Rape and the "Civilized" World

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so their claim that drinking crops up repeatedly in cases of being both rape perpetrator and victim struck you as a wild claim?

Seventy-four percent of perpetrators and 55% of victims of rape of a nationally representative sample of college students had been drinking alcohol

55%, over half, is a vague number for you?

(BTW, the UNC link made the same statement about perpetrators ... IOW they managed to discuss prevention strategies for both perpetrators and victims. I guess bells must place them on the level of having spidey senses or something :shrug: )

Yet you find this general guideline untenable:

Drinking can set you up to be a victim of sexual assault. Will this risk combine with any others to result in a scenario I wish to avoid. Am I comfortable making this decision?


The wiki article pertained specifically to college life (though whoever penned it seemed kinda confused about that). It kinda goes without saying that most bad things that happen on or around campuses have something to do with alcohol, no?

That's another problem entirely, and I wouldn't say a uniquely American one, but American culture has created a whole lotta unique problems involving intoxicants, in general. I'm not even sure where one would begin to attempt to rectify any of these problems, but I do know that telling people not to drink (or whatever) doesn't work--and trying to keep them from drinking (or whatever) doesn't work either. In fact, doing either tends to create new problems that didn't exist prior, and further exacerbates any problems which might already exist. How this evades a lot of people is utterly beyond me.

I mean, I personally hate alcohol. I can't stand the smell of it, I can't stand the taste of it. The smallest quantity can trigger a migraine or some serious nausea--some (Huxley, Sheldon, et al) would claim it's 'cuz I'm an extreme ectomorph, but who knows? And yet, I actually drank whilst in university and it took a couple of years for me to figure out that I hated it. I'm kind of immune to peer pressure, because I have difficulty with recognizing that other people even exist in the first place; rather, I drank simply because alcohol was everywhere. Well, I suppose it would be more correct to say that I was surrounded by a bunch of born-rich entitled little fucks, and at the time I was favorably disposed towards stealing anything and everything I could from them.

So I'm not saying that your proposal is necessarily untenable, and neither am I saying that the claim regarding alcohol is necessarily untrue (though again, it pertains more to the perpetrator). What I am saying is that as general precautionary measure, it is not untenable--though I would emphasize that drinking excessively is more the problem. It's when you frame it thusly:
Drinking can set you up to be a victim of sexual assault. Will this risk combine with any others to result in a scenario I wish to avoid. Am I comfortable making this decision?
that it becomes problematic, i.e., you need to think through the implications of what you are saying specifically here, with regards to where responsibility lay, etc.
Keeping Good Company

Keeping Good Company

The Guardians of Female Chastity have another prominent ally, as Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, told women they are destroying civilization in their quest to be recognized as human:

The head of the resurgent Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, said Tuesday that feminism was a "very dangerous" phenomenon offering an illusion of freedom to women who should focus on their families and children.

About three-quarters of Russians consider themselves Russian Orthodox, and Kirill has fostered increasingly close ties with President Vladimir Putin, who has portrayed the church as the guardian of Russia's national values.

"I find very dangerous this phenomenon, which is called feminism, because feminist organizations proclaim a pseudo-freedom of women that should in the first place be manifested outside marriage and outside the family," Kirill was quoted by Interfax news agency as telling a meeting with an Orthodox women's group.

"Man turns his sight outward — he should work, make money. While a woman is always focused inwards towards her children, her home. If this exceptionally important role of a woman is destroyed, everything will be destroyed as a consequence — family and, if you wish, the homeland," he said.


Advocates of unbounded prevention theory should celebrate; after all, if women just stopped trying to participate in society as if they were men, a good number of rapes would be "prevented".

Fr. Corsi, Minister Lokodo, Patriarch Kirill; that's some good company prevention advocates are keeping.


