Radical Islam : What is the fundamental motivation?


Multiculturalism, 'looking the other way' with respect to immigration laws, etc...
CEngelbrecht said:
That's basically my posit. That radical Islam is fueled by the same as radical anything, in the back of the reptilian brain: Sex. A guy like Freud might've agreed.

You can trace many things back to the urge to preserve one's genes.
Sex is only one element.
That's why people fight for their families, countries, for power and for land.
Your brain is programmed to reward you for such actions.

There may be other prophets who said the same thing,
but Jesus advised people not to be interested in what you gained in this world,
but only to think of storing up riches for the next.
Many people thought that future bliss was not as good as good times now, and didn't really believe in a life to come anyway, so he was generally ignored by those who took up his name.
Thanks for the like.
I think that we are largely the result of our programming, and have very little free will,
but it is possible to loosen the manacles by thinking for yourself, and by listening to wise people.
Isis is yesterday's new boogy man.
The media has regressed to talking about Al Queda again.
Oh, and the commies are back under the bed, so keep your hands inside the covers.
Isis is yesterday's new boogy man.
The media has regressed to talking about Al Queda again.
Oh, and the commies are back under the bed, so keep your hands inside the covers.
What's old news is the human tendency of denial and lying. I'm truly looking forward to the day when the lot of you will be yesterday's boogeymen, relegated to the [eternally] burning ash heap of history.

Blimey, if not the frickin' FBI supports my point. The above guy was aparently a great Islamist inspiration for the Kouachi boys ... and he spent big bucks on prostitutes in the US (!). :confused:o_O:?-_O


I wish I could laugh at the gross level of hypocrisy in these people. The only person in recent history I can think of matching such absurdity would be Roy Cohn.
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What's old news is the human tendency of denial and lying. I'm truly looking forward to the day when the lot of you will be yesterday's boogeymen, relegated to the [eternally] burning ash heap of history.
When you look at demographics you're going to lose in the long run. Younger people support gay marriage rights, tolerance towards other peoples and religions, AGW mitigation, the teaching of evolution and stem cell research. Once you are gone, those people will remain - and will vote their beliefs.

Societies advance, even when the more conservative elements want to hold them back. That's why we no longer have slavery, why women can vote, why gay marriage is legal in most places and why alcohol is legal. These trends will continue.
When you look at demographics you're going to lose in the long run. Younger people support gay marriage rights, tolerance towards other peoples and religions, AGW mitigation, the teaching of evolution and stem cell research. Once you are gone, those people will remain - and will vote their beliefs.

Societies advance, even when the more conservative elements want to hold them back. That's why we no longer have slavery, why women can vote, why gay marriage is legal in most places and why alcohol is legal. These trends will continue.

All of that is not exactly global. There are strong differences of opinion dividing people in all of it. Even a thing like alcohol (this liquid narcotics of ours) divides people. There will always be this chaotic fluctuation between conservatism and anarchism, liberalism and egalitarianism, back and forth, back and forth, in human societies. Even if people don't know, what the hell they're doing, while they're doing it.
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When you look at demographics you're going to lose in the long run. Younger people support gay marriage rights, tolerance towards other peoples and religions, AGW mitigation, the teaching of evolution and stem cell research. Once you are gone, those people will remain - and will vote their beliefs.

Societies advance, even when the more conservative elements want to hold them back. That's why we no longer have slavery, why women can vote, why gay marriage is legal in most places and why alcohol is legal. These trends will continue.
Don't shatter his dreams. Poor man probably has a thousand candles burning as he prays for our collective demise.;)
Don't shatter his dreams. Poor man probably has a thousand candles burning as he prays for our collective demise.;)

'Cause his reptilian brain is telling him, that if humanity falls apart, it'll better his chances of scoring the girl, that rejected him in school and slept with the jock nicknamed "The Plow". You see how it works?

The madmen succombing to blood are just the most desperate among boys. And problem is, it actually works for some of them, so why shouldn't other keep trying. Charles Manson did just get married, to a girl he has dated since she was 17. Because conversely, she's desperately looking for the Alpha male, that'll make her girlfriends jealous. This is the real world, apes.
'Cause his reptilian brain is telling him, that if humanity falls apart, it'll better his chances of scoring the girl, that rejected him in school and slept with the jock nicknamed "The Plow". You see how it works?

The madmen succombing to blood are just the most desperate among boys. And problem is, it actually works for some of them, so why shouldn't other keep trying. Charles Manson did just get married, to a girl he has dated since she was 17. Because conversely, she's desperately looking for the Alpha male, that'll make her girlfriends jealous. This is the real world, apes.
I see you have replaced your water ape obsession with an obsession with sex.

Please stop. If the only thing you are going to keep repeating is going to be akin to 'they're not getting any', then go away.
All of that is not exactly global.
Agreed; what I listed was Western-centric. But even so, worldwide, we are slowly moving in the direction of more tolerance, more freedom from oppression and more access to things like education and communication. There are, of course, setbacks and uneven application, but the trend is (fortunately) there.
I see you have replaced your water ape obsession with an obsession with sex.

Please stop. If the only thing you are going to keep repeating is going to be akin to 'they're not getting any', then go away.

I would love to be wrong. Please tell me why I am, I beseech thee. I don't want to be a member of a species of such rot.

(And what does the AAH stuff have to do with this?)
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Agreed; what I listed was Western-centric. But even so, worldwide, we are slowly moving in the direction of more tolerance, more freedom from oppression and more access to things like education and communication. There are, of course, setbacks and uneven application, but the trend is (fortunately) there.

I have to say, I'm very concerned about the proportions of people managing all that. And if it can sustain itself as core values over time. Islamic Spain in the 14th century used to be much of the above. Jews were able to hold high stature being largely free of persecution, while Christian Europe ... not as much. Today it's the other way around, and only really since Adolf's ragnarok. Any tribe can rise, and any tribe can fall.
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I'm not exactly the first to focus on sex and the human subconscious, am I? Perhaps we all need to reconsider Sigmund's contributions on this. His era was one of irrational hate and madness, just like now. And he was off a key persecuted minority, while his collaborator Carl, respect to him, wasn't.
When you look at demographics you're going to lose in the long run. Younger people support gay marriage rights, tolerance towards other peoples and religions, AGW mitigation, the teaching of evolution and stem cell research. Once you are gone, those people will remain - and will vote their beliefs.

Societies advance, even when the more conservative elements want to hold them back. That's why we no longer have slavery, why women can vote, why gay marriage is legal in most places and why alcohol is legal. These trends will continue.

Indeed they will continue, you are not telling me something I don't know. They will continue until the cup is full...and then, He will pour it back out upon you and you will drink that cup to the dregs.

Societies, people, civilizations, empires, universes, etc. decay, degenerate, and die. What you consider progress is evidence that 'decay rules' not regeneration or life. 'Life' as you think you experience it, is POWERLESS in the face of decay and death. You along with everything else that currently exists finds itself in their clutches.

I will be the one who remains along with all those who in every human generation have obeyed God's call to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. He Alone possesses LIFE .
Look at the comments section of the site I link to below.
It's what a site that doesn't censor its posts looks like.
I think they must remove death threats, as I can't see any.
To be fair to the site, the posters in question are as vitriolic against the site itself as they are against anyone who is not white and Christian.

(Warning. Grossly offensive)

Is such freedom of speech a good thing?
It certainly lets you know how weird people can be.
I wouldn't post on that site.
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