Racial Dating Predicaments

Perhaps horrible, but it's logical.
To deny someone because of color? Racism exists in the world as long as people with prejudice/racist mind sets exists. As long as that exists we are all doomed. Logical to the point in being of what is best for the family but illogical for what is best for... me?
I moved out when I was 17 but I was working full time at a good job at the time.

When you are still at home unfortunately you have to abide by your parents rules. When you move out on your own and are taking care of yourself financially, you can make your decisions of what you want to do....or who you want to be with. If you truly love them, your parents really can't do anything about it anymore. All that may happen is that your relationship with your parents may end badly. You have to be prepared for that, and decide what is more important to you.
I"m just saying nobody I know finds black people attractive except actual black people

I'm attracted to all races except black people (mostly white and Lebanese people):shrug:

I've never found a single black woman attractive.

I'm not saying they aren't attractive but just to me and everyone I know, they aren't.

Y-You think I'm ugly...:bawl: j/k
But here in is where the problem lies. His parents can't get past the physical appearance (or ethnicity even more than that) and he still cares about her regardless. So sad.
TOA (hmmm you know your acronim is the same for time of arival?:p) as i said ignore him. Put it this way, osama binladan wouldnt be any more concervitive than norsefire and kadark (who im sure your about to have the displeasure of meeting)
shorty i just ment that i have to go searching for it to copy whenever i need to write it:p
So why is race such a big deal in relationships? I don't understand why it is. I mean honestly shouldn't "Beauty be in the eye of the beholder" ? Not the beholders parents. It completely confuses me and is completely upsetting. I personally am not calling my parents racist, but I mean to me they are.

I, myself, would not call your parents "racist" for disharmonizing with your selection of a Black partner. Your parents, who are Asian, come from an upbringing which dictates the necessity for their children to marry Asian partners. Why? If you marry somebody outside of your race, much of your culture is destroyed right then and there. Your family's racial identity becomes muddled; your native language is severely damaged; your culture and way of life is forced to intermingle with your partner's culture and way of life, which makes for a kid not exclusive to either. Your kids will not know your native language as well as you do, which will prove to be an ongoing trend, from one generation to the other. The most integral tenet to any culture is language; once the language weakens, the culture it belongs to follows route. Your parents simply want to maintain their racial and cultural identity; your parents want your children to be fluent in their native language, which requires two parents who speak the language in question at home; your parents want your children to ascribe to their unique culture, and to follow their traditional beliefs and values, which have been in the family for countless generations.

Personally, I'm not very fond of interracial marriages, and I think those who support it wholeheartedly are either misinformed followers, or have sinister plans to destroy the racial identity people have and, with it, their culture and religion. No, interracial marriage should not be illegal, although parents should certainly do their part in preventing them. In any event, you're old enough to make your own decisions, meaning you can marry this girl if you see fit, regardless of how adamantly your parents oppose your decision. Before making any big decisions, though, you should contemplate how your children will be raised, and if the permanent losses outweigh the potential gains.

That's my advice.

Originally Posted by Norsefire
How can you be attracted to black people anyway?

No offense and I'm not trying to insult anybody

What kind of a question is that? By the way: stating something as ignorant as you just did is not forgivable by mentioning you "mean no offense" at the end.

Personally, I'm not very fond of interracial marriages.


I don't care who gets married to who out there. When I try and think of my sons dating and getting married though, I can't say I would be all for it either.
I would not be as strict as my mother, threatening to disown them but I wouldn't be thrilled with the idea.
To deny someone because of color? Racism exists in the world as long as people with prejudice/racist mind sets exists. As long as that exists we are all doomed. Logical to the point in being of what is best for the family but illogical for what is best for... me?

No I am simply saying racial purity does mean something. I, being a Semite, have the purest and most valuable blood. Although I wouldn't mind marrying someone of other blood, it would completely destroy my worth.

Asguard, it is not me who is a conservative, it is you who is a liberal!
Y-You think I'm ugly...:bawl: j/k
But here in is where the problem lies. His parents can't get past the physical appearance (or ethnicity even more than that) and he still cares about her regardless. So sad.

You're black?

Anyway you must undestand the logic behind it.
And can't new culture be created by interracial marriage and relationships? Introduction of new culture what makes everything unique and different. Add change to the world? If there was no thing as interracial wouldn't everyone within time become related and all be incestuous? If God did not mean for different races to mingle then why create multiple?

And loss is not immediate to my children because they still would have a supporting family and a supporting family on the mother's side. Its just mine that have a problem.
And can't new culture be created by interracial marriage and relationships? Introduction of new culture what makes everything unique and different. Add change to the world? If there was no thing as interracial wouldn't everyone within time become related and all be incestuous? If God did not mean for different races to mingle then why create multiple?

And loss is not immediate to my children because they still would have a supporting family and a supporting family on the mother's side. Its just mine that have a problem.

It's a loss of blood
Loss of current but a creation of new.

My parents have no problem with white girls or anything. Just African American. One in which I am in love with
Loss of current but a creation of new.

My parents have no problem with white girls or anything. Just African American. One in which I am in love with

Because they are in a different light. I wouldn't have a problem with my son marrying a fair white lady but a black girl, no.

I'm not racist, but it's just something inside of me.
I do not support interracial relationships, although I am not against them. However I think that, if you will have an interracial relationship, it should be with a race that is at least somewhat close to yours. Asian and black are no where near being close to each other.

That's stupid it doesn't matter at all norsefire. I think parents, if they trust their kids and have confidence in them, should allow them to date anyone, no matter their race.
That's stupid it doesn't matter at all norsefire. I think parents, if they trust their kids and have confidence in them, should allow them to date anyone, no matter their race.
So that means I am not trusted? Or that I don't have confidence in me by my parents?

and Sadly 5 months but we have been taling and basically been going out for 2 years
You're black?

Anyway you must undestand the logic behind it.

Because I'm black?:(

As an American who has family going back in this country for at least 8 (and probably much more) generations I think that it would be ignorant of me to say that I don't have any other race's blood in me. The African American culture is relatively new compared to other cultures, but there is so much too it. There is nothing wrong with interracial marriages or biracial children they are just different and they open up a whole new world of understanding among mankind. It seems to me (which of course I am biased) that ideas like not marrying specifically black women is based more in racial prejudice than of sustaining one's cultural identity.
Sometimes as parents we tend to want to push our views on our kids. I have really tried not to do that. We want the best for them, and sometimes our own feelings about certain things get in the way and we want them to follow what we want, not necessarily what they want.

In a perfect world everybody should date and marry who ever they fall in love with. Unfortunately that isn't how things seem to work. I hope that when my sons are ready to date (the oldest is only 12) I will look past race and just look to see if she is a nice girl and someone that won't take advantage of him. I can't say 100% that I will though.
As I sit here today I honestly don't think I would be ok if he brought home a black girl. I will try if that's what he really wants but that is going to be a real test for me.
Because they are in a different light. I wouldn't have a problem with my son marrying a fair white lady but a black girl, no.

I'm not racist, but it's just something inside of me.

That still sounds racist to me. Its okay, but I think it fits the definition of racism.