Racial inequalities in American justice

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James R, you live on a island with no African Americans at all.

I have lived with African Americans all my life.
Is this just about blacks? What about Asians? Is there any "discrimination" against them in the justice system? Becasue if this is a racial issue than shouldnt the discrimination be apparent for all minorities and not just blacks?
James R, can you answer this question?

"According to the 2005 Dept of Justice statistics, almost 48.5% of all sexual assaults were committed by blacks, who comprise 12.8% of the population".

Is this natural for blacks, or some how unnatual?

What do you mean by "natural"? This is the third time I've asked.

James R, you live on a island with no African Americans at all.

No I don't.

I have lived with African Americans all my life.

Really? How many African American friends do you have?

Is this just about blacks? What about Asians? Is there any "discrimination" against them in the justice system? Becasue if this is a racial issue than shouldnt the discrimination be apparent for all minorities and not just blacks?

James R, can you answer this question?

Not without the appropriate statistics. Do you have them?
existing in or produced by nature; not artificial or imitation; "a natural pearl"; "natural gas"; "natural silk"; "natural blonde hair"; "a natural sweetener"; "natural fertilizers"
existing in or in conformity with nature or the observable world; neither supernatural nor magical; "a perfectly natural explanation"
functioning or occurring in a normal way; lacking abnormalities or deficiencies; "it's the natural thing to happen"; "natural immunity"; "a grandparent's natural affection for a grandchild"
(of a key) containing no sharps or flats; (of a note) being neither raised nor lowered by one chromatic semitone; "a natural scale"; "B natural"
unthinking; prompted by (or as if by) instinct; "a cat's natural aversion to water"; "offering to help was as instinctive as breathing"
(used especially of commodities) being unprocessed or manufactured using only simple or minimal processes; "natural yogurt"; "natural produce"; "raw wool"; "raw sugar"; "bales of rude cotton"
someone regarded as certain to succeed; "he's a natural for the job"
related by blood; not adopted; "natural parent"
being talented through inherited qualities; "a natural leader"; "a born musician"; "an innate talent"
a notation cancelling a previous sharp or flat
(craps) a first roll of 7 or 11 that immediately wins the stake
lifelike: free from artificiality; "a lifelike pose"; "a natural reaction"
In other words, he's supposed to pick and choose among the definitions in search of which one you mean?

Certainly, Willy, you can come up with a testable thesis explaining your position. How can you prove the "evil is in the blackness"?

Oh dear. Is that the best you can do?

I assumed you had something in mind when you wrote that it is "natural" for black people to commit violent acts. But apparently you did not.

Next time, try to be clearer when you are trying to make a point of some sort. And a hint: think before you write.

I think the fact that blacks are more violent makes us superiour.

A few points:

1. You have not yet established that blacks are more violent.
2. You appear to have lied about your own race before, since you distinguish here between "us" being superior and black people, which implies that whoever your "us" is supposed to be it includes yourself but not black people. It is a pity you felt it necessary to tell lies. What else have you told lies about?
3. Does your spelling make you "superiour" too?

Mountainhare said:

all that shit about blacks having a 12 times greater propensity to commit violent crime isn't relevant...

Well, technically, no.

The thing is that correlation does not causation make. What must be shown is not that Group A has Propensity B, but that Propensity B is an inherent characteristic of Group A. As Willy has postulated, "The racial inequalities are in nature, not in the American justice system." On its surface, such a statement is absurd.

I suppose I should ask: Is it a strategy of racists to wait five or six years after a discussion takes place to offer their part, in hopes that everyone will have forgotten? It was only about 1996 when Shalala's DHHS and Reno's DoJ made the point. The vast majority of federal crack prosecutions (approximately 99%) were of blacks, while the majority of crack smokers (around 65%) were white.

Up in Seattle, the cops are trying to shut down an auto-detailing business. It's real simple: pull up, stage an unwarranted raid. Line up all the employees and customers. Any drugs found are presumed to be part of transactions coordinated by the business owner. There is no legal basis for the raids and no proper grounds for the presumption. What, exactly, did this man do to piss off the cops? He's a black man who gave jobs to ex-cons.

White people who give jobs to white ex-cons are not subject to this form of harassment.

When you consider that the result of the 1980s and 90s assault against blacks in the guise of a drug war was that 1 in 3 black males would die before their 18th birthday, and 1 in 3 of the survivors would see the inside of a prison cell before their 30th, that's another generation, at least, that has to cope with the racist greed that has passed for law and order in this country.

In other words, regardless of whether or not you accept my view on it, proving the ethnic case is going to be exceptionally, even famously difficult.

So ... have fun stormin' the castle.
Okay, that's one down. How about Willy?

