Racial inequalities in American justice

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Again, I love the way people here keep making statements that seem "obvious" to them but that they probably can't back up with actual data.

here are no superior of inferior humans because we all come from the same scource there is only enviornmental differences which leads one to excell over another.

Maybe that’s true. Maybe it isn’t. One would have to look at the data to know…and since you haven’t provided any actual data, your post has zero usefulness.

How did you people form all these opinions in the first place if you don’t have any data to back them up? I mean, did you all just like the idea that black are the targets of unjust oppression or that blacks are inherently more likely to commit crimes, so you decided to go with it?
So how does the crime rate for various races compare among people in the same income bracket?
How does graduation rates for various races compare among people in the same classes and school?

Take a minute to review the graduation rates for Black males from 20 school districts with 10,000 or more Black male students. According to a 2004 study, "Public Education and Black Male Students: A State Report Card," by The Schott Foundation for Public Education, these districts have the lowest graduation rates for Black males in the country. They are: Cincinnati and Cleveland, Ohio, 19%; Chatham County, Georgia, 21%; Rochester, New York, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Pinellas County, Florida, 24%; New York, New York, 26%; Buffalo, New York, 27%; St. Louis, Missouri, 28%; Duval County, Florida, 29%; Chicago, Illinois, Clayton County, Georgia, and Richmond County, Georgia, 30%; Oakland, California, 31%; Hillsborough, Florida, 32%; Indianapolis, Indiana, Orange County, Florida and Palm Beach County, Florida, 33%; Caddo Parish, Louisiana and Charlotte-Mecklenburg, North Carolina, 34%

Young Black men who are out of school and out of work are more susceptible to illegal activities that will likely result in their incarceration. So far, the Black community has not responded sufficiently to this catastrophe involving its young Black men. In fact, this problem is not even on the radar of many Black churches, businesses, elected officials, media outlets, civil rights and social service organizations. Each day that passes without an adequate response from our Black community leads more young Black men into drugs, gangs, violence, prison and ultimately to their death.

The massive problem of Black male failure in education and the corresponding issue of high unemployment for Black youth are huge and complex.

Imagine a pot of people: Mix in 300 years of slavery along with another 160 years of its psychological rememants, then mix in segregation and civil diparaties for another 100 years. Then mix in an unjust and bias justice system. Then mix semi-segregated communites flooded with drugs, poor schools, many cops, few jobs and weapons. What do you get? The black community. There are no superior of inferior humans because we all come from the same scource there is only enviornmental differences which leads one to excell over another.
And still the African's in America are doing far better then any other Africans anywhere else in the world.
How does graduation rates for various races compare among people in the same classes and school?
An interesting question. But contrary to what you said at the beginning of your post, I didn't see anything about comparing people of the "same class" in the link that you provided. I also didn't see any comparison between black and white graduation rates.
An interesting question. But contrary to what you said at the beginning of your post, I didn't see anything about comparing people of the "same class" in the link that you provided. I also didn't see any comparison between black and white graduation rates.
Do you think there is a difference between Asian and black graduation rates.

Blacks were allowed to vote and own a business in America long before Asians were.

Many people believe that crime is a product of poverty and lack of "advantages." However, the District of Columbia, which enjoys the highest average annual salaries and is second only to Alaska in personal income per capita, leads the nation in just about every category of crime including murder, robbery, aggravated assault, and vehicle theft. D.C. also has the country's strictest gun control, highest police costs per capita, highest ration of police and correctional officers per citizen, and highest rate of incarceration. Its permanent population is over 80% Black. West Virginia, which has the nation's lowest crime rate, suffers from chronic poverty and has the highest unemployment in the U.S. It also has the fewest police per capita. West Virginia is over 96% White.
Willy, this is really simply. All you have to do is provide some data showing crime rates by race and income bracket.
What is interesting is that conviction rates are different by race.


Our research shows that blacks comprise 62.7 percent and whites 36.7 percent of all drug offenders admitted to state prison, even though federal surveys and other data detailed in this report show clearly that this racial disparity bears scant relation to racial differences in drug offending. There are, for example, five times more white drug users than black. Relative to population, black men are admitted to state prison on drug charges at a rate that is 13.4 times greater than that of white men. In large part because of the extraordinary racial disparities in incarceration for drug offenses, blacks are incarcerated for all offenses at 8.2 times the rate of whites. One in every 20 black men over the age of 18 in the United States is in state or federal prison, compared to one in 180 white men.

Shocking as such national statistics are, they mask even worse racial disparities in individual states. In seven states, for example, blacks constitute between 80 and 90 percent of all drug offenders sent to prison. In at least fifteen states, black men are admitted to prison on drug charges at rates that are from 20 to 57 times greater than those of white men. These racial disparities in drug offenders admitted to prison skew the racial balance of state prison populations. In two states, one in every 13 black men is in prison. In seven states, blacks are incarcerated at more than 13 times the rate of whites.

