Radical Islam : What is the fundamental motivation?

You labor under the burden of false assumptions.
Satan has everything to do with what muslims do...in fact, he has everything to do with what you do--and what everyone does who remain outside of Christ--> "We know that everyone who has been born of God does not keep on sinning, but he who was born of God protects him, and the evil one does not touch him."
Yeah, nobody believes that, troglodyte. Religious people don't really exist, just people desperately seeking sense where no sense can be found.

Stood in firelight, sweltering. Bloodstain on chest like map of violent new continent. Felt cleansed. Felt dark planet turn under my feet and knew what cats know that makes them scream like babies in night. Looked at sky through smoke heavy with human fat and God was not there. The cold, suffocating dark goes on forever and we are alone. Live our lives, lacking anything better to do. Devise reason later. Born from oblivion; bear children, hell-bound as ourselves, go into oblivion. There is nothing else. Existence is random. Has no pattern save what we imagine after staring at it for too long. No meaning save what we choose to impose. This rudderless world is not shaped by vague metaphysical forces. It is not God who kills the children. Not fate that butchers them or destiny that feeds them to the dogs. It’s us. Only us. Streets stank of fire. The void breathed hard on my heart, turning its illusions to ice, shattering them. Was reborn then, free to scrawl own design on this morally blank world. Was Rorschach. Does that answer your questions, Doctor?
- Rorschach, "Watchmen"
What are your thoughts on the article? It's amazing the lengths people will go to deceive themselves and others. If islam is a religion of peace and tolerance, then why must everyone walk on eggshells? Why is it "their way or the highway"? Because it is not a religion of peace and tolerance. Despite it's true colors being in plain sight, the taking of common sense steps associated with love/protection for one's own way of life are thought of as hate/rascism...that's madness.
You labor under the burden of false assumptions.
Satan has everything to do with what muslims do...in fact, he has everything to do with what you do--and what everyone does who remain outside of Christ--> "We know that everyone who has been born of God does not keep on sinning, but he who was born of God protects him, and the evil one does not touch him."
Are you serious? Santa is not real. My mom let me in on this little fact after christmas when I was 8 years old. O0ps, just noticed you said satan not santa, but no problem neither of them are real.
Are you serious? Santa is not real. My mom let me in on this little fact after christmas when I was 8 years old. O0ps, just noticed you said satan not santa, but no problem neither of them are real.

You're right up there with allah who says God does not have a Son. Think about it...you are lying to yourself, to God, and to me/other readers in denying the truth of what God says, in effect a liar calling Him a liar. Your lying affirms the truth of my comments above. Which was, essentially, you're all in the same boat and cut from the same cloth: Satan... described by Jesus as a liar and the father of lies. You believe lies and speak lies because that is your nature...the nature you have inherited. Believing a lie is hazardous to your health and ultimately a token of God's judgment.
You're right up there with allah who says God does not have a Son.
Allah and Yahwah are two different names of the same God (the God of Abraham) so you are saying, "God says God does not have a son".

Think about it...you are lying to yourself, to God, and to me/other readers in denying the truth of what God says, in effect a liar calling Him a liar.
I cannot possibly be calling god a liar because I do not beleive he exists. God never said anything, a bunch of people wrote a book about what they believe. That book holds no more truth than any other religious writting.

Your lying affirms the truth of my comments above.
I never lied, I wrote what I believe (albeit with a touch of attempted humor) so your unfounded accusation means you're an asshole.

Which was, essentially, you're all in the same boat and cut from the same cloth: Satan... described by Jesus as a liar and the father of lies.
Well, at least people who never met Jesus wrote what they think he said.

You believe lies and speak lies because that is your nature...the nature you have inherited.
More asshole accusations from the asshole. I don't believe lies, I just believe differently than you. I didn't call you a liar becasue you believe in something with no evidence.

Believing a lie is hazardous to your health
It depends on the lie.

and ultimately a token of God's judgment.
If believing in God makes you happy that is swell, I think that there is no God to judge me so I feel just fine too.
You're right up there with allah who says God does not have a Son. Think about it...you are lying to yourself, to God, and to me/other readers in denying the truth of what God says, in effect a liar calling Him a liar. Your lying affirms the truth of my comments above. Which was, essentially, you're all in the same boat and cut from the same cloth: Satan... described by Jesus as a liar and the father of lies. You believe lies and speak lies because that is your nature...the nature you have inherited. Believing a lie is hazardous to your health and ultimately a token of God's judgment.
Lay of Satan man, he's actually not that bad. although if i don't get a neo geo arcade cabinet in at least very good condition there might be trouble.
Allah and Yahwah are two different names of the same God (the God of Abraham) so you are saying, "God says God does not have a son".

then why do everyone else(inc. some muslims) God or G-d? allah is not the name of God, neither is yahwah.
then why do everyone else(inc. some muslims) God or G-d? allah is not the name of God, neither is yahwah.
Yahweh is in fact the name that was originally given to the God of Abraham. The reason that you do not hear God refered to by his name is due to a very old tradition. This arose from the commandmant - thou shall not use the name of God in vain. The Hebrews basically said, "What the hell does that mean"? Since they were not sure exactly what that meant they did not use his name at all, it became a sort of taboo. In the torah God is refered to as Elohim and Yahweh. Elohim means god and Yahweh is gods name.
Yahweh is in fact the name that was originally given to the God of Abraham. The reason that you do not hear God refered to by his name is due to a very old tradition. This arose from the commandmant - thou shall not use the name of God in vain. The Hebrews basically said, "What the hell does that mean"? Since they were not sure exactly what that meant they did not use his name at all, it became a sort of taboo. In the torah God is refered to as Elohim and Yahweh. Elohim means god and Yahweh is gods name.
i don't see allah there, unless you believe muhammad?
then why do everyone else(inc. some muslims) God or G-d? allah is not the name of God, neither is yahwah.

What do these respective persons say? i.e. What does YHWH say about Jesus and having a Son? What does 'allah' say about Jesus and having a Son?
Allah and Yahwah are two different names of the same God (the God of Abraham) so you are saying, "God says God does not have a son".

I cannot possibly be calling god a liar because I do not beleive he exists. God never said anything, a bunch of people wrote a book about what they believe. That book holds no more truth than any other religious writting.

I never lied, I wrote what I believe (albeit with a touch of attempted humor) so your unfounded accusation means you're an asshole.

Well, at least people who never met Jesus wrote what they think he said.

More asshole accusations from the asshole. I don't believe lies, I just believe differently than you. I didn't call you a liar becasue you believe in something with no evidence.

It depends on the lie.

If believing in God makes you happy that is swell, I think that there is no God to judge me so I feel just fine too.

You react just like a muslim. Family resemblance you might say. Or, like father, like son.
What do these respective persons say? i.e. What does YHWH say about Jesus and having a Son? What does 'allah' say about Jesus and having a Son?
what do you mean about what God says about His son? not much.

EDIT: 2 separate answers friend.