Baczynska, Gabriela. "Russia's Orthodox leader says feminism is very dangerous". Reuters. April 9, 2013. Reuters.com. April 13, 2013. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/04/09/us-russia-religion-feminism-idUSBRE93812H20130409
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The wiki article pertained specifically to college life (though whoever penned it seemed kinda confused about that). It kinda goes without saying that most bad things that happen on or around campuses have something to do with alcohol, no?
Therefore you find that alcohol crops up repeatedly at the point of risk assessment for many strategies (driving, the workplace, parenting, swimming, wing suiting, etc) including rape

That's another problem entirely, and I wouldn't say a uniquely American one, but American culture has created a whole lotta unique problems involving intoxicants, in general.
Not just america - practically the entire western world

I'm not even sure where one would begin to attempt to rectify any of these problems, but I do know that telling people not to drink (or whatever) doesn't work--and trying to keep them from drinking (or whatever) doesn't work either. In fact, doing either tends to create new problems that didn't exist prior, and further exacerbates any problems which might already exist. How this evades a lot of people is utterly beyond me.
Hence moderating behaviour as opposed to outright prohibiting it is one common option available to developing numerous prevention strategies across many subjects.

I mean, I personally hate alcohol. I can't stand the smell of it, I can't stand the taste of it. The smallest quantity can trigger a migraine or some serious nausea--some (Huxley, Sheldon, et al) would claim it's 'cuz I'm an extreme ectomorph, but who knows? And yet, I actually drank whilst in university and it took a couple of years for me to figure out that I hated it. I'm kind of immune to peer pressure, because I have difficulty with recognizing that other people even exist in the first place; rather, I drank simply because alcohol was everywhere. Well, I suppose it would be more correct to say that I was surrounded by a bunch of born-rich entitled little fucks, and at the time I was favorably disposed towards stealing anything and everything I could from them.

So I'm not saying that your proposal is necessarily untenable, and neither am I saying that the claim regarding alcohol is necessarily untrue (though again, it pertains more to the perpetrator). What I am saying is that as general precautionary measure, it is not untenable--though I would emphasize that drinking excessively is more the problem. It's when you frame it thusly:

that it becomes problematic, i.e., you need to think through the implications of what you are saying specifically here, with regards to where responsibility lay, etc.
actually I would argue that its due to the even more problematic nature of establishing the learning environment for

Drinking can set you up to be a perpetrator of sexual assault. Will this risk combine with any others to result in a scenario I wish to avoid. Am I comfortable making this decision?

that accounts for it being the least effective tool for developing prevention strategies by comparison.
NEWS BREAKING BLOG : The real truth about UFO's, rape and Russia

Keeping Good Company

The Guardians of Female Chastity have another prominent ally, as Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, told women they are destroying civilization in their quest to be recognized as human:

The head of the resurgent Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, said Tuesday that feminism was a "very dangerous" phenomenon offering an illusion of freedom to women who should focus on their families and children.

About three-quarters of Russians consider themselves Russian Orthodox, and Kirill has fostered increasingly close ties with President Vladimir Putin, who has portrayed the church as the guardian of Russia's national values.

"I find very dangerous this phenomenon, which is called feminism, because feminist organizations proclaim a pseudo-freedom of women that should in the first place be manifested outside marriage and outside the family," Kirill was quoted by Interfax news agency as telling a meeting with an Orthodox women's group.

"Man turns his sight outward — he should work, make money. While a woman is always focused inwards towards her children, her home. If this exceptionally important role of a woman is destroyed, everything will be destroyed as a consequence — family and, if you wish, the homeland," he said.


Advocates of unbounded prevention theory should celebrate; after all, if women just stopped trying to participate in society as if they were men, a good number of rapes would be "prevented".

Fr. Corsi, Minister Lokondo, Patriarch Kirill; that's some good company prevention advocates are keeping.


Baczynska, Gabriela. "Russia's Orthodox leader says feminism is very dangerous". Reuters. April 9, 2013. Reuters.com. April 13, 2013. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/04/09/us-russia-religion-feminism-idUSBRE93812H20130409
Actually now that you do mention it, I also have noticed how no one has seen Louise Nicholas and Vladimir Putin in the same room at the same time together ....
(Something, Something, Burt Ward)

Lightgigantic said:

Actually now that you do mention it, I also have noticed how no one has seen Louise Nicholas and Vladimir Putin in the same room at the same time together ....

That you consider rape a joke makes the point that much more obvious.
Indeed. But have you a point, or are you just trolling to divert the discussion?

You've been diverting it from the beginning on.

It's not that hard to figure out, though I suppose it might be confusing to a rape advocate.