Drug law enforcement practices that disproportionately target black Americans contributed to wide disparities in black and white incarceration rates. Nationally, black men were admitted to state prison on drug charges at a rate relative to population that was 13.4 times greater than that of white men. Black youths with no prior admissions were admitted to public correctional facilities for drug offenses at forty-eight times the rate of white youths. In some states the racial disparities were even worse: in seven states, blacks constituted between 80 and 90 percent of all drug offenders sent to prison and, in at least fifteen states, black men were sent to prison on drug charges at rates that were from twenty to fifty-seven times greater than those of white men. The concentration of drug law enforcement in low income minority neighborhoods and higher arrest rates for black drug offenders than white were primarily responsible for the remarkable racial disparities in drug offender incarceration.

Some people are way more equal than others:

Racial profiling is a serious human rights problem affecting millions of people in the United States in even the most routine aspects of their daily lives. A year-long study conducted by the Domestic Human Rights Program of Amnesty International USA found that the unlawful use of race in police, immigration, and airport security procedures has expanded since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The study further found that state laws provide insufficient and inconsistent protection against profiling. Despite promises by President George W. Bush shortly after his taking office to end racial profiling, the number of American ethnic, racial, and religious groups whose members are at high risk of being subjected to this scourge has increased substantially.

Major findings:

A staggering number of people in the United States are subjected to racial profiling:

* Approximately thirty-two million Americans, a number equivalent to the population of Canada, report they have already been victims of racial profiling.
* Approximately eighty-seven million Americans are at a high risk of being subjected to future racial profiling during their lifetime.
* Racial profiling directly affects Native Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, African Americans, Arab Americans, Persian Americans, American Muslims, many immigrants and visitors, and, under certain circumstances, white Americans.
* Racial profiling happens to both women and men, affects all age groups, is used against people from all socio-economic backgrounds, and occurs in rural, suburban, and urban areas.
* Racial profiling of citizens and visitors of Middle Eastern and South Asian descent, and others who appear to be from these areas or members of the Muslim and Sikh faiths, has substantially increased since September 11, 2001.

Waaaay more equal:
A class action racial discrimination lawsuit was filed against the state's Police and Fire departments, alleging that minority applicants who took civil service exams were discriminated against. A federal judge ruled in 2006 that the state's 2002 and 2004 firefighter exams discriminated against blacks and Hispanics and was about to hold a trial to consider additional claims resulting from arguments that the 2003 and 2005 police exams were also unfair to members of minority groups. The class action suit was filed against the state and the city of Lynn on behalf of four black firefighter applicants, who lost out because of their racial status.

In a settlement reached, the state agreed to pay a total of up to $1.45 million in back pay to minorities who lost out on employment prospects due to the discrimination. The state further ordered Boston, Brookline, and 18 other cities and towns to offer police and firefighter jobs to 66 minority candidates statewide, including 26 in Boston, who took civil service exams between 2003 and 2005. One of the men who brought the suit, Jared Thomas, 24, a lifelong Lynn resident, who scored a 92 on the 2004 exam, said that he has wanted to be a firefighter since he took a fourth-grade field trip to a fire station and that he hopes he will get a job with the Lynn Fire Department as a result of the settlement. [BOSTON GLOBE: DEPARTMENT DISCRIMINATION]

African Americans are being killed by the United States government after being condemned to death by a judicial system infected by racial prejudice, a new Amnesty International report says.

"Today, whether you live or die in the USA as a result of your crimes appears to be largely determined by the colour of your own skin and the race of your victim," said Pierre Sané, Amnesty International's Secretary General, during the launch of the report, adding that "the Federal authorities are unwilling to act because of the popularity of the death penalty."

The report, Killing with Prejudice: Race and the Death Penalty in the USA -- launched in Ghana today to coincide with the Fifth African - African American Summit in Accra --highlights the fact that racial discrimination, while more subtle than in the past, continues to play an equally deadly role in the US legal system.

Recent research into the attitudes of jurors in capital cases sheds a disturbing light on a process which may be far less impartial than the requirements of justice demand. It shows that ethnic bias does not always stop at the door of the jury room. Comments made under anonymity by some jurors included: "He (the defendant) was a big man who looked like a criminal... He was big and black and kind of ugly. So I guess, when I saw him I thought this fits the part".

Statistical evidence overwhelmingly shows that the judicial system values white life over black: defendants are far more likely to be executed for the murder of a white victim. Of the 500 prisoners executed between 1977 and end of 1998, more than 81 per cent were convicted of the murder of a white, even though blacks and whites are the victims of homicide in almost equal numbers nationwide.

Willy, this is really simply. All you have to do is provide some data showing crime rates by race and income bracket.

You seem to think that how much money you make, is a somehow a excuse to commit rape and murder.
You seem to think that how much money you make, is a somehow a excuse to commit rape and murder.
When did I ever say anything even remotely like that?

I am questioning your assertion that black people commit more crimes simply because they are black. Perhaps people are more likely to commit crimes because they are poor, and since there are more poor blacks than poor whites, that causes blacks to commit a disproportionate number of crimes. If poor white people commit as many crimes as poor black people, that would be evidence that black people are committing crimes because of their economic circumstance rather than because of any inherent racial inferiority.
Because there are far more poor white people then there are blacks.

West Virginia, which has the nation's lowest crime rate, suffers from chronic poverty and has the highest unemployment in the U.S. It also has the fewest police per capita. West Virginia is over 96% White
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