Racial Dating Predicaments

What makes a white person so superior to me? Which gene in her blood makes it so much better than mine? Sorry baby, (thought I'd share some of my culture with you) but that still seems racist no matter how you spin it.
What makes a white person so superior to me? Which gene in her blood makes it so much better than mine? Sorry baby, (thought I'd share some of my culture with you) but that still seems racist no matter how you spin it.

It's just obvious, not racist.
Y-You think I'm ugly...:bawl: j/k
But here in is where the problem lies. His parents can't get past the physical appearance (or ethnicity even more than that) and he still cares about her regardless. So sad.

I can never understand how people have these strange ideas about attractiveness. I have two black friends, one from the US and one from Dominican Republic and I consider them both as wonderfully attractive, very intelligent and very caring persons.
I can never understand how people have these strange ideas about attractiveness. I have two black friends, one from the US and one from Dominican Republic and I consider them both as wonderfully attractive, very intelligent and very caring persons.

What is so strange? You are are either attracted to a person or you aren't
I used to think white people had terrible skin [with horrible red spots] and looked washed out and colorless. After meeting many of them I got used to it and now I even think some of them look attractive. I think how well you know someone or something definitely affects how you think about them or it.
Do you know any black people? Have you any black friends?
Deleting my post?:mad:

I have a handful of black acquiantances but I do not consider them "friends"

I am sure some people say the same thing about your people. Some people have very restricted aesthetics. You can train people to be that way. But I think it just happens sometimes.

No, you can't. Semites are far superior to blacks.

Again, no offense intended, it's just obvious.
It isn't, it's common sense! In order to maintain superiority you cannot date people of certain races.
I refuse to date the irish or the scottish people. I would sit around and listen to their accents and just sigh with pleasure. I would become lazy and counterproductive. It must be something like this you mean.
I refuse to date the irish or the scottish people. I would sit around and listen to their accents and just sigh with pleasure. I would become lazy and counterproductive. It must be something like this you mean.

No I mean the offspring would be disadvantaged.

However I have an admiration for both the Irish and the Scottish; it's the English I don't like.
So why is race such a big deal in relationships? I don't understand why it is. I mean honestly shouldn't "Beauty be in the eye of the beholder" ? Not the beholders parents. It completely confuses me and is completely upsetting. I personally am not calling my parents racist, but I mean to me they are.

The story is:

I am an asian guy and I am dating a black girl. Personally I see no problem in that. She is half black truthfully but nonetheless to my parents she is considered black. With that they made me break up with her 2 months into our relationship. But soon after we decided that a forced break-up over race is completely ridiculous. Ever since that point I have been lying to my mother about this because she will not budge on her point of view. And I am completely lost on what to do. I have tried talking, reasoning, yelling, and just ignoring her but nothing works. I must resort lying so we don't fight or she doesn't keep questioning my trust. Which she has a right to question but would needn't be if she just opened her mind.

I honestly really like this girl and her family has been supportive in this matter but I think they are getting impatient.

So this is more of a help line then a full discussion. And I am not completely sure how that works on this forum. So yea... any suggestions, ideas, opinions?

From your later posts, you have stated you are 17 years of age?

You are not in a very easy situation. Your parents are, for lack of a better term, racist. It is not something one would wish to imagine in one's parents, but they are what they are. Can they help it? Possibly, but you also need to realise that their own upbringing made them who they are. That you are not racist is a testament to them and to you as well as an individual. You have somehow managed to escape the kind of upbringing they were subjected to.

So what can you do?

Talk to them about how you feel.

Parents will always want one thing for their children, and that is their children's happiness and wellbeing. Explain to them that this girl cares for you as much as you care for her and that she makes you happy. But that happiness is marred by the fact that they, your parents, are making it so difficult for you. At the end of the day it is your life and not theirs. And you need to follow what you think is right for you. Ask them to accept your choices and who you are... after all.. they made you who you are. Ask them to be happy for you and to let you make your own choices in partners and most importantly, in love. It might take a while for them to come around, and it is highly possible that they will completely refuse to come around and that is something you will have to deal with and live with as your life continues. Tell them you understand why they are unhappy with your choice in your girlfriend, but also explain to them that it is your choice and she makes you happy..

Most importantly, don't give up.

It is horrible when parents tell their children to choose between a partner or them. The pain it causes their child is horrible and it is only their own selfishness that blinds them to that fact.

Norsefire said:
How can you be attracted to black people anyway?

No offense and I'm not trying to insult anybody
As someone of colour, I can assure you that your views in this thread are disgustingly offensive and insulting.

