Radical Islam : What is the fundamental motivation?

Look at the comments section of the site I link to below.
It's what a site that doesn't censor its posts looks like.
I think they must remove death threats, as I can't see any.
To be fair to the site, the posters in question are as vitriolic against the site itself as they are against anyone who is not white and Christian.

(Warning. Grossly offensive)

Is such freedom of speech a good thing?
It certainly lets you know how weird people can be.
I wouldn't post on that site.

I am officially done reading anything else on my computer today after reading that..

Look at the comments section of the site I link to below.
It's what a site that doesn't censor its posts looks like.
I think they must remove death threats, as I can't see any.
To be fair to the site, the posters in question are as vitriolic against the site itself as they are against anyone who is not white and Christian.

Is such freedom of speech a good thing?
It certainly lets you know how weird people can be.
I wouldn't post on that site.
Whether a website censors or not has nothing to do with freedom of speech. And yes, Alex Jones fans are totally nuts.
We are going to have to defend ourselves.
Ring as appropriate.
We are going to have to defend ourselves.
Ring as appropriate.
Don't think in terms of religions. Think of yourself and your relationship to God--and how that broken relationship can only be remedied through the intervention of Jesus Christ. Apply that remedy to yourself. Stop looking away and look in. Look at yourself...see yourself for who you are...listen to your doubts--not about God, but about yourself. Just how good do you think you are? You know you are not perfect. Don't make excuses for that to lessen the impact of the realization/awareness. It is serious business that you are not perfect, and, that you deliberately do things contrary to what you know to be right. You also deliberately do not do things that you should--Like love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind,and strength. Who can possibly do that?! Jesus can and did for your sake, Captain.

Don't mention the Crusades. I did once, but I think I got away with it.


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Tolerance and pacifism are largely modern secular concepts.
I don't trust any ideological body to control Government, as they would all use it to further that ideology.
Tolerance and pacifism are largely modern secular concepts
They go back thousands of years, in every philosophical tradition we can trace.

Granted they seem to be secular in the sense of non-theistic, but they are aspects of most formal religions - even the theistic ones.

photizo said:
I'm truly looking forward to the day when the lot of you will be yesterday's boogeymen, relegated to the [eternally] burning ash heap of history.
Uh, turn around: that direction is backward. Turning living people into ash heaps is yesterday's Christianity in action.
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A bigoted Christian is no different to a bigoted Muslim.
They both believe that the world is divided between us and them.
Sheep and goats. The true believers on the one hand, and the wicked on the other.
When one of their own is killed, they weep and wail,
but when one of the others is killed they don't care, or are happy.
Look further up in the thread, dude. Islam is just one religion supplying nonsensical excuses for the ones, who really, really, really want to find one. For what ever subconscious need or other. Religion can't save us. Not even atheism can save us.

Isn't it funny that every time someone points to a despicable tribe in the landscapes that must be stopped, it's never their own? And when they point out a tribe that's perfect and entitled to the planet, it's always their own? This redneck is also looking for random excuses for why the wetbacks are not allowed a grid in the biological competition. So he can get the ladies. Not helping.

For a while, I thought of myself as an atheist until I realized it was a belief, too.
- George Carlin

Only two things are infinite; the Universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the Universe.
- Albert Einstein
Look further up in the thread, dude.

They are the current threat, and they are threat to the existing status quo like no other--except for--possibly-- the mongols in the 1200's. The current threat's stratagems for conquest are far more subtle. All mankind (those outside of this 'incarnation' of their religion) are their enemies.
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Agree, but the rich(quadrillionaires) run the world, and man kind gets a pay cheque for doing their job? crazy...

And you know what the really screwed up thing is? You wouldn't behave any different from them, if you had all those riches. And neither would I. You wouldn't want to let go of oil money "just because it destroys the environment", 'cause that money is the sure access to the next virgin. You would do the exact same thing they do. You wouldn't be able to see beyond those honeys going away, if you'd lose that blood-ladened income.

The problem is human biological nature, 'cause the gene is selfish. Want to see the problem, go find a mirror. We're not created in the image of God (God doesn't bloody have an image), and we're not the peak of evolution, either.
And you know what the really screwed up thing is? You wouldn't behave any different from them, if you had all those riches. And neither would I. You wouldn't want to let go of oil money "just because it destroys the environment", 'cause that money is the sure access to the next virgin. You would do the exact same thing they do. You wouldn't be able to see beyond those honeys going away, if you'd lose that blood-ladened income.

The problem is human biological nature, 'cause the gene is selfish. Want to see the problem, go find a mirror. We're not created in the image of God (God doesn't bloody have an image), and we're not the peak of evolution, either.
It is true, most of us would act the same, well said. Money and power does funny things to even good men.

We are still changing so obviously we're not at the peak of evolution, both spiritually and physically.
And you know what the really screwed up thing is? You wouldn't behave any different from them, if you had all those riches. And neither would I. You wouldn't want to let go of oil money "just because it destroys the environment", 'cause that money is the sure access to the next virgin. You would do the exact same thing they do. You wouldn't be able to see beyond those honeys going away, if you'd lose that blood-ladened income.

The problem is human biological nature, 'cause the gene is selfish. Want to see the problem, go find a mirror. We're not created in the image of God (God doesn't bloody have an image), and we're not the peak of evolution, either.

"You are not far from the Kingdom of God"...We were created in the Image of God but fell through sin. We now bear the image of our first parents passed down through all generations. Christ the God-Man came to earth to restore that Image in all mankind. IF you receive Him as Lord, you are forgiven all sin and considered to possess His same Image. Over the course of your remaining life on earth God begins a process of conforming you to the very likeness of Jesus Himself. This invitation is open to all mankind.