Quick question for M*W and Trilairian

Nisus said:
You're an idiot MW. I say whatever I want to say. I don't need to use another account to do it; quite humoring however. And very much a sign that Tril has a few people undercover that really dislike him.
M*W: Why is it so important to dislike someone with whom you debate when you simply disagree with their knowledge and point of view? Your debate tactics suck. Your rants are based on emotion and not credibility. It's obvious that you have not read any scholarly research. You keep proving that everytime you post! As a matter of fact, your posts remind me of what a middle school-age child would be writing. Your knowledge is limited and proves to be falsely common. Why do you continue to embarass yourself?
Nisus said:
Haha you guys are totally stupid.

I'm not taking credit for anyone else but me. Though I do delite in seeing that others scorn u. There is beginning to be a general consensus here, and this is evidence, that people think you are full of it.
M*W: Who? Christians? We, too, are"delighted"when the Christians on this forum scorn us! It proves their ignorance.
Nisus said:
hahaha... what is the right standard for religion then? That in contrast // mine falls into the wrong? You've not proven anything at all. Evidence is proof. Witnesses that do not lie, that are telling the truth is proof. Testimony is proof, true testimony.

There must be some conclusion. Some consensus of ideas, and opinions. Or you just think you've "won" the "argument" (I've no part in any argument; I'm just saying what I think)--based on what?

The last part of your conversation is dangling by a thread-- a very weak one. Don't surrender into the easy path of just thinking you're right.
M*W: All you care about is trying to have the last word on the forum. It's too bad that your every posted reply is dumber than the last. You haven't proven anything except that you're childish.
I for one see Nisus as the "voice of one crying in the [atheistic] wilderness," a welcome and needed voice of reason in a sea of atheism and stupidity. I'll gladly take one (1) Nisus over 10,000 Trilairians, and that is being kind to Trilairian.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Who? Christians? We, too, are"delighted"when the Christians on this forum scorn us! It proves their ignorance.

Just for the record MW, I am NOT christian , and yes I did scorn Trila - not for talking against christianity , but for his yelling and screaming and for his scorning of other people in here......

When Trila has no more arguments in here - then he starts scorning people as well !!

I agree it it not a pretty sight - but after all Trila started it ..........
Paraclete said:
You have stated as a historical fact, that Akhenaten build a tabernacle at mount Sinai - please inform us about your historical source for that statement !!
M*W: Akhenaten was a name taken by the Pharaoh Amenhotep IV. One must understand that Moses was called by many names in the Old Testament (the only source of his "existence," even if it was just an allegorical "existence"). Let's take a brief look at all the names/titles Moses was called:

Aminadab (birthname his mother-sister gave him)
Tuthmosis (after his grandfather)
Amenhotep III (after his pharaonic father)
Mosis/Moses (one taken from the water)
Akhenaten (self-titled for monotheistic worshipper of the sun)

Then, of course, one needs to take into account all the variations of spellings. People of his day would have called Moses by different names or titles depending on their relationship to him. Remember, Egyptian custom was for brothers and sisters, fathers and daughters, and mothers and sons, to marry and procreate the royal pharaonic lines.

There is no definitive proof that Moses existed. Abraham represented the Sign of Aries (the ram), whereas Moses represented the Sign of Taurus (the bull). For example, Abraham sacrificed a lamb instead of his son(sun), and Moses sacrificed the golden calf. The Pagan god Mithras is also associated with the Sign of Taurus. It's all cosmological allegory.
Trilairian said:
I guess you cant add 1 + 1.

You post 2 links , that both fails to prove your point , and then, because I say the truth, you simply scorn me ........

Well done Trila - you just proved, that when you are out of arguments , then you DO scorn people ...........!!!!!!!!
Trilairian said:
I did. Go back and read it.

All right - just to give you the benefit of doubt , I DID read it once more - I also read exodus and numbers (just to be sure, since one of the sources refers to those) ..............

Your sources in NO way proofs that AKHENATEN constructed a tabernacle anywhere !!!!!!!
MW ,
Akhenaten was called MOSIS meaning "heir to" or "born of" ......... he was never given the name MOSES ...........

That Akhenaten should be Moses is at best a THEORY ...... NOT a historical fact , like Trila says ........

I have no problems with theories .... sometimes they are very entertaining and makes people think ....... but theories are NOT facts untill proven ........

