Racial Dating Predicaments

Common sense. Just think about it.
If we are to take you as a prime example of "superior".. what can I say.. you're selling them all short.

Also Bells no I am not racist I am logical.
Logical is not the word I would use. Retarded.. Backwards.. yes. Far from logical or even sound.

I would actually suggest you read up on what "Semite" actually is and what its history entails. It is neither pure nor white, but encompasses groups from Asia, what is now known as the Middle East and even Ethiopians..
If we are to take you as a prime example of "superior".. what can I say.. you're selling them all short.
I'm not the smartest or strongest but, in being, my blood is the purest. You can't argue with fact.

Logical is not the word I would use. Retarded.. Backwards.. yes. Far from logical or even sound.

I would actually suggest you read up on what "Semite" actually is and what its history entails. It is neither pure nor white, but encompasses groups from Asia, what is now known as the Middle East and even Ethiopians..

I know what Semite is. The true Semites however are the Israelites and Syrians [including Lebanese]

Also no my way of thought is rational and logical, based on common sense.
I'm not the smartest or strongest but, in being, my blood is the purest. You can't argue with fact.
Everyone's blood is "pure". I don't think you be able to survive or be alive if it was 'watered down'.

Your "blood", as you seem to view it, is a representation of all that came before you... And I can assure you, they are most probably of mixed origins.

I know what Semite is. The true Semites however are the Israelites and Syrians [including Lebanese]
All of which have mixed ancestry. Deal with it.

Also no my way of thought is rational and logical, based on common sense.
Which appears to have left you in this and other threads. Try to find it before you come off looking even more gormless than you do so at present.. if that were even possible..
I'm not the smartest or strongest but, in being, my blood is the purest. You can't argue with fact.

I know what Semite is. The true Semites however are the Israelites and Syrians [including Lebanese]

Also no my way of thought is rational and logical, based on common sense.

The "true" Semites have been invaded from all directions on the globe and are complete mongrels. Grow up.
I think questions of race in relationships are not important. Such things are superficial nonsense. We are all human and a majority of us are mutts anyway. An example would be in America the average black person has a white anscestor in the last 4 generations and a white person usually has a black anscestor in the past 9 generations. That's just an example. National Geographic did a study on DNA to find the "Adam" to modern humans. The result was that all men living today can be traced back to a single man who lived in Ethiopia about 10,000 years ago. There is nothing wrong with interracial relationships. If you have deep affection for your lady and get along well and she returns your affection there is no need to split because of what others say or think. I am a result of five generations of interracial relationships and I happen to fancy Asian men so there will probably be a sixth generation. My grandparents hate the fact that I fancy Asian men but they shut up about it because they know I'm going to see who ever I want anyway and they want to be invited to a wedding ifI ever decide to. The bottom line is follow your heart. If you love her keep her. If it's a mistake it's a mistake but don'tbreak up over race if everything else is going well.
I think there is a difference between race and culture. Usually these two things go together and hence can lead to problems in a long-term relationship when cultural traditions and values become relevant. Its the reason why Jews strongly suggest marrying other Jews so that the tradition can be firmly passed on, some people consider this a race issue but it is not, its a culture issue. Simply it is easier to raise a family and live together in a specific group if race, culture and to a lesser degree background are similar. You say you are Asian then you probably know that Koreans and the Japanese frown on inter-racial marriages no matter what the other race and the children are usually ostracized. In the case of the Japanese they are put off by anything that isn't Japanese, so it would not matter if the partner was Chinese or Thai, they would frown on the union. Personally I would not enter into a relationship with someone who had a drastically different culture than my own, so for example if I dated an Asian he would have to be sufficiently westernized. Culture matters more than race but the two can go together so if I came across someone who's family were offended by my race then I wouldn't even bother taking the relationship seriously because in the long run it would cause too many inter-familial problems, too difficult and not worth it.

Norsefire: I don't think it is racist to want to date within ones race exclusively. Racism is prejudice+power, not preferences on who one wants to eat, sleep and create a family with or who one finds attractive. I find very few Asian men attractive but I this doesn't make me a racist but its not because I have some bogus notion of racial superiority. If you have a scale of which race is 'worth' more then something is skewed in your thinking. To prefer your own race to others is a matter of preference but it doesn't make your specific race any more 'worthy'.
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Norsefire, you are racist you should just call it like it is. And why you think you're so much better than me and that I am tainted I honestly can't say. I just want to know what it is about my race and more importantly me thats so bad that you would be degrading yourself to be seen with me? Just curious
bells i would say shorty has you bet there, she is the perfect universal donor. Negitive means her blood wont react with anyone else and O means she can give to anyone

Now AB positive is the universal recivor and can take ANY blood:p

so is the giver or the recivor better?:p

BTW in A- i think

Norsefire you are a racist prat who we only keep around to show what the other side looks like, personally you sicken me
I'm not the smartest or strongest but, in being, my blood is the purest. You can't argue with fact. Also no my way of thought is rational and logical, based on common sense.

What logic have you used to "prove" this "fact?" Because it seems to me that logical and rational thought processes would lead to the conclusion that all races are equal, especially with you being a theist, and believing that everyone is descended from Adam and Eve. Wouldn't that make every race equal?
What do you mean?
Certain people are worth more than others. It is a sad fact of Humanity. Truly, I wish we were all equal, but that's a pipe dream.

Which blood type are you? I'm type O, and I think that's excellent.
I am also type O.

Norsefire, you are racist you should just call it like it is. And why you think you're so much better than me and that I am tainted I honestly can't say. I just want to know what it is about my race and more importantly me thats so bad that you would be degrading yourself to be seen with me? Just curious
I never said I thought you were tainted, and I of course respect you and everyone else. I'm simply speaking of facts and logic.

What logic have you used to "prove" this "fact?" Because it seems to me that logical and rational thought processes would lead to the conclusion that all races are equal, especially with you being a theist, and believing that everyone is descended from Adam and Eve. Wouldn't that make every race equal?
Firstly, I am agnostic.

Secondly, Semites have had the most influence in Human history. Therefore we are truly superior.
shorty, have you ever herd of women who are - giving birth to babies which are +. The first time this happens your ok, the second time it happens your body treats it as an infection. Its really sad
shorty, have you ever herd of women who are - giving birth to babies which are +. The first time this happens your ok, the second time it happens your body treats it as an infection. Its really sad

Well after I went for my blood test when I got pregnant the first time they told me I was O- negative and gave me a little card. Then I got an injection of Rh immunoglobulin (RhoGAM™) on my butt. They also gave me the shot after my son was born.

I have never known anybody with any complications of this because nobody I know is O-.
the O causes no problems that i know about. The problems with ABO come when say the mother is B and the baby is A, thats when you get babies which need a full blood transfusion at birth if i have rembered correctly

I didnt know they could treat -/+ to stop the imune responce but i surpose they could just supress the imune system for as long as your carrying the baby