Freud is having a laff!

But, you know, as always -

It's when you frame it thusly:
Drinking can set you up to be a victim of sexual assault. Will this risk combine with any others to result in a scenario I wish to avoid. Am I comfortable making this decision?
that it becomes problematic, i.e., you need to think through the implications of what you are saying specifically here, with regards to where responsibility lay, etc.

It looks like you want to live in a world where actions would have exactly the consequences that you desire they would have.
So in such a world, for example, drinking alcohol would not have adverse effects on a person's mental, moral and physical abilities.
Poor Utchey?

Wynn said:

You've been diverting it from the beginning on.

Good to know. Maybe at some point you can stop trolling and explain that attempted point.

Freud is having a laff!

Well, if he's had enough cocaine. Otherwise, he wouldn't so much be laughing as gnashing his teeth with excitement at the chance to tackle your dysfunction. Telling people to read occupational health and safety standards doesn't do much; he's ducking the argument. I mean, sure, if he can produce a peer-reviewed study explaining, say, the correlation between plastic safety goggles and rape prevention, that might be something. But citing OH&S without telling what specifically about the point applies to the current discussion is nothing more than cowardice. No, really. Who's going to give any credibility to some random dude incapable of comprehending the difference between perpetrator and victim? And you? If you had a point, aside from gratifying your own ego, perhaps you might be able to contribute something of value to the discussion.

Meanwhile, perhaps you two ought to keep up your routine of knee-jerk retorts that don't make any sense; that kind of stupidity, unlike your rape advocacy, can be amusing from time to time. Vapidity, after all, seems to be your best contribution to this community.

That you won't even address the issues is telling.

Look at the examples. The commuting woman? The drinking woman? And we've also heard, from others, about the provocative t-shirt, or the bikini top. And, hey, if only that stupid Florida woman hadn't talked to a man she didn't know, Utchey Cabane wouldn't be under arrest.​

Hey, prevention. Women, don't want to get raped? Don't get a job. Don't go out on the town. Don't wear a bikini, or a t-shirt with provocative graphics. Jobs, recreation, and provocative t-shirts are all men's privileges, right?

Answer the issues. Given the statistics, the best prevention a woman can muster is to never be around men. And no matter how much prevention advocates reiterate that point, well, they can always rely on you to come trolling to the rescue.
That approach may have a modest degree of success with people who are more-or-less sane and civilized and just need a push in the right direction. But it won't work with sociopaths, who by definition place themselves outside of civilization and only regard it (and its citizens) as a bountiful resource to be plundered for their own comfort, convenience and pleasure.

So it might reduce the incidence of date rape, many of the perpetrators of which are impressionable young men who have been given the impression that "everybody does it" so it must be all right. If their elders (and their victims!) would stand up in the morning and tell them what assholes they were, it might make an impression on them. (Or it might not, who knows?)

But it won't do a thing to stop the sociopaths.

People tend to underestimate the effect that intoxicants and lust can have on them; and they tend to overestimate how much they can control themselves when intoxicated or in the grip of lust.

And we're living in a culture that encourages intoxication and lust.

The result is ... what we get to see ...
It looks like you want to live in a world where actions would have exactly the consequences that you desire they would have.
So in such a world, for example, drinking alcohol would not have adverse effects on a person's mental, moral and physical abilities.

Did you actually read the entire post? Presumably not, or you too are simply incapable of understanding straightforward declarative statements.
Good to know. Maybe at some point you can stop trolling and explain that attempted point.

You're not listening.

You haven't been listening.

I've already explained myself.

But you keep expecting me to defend a point I have never claimed.
I won't do that.

Well, if he's had enough cocaine. Otherwise, he wouldn't so much be laughing as gnashing his teeth with excitement at the chance to tackle your dysfunction.

Flat-out calling others dysfunctional doesn't make you functional, you know?

Telling people to read occupational health and safety standards doesn't do much; he's ducking the argument. I mean, sure, if he can produce a peer-reviewed study explaining, say, the correlation between plastic safety goggles and rape prevention, that might be something. But citing OH&S without telling what specifically about the point applies to the current discussion is nothing more than cowardice. No, really. Who's going to give any credibility to some random dude incapable of comprehending the difference between perpetrator and victim? And you? If you had a point, aside from gratifying your own ego, perhaps you might be able to contribute something of value to the discussion.