Yo! Willy! Just a quick question: Do you have any sort of affirmative thesis, or is your call to supremacy based wholly on superficial speculation?
I know! Let's play a game:

Mountainhare said:

Poor tiassa. She believes that blacks are subhuman.

There are two errors in Mountainhare's statement. Can you find them? Be sure to ask Mom and Dad for help if you run into any trouble along the way!

(Oh, come on, Mountainhare ... at least that was more fun than telling you you're not worth the bother. Buck up, li'l camper. You can still put a smile on my face.)
Willy, do you have an affirmative thesis? That is, have you a thesis to put before us that you can directly support?

I mean, even the creationists, in blasting Darwinian natural selection, are lashing out at something. That's more than you've got.

Bring something genuine. Or, if you can't manage that, try for something original. Dazzle us. Impress us. Show us data that pertains to the causes, not what tells us about the symptoms.
What makes you think that the actions of the white race is so powerful, that you have completly changed the actions of the black race?
The statistics quoted only show how often blacks and others are convicted for crimes, not how often those crimes are committed. People able to afford lawyers don't get convicted at the same rate as those dependent on a public defender.
Well, technically, no.

The thing is that correlation does not causation make. What must be shown is not that Group A has Propensity B, but that Propensity B is an inherent characteristic of Group A. As Willy has postulated, "The racial inequalities are in nature, not in the American justice system." On its surface, such a statement is absurd.

I suppose I should ask: Is it a strategy of racists to wait five or six years after a discussion takes place to offer their part, in hopes that everyone will have forgotten? It was only about 1996 when Shalala's DHHS and Reno's DoJ made the point. The vast majority of federal crack prosecutions (approximately 99%) were of blacks, while the majority of crack smokers (around 65%) were white.

When you consider that the result of the 1980s and 90s assault against blacks in the guise of a drug war was that 1 in 3 black males would die before their 18th birthday, and 1 in 3 of the survivors would see the inside of a prison cell before their 30th, that's another generation, at least, that has to cope with the racist greed that has passed for law and order in this country.

In other words, regardless of whether or not you accept my view on it, proving the ethnic case is going to be exceptionally, even famously difficult.

So ... have fun stormin' the castle.

You have as much insight into this subject as S.A.M, but at least she lives in another country. YOU however, live in small town U.S.A. You cite these figures and dont back them up, the dealers are the ones getting prosecuted, the crackhead gets a slap on the wrist. What color are most of the crack drug dealers? And don't try your OT tricks. Have you any knowledge of Jamaica, Queens during the crack epidemic? THAT is the benchmark, your doing people a dis-service with your claims.
Most humans have a propensity to violence. Anyone who has attended public school and witnessed the ape-like inanities can attest to that.
The only difference might be in how it is addressed. Some will be more physically or primitively aggressive to oppress, others take control by an alternate means. Still, others will use a combination.

I remember once a mulatto african-american woman spread her feces all over a public restroom in a chinese restaurant because she felt she wasn't treated well enough. I was on the phone taking orders as well as had many people in line waiting to pay their bill. She asked if she could call her mother to find out what she wanted to order. I told her politely that I would let her once I'm done taking the orders. She was very impatient and evidently concluded I was purposefully ignoring her when I wasn't. Americans have a tendency to make very rude, abrupt judgements.

Also, I doubt she would have had the guts to do that in a white restaurant but that attitude of looking at every recent foreigner as less worthy of consideration or rights is prevalent and still a product of subconscious white supremacist ideals which has been passed on to the assimilated americans.

As disgusting and malicious as that is, still I've known white americans to be extremely malicious as well but more in snide remarks, trying to walk out of foreign restaurants without paying, tipping them less, and a general insulting attitude of superiority. Even those of my own race can be petty and rude even to me. I've met some usually of nonchinese or nonjapanese origin who were extremely prejudicial and racist toward other asians. Incidentally, overall chinese and japanese tend to be a bit more polite from my experience of all the races in america.

From what I've witnessed of humanity period, it's no wonder why I've adopted a more defensive attitude and don't have that high opinion of humans. I tend to stay comfortably away from most people and feed them with a long-handled spoon unless they violate my natural boundaries.
Blacks are not more prone to violence because of genetics. If only you had some black friends you'd see that. But the fact remains that white people won't go to Harlem (or Jane/Finch or Vaughn/Oakwod in Toronto) at night. Actually, most black people would be scared to go there too.

Chris Rock said:
Black people are scared of niggas too

I'm tired of these stupid grandstanding "solutions" that some people offer... something such as "the politicians should stop fucking blacks over" or "let's get a real justice system in here".

What actionable advice can you offer a mayor (that hasn't been tried -- and evidently failed -- before) to get people out of a perpetual life of drugs and crime?
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