rape prevention (including of course the standard spicing of insult and ranting based on either imagination and/or things no one actually said) .

I can hardly wait ...

/grabs popcorn

(BTW there would be more shrugging emoticons in this post but 6 is the maximum)
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Your rape prevention spiel is aimed at putting women in their place, not going out, not drinking, not having sex... You expect women to behave and act in such a way so that they are not raped and if they are raped, then you expect them to behave in a certain way as well.

Male predators, in general, tend to use cause and effect in the hunt. Women need to defend against cause and effect.

For example, if you run away from a predator animal, like an angry dog, he will chase you because he assumes your action of running away and showing your back means prey. You can't just say, that is sexist, and then assume you can run away and avoid the cause.

Rapists are not p&ssy whipped (PW) males conditioned to conform to PC standards. They play by the predator rules of cause and effect. They will look for a women who is alone, vulnerable or even disabled by alcohol, just like a wolf and a herd of sheep. A predictor does not go after the strongest or the group, but after the weakest prey. It is not about the rapist learning the PC of how women want rapist to behave, so they can act like prey and avoid cause and effect.

If I was in the jungle with lions and needed to survive, I would not expect the lion to conform by my rules. The bottom line is, he is the alpha and I will be seen as the prey. The alpha sets the rules of engagement, so I will need to learn about the ways of the alpha lion to make sure I am not creating any of his prey triggers. You can't force PC or PW onto the lion. You need to assume an alpha and take precautions, or have an equalizer on hand which makes you the alpha. If I had a large gun, I might end this quicker by using a prey trigger to lure him into a bad beta position. But you need to know all their tricks less you get out flanked.
Even setting aside his morbid fixation on presenting advertising as an argument, I think perhaps he might have finally said something useful:

"Drinking can set you up to be a victim of sexual assault. Will this risk combine with any others to result in a scenario I wish to avoid. Am I comfortable making this decision?"

Indeed, he feels so confident about the point that he has repeated it. And while some might have commented on his inability to comprehend the difference between perpetrator and victim, something far more basic stands out when he skips that insane juxtaposition.

Look at his examples: A female commuter. A woman going out for a drink.

As much as I might complain that the prevention advocates don't seem to understand the burden they're trying to put on women, we ought to consider that maybe that is the point.

Well, okay, some are already aware of the corrosive effects of societal outlooks; it's how we get to the point that a University of North Carolina administrator counseling a rape survivor and a confessed rapist from Florida can give the same advice:

“She told me rape is like football, and if you look back on the game what would you have done differently in that situation?” said Annie Clark, describing a school administrator’s response to her sexual assault. Clark said she “absolutely” felt like she was being blamed for the crime against her.

(qtd. in Steven D)

• • •​

A Central Florida woman was walking home from work late Wednesday when, according to deputies, she was approached by Cabane, who told her she shouldn't be walking alone on Silver Star Road.

The woman and Cabane made small talk as they walked. Then, Orange County sheriff's detectives say, he pulled the woman off the road, held a box-cutter to her neck, and raped her.

Afterward, the woman told detectives, Cabane apologized and told her "she should learn from this situation."


Maintaining and reinforcing those societal outlooks, though, accomplishes a second purpose; our prevention advocate neighbors need not be justifying rape per se, but the bottom line in the disparity between the precautions I might take against crime and those recommended for women who want to prevent someone from deciding to try to rape them is that prevention theory would have a woman restrict herself from full participation in society.

And that may well be what it's about. Look at the examples. The commuting woman? The drinking woman? And we've also heard, from others, about the provocative t-shirt, or the bikini top. And, hey, if only that stupid Florida woman hadn't talked to a man she didn't know, Utchey Cabane wouldn't be under arrest.

If we put women back in the home, subservient to their husbands, they won't get raped while commuting to and from work, or when out at the bar, or at the beach in a bikini, or talking to some guy who says hello to them.

It may well be that it's not that they are unable to see the burden of unbounded prevention theory, but simply cannot admit what this is really about.