There should not be much discussion to begin with:
because it should be a no-brainer that people ideally watch out for themselves and others, and because it should be a no-brainer that there is no time where one could afford not to be vigilant.

There can only be discussion about best practices, given particular circumstances.

That you won't even address the issues is telling.

Answer the issues.


You're not listening.

You haven't been listening.

I've already explained myself.

But you keep expecting me to defend a point I have never claimed.
I won't do that.

I'm having the impression that what you and a few others posters here really want is that your basic existential doubts and fears be alleviated, by the person you are talking to (such as myself LG or Bill), and that if we fail to do so, you will insist in your line of absurd reasoning and misrepresentation.
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Did you actually read the entire post? Presumably not, or you too are simply incapable of understanding straightforward declarative statements.

Do you mean that I am simply incapable of unquestioningly agreeing with declarative statements that someone else has made?
Do you mean that I am simply incapable of unquestioningly agreeing with declarative statements that someone else has made?

No, I mean "did you read the post"? Can you show me where I said any of this nonsense that you are spewing, and attributing to me.

Actually, nevermind--you are a troll and not worth my time.
But let's examine your previous response a little more closely:
Originally Posted by wynn
It looks like you want to live in a world where actions would have exactly the consequences that you desire they would have.
So in such a world, for example, drinking alcohol would not have adverse effects on a person's mental, moral and physical abilities.

I'm honestly not sure what this has to do with anything that I said, nor what it has to do with anything much period. But I'll consider it:

Well, yeah sure--who wouldn't want to live in a world where actions have exactly the consequences they desire? I mean that's kind of a no-brainer, right?

Now to the second part:

So in such a world, for example, drinking alcohol would not have adverse effects on a person's mental, moral and physical abilities.

Well, yeah that would be nice, wouldn't it? But it's not the reality. For most people, moderate consumption of alcohol has few or no deleterious effects; likewise, there are some for whom any amount of alcohol produces undesirable effects (as I said, just the taste of it can give me a migraine). Whereas excessive consumption of alcohol does tend to have deleterious effects for most nearly everyone. And so?

Personally, I wouldn't mind a world without alcohol, save for isopropyl, denatured, and grain alcohol (for making tinctures and such). But again, that's not the reality.

But more importantly: what exactly does this have to do with anything, and how is it a response to anything that I said?
Don't Panic

Ah, irony:

Wynn said:

But, you know, as always -


The only real question is whether you're oblivious to current events—which is entirely possible—or think other people are.

Your timing is impeccable. I adore these silly coincidences.

The shirts, as I understand it, have been pulled, but I'm sure you can still find one in your size if you look around.

I'm having the impression that what you and a few others posters here really want is that your basic existential doubts and fears be alleviated, by the person you are talking to (such as myself LG or Bill), and that if we fail to do so, you will insist in your line of absurd reasoning and misrepresentation.

The problem is the same as it was five years ago when men were going so far as to compare themselves to brainless machines in order to duck the responsibilities of a rapist to not rape, and put that burden back onto women.

You might honestly believe that you have already explained yourself, or that people "keep expecting [you] to defend a point [you] have never claimed", but a review of your posts in this thread doesn't reflect that.

