Racial Dating Predicaments

Most white people marry other people and ditto with the other races.

Elaborate please? How exactly does miscegenation cause degeneration of morals?
I wasn't directly referring to this, but rather, as a whole society is forgetting the fundamentals of morality and instead people today don't give a damn about anything, they are too soft, in fact the founding fathers would be disgusted if they saw what the world has become today.
tiassa who ever worked out 1,000,000 to 1 is an idiot. The mutation which causes light skin is recessive which means 2 people black as night can have a pure white child if they both carry the ressessive gen.
Mod Hat - Five down

Mod Hat — Five down

I have deleted five posts from this topic, and when I review the discussion more closely, may find more cleanup is required.

Despite my personal sentiments, I cannot permit such distractions in the topic. Certain persons are hereby reminded of the value of subtlety, and others I would simply ask to not fan the fires.
Asguard said:

tiassa who ever worked out 1,000,000 to 1 is an idiot.

It's a round number suitable for the press. Of total births around the world, the ratio wouldn't surprise me. Nonetheless, it's a media number, so it is either presented by or invented to satisfy idiots.
yes one in 1million BIRTHS would be a statistic i wouldnt challange but the chances of any PATICULAR bith being that way? its crap

For starters did they acound for the amount of births which are freternal twins or did they just say "knowing they will be twins..." did they take into account the color of both partners skin to start with? (ie if a pale redhead sleeps with a black person who carries the mutant gen then the chances are 1 in 2 of a birth being either black or white)
No, but the fundamentals should be preserved. And the "change" we see today is most certainly not good; people are forgetting morals and becoming way too soft and lenient.

Is skin color a fundamental?

As for preserving purity, it's nonsense. There is no "pure" white race Whites and Asians have various traits all of which exist in African populations in different proportions. Part of the reason it's so hard to find any genetic basis for race at all (let along a measure of "purity" is that the non-African races differ in frequency with which certain genes are expressed, rather than as a result of the development of new and different genes.