Racial inequalities in American justice

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You come from a country that has the caste system so you of all people should recognize factors that may not be immediately obvious. The U.S system is much better and far less discriminatory...to the point of being a non-issue.

I can tell you with 100% certainty that the surest way to stay out of prison is not break the law. When you do get caught the best way to stay out of prison is the quality of your lawyer. Is this fair? Is this a failing of free enterprise system? Do i have a better solution? Not entirely.

If you are really interested go to U.S and see where people live with bars on their windows and doors. Explain to them that crime is an illusion.
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Is this just about blacks? What about Asians? Is there any "discrimination" against them in the justice system? Becasue if this is a racial issue than shouldnt the discrimination be apparent for all minorities and not just blacks?
Baron Max:

Why doesn't poverty have the same effects on whites and other races?

It does.

Poverty is NOT the cause of high crime ...

Why do you assume there is a single cause of high crime? And why do you assume crime is unaffected by poverty? More generally, why do you assume? I think I know.


Fraggle Rock thinks that the "war on drugs" (America's drugs laws) has a lot to do with blacks being imprisioned, and he's right.

But, Fraggle Rock also THINKS "that the rate of drug use in the black community is about the same as in the white community".

And, then Fraggle Rock tells us he THINKS "that black people are twice as likely to be arrested for it, and four times as likely to go to prison for it" and Fraggle Rock simply say's the reason why is just racial "discrimination".

All good, valid points.

How does Fraggle Rock feel about KNOWING that blacks are convicted for murder at SEVEN times the rate for whites?

Did you miss all the information on racial profiling that was provided for you?

Is Fraggle Rock also going to claim America's murder laws are "a tool of discrimination"?

How do people get charged with murder? Who charges them? Who tries them? Who convicts them? Who sentences them?

Sadly, Fraggle Rocks thinking that the problems blacks have are somehow not the responsibility of blacks themselves, is the true "tool of discrimination".

Fraggle said nothing of the sort. You have no idea what he thinks about the so-called "problems blacks have".

What makes things worse is the many people that blame white folks for black folks ill behaviour, almost the same way a parent is blamed for their child's behaviour.

Unsupported assertion.

People who want to hold whites responsibile in anyway for black behaviour, are clearly people who don't see blacks as a equal.

Well, nobody has talked about holding whites responsible for blacks' behaviour, so there are no worries there.

Do you have a problem with blacks natural violent behaviour?

Please provide evidence to back up your claim of "natural violent behaviour". If you cannot do so, I will take this as mere racist posting from you, and take appropriate moderation action.

Every year blacks are commiting more and more crimes, so it can't be to much work.

Provide evidence for this claim, if you can.

Then America will be just another third world crap hole like the other areas colored people inhabit.

You are walking a very fine line with your racism here.

I must say, I'm not surprised you're racist and homophobic. Why do those traits so often go together?


You come from a country that has the caste system so you of all people should recognize factors that may not be immediately obvious. The U.S system is much better and far less discriminatory...to the point of being a non-issue.

Did you just ignore all the evidence presented in this thread that shows clearly that the US justice system is discriminatory? Willful blindness?

I can tell you with 100% certainty that the surest way to stay out of prison is not break the law.

It's not 100% sure, though, is it? You can still be charged, arrested etc. without breaking any law.

If you are really interested go to U.S and see where people live with bars on their windows and doors. Explain to them that crime is an illusion.

There is a media-fueled climate of fear in the US.
Is this just about blacks? What about Asians? Is there any "discrimination" against them in the justice system? Becasue if this is a racial issue than shouldnt the discrimination be apparent for all minorities and not just blacks?
James R you missed this one.
Please provide evidence to back up your claim of "natural violent behaviour". If you cannot do so, I will take this as mere racist posting from you, and take appropriate moderation action.
You think every race is exactly the same? If blacks violent behaviour is not natural, what is it unnatural?

I must say, I'm not surprised you're racist and homophobic. Why do those traits so often go together?
I'm not surprised your calling people names again.
Is this just about blacks? What about Asians? Is there any "discrimination" against them in the justice system? Becasue if this is a racial issue than shouldnt the discrimination be apparent for all minorities and not just blacks?
Asians must be the ones in charge of the American justice system, because Asians are by far the least prosecuted in America's justice system.

Or maybe Asians are just naturaly less violent?

Do you claim that, in general, black people have a greater propensity for violence than white people? Yes or no?
James R

No, I claim that, in general, black people commit a greater propensity of violence than white people, Mexican people, Asian people?

Do you claim that the greater propensity of violence by blacks is unnatural?
Please provide evidence that supports your claim, Willy, if you have any.
... I claim that, in general, black people commit a greater propensity of violence than white people, Mexican people, Asian people?

Do you claim that the greater propensity of violence by blacks is unnatural?

Here are the statistics for 2005:


According to the 2005 Dept of Justice statistics (scroll down to page 53 - Table 40 - of the 144 page document), almost 48.5% of all sexual assaults were committed by blacks, who comprise 12.8% of the population.

Furthermore, if one scrolls down to page 55 - Table 42 - of the same 2005 Dept of Justice document, it is revealed that 33.6% (37,4601) of the sexual assaults of white women were committed by blacks, who comprise 12.8% of the population. And we also see that the data indicate that of the 36,620 sexual assaults of black women, less than 10 were committed by whites.

Being black myself gives me a great understanding of the black community.

I do not believe you are black.

I see nothing there about a natural propensity to violence. Please quote the relevant part that supports your claim.

James how come you don't answer my questions?

Which questions? You're not still trying to pry into my private life, are you?

Or are you talking about this question:

Do you claim that the greater propensity of violence by blacks is unnatural?

You have yet to establish the premise of that question: that black people have a greater propensity to violence than white people. Once you've done that, we might get around to examining whether that propensity is natural or unnatural.

Out of interest, what exactly do you mean by "natural" in this context?
You have yet to establish the premise of that question: that black people have a greater propensity to violence than white people. Once you've done that, we might get around to examining whether that propensity is natural or unnatural.
If you don't believe the way blacks act is natural, then you must believe somehow it is unnatural, yes or no?

Obviously, I need to work through this slowly with you, so you understand. Now, go back to my previous post and answer the questions there - particularly the one where I asked you how you define "natural". Then, we might be able to make some progress.
"According to the 2005 Dept of Justice statistics, almost 48.5% of all sexual assaults were committed by blacks, who comprise 12.8% of the population".

Is this natural for blacks, or some how unnatual?
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