#35: Entry post. Implies women have some clairvoyance to see five or ten years into the future, and ignores the vast body of psychological literature addressing the phenomenon of spousal abuse.
#37: One-sentence post accusing false dichotomies while ignoring what is observable.
#46: Trying to protect LG and yourself against the obvious implications derived from the observable; at this point, it would have behooved you to actually pay attention to what you were defending.
#47: Reiterates that masculine behavior and ideas are the duty of females to mitigate, reinforcing the point about putting the onus of rape onto the victims.
#65: Offers simplistic example, selfishly abuses the word "rape"; excludes a member of this forum from human society; rejects opposing rhetoric without offering any affirmative detail or principle.
#66: Attempts to turn rape phenomenon against women while ignoring arguments and ideas on the record in this thread.
#67: Useless, trolling speculation that ignores the discussion record.
#68: One-line personal attack against. Last in a series of rapid-fire posts quite obviously composed without giving the subject much thought.
#73: Declares rape apologists "harmless"; declares justice nonexistent; mounts personal attack; empowers rapists by characterizing the effort to reduce misogynistic societal attitudes as "likely to exacerbate and prolong the very problem that you are fighting against".
#:75 One-liner reinforcing LG's personal attack against another member.
#88: Continues defense of rape apologists; offers no affirmative argument.
#89: Reiterates your unwillingness to acknowledge the record of this discussion; no affirmative argument.
#95: Calculates false dichotomy. No affirmative argument.
#97: No affirmative argument; implies people ought to be dismissed from any responsibility to consider the implications of their arguments°; turns rape against women.
#98: Incomprehensible nonsense that would have been well-served by real-world examples that you either cannot provide, or are too lazy to bother with.
#121: Reiterates false dichotomy (see #95).
#122: Rapid-fire response reiterating #35.
#123: Ignores record of discussion; characterizes open-ended prevention theory as "an ounce".
#124: Continues disproportionate representation of prevention theory.
#125: Ignores vast body of literature about spousal abuse.
#139: Ignores record of discussion; minimizes open-ended prevention theory.
#144: An interesting question that can be answered with a dictionary. For the record, "crime supplication", by definition, means asking to be a crime victim. You know, as in, "It's not rape because she was asking for it." Yeah. That's the guy you're backing in this discussion. No wonder he decided it was a poor choice of words.
#145: Justifies the burqa; surrenders to Original Sin.
#147: Backs crime supplication theory.
#148: Minimizes rape prevention theory; implicitly compares "being vigilant 24/7" (see #145) to the minor effort of locking a car door or attaching a lock club to the steering wheel. And if you're wondering why people find this attitude offensive, it is in no small part because it ignores the record of this discussion. That is, for instance, if you disagree with #26 ("Locking a car door, using a club, locking your house doors and keeping the porch light on ... yeah, these are the equivalent of an open-ended prevention theory that women are somehow expected to subscribe to.") it might actually help your point if you explained that disagreement instead of simply ignoring it. After all, it is easy to see that some people do disagree with the imbalance of prevention theories described in #15, but none of those have expressed in any coherent terms why they disagree. Simply pretending the point isn't there might be comfortable in the moment, but for others in the discussion, it is indicative of your attitude.
#149: Continues support for crime supplication theory.
#153: Refuses opportunity to clarify argument.
#166: Minimizes prevention theory; see commentary on #148 above.
#167: Boilerplate cheerleading and reinforcement of prevention theory excluding any real consideration of the discussion record.
#206: Fails to comprehend what it addresses; equates perpetrators and victims.
#216: Minimizes prevention theory.
#217: Predictably misses the point; also reinforces the point missed.
#218: See above note on #35.
#243: Compares rape prevention to not stepping on an obvious and visible hazard. such as falling into an open manhole or stepping in dog leavings.
#245: More on clairvoyance; grotesque simplification of human behavior—not every rapist wears the outward signs.
#246: Compares open-ended rape prevention theory to not approaching an unfamiliar dog, a malicious minimization and mischaracterization.
#252: Self-reinforcement in lieu of a rational argument.
#253: Incomprehensibly tangential.
#261: Rides nobly to the defense of the discussion's foremost rape apologist.
#262: Useless dismissal.
#280: Wasted post with no relevance; one might construe it as some manner of personal attack, but it is hard to do so because of its irrelevance.
#282: Denounces erroneous quote attribution; offers no correction.
#297: Something about elephants, apparently, but not so important as to warrant explanation.
#299: Rubber-glue retort; no affirmative argument.
#307: Contains curious assertion with no detail or support that implies considering societal attitudes toward women is irrelevant to the rape phenomenon; makes ironic joke.
#311: Considers intoxication in context that reflects your disdain for modern society.
#313: Brings us back to the present, sort of. Complains that nobody's listening, that you have already explained yourself, and attempts to evade the implications of your own argument by relying on dysfunctional literalism. The problem, of course, is that people are attending your complete lack of any useful, affirmative argument. Perhaps you wish to escape the implications of your trolling, but that's something you should have considered at the outset.
#314: In which you suggest you are incapable of critical analysis.​

The problem many people, yourself included, encounter with such laments—

"But you keep expecting me to defend a point I have never claimed."