Because they are in a different light. I wouldn't have a problem with my son marrying a fair white lady but a black girl, no.

I'm not racist, but it's just something inside of me.
One day, if you're lucky, you might grow up, grow a brain and realise the hypocrisy in your comments.:rolleyes:

shorty_37 said:
Ok well I am not insulting anyone either, but personally I am not attracted to black men. They seem to be attracted to me though, go figure.

It has nothing to do with how my mother felt about it either. I just never found myself attracted to them. Everyone is attracted to something
different I guess.
You can't help who. I had always been attracted to darker people, but I ended up falling in love and marrying a white man. Go figure..:)

In a perfect world everybody should date and marry who ever they fall in love with. Unfortunately that isn't how things seem to work. I hope that when my sons are ready to date (the oldest is only 12) I will look past race and just look to see if she is a nice girl and someone that won't take advantage of him. I can't say 100% that I will though.
As I sit here today I honestly don't think I would be ok if he brought home a black girl. I will try if that's what he really wants but that is going to be a real test for me.
I had an uncle who was a racist prat. He was as black as they came, but he was probably one of the most racist individuals I had ever been unfortunate enough to encounter in my life (he married my mother's sister, much to her family's disgust). He was adamant that his three children would only marry white European men, Christians.. One moved out of home as soon as she started working because she resented her father's racism and his interference with a relationship she had with a person who was not white (same colour as her actually..), which resulted in her boyfriend saying enough was enough and ending it after her father called him a nigger (ironic when he was darker than his potential son-in-law).. The second married a white Frenchman.. bastard who beat her and then stole her bank account details, emptied it and stole her car.. the third daughter married a Muslim man.. a man of Pakistani descent.. Her father disowned her as a result. When he (my asshat uncle) fell ill and was diagnosed with cancer, no one was left to care for him (my aunt had passed away after suffering a stroke when he forced their third daughter out of the house and barred her from ever entering it again).. It was the Muslim non-white man who came to take care of him, hired a nurse to watch him during the day, bathed him when he became bedridden, fed him, flew him to France for treatment.. The one man he had barred from his house, along with his daughter, returned to his home and cared for him until he died. The one man he deemed beneath him because he was not white proved to be a bigger and better man than he (asshat uncle) could ever be.

A parent should wish for their child's happiness and if it means having to accept someone of a different colour against your wishes, then that's what you need to do. There's nothing worse than a parent who acts like my uncle acted.. it caused his daughters and his wife distress and extreme unhappiness for the better part of their lives.
If you marry somebody outside of your race, much of your culture is destroyed right then and there. Your family's racial identity becomes muddled; your native language is severely damaged; your culture and way of life is forced to intermingle with your partner's culture and way of life, which makes for a kid not exclusive to either. Your kids will not know your native language as well as you do, which will prove to be an ongoing trend, from one generation to the other. The most integral tenet to any culture is language; once the language weakens, the culture it belongs to follows route. Your parents simply want to maintain their racial and cultural identity; your parents want your children to be fluent in their native language, which requires two parents who speak the language in question at home; your parents want your children to ascribe to their unique culture, and to follow their traditional beliefs and values, which have been in the family for countless generations.

This is really about cultural identity, not race. Of course, you need to be pretty sure your cultural identity is worth preserving. And, as you say later, you have to weigh up the potential benefits against the potential disadvantages.

Personally, I'm not very fond of interracial marriages, and I think those who support it wholeheartedly are either misinformed followers, or have sinister plans to destroy the racial identity people have and, with it, their culture and religion.

Race is rarely tied to religion. See the United States, for example.

No I am simply saying racial purity does mean something. I, being a Semite, have the purest and most valuable blood.

Nonsense. There's no sure thing as "pure" blood. There are only a limited number of blood types: A, B, O, AB, with positive or negative Rhesus factors. That's it. No one type is "purer" than any other.

As for "race", it's a largely meaningless construct, from a biological point of view. It has only become important culturally because it is correlated with a whole bunch of superficial visual characteristics - skin colour, facial features, hair composition, and things like that.

Racism in the 21st century is stupid.
You can't help who. I had always been attracted to darker people, but I ended up falling in love and marrying a white man. Go figure..:)

Well honestly if my sons dated/married a woman of another race, even if I didn't really approve. I might voice my opinion to him but in the end it will be his decision, esp if he was of age. I would accept it in the end because it wouldn't be worth losing the relationship with my sons or my future grandchildren over it. As long as HE as was happy that is all that should really concern me. It is something I would get past if it meant losing my son over it.