That is Trila´s problem ......... because he serves theories like they were facts - and they are NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Akhenaten was a name taken by the Pharaoh Amenhotep IV. One must understand that Moses was called by many names in the Old Testament (the only source of his "existence," even if it was just an allegorical "existence"). Let's take a brief look at all the names/titles Moses was called:

Aminadab (birthname his mother-sister gave him)
Tuthmosis (after his grandfather)
Amenhotep III (after his pharaonic father)
Mosis/Moses (one taken from the water)
Akhenaten (self-titled for monotheistic worshipper of the sun)

Then, of course, one needs to take into account all the variations of spellings. People of his day would have called Moses by different names or titles depending on their relationship to him. Remember, Egyptian custom was for brothers and sisters, fathers and daughters, and mothers and sons, to marry and procreate the royal pharaonic lines.

There is no definitive proof that Moses existed. Abraham represented the Sign of Aries (the ram), whereas Moses represented the Sign of Taurus (the bull). For example, Abraham sacrificed a lamb instead of his son(sun), and Moses sacrificed the golden calf. The Pagan god Mithras is also associated with the Sign of Taurus. It's all cosmological allegory.


You claim that Moses was given all these names in the old testament - it is not true :

These were the names Akhenaten was given - not Moses - and by the way not in the old testament , but mostly by recent scholars and archeologists ..... !!!!!!!!

Who is mixing up myth and history now !!!!!
The historian Artapanus , specified that Moses lived during the reign of Pharaoh Khaneferre - more that hundred years BEFORE Akhenaten ..............

That is a historical fact !!!!!!!!!!!
heavymetal said:
Just for the record MW, I am NOT christian , and yes I did scorn Trila - not for talking against christianity , but for his yelling and screaming and for his scorning of other people in here......

When Trila has no more arguments in here - then he starts scorning people as well !!

I agree it it not a pretty sight - but after all Trila started it ..........
M*W: Grow the fuck up!
Lord Insane said:
All right - just to give you the benefit of doubt , I DID read it once more - I also read exodus and numbers (just to be sure, since one of the sources refers to those) ..............

Your sources in NO way proofs that AKHENATEN constructed a tabernacle anywhere !!!!!!!
M*W: Moses, Schmoses. Moses was Akhenaten. It was said that Moses built that goddamn tabernacle. Therefore, Akenhaten built the piece of shit. How many times does a biblical researcher have to repeat on this forum that Moses was called by many names and titles. Get rid of your myopic understanding and pay the fuck attention.
Sorry - I do not accept the BIBLE as historical fact !!
I am NOT christian - only agnostic.....

But I do accept the historian Artapanus : Moses was the adopted child of Pharaoh Khaneferre - who lived more than hundred years before Akhenaten !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THAT is a fact !!!!!!!!
Lord Insane: Akhenaten was called MOSIS meaning "heir to" or "born of" ......... he was never given the name MOSES ...........
M*W: 'Mo-sis' was more of an explanation from where the infant child 'Aminadab' was found and 'taken from the water.' The term 'water,' of course, has multiple meanings. His name was called 'Mo-sis.'
That Akhenaten should be Moses is at best a THEORY ...... NOT a historical fact, like Trila says ........
M*W: I agree with that THEORY. To date, no historical or archeological artifacts have been discovered to prove Moses' existence.
I have no problems with theories .... sometimes they are very entertaining and makes people think ....... but theories are NOT facts untill proven ........
M*W: I agree.
That is Trila´s problem ......... because he serves theories like they were facts - and they are NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
M*W: Like you said, "theories are NOT facts until proven." Science doesn't prove what IS. Science can only prove what ISN'T. Therefore, up until the time such theories are DISPROVEN, they are all we have to go on to conduct intelligent debate.
Lord Insane said:

You claim that Moses was given all these names in the old testament - it is not true :

These were the names Akhenaten was given - not Moses - and by the way not in the old testament , but mostly by recent scholars and archeologists ..... !!!!!!!!

Who is mixing up myth and history now !!!!!
M*W: No! I never said meant to say that Moses was given all these names in the Old Testament. Please recite for me where I might have indicated that, just in case I didn't make it clear enough.

The Old Testament is the only known 'source' of Moses' existence. However, his existence is probably allegorical. Biblical archeologists and researchers have found evidence that Moses was called by the names I mentioned previously. I tend to believe that the Old Testament was unclear when referring to Moses, and I don't believe Moses wrote anything (since he really didn't exist).
Lord Insane said:

You claim that Moses was given all these names in the old testament - it is not true :

These were the names Akhenaten was given - not Moses - and by the way not in the old testament , but mostly by recent scholars and archeologists ..... !!!!!!!!

Who is mixing up myth and history now !!!!!
M*W: I reread my post, and I stand corrected. Thanks for pointing that out.

~ Medicine*Woman
Thank you MW, sorry if I have been persistent .............

I just don`t like theories beeing passed of as fact ..........