—is that the complaint depends on the underlying presupposition that what you're saying has absolutely no context whatsoever; that, in turn, suggests that your entire contribution to this thread is to simply troll and distract the discussion.

The problem is that we cannot escape the functional implications of what we say. So, to reiterate #69, in which I covered the point about literalism and implications:

It would be fair to say that I am often amused by how often people fail to think through the implications of their words.

Think of it this way: My former partner once threatened to kill me. At the time, I didn't think much of it because she was drunk and in a vile mood. It was only when I was chuckling about the incident to someone the next day that things got serious. Everyone I know suddenly flipped out.

In my partner's defense, though, she could always say that she never threatened to kill me. After all, what she actually threatened was to shoot me, and, yes, she owns a gun. Never mind that the implication was that she should shoot me so that she could be rid of me and be happy; she never actually said the word "kill", so it really is unfair to say she threatened to kill me. And, indeed, I never took it as an actual threat. I just took it as a drunk idiot lashing out in ego defense. But even today, people will remind me: "Remember, she threatened to kill you once."​

Why would people think she threatened to kill me? After all, she never said the word "kill".

No, really. I would like your answer: Why would people think she threatened to kill me?


° implies people ought to be dismissed from any responsibility to consider the implications of their arguments — This is the big problem. What leads to the accusations of rape apologistics, advocacy, and so on, is the fact that those offended by such characterizations of their arguments refuse to consider the implications of a prevention theory with no real boundaries. As noted at the outset, this phenomenon has been present at Sciforums at least since 2008. I do not believe it is appropriate to fault people for the expectation that at some point during that period the prevention advocates would actually give some thought to the problems of the unbounded theory. That they have not is, in fact, significant, regardless of whether you care to acknowledge the point.

Works Cited:

Hill, David J. "'Keep Calm and Rape a Lot' T-Shirts Show Automation Growing Pains". Singularity HUB. March 20, 2013. SingularityHUB.com. April 14, 2013. http://singularityhub.com/2013/03/2...a-lot-t-shirts-show-automation-growing-pains/
Wynn is the definition of a poseur. She typically piggybacks on LG's posts, and then simply pretends you're misrepresenting her when the full implications of her words are brought to her attention. It's a form of trolling, particularly when she's been outed, as most of her contributions are one-line jibes. As Tiassa says, they're hard to pin down as insults because they are usually incoherent, or at the least irrelevant, but that's basically what they are.

I've been petitioning for something to be done about her for a long time to no avail. Maybe now that she's stepping outside of the Religion subforum, others will realize what she's really about.
wynn said:
Originally Posted by (mistakenly, wynn)
Rape is often associated with control and violence. The question is what is being controlled? Then next, how can you make it such that there is no need for such control?
Wow. Y'know, that's not really a slip, a revealing miswording - that's the basic, underlying psychology these guys operate from.

You won't even attribute quotations correctly.
Damn, I owe one of these idiots an apology.

That was a bad one. I do most sincerely apologize. No kidding - I wouldn't want that kind of stuff, or anything resembling any part of that post, attributed to me.

btw: you disagree with it, reject its author's presumptions, then?

Because there's a reason it blended in - - -

-"lg" said:
I'm not sure what makes you think there is a predominance of preventative strategies out there that advocate one must prevent an incident even at the cost of surviving.
What we have is a predominance - in fact a totality - of advocates of precaution "whenever the woman anticipates she might be raped" as an attribute of "any responsible adult", who refuse to put any limits whatsoever on the costs of their own recommended "strategy".

No even the costs to society in general, or innocent bystanders, or regular people, let alone women.

If you wish to begin now, by answering that nagging little question you've been asked so many times or in any other relevant manner, you can put to rest the suspicion that in fact - like many other advocates of women taking precautions - you do in fact expect women to risk death (in the many extreme cases even accept death) to avoid some situation in which they "anticipate they might be raped" with some large degree of probability - you do expect some women (the better or more saintly or more responsible class of women) to suffer death rather than rape.

Right now there's no reason to believe any different.
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