And the women who get husbands? Well, spousal rape is now a crime of some sort in the fifty states, and that probably isn't changing. Thus, we see the whole spidey-sense thing. Because, you know, if a woman senses it's coming, and doesn't flee the home, then it's not really rape because she let it happen.

All of which would only reiterate in a strange way that rape is not really about sex, but about power and control.

But, you know, rape happens. So why wouldn't they exploit the problem in order to shape society how they want?

Perhaps it is not that they don't see the problem, but, rather, prefer such an outcome.

But then we run into that weird question about all sorts of bigotry. If the bigots are right, why aren't they proud of their bigotry? Why don't they just stand up and say, "Bitch, get yo' ass back in the kitchen and make me some pie!"

Maybe Richard Mourdock wasn't so far off, as such thinking goes, when he said a rape-induced pregnancy was a gift from God. It is certainly a gift for the male supremacists who cling to the glory of that age-old hatred demanding that women are nothing more than breeders and house servants.


D, Steven. "Rape is like football, little missy". Daily Kos. March 26, 2013. DailyKos.com. April 12, 2013. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/03/26/1197031/--Rape-is-like-football-little-missy

Pavuk, Amy. "Alleged rapist to victim: you 'should learn from this situation'". The Orlando Sentinel. April 12, 2013. OrlandoSentinel.com. April 12, 2013. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news...rlando-utchey-cabane-20130412,0,7490615.story

There is an elephant in the room, there is an elephant in the room,
and let's pretend it isn't here ...

Lightgigantic said:

You are just simply pumping out more grist for the sciforums mill.
You say "look at his examples", but its obvious you haven't.

It's actually pretty straightforward:

It is a Freudian theorem that each individual neurosis is not static but dynamic. It is a historical process with its own internal logic. Because of the basically unsatisfactory nature of the neurotic compromise, tension between the repressed and repressing factors persists and produces a constant series of new symptom-formations. And the series of symptom-formations is not a shapeless series of mere changes; it exhibits a regressive pattern, which Freud calls the slow return of the repressed, “It is a law of neurotic diseases that these obsessive acts serve the impulse more and more and come nearer and nearer the original and forbidden act.” The doctrine of the universal neurosis of mankind, if we take it seriously, therefore compels us to entertain the hypothesis that the pattern of history exhibits a dialectic not hitherto recognized by historians, the dialectic of neurosis.

(Norman O. Brown)

If you keep up a behavioral pattern long enough, people will assess it as if it is genuine. I would further suggest, for instance, that five and a half years is enough time for you to show some deviation from that behavioral pattern. And, yet, what I told you then still applies now:

Look, it's not that second-rate religious morons like Dobson are the only ones who confused by gender roles, but the pretense that the misogyny of the past will solve our modern ills is just jealous spite.​

Like I said, it's actually pretty straightforward.


Brown, Norman O. Life Against Death: The Psychoanalytic Meaning of History. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, 1959.
It's actually pretty straightforward:

It is a Freudian theorem that each individual neurosis is not static but dynamic. It is a historical process with its own internal logic. Because of the basically unsatisfactory nature of the neurotic compromise, tension between the repressed and repressing factors persists and produces a constant series of new symptom-formations. And the series of symptom-formations is not a shapeless series of mere changes; it exhibits a regressive pattern, which Freud calls the slow return of the repressed, “It is a law of neurotic diseases that these obsessive acts serve the impulse more and more and come nearer and nearer the original and forbidden act.” The doctrine of the universal neurosis of mankind, if we take it seriously, therefore compels us to entertain the hypothesis that the pattern of history exhibits a dialectic not hitherto recognized by historians, the dialectic of neurosis.

(Norman O. Brown)

If you keep up a behavioral pattern long enough, people will assess it as if it is genuine.

You do realize that the same goes for you, do you?

A little more, and you'll tell us what you really think about rapists and rape victims ... :eek:
I suppose it might be confusing to a rape advocate

Wynn said:

You do realize that the same goes for you, do you?

Indeed. But have you a point, or are you just trolling to divert the discussion?

A little more, and you'll tell us what you really think about rapists and rape victims ... :eek:

It's not that hard to figure out, though I suppose it might be confusing to a rape